897 resultados para Woman and literure
Cigarette smoking is responsible for the majority of lung cancer cases worldwide; however, a proportion of never smokers still develop lung cancer over their lifetime, prompting investigation into additional factors that may modify lung cancer incidence, as well as mortality. Although hormone therapy (HT), physical activity (PA), and lung cancer have been previously examined, the associations remain unclear. This study investigated exposure to HT and PA that may modulate underlying mechanisms of lung cancer etiology and progression among women by using existing, de-identified data from the California Teachers Study (CTS).^ The CTS cohort, established in 1995–1996, has 133,479 active and retired female teachers and administrators, recruited through the California State Teachers Retirement System, and followed annually for cancer diagnosis, death, and change of address. Each woman enrolled in the CTS returned a questionnaire covering a wide variety of issues related to cancer risk and women's health, including recent and past HT use and physical activity, as well as active and environmental cigarette smoke exposure. Complete data to assess the associations between HT and lung cancer risk and survival were available for 60,592 postmenopausal women. Between 1995 and 2007, 727 of these women were diagnosed with invasive lung cancer; 441 of these died. Complete data to assess the associations between PA and lung cancer risk and survival were available for 118,513 women. Between 1995 and 2007, 853 of these women were diagnosed with invasive lung cancer; 516 of these died.^ After careful adjustment for smoking habits and other potential confounders, no measure of HT use was associated with lung cancer risk; however, any HT use (vs. no use) was associated with a decrease in lung-cancer-specific mortality. Specifically, among women who only used estrogen (E-only), decreases in lung cancer mortality were seen for recent use, but not for former use; no association was observed for estrogen plus progestin (E+P). Furthermore, among former users of HT, a statistically significant decrease in lung cancer mortality was observed for E-only use within 5 years prior to baseline, but not for E-only use >5 years prior to baseline. Neither long-term recreational PA nor recent recreational PA alone were associated with lung cancer risk; however, among women with a BMI<25 and ever smokers, high long-term moderate+strenuous PA was associated with a decrease in lung cancer risk. Women with non-local disease showed a decrease in lung cancer mortality associated with increasing duration of strenuous long-term activity, and 1.50-3.00 h/wk/y of recent moderate or recent strenuous PA. Long-term moderate PA was associated with decreased lung cancer mortality in never smokers, whereas recent moderate PA was associated with increased lung cancer mortality in current smokers. ^ Placing our findings in the context of the current literature, HT does not appear to be associated with lung cancer risk and previous studies reporting a protective effect of HT use on lung cancer risk may be subject to residual confounding by smoking. Looking at our findings regarding PA overall, the evidence still remains inconclusive regarding whether or not physical activity influence lung cancer risk or mortality. Our results suggest that recreational PA may associated with decreased lung cancer risk among women with BMI<25 and ever smoking-women; however, residual confounding by smoking should be strongly considered. To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate lifetime recreational PA and lung cancer mortality among women. Our results contribute to the growing body of knowledge regarding non-smoking-related risk factors for lung cancer incidence and mortality among women. Given the potential clinical and interventional significance, further study and validation of these findings is warranted.^
