928 resultados para Whole exome sequencing


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Few studies to date have examined age-related changes in markers of immune status in healthy older individuals. The immune status of 93 healthy individuals aged 55–70 years was assessed by two- and three-color flow cytometry and biochemical analysis. There were significant age effects (p ≤.05) on monocyte phagocytic activity and cluster of differentiation (CD) 3/human leukocyte antigen-D-related (HLA-DR) late-activated T lymphocytes (% expression). There was a significant (p ≤ 0.1) Age x Sex interaction in absolute counts (x 109/L) of CD3/CD8 total cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), the CD4 T- helper to CD8 CTL ratio, the CD3/CD4/CD45RA naïve T helper to CD3/CD4/CD45RO memory T helper lymphocyte ratio, and interleukin (IL)-1ß (% expression) by activated monocytes. The study shows that alterations in markers of immune status occur between 55 and 70 years, and provides reference values for the lymphocyte measures in healthy men and postmenopausal women in this age group. The study further highlights the need for sex-specific reference ranges for such markers.


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This paper reports on a research project that set out to examin the relationship between students' involvement in school co-curricular activities and their academic performance.  The warrant for the study emerges out of consistent claims made about the provision of co-curricular, naming sporting, activities and the development of a more rounded and successful student.  The primary question being asked here was: 'Are student's academic performances, as measured by their results for tertiary entrance in their final year of school, improved or reduced by their participation in co-curricular activities?'  The study used a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods to interrogate this relationship.


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This thesis explores the issue of men's access to chronic illness self management programs from a social constructionist perspective. A combination of research methodologies was used; a quantitative analysis to confirm gender differences in levels and patterns of service use; a qualitative analysis to gain an increased understanding of the factors affecting men's access; and a trial to test the application of the research findings. The clients and services of Arthritis Victoria were chosen as the setting for this research. The quantitative analyses were conducted on contingency tables and odds ratios and confirmed that men were under-represented as service users. The analyses also identified gender differences in patterns of service use. The qualitative analysis was based on a series of in-depth, semi-structured interviews. It was undertaken from a grounded theory approach to allow for the development of theoretical explanations grounded in the data. It was found that men's decisions to access chronic illness self management programs were strongly influenced by dominant social constructions of masculinity which constrained help-seeking and health management behaviour. However, the restrictive influence of hegemonic masculinity was progressively undermined by the increasing severity of the chronic condition until a crisis point was reached in terms of the severity of the condition or its impact on lifestyle. This resulted in a reformulation or rejection of hegemonic masculinity. The described conceptual framework was consistent for men from diverse social groupings, although it appeared less prominent in both younger and older men, suggesting that dominant social constructions of masculinity have the greatest influence on health decisions during the middle stage of adulthood when work and family obligations are greatest. The thesis findings informed the development of some guiding principles for reviewing the structure and delivery of chronic illness self management services for men. The guiding principles will have direct application in the planning of Arthritis Victoria programs, and implications for other chronic illness self management programs in Australia, and also in Western countries with a similar health and sociocultural setting to Australia.


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Aims/hypothesis: The 5′-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) pathway is intact in type 2 diabetic patients and is seen as a target for diabetes treatment. In this study, we aimed to assess the impact of the AMPK activator 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide riboside (AICAR) on both glucose and fatty acid metabolism in vivo in type 2 diabetic patients.

Methods: Stable isotope methodology and blood and muscle biopsy sampling were applied to assess blood glucose and fatty acid kinetics following continuous i.v. infusion of AICAR (0.75 mg kg−1 min−1) and/or NaCl (0.9%) in ten male type 2 diabetic patients (age 64 ± 2 years; BMI 28 ± 1 kg/m2).
Results Plasma glucose rate of appearance (R a) was reduced following AICAR administration, while plasma glucose rate of disappearance (R d) was similar in the AICAR and control test. Consequently, blood glucose disposal (R d expressed as a percentage of R a) was increased following AICAR infusion (p < 0.001). Accordingly, a greater decline in plasma glucose concentration was observed following AICAR infusion (p < 0.001). Plasma NEFA R a and R d were both significantly reduced in response to AICAR infusion, and were accompanied by a significant decline in plasma NEFA concentration. Although AMPK phosphorylation in skeletal muscle was not increased, we observed a significant increase in acetyl-CoA carboxylase phosphorylation (p < 0.001).

: The i.v. administration of AICAR reduces hepatic glucose output, thereby lowering blood glucose concentrations in vivo in type 2 diabetic patients. Furthermore, AICAR administration stimulates hepatic fatty acid oxidation and/or inhibits whole body lipolysis, thereby reducing plasma NEFA concentration.


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Background – Epidemiological studies have shown low folate status is associated with colorectal cancer. Colonic tissue folate levels at different stages of cancer development should give important information, but different methodologies to extract the colonic tissue folates have been used. This has hampered progress in defining the relationship between systemic and tissue folate levels.
Objective – To evaluate two methods of colonic tissue preparation for estimation of total folate content.
DesignWhole tissue punch biopsy samples were obtained from the descending colon of 31individuals following a normal colonoscopy. Blood samples were obtained for the determination of plasma homocysteine (Hcy), red cell folate (RCF), methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase 677C>T genotype, and serum vitamin B12 and folate. Colonic tissue folate was measured both in washed whole tissue biopsies and in epithelial cells isolated from tissue biopsies.
Outcomes - Whole biopsy and epithelial cell folate concentrations were significantly correlated (R=.375; P=.038). Hcy was inversely correlated with both measures (R=-.365; P=.043 and R=-.364; P=.044 respectively). RCF was significantly correlated with isolated epithelial cell folate (R=.477; P=.007) but not with whole tissue biopsy folate (R=.264; P=.151). There were no significant associations between serum and colonic folate in this study.
Conclusion - Both methods are useful for comparing systemic and localised tissue folate status but epithelial cells may provide more reliable data.


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Objective: Previous research has demonstrated a relationship between adiposity and bipolar disorder, although data are derived predominantly from patient samples and use indirect methods of assessing adiposity. This study investigated the association between bipolar disorder and several indices of adiposity, including body fat mass as measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), in a community-based sample.

Methods: In this study, 21 women with bipolar disorder and 523 healthy controls were drawn from an age-stratified, random, community-based sample of women (20–93 years) participating in the Geelong Osteoporosis Study. Bipolar disorder was diagnosed utilising a semi-structured clinical interview. Anthropometric measurements (weight, height, waist and hip circumference) were taken and fat mass was determined from whole body DXA scans (Lunar DPX-L).

Results: Those with bipolar disorder tended to have greater adiposity. Age-adjusted mean (95% CI) values for bipolar versus controls according to adiposity indices were weight 75.6 (68.9–82.3) versus 72.6 (71.3–74.0) kg, waist circumference 89.8 (84.1–95.6) versus 87.3 (86.1–88.5) cm, waist:hip ratio 0.85 (0.82–0.87) versus 0.84 (0.83–0.84), body mass index 27.6 (25.1–30.1) versus 27.5 (27.0–28.0) kg/m2, fat mass 31.4 (26.5–36.3) versus 28.6 (27.5–29.5) kg and %body fat 40.4 (36.9–43.9) versus 38.0 (37.3–38.7)%; all p > 0.05. Further adjustment for height, smoking, alcohol, psychotropic medication, energy intake or physical activity did not influence these patterns.

Conclusion: Although a pattern suggestive of greater adiposity among those with bipolar disorder was observed, no significant differences were detected. We cannot exclude the possibility of a type II error. Further research with a larger sample may produce more conclusive results.