953 resultados para Yirmisekiz Mehmet Çelebi---1732--Travel


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Paper based on the report for the unit on “Sociology of New Information Technologies” at the MSc Industrial Management and Engineering at the Universidade Nova Lisbon, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, under supervision of Prof. António B. Moniz. The report had the support from the ERASMUS program.


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Suburban lifestyle is popular among American families, although it has been criticized for encouraging automobile use through longer commutes, causing heavy traffic congestion, and destroying open spaces (Handy, 2005). It is a serious concern that people living in low-density suburban areas suffer from high automobile dependency and lower rates of daily physical activity, both of which result in social, environmental and health-related costs. In response to such concerns, researchers have investigated the inter-relationships between urban land-use pattern and travel behavior within the last few decades and suggested that land-use planning can play a significant role in changing travel behavior in the long-term. However, debates regarding the magnitude and efficiency of the effects of land-use on travel patterns have been contentious over the years. Changes in built-environment patterns is potentially considered a long-term panacea for automobile dependency and traffic congestion, despite some researchers arguing that the effects of land-use on travel behavior are minor, if any. It is still not clear why the estimated impact is different in urban areas and how effective a proposed land-use change/policy is in changing certain travel behavior. This knowledge gap has made it difficult for decision-makers to evaluate land-use plans and policies. In addition, little is known about the influence of the large-scale built environment. In the present dissertation, advanced spatial-statistical tools have been employed to better understand and analyze these impacts at different scales, along with analyzing transit-oriented development policy at both small and large scales. The objective of this research is to: (1) develop scalable and consistent measures of the overall physical form of metropolitan areas; (2) re-examine the effects of built-environment factors at different hierarchical scales on travel behavior, and, in particular, on vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and car ownership; and (3) investigate the effects of transit-oriented development on travel behavior. The findings show that changes in built-environment at both local and regional levels could be very influential in changing travel behavior. Specifically, the promotion of compact, mixed-use built environment with well-connected street networks reduces VMT and car ownership, resulting in less traffic congestion, air pollution, and energy consumption.


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The South Carolina Office of the Comptroller General publishes an annual travel report with provides information on state travel expenditures by all agencies during the fiscal year. The reports also contain a summary of total travel expenditures by agency and a breakdown of the top travelers in each agency.


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The South Carolina Office of the Comptroller General publishes an annual travel report with provides information on state travel expenditures by all agencies during the fiscal year. The reports also contain a summary of total travel expenditures by agency and a breakdown of the top travelers in each agency.


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The South Carolina Office of the Comptroller General publishes an annual travel report with provides information on state travel expenditures by all agencies during the fiscal year. The reports also contain a summary of total travel expenditures by agency and a breakdown of the top travelers in each agency.


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The South Carolina Office of the Comptroller General publishes an annual travel report with provides information on state travel expenditures by all agencies during the fiscal year. The reports also contain a summary of total travel expenditures by agency and a breakdown of the top travelers in each agency.


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The South Carolina Office of the Comptroller General publishes an annual travel report with provides information on state travel expenditures by all agencies during the fiscal year. The reports also contain a summary of total travel expenditures by agency and a breakdown of the top travelers in each agency.


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The South Carolina Office of the Comptroller General publishes an annual travel report with provides information on state travel expenditures by all agencies during the fiscal year. The reports also contain a summary of total travel expenditures by agency and a breakdown of the top travelers in each agency.


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The South Carolina Office of the Comptroller General publishes an annual travel report with provides information on state travel expenditures by all agencies during the fiscal year. The reports also contain a summary of total travel expenditures by agency and a breakdown of the top travelers in each agency.


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The South Carolina Office of the Comptroller General publishes an annual travel report with provides information on state travel expenditures by all agencies during the fiscal year. The reports also contain a summary of total travel expenditures by agency and a breakdown of the top travelers in each agency.


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The South Carolina Office of the Comptroller General publishes an annual travel report with provides information on state travel expenditures by all agencies during the fiscal year. The reports also contain a summary of total travel expenditures by agency and a breakdown of the top travelers in each agency.


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The South Carolina Office of the Comptroller General publishes an annual travel report with provides information on state travel expenditures by all agencies during the fiscal year. The reports also contain a summary of total travel expenditures by agency and a breakdown of the top travelers in each agency.


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The South Carolina Office of the Comptroller General publishes an annual travel report with provides information on state travel expenditures by all agencies during the fiscal year. The reports also contain a summary of total travel expenditures by agency and a breakdown of the top travelers in each agency.


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Los turistas urbanos se caracterizan por ser uno de los segmentos de mayor crecimiento en los mercados turísticos actuales. Monterrey (México), uno de los principales destinos urbanos del país, ha apostado en la actualidad por mejorar su competitividad. Esta investigación se propuso encontrar evidencia acerca de la relación causal de la motivación de viaje sobre la imagen percibida del destino, dos variables importantes por su influencia en la satisfacción de los visitantes. Una revisión de la literatura permitió proponer constructos teóricos integrados en un instrumento para la recogida de datos vía encuesta a una muestra representativa. Por medio del método de regresión y ecuaciones estructurales por mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS), se identificaron los componentes principales de ambas variables y se obtuvo un modelo explicativo de la imagen percibida del destino en función de la motivación de viaje. Finalmente, se emiten recomendaciones para la gestión del destino urbano en función de los resultados obtenidos. ABSTRACT: Abstract Urban tourists are recognized as one of the fastest growing segments in today’s tourism markets. Monterrey, Mexico, one of the main urban destinations in the country aims at improving its competitiveness. This research work had the purpose of finding evidence on the causal relationship between travel motivation and destination image, two important variables because of their influence on visitors’ satisfaction. A literature review enabled the proposal of a research instrument with theoretically based constructs to gather data through survey from a representative sample. Using regression and structural equations modelling by partial least squares (pls) a set of main components of both variables were identified thus enabling the obtention of a explanatory model of destination image in terms of travel motivations. Finally based on the results some recommendations of tourism management are given.


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Current demand for tourism is characterized by more frequent, shorter trips throughout the year. Such trends may have adverse effects on the hospitality industry but benefit the travel industry. Most current literature assumes that the variables that determine travel participation are identical to those that influence travel frequency, though there is no evidence to support this assumption. Therefore, the current study seeks to identify variables that influence travel frequency among Spanish senior tourists, who represent a key target market for the tourism industry. The results specify that gender, self-perceived economic status, and self-perceived time available variables strongly determine Spanish seniors' travel frequency.