Introduction: Despite its legalization, abortion remains a controversial issue, one that has many divided on either side of the political spectrum. While there have been several changes made to abortion policy over the past few decades, one that continues to have many asking questions is the Woman’s Right to Know Act, a piece of state imposed abortion legislation that has implemented strict restrictions and requirements of women seeking abortion, including pre-abortion mandatory counseling and a 24 hour waiting period. This project analyzed four controversial components of the mandatory counseling materials in Texas in an attempt to examine the scientific validity behind this legislation. Methods: In order to understand the scientific validity behind the content of the preabortion mandatory counseling, I conducted a systematic literature review to analyze: the purported link between abortion and breast cancer, the existence of fetal pain, the risk of abortion to future fertility, and the negative psychological effects of abortion. An electronic search in EBSCO and PubMed of review articles published between 1995 and 2010 resulted in fourteen reviews. Results: Results of the systematic review found (1) inconclusive evidence suggesting a link between abortion and breast cancer, (2) that fetal pain likely does not occur until the third trimester of pregnancy, (3) that associations exist between induced abortion and subsequent preterm birth and placenta previa, and (4) that there is mixed evidence relating to the negative psychological effects that exist among women having had an abortion and those who have not had abortion. Conclusion: Based on these conclusions, a recommendation was made to revise the current state mandated counseling materials to reflect more accurate and scientifically-based information about abortion and its potential risks.^
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a necessary cause of cervical cancer and is also strongly associated with anal cancer. While different factors such as CD4+ cell count, HIV RNA viral load, smoking status, and cytological screening results have been identified as risk factors for the infection of HPV high-risk types and associated cancers, much less is known about the association between those risk factors and the infection of HPV low-risk types and anogential warts. In this dissertation, a public dataset (release P09) obtained from the Women's Interagency HIV Study (WIHS) was used to examine the effects of those risk factors on the size of the largest anal warts in HIV-infected women in the United States. Linear mixed modeling was used to address this research question. ^ The prevalence of anal warts at baseline for WIHS participants was higher than other populations. Incidence of anal warts in HIV-infected women was significantly higher than that of HIV-uninfected women [4.15 cases per 100 person-years (95% CI: 3.83–4.77) vs. 1.30 cases per 100 person-years (95% CI: 1.00–1.58), respectively]. There appeared to be an inverse association between the size of the largest anal wart and CD4+ cell count at baseline visit, however it was not statistically significant. There was no association between size of the largest anal wart and CD4+ cell count or HIV RNA viral load over time among HIV-infected women. There was also no association between the size of the largest anal wart and current smoking over time in HIV-infected women, even though smokers had larger warts at baseline than non-smokers. Finally, even though a woman with Pap smear results of ASCUS/LGSIL was found to have an anal wart larger than a woman with normal cervical Pap smear results the relationship between the size of the largest anal wart with cervical Pap smear results over time remains unclear. ^ Although the associations between these risk factors and the size of the largest anal wart over time in HIV-infected women could not be firmly established, this dissertation poses several questions concerning anal wart development for further exploration: (1) the role of immune function (i.e., CD4+ cell count), (2) the role of smoking status and the interaction between smoking status with other risk factors (e.g., CD4+ cell count or HIV RNA viral load), (3) the molecular mechanism of smoking on anal warts over time, (4) the potential for development of a screening program using anal Pap smear in HIV-infected women, and (5) how cost-effective and efficacious would an anal Pap smear screening program be in this high-risk population. ^
Partnering with the Texas Medical Association Alliance "to improve the health of all Texans," the Harris County Medical Society (HCMS) Alliance was organized in 1919 as the HCMS Woman’s Auxiliary. Current membership consists of the spouses of physicians, as well as physicians, in Harris County. http://hcmsa.org/ accessed 11/20/2012 This booklet lists the members of the Auxiliary, officers, programs for September, 1926 – May, 1927, and the organization’s constitution and by-laws. Booklet is 7 1/8 x 4 ½ inches and contains 18 pages.
