992 resultados para Web databases
El present projecte de recerca té com a objecte d’estudi la influència de la composició gràfica de la interfície en la satisfacció de l’usuari en entorns web. La hipòtesi inicial de la que parteix exposa que el component compositiu de la interfície web té capacitat per generar satisfacció a partir de la transmissió de valors emocionals que connecten positivamentamb l’usuari millorant l’eficiència de la comunicació. En aquest sentit, es proposa una investigació de caràcter experimental que ens permeti descobrir com influeix la composició gràfica en la satisfacció, i quines composicions i per què tenen més influència que d’altres. D’aquesta manera, es pretén constituir un marc de reflexió al voltant de les possibilitats comunicatives visuals de la interfície web i aportar nous coneixements pel seu desenvolupament.
In the past, research in ontology learning from text has mainly focused on entity recognition, taxonomy induction and relation extraction. In this work we approach a challenging research issue: detecting semantic frames from texts and using them to encode web ontologies. We exploit a new generation Natural Language Processing technology for frame detection, and we enrich the frames acquired so far with argument restrictions provided by a super-sense tagger and domain specializations. The results are encoded according to a Linguistic MetaModel, which allows a complete translation of lexical resources and data acquired from text, enabling custom transformations of the enriched frames into modular ontology components.
L’objectiu d’aquest treball és proposar, estudiar i analitzar un conjunt de models d’aplicació de les TIC, i més concretament d’eines associades a la Web 2.0, en la docència presencial de la Facultat de Comunicació de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra.Partint d’aquest objectiu, les idees principals que s’aporten en aquest treballsón: la necessitat d’actualitzar el model docent presencial amb les eines d’Internet que estan a l’abast dels estudiants, per tal d’innovar i arribar a superar els estàndards europeus de qualitat docent. Per donar validesa a aquest treball, s’ha fet una revisió dels models teòrics associats a laSocietat del Coneixement, les Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació, la Tecnologia Educativa, Internet i la Web 2.0, i el sistema d’ensenyament superior a la Universitat Pompeu Fabra.Aquest treball és una porta oberta cap a una tesi on s’ha establert el següent esquema de treball:· Revisió de la bibliografia precedent i adquisició del coneixement de nous conceptes i models teòrics.· Disseny d’un marc pràctic per tal d’obtenir diverses variables per a la posterior anàlisi.· Aplicació de la matèria a la Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
En aquest projecte he avaluat un seguit de plataformes per veure quina era la millor pertal d’integrar les eines que proporcionen serveis del projecte TENCompetence.Per començar el projecte plantejaré el context del projecte. Com se situa al marc del projecte TENCompetence on he desenvolupat aquest treball fi de carrera. Tot seguit es veuen quines eines disposem per tal d’accedir als diferents serveis que ens proporciona el projecte.Comento els escenaris on s’aplicarà la tecnologia que triem i finalment comento les diferents plataformes web on integrarem les diferents eines.A continuació he realitzat un capítol per tal de comentar l’anàlisi de requeriments del’escenari d’aplicació de cada pilot. Per a cada escenari aplico unes determinades eines a un determinat context, i per tant hi han unes necessitats concretes que he de recollir. Per plasmar-ho en paper he realitzat l’anàlisi de requeriments. Un cop recollides totes les dades he pogut feruna selecció de la plataforma contenidora que més s’escau a cada pilot.Amb els requeriments i la plataforma seleccionada, he realitzat un disseny per a cada pilot. Després de refinar el disseny he realitzat la implementació per tal de cobrir les necessitats dels pilots. També he aprofitat per veure quina tecnologia es pot utilitzar per tal d’integrar leseines dins de la plataforma.Amb la implementació feta he realitzat un seguit de proves per tal de veure els resultats aconseguits. Tot seguit he iniciat un procés iteractiu per tal refinar el disseny i millorar la implementació.
La introducción de dispositivos tecnológicos como PDAs, móviles o portátiles, en la educación ofrece nuevas oportunidades para el aprendizaje. El uso apropiado de estas herramientas abre la posibilidad a un abanico de escenarios educativos colaborativos que no serían posibles sin la tecnología. Sin embargo, uno de los problemas principales que dificulta la adopción de estos dispositivos en entornos educativos reales es el comprender cómo aplicarlos de forma adecuada y beneficiosa para cubrir los objetivos de aprendizaje esperados. Para ello es necesario establecer vínculos entre educadores y tecnólogos para que este tipo de escenarios se puedan llevar a cabo. Por un lado, los educadores tienen conocimientos sobre prácticas educativas y, por otro lado, los tecnólogos pueden aportar con sus conocimientos acerca de las oportunidades que las tecnologías ofrecen. 4SPPIces es un modelo conceptual que tiene como objetivo establecer este puente entre las dos comunidades. Concretamente, se trata de un modelo que propone 4 factores interrelacionados que deben considerarse en el diseño de experiencias educativas colaborativas que combinen actividades dentro y fuera del aula: (1) el método pedagógico (Pedagiocal Method), (2) los participantes (Participants), (3) el espacio (Space) y (4) el historial (History). El objetivo de este proyecto es desarrollar una aplicación web para que educadores y tecnólogos colaboren en el diseño de escenarios basados en este modelo. Concretamente, este trabajo presenta el proceso de desarrollo de la aplicación así como algunas pruebas con usuarios para analizar la usabilidad y utilidad del sistema.