The purpose of this observational study was investigation of the relationship between quantitative adequacy of prenatal care, specific prenatal care content and pregnancy outcome in a high risk Missouri population. A sample of 1484 women from three Missouri regions known to have high rates of low birth weight, infant mortality, and inadequate prenatal care rates participated in structured post-partum interviews. Approximately one-half of the sample had received adequate prenatal care and the other half inadequate prenatal care as determined by an index utilized by the Missouri Department of Health.^ Prenatal care content was assessed by reports of prenatal education in six different areas: Diet, smoking, alcohol, drug, preterm labor counseling, and advice on when to call the health provider if preterm labor was suspected by the woman. Low birth weight, in both term and preterm infants, were the two birth outcomes examined. A variety of maternal socio-demographic variables were also considered.^ The results of this study suggest that specific educational content, delivered during prenatal care, may have lessen the risk of giving birth to a preterm-low birth weight infant. Prenatal education for recognition of preterm labor, and advice on when to call the health provider if preterm labor was suspected were found to be associated with a decreased risk of preterm delivery. Specific educational content was not, however, associated with risk of term-low weight birth nor was quantitative adequacy of care associated with the risk of either term- or preterm-low birth weight.^ These findings reinforce a body of literature which stresses the importance of appropriate prenatal care in preventing preterm low birth weight. Additionally, the findings suggest interventions that may be specifically effective for prematurity prevention. ^
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an HIV-screening program at a private health-care institution where the providers were trained to counsel pregnant women about the HIV-antibody test according to the latest recommendations made by the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) and the Texas legislature. A before-and-after study design was selected for the study. The participants were OB/GYN nurses who attended an educational program and the patients they counseled about the HIV test. Training improved the nurses' overall knowledge about the content of the program and nurses were more likely to offer the HIV test to all pregnant women regardless of their risk of infection. Still, contrary to what was predicted, the nurses did not give more information to increase the knowledge pregnant women had about HIV infection, transmission, and available treatments. Consequently, many women were not given the chance to correctly assess their risk during the counseling session and there was no evidence that knowledge would reduce the propensity of many women to deny being at risk for HIV. On the other hand, pregnant women who received prenatal care after the implementation of the HIV-screening program were more likely to be tested than women who received prenatal care before its implementation (96% vs. 48%); in turn, the likelihood that more high-risk women would be tested for HIV also increased (94% vs. 60%). There was no evidence that mandatory testing with right of refusal would deter women from being tested for HIV. When the moment comes for a woman to make her decision, other concerns are more important to her than whether the option to be tested is mandatory or not. The majority of pregnant women indicated that their main reasons for being tested were: (a) the recommendation of their health-care provider; and (b) concern about the risks to their babies. Recommending that all pregnant women be tested regardless of their risk of infection, together with making the HIV test readily available to all women, are probably the two best ways of increasing the patients' participation in an HIV-screening program for pregnant women. ^
Este artículo realiza un acercamiento a Orlando, de Virginia Woolf, y a Agua viva, de Clarice Lispector, como obras que logran escribir la multiplicidad, la fluidez y la contingencia del ser. Jugando con las convenciones de la biografía y la autobiografía respectivamente, estas obras encuentran los medios para presentar un sujeto multidimensional y para mostrar, en particular, cómo la dimensión relacional, forjada por un orden simbólico patriarcal, ha hecho de la mujer el “otro" del hombre; un “otro" que debe ser dominado. Se exploran en este artículo los conceptos de “economía masculina" y “economía femenina" teorizados por Hélène Cixous y se propone al lenguaje poético como un medio capaz de eludir los dictados del falocentrismo. Lo poético, que no puede ser nunca agotado por uno o varios sistemas de significación, brinda la posibilidad de ir más allá de las categorizaciones y de explorar la multiplicidad. Tanto Orlando como Agua viva muestran las estrategias y las esperanzas de personajes y escritoras que ven en el lenguaje poético, en la “escritura femenina" como la entiende Cixous, el potencial de desarticular la “economía masculina" y abrir un nuevo espacio para sujetos diversos, múltiples y complejos.
In a traditional system of exogamous and patrilocal marriage prevalent in much of Sub-Saharan Africa, when she marries, a rural woman typically leaves her kin to reside with her husband living outside her natal village. Since a village that allows a widow to inherit her late husband's land can provide her with old age security, single females living outside the village are more likely to marry into the village. Using a natural experimental setting, provided by the longitudinal household panel data drawn from rural Tanzania for the period from 1991 to 2004, during which several villages that initially banned a widow's land inheritance removed this discrimination, this study provides evidence in support of this view, whereby altering a customary land inheritance rules in a village in favor of widows increased the probability of males marrying in that village. This finding suggests that providing rural women with old age protection (e.g., insurance, livelihood protection) has remarkable spatial and temporal welfare effects by influencing their decision to marry.
To prevent mother-to-child human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) transmission, it is important to identify its determinants. Because HIV-1 RNA levels can be reduced by antiviral therapy, we examined the role of maternal plasma HIV-1 RNA level in mother-to-child transmission. We used quantitative competitive PCR to measure HIV-RNA in 30 infected pregnant women and then followed their infants prospectively; 27% of the women transmitted HIV-1 to their infants and maternal plasma HIV-1 RNA level correlated strikingly with transmission. Eight of the 10 women with the highest HIV-1 RNA levels at delivery (190,400-1,664,100 copies per ml of plasma) transmitted, while none of the 20 women with lower levels (500-155,800 copies per ml) did (P = 0.0002). Statistical analysis of the distribution of HIV-1 RNA loads in these 30 women projected a threshold for mother-to-child transmission in a larger population; the probability of a woman with a viral RNA level of < or = 100,000 copies per ml not transmitting is predicted to be 97%. Examination of serial HIV-1 RNA levels during pregnancy showed that viral load was stable in women who did not initiate or change antiviral therapy. These data identify maternal plasma HIV-1-RNA level as a major determinant of mother-to-child transmission and suggest that quantitation of HIV-1 RNA may predict the risk of transmission.
We report characterization of a human T-cell lymphotropic virus type II (HTLV-II) isolated from an interleukin 2-dependent CD8 T-cell line derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of a healthy, HTLV-II-seropositive female Bakola Pygmy, aged 59, living in a remote equatorial forest area in south Cameroon. This HTLLV-II isolate, designated PYGCAM-1, reacted in an indirect immunofluorescence assay with HTLV-II and HTLV-I polyclonal antibodies and with an HTLV-I/II gp46 monoclonal antibody but not with HTLV-I gag p19 or p24 monoclonal antibodies. The cell line produced HTLV-I/II p24 core antigen and retroviral particles. The entire env gene (1462 bp) and most of the long terminal repeat (715 bp) of the PYGCAM-1 provirus were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction using HTLV-II-specific primers. Comparison with the long terminal repeat and envelope sequences of prototype HTLV-II strains indicated that PYGCAM-1 belongs to the subtype B group, as it has only 0.5-2% nucleotide divergence from HTLV-II B strains. The finding of antibodies to HTLV-II in sera taken from the father of the woman in 1984 and from three unrelated members of the same population strongly suggests that PYGCAM-1 is a genuine HTLV-II that has been present in this isolated population for a long time. The low genetic divergence of this African isolate from American isolates raises questions about the genetic variability over time and the origin and dissemination of HTLV-II, hitherto considered to be predominantly a New World virus.
INTRODUZIONE: L’integrazione mente-corpo applicata ad un ambito patologico predominante in questi tempi, come il cancro, è il nucleo di questa tesi. Il background teorico entro cui è inserita, è quello della Psiconeuroendocrinoimmunologia (Bottaccioli, 1995) e Psico-Oncologia. Sono state identificate, nella letteratura scientifica, le connessioni tra stati psicologici (mente) e condizioni fisiologiche (corpo). Le variabili emerse come potenzialmente protettive in pazienti che si trovano ad affrontare il cancro sono: il supporto sociale, l’immagine corporea, il coping e la Qualità della Vita, insieme all’indice fisiologico Heart Rate Variability (HRV; Shaffer & Venner, 2013). Il potenziale meccanismo della connessione tra queste variabili potrebbe essere spiegato dall’azione del Nervo Vago, come esposto nella Teoria Polivagale di Stephen Porges (2007; 2009). OBIETTIVI: Gli obiettivi principali di questo studio sono: 1. Valutare l’adattamento psicologico alla patologia in termini di supporto sociale percepito, immagine corporea, coping prevalente e qualità della vita in donne con cancro ovarico; 2. Valutare i valori di base HRV in queste donne; 3. Osservare se livelli più elevati di HRV sono associati ad un migliore adattamento psicologico alla patologia; 4. Osservare se una peggiore percezione dell’immagine corporea e l’utilizzo di strategie di coping disadattive sono associate ad una Qualità della Vita più scarsa. METODO: 38 donne affette da cancro ovarico, al momento della valutazione libere da patologia, sono state reclutate presso la clinica oncologica del reparto di Ginecologia dell’Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma, Italia. Ad ogni partecipante è stato chiesto di compilare una batteria di test composta da: MSPSS, per la valutazione del supporto sociale percepito; DAS-59, per la valutazione dell’immagine corporea; MAC, per la valutazione delle strategie di coping prevalenti utilizzate verso il cancro; EORTC-QLQ30, per la valutazione della Qualità della Vita. Per ogni partecipante è stato registrato HRV di base utilizzando lo strumento emWave (HeartMath). RISULTATI PRINCIPALI: Rispondendo agli obiettivi 1 e 2, in queste donne si è rilevato una alto tasso di supporto sociale percepito, in particolare ricevuto dalla persona di riferimento. L’area rivelatasi più critica nel supporto sociale è quella degli amici. Per quanto riguarda l’immagine corporea, la porzione di campione dai 30 ai 61 anni, ha delle preoccupazioni globali legate all’immagine corporea paragonabili ai dati provenienti dalla popolazione generale con preoccupazioni riguardo l’aspetto corporeo. Invece, nella porzione di campione dai 61 anni in su, il pattern di disagio verso l’aspetto fisico sembra decisamente peggiorare. Inoltre, in questo campione, si è rilevato un disagio globale verso l’immagine corporea significativamente più alto rispetto ai valori normativi presenti in letteratura riferiti a donne con cancro al seno con o senza mastectomia (rispettivamente t(94)= -4.78; p<0.000001; t(110)= -6.81;p<0.000001). La strategia di coping più utilizzata da queste donne è lo spirito combattivo, seguito dal fatalismo. Questo campione riporta, inoltre, una Qualità della Vita complessivamente soddisfacente, con un buon livello di funzionamento sociale. L’area di funzionalità più critica risulta essere il funzionamento emotivo. Considerando i sintomi prevalenti, i più riferiti sono affaticamento, disturbi del sonno e dolore. Per definire, invece, il pattern HRV, sono stati confrontati i dati del campione con quelli presenti in letteratura, riguardanti donne con cancro ovarico. Il campione valutato in questo studio, ha un HRV SDNN (Me=28.2ms) significativamente più alto dell’altro gruppo. Tuttavia, confrontando il valore medio di questo campione con i dati normativi sulla popolazione sana (Me=50ms), i nostri valori risultano drasticamente più bassi. In ultimo, donne che hanno ricevuto diagnosi di cancro ovarico in età fertile, sembrano avere maggiore HRV, migliore funzionamento emotivo e minore sintomatologia rispetto alle donne che hanno ricevuto diagnosi non in età fertile. Focalizzando l’attenzione sulla ricerca di relazioni significative tra le variabili in esame (obiettivo 3 e 4) sono state trovate numerose correlazioni significative tra: l’età e HRV, supporto percepito , Qualità della Vita; Qualità della Vita e immagine corporea, supporto sociale, strategie di coping; strategie di coping e immagine corporea, supporto sociale; immagine corporea e supporto sociale; HRV e supporto sociale, Qualità della Vita. Per verificare la possibile connessione causale tra le variabili considerate, sono state applicate regressioni lineari semplici e multiple per verificare la bontà del modello teorico. Si è rilevato che HRV è significativamente positivamente influenzata dal supporto percepito dalla figura di riferimento, dal funzionamento di ruolo, dall’immagine corporea totale. Invece risulta negativamente influenzata dal supporto percepito dagli amici e dall’uso di strategie di coping evitanti . La qualità della vita è positivamente influenzata da: l’immagine corporea globale e l’utilizzo del fatalismo come strategia di coping prevalente. Il funzionamento emotivo è influenzato dal supporto percepito dalla figura di riferimento e dal fatalismo. DISCUSSIONI E CONCLUSIONI: Il campione Italiano valutato, sembra essere a metà strada nell’adattamento dello stato psicologico e dell’equilibrio neurovegetativo al cancro. Sicuramente queste donne vivono una vita accettabile, in quanto sopravvissute al cancro, ma sembra anche che portino con sé preoccupazioni e difficoltà, in particolare legate all’accettazione della loro condizione di sopravvissute. Infatti, il migliore adattamento si riscontra nelle donne che hanno avuto peggiori condizioni in partenza: stadio del cancro avanzato, più giovani, con diagnosi ricevuta in età fertile. Pertanto, è possibile suggerire che queste condizioni critiche forzino queste donne ad affrontare apertamente il cancro e la loro situazione di sopravvissute al cancro, portandole ad “andare avanti” piuttosto che “tornare indietro”. Facendo riferimento alle connessioni tra variabili psicologiche e fisiologiche in queste donne, si è evidenziato che HRV è influenzata dalla presenza di figure significative ma, in particolare, è presumibile che sia influenzata da un’appropriata condivisione emotiva con queste figure. Si è anche evidenziato che poter continuare ad essere efficaci nel proprio contesto personale si riflette in un maggiore HRV, probabilmente in quanto permette di preservare il senso di sé, riducendo in questo modo lo stress derivante dall’esperienza cancro. Pertanto, HRV in queste donne risulta associato con un migliore adattamento psicologico. Inoltre, si è evidenziato che in queste donne la Qualità della Vita è profondamente influenzata dalla percezione dell’immagine corporea. Si tratta di un aspetto innovativo che è stato rilevato in questo campione e che, invece, nei precedenti studi non è stato indagato. In ultimo, la strategia di coping fatalismo sembra essere protettiva e sembra facilitare il processo di accettazione del cancro. Si spera sinceramente che le ricerche future possano superare i limiti del presente studio, come la scarsa numerosità e l’uso di strumenti di valutazione che, per alcuni aspetti come la scala Evitamento nel MAC, non centrano totalmente il target di indagine. Le traiettorie future di questo studio sono: aumentare il numero di osservazioni, reclutando donne in diversi centri specialistici in diverse zone d’Italia; utilizzare strumenti più specifici per valutare i costrutti in esame; valutare se un intervento di supporto centrato sul miglioramento di HRV (come HRV Biofeedback) può avere una ricaduta positiva sull’adattamento emotivo e la Qualità della Vita.
La Malinche’s serene face and beautifully dressed figure dominates the first half of the lost sixteenth century manuscript El Lienzo de Tlaxcala, which exists today in the form of a copy made after the original. In this paper I propose an expanded study of these twenty-one representations of La Malinche as they offer insight into the Tlaxcalan’s reverence, respect, and spiritual belief in La Malinche. The Tlaxcalan leaders recognized her influence on both the Spanish and indigenous leaders during the conquest and cleverly designed a painted narrative to reinforce their connection with La Malinche to enhance their position with the Spanish. Through a multi layered study that consists of a detailed account of her biography in contrast to gender roles in Pre-Hispanic America, as well as formal and iconographic analysis of rarely examined images from the Lienzo de Tlaxcala that link La Malinche to the Virgin Mary, and a review of the ethnographic research on religious beliefs among contemporary Tlaxcalans, I will demonstrate that the mutable history of this woman made her the ideal supernatural protagonist for the people of Tlaxcala.
A woman stung by the box jellyfish Carybdea marsupialis (Cnidaria, Cubozoa) at a Spanish Mediterranean beach, showed systemic manifestations over several months (pain far from the inoculation point, arthralgia, paresthesia, hyperesthesia, increase of eosinophils and IgE) in addition to the skin condition.
Objective: To evaluate two cases of intermittent exotropia (IX(T)) treated by vision therapy the efficacy of the treatment by complementing the clinical examination with a 3-D video-oculography to register and to evidence the potential applicability of this technology for such purpose. Methods: We report the binocular alignment changes occurring after vision therapy in a woman of 36 years with an IX(T) of 25 prism diopters (Δ) at far and 18 Δ at near and a child of 10 years with 8 Δ of IX(T) in primary position associated to 6 Δ of left eye hypotropia. Both patients presented good visual acuity with correction in both eyes. Instability of ocular deviation was evident by VOG analysis, revealing also the presence of vertical and torsional components. Binocular vision therapy was prescribed and performed including different types of vergence, accommodation, and consciousness of diplopia training. Results: After therapy, excellent ranges of fusional vergence and a “to-the-nose” near point of convergence were obtained. The 3-D VOG examination (Sensoro Motoric Instruments, Teltow, Germany) confirmed the compensation of the deviation with a high level of stability of binocular alignment. Significant improvement could be observed after therapy in the vertical and torsional components that were found to become more stable. Patients were very satisfied with the outcome obtained by vision therapy. Conclusion: 3D-VOG is a useful technique for providing an objective register of the compensation of the ocular deviation and the stability of the binocular alignment achieved after vision therapy in cases of IX(T), providing a detailed analysis of vertical and torsional improvements.