En este proyecto se va a realizar una evaluación a Google para encontrar los puntos débiles de la aplicación y proponer soluciones y/o mejoras.Empezaremos introduciendo la historia de Google para tener referencias de cómo y dónde surgió, el algoritmo de PageRank que es el núcleo del motor de búsqueda y el hardware y software que ha desarrollado con su propia tecnología.Previamente se introducirán los requisitos que se necesitarán para entender cómo se van a evaluar los cuestionarios, es decir, se explicará la escalera Likert y las dos aplicaciones desarrolladas para realizar el análisis de las queries obtenidas.A continuación se detallará como se realizará la evaluación y se propondrá un cuestionario para este fin. Una vez enviado el cuestionario, obtendremos los datos necesarios para poder evaluar Google.Al concluir la evaluación, se propondrán 5 mejoras para dar más control al usuario y para poder evaluarlas se creará otro cuestionario. Con los datos que se obtendrán de este, se realizará una evaluación de las mejoras y se analizará si tienen una buena acogidas por parte de los usuarios.Para finalizar el proyecto, se realizarán unas conclusiones globales de todos los datos analizados y de las propuestas de mejora.
Navegar per la World Wide Web és avui una acció rutinària per milions de persones arreu del globus terraqui. En el transcurs d'aquesta activitat cada individu deixa traces digitals a mesura que es va relacionant amb cada un dels elements que integren la Web. Aquest treball de recerca es proposa analitzar el codi font de llocs web per trobar evidències d'aquest procés latent de recollida de dades i, en la mesura del possible (i també del factible), identificar actors, establir usos potencials i cartografiar els espais de la web tenint en compte el grau de monitorització al que està sotmès l'usuari quan els visita.
Abstract Since its creation, the Internet has permeated our daily life. The web is omnipresent for communication, research and organization. This exploitation has resulted in the rapid development of the Internet. Nowadays, the Internet is the biggest container of resources. Information databases such as Wikipedia, Dmoz and the open data available on the net are a great informational potentiality for mankind. The easy and free web access is one of the major feature characterizing the Internet culture. Ten years earlier, the web was completely dominated by English. Today, the web community is no longer only English speaking but it is becoming a genuinely multilingual community. The availability of content is intertwined with the availability of logical organizations (ontologies) for which multilinguality plays a fundamental role. In this work we introduce a very high-level logical organization fully based on semiotic assumptions. We thus present the theoretical foundations as well as the ontology itself, named Linguistic Meta-Model. The most important feature of Linguistic Meta-Model is its ability to support the representation of different knowledge sources developed according to different underlying semiotic theories. This is possible because mast knowledge representation schemata, either formal or informal, can be put into the context of the so-called semiotic triangle. In order to show the main characteristics of Linguistic Meta-Model from a practical paint of view, we developed VIKI (Virtual Intelligence for Knowledge Induction). VIKI is a work-in-progress system aiming at exploiting the Linguistic Meta-Model structure for knowledge expansion. It is a modular system in which each module accomplishes a natural language processing task, from terminology extraction to knowledge retrieval. VIKI is a supporting system to Linguistic Meta-Model and its main task is to give some empirical evidence regarding the use of Linguistic Meta-Model without claiming to be thorough.
The first AO comprehensive pediatric long-bone fracture classification system has been proposed following a structured path of development and validation with experienced pediatric surgeons. A Web-based multicenter agreement study involving 70 surgeons in 15 clinics and 5 countries was conducted to assess the reliability and accuracy of this classification when used by a wide range of surgeons with various levels of experience. Training was provided at each clinic before the session. Using the Internet, participants could log in at any time and classify 275 supracondylar, radius, and tibia fractures at their own pace. The fracture diagnosis was made following the hierarchy of the classification system using both clinical terminology and codes. kappa coefficients for the single-surgeon diagnosis of epiphyseal, metaphyseal, or diaphyseal fracture type were 0.66, 0.80, and 0.91, respectively. Median accuracy estimates for each bone and type were all greater than 80%. Depending on their experience and specialization, surgeons greatly varied in their ability to classify fractures. Pediatric training and at least 2 years of experience were associated with significant improvement in reliability and accuracy. Kappa coefficients for diagnosis of specific child patterns were 0.51, 0.63, and 0.48 for epiphyseal, metaphyseal, and diaphyseal fractures, respectively. Identified reasons for coding discrepancies were related to different understandings of terminology and definitions, as well as poor quality radiographic images. Results supported some minor adjustments in the coding of fracture type and child patterns. This classification system received wide acceptance and support among the surgeons involved. As long as appropriate training could be performed, the system classification was reliable, especially among surgeons with a minimum of 2 years of clinical experience. We encourage broad-based consultation between surgeons' international societies and the use of this classification system in the context of clinical practice as well as prospectively for clinical studies.
Objective: Identifying risk factors for the occurrence of falls in hospitalized adult patients. Method: Integrative review carried out in the databases of LILACS, SciELO, MEDLINE and Web of Science, including articles published between 1989 and 2012. Results: Seventy-one articles were included in the final sample. Risk factors for falls presented in this review were related to patients (intrinsic), the hospital setting and the working process of health professionals, especially in nursing (extrinsic). Conclusion: The systematic screening of risk factors for falls was identified as a contributing factor to the reduction of this injury, helping the non-occurrence of this event that, despite being preventable, can have serious consequences including death.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effectiveness of enteral nutritional therapy (ENT) in the healing process of pressure ulcers (PU) in adults and the elderly. METHOD A systematic review whose studies were identified through the databases of Cochrane, MEDLINE/PubMed, SciELO, LILACS, EMBASE, CINAHL, Web of Science, and manual searches. It included randomized clinical trials (RCTs) without delimiting the period or language of publication, which addressed adults and elderly patients with pressure ulcers in a comparative treatment of enteral nutritional therapy and placebo or between enteral nutritional therapy with different compositions and dosages. RESULTS We included ten studies that considered different interventions. It resulted in more pressure ulcers healed in the groups that received the intervention. The included studies were heterogeneous with regard to patients, the type of intervention, the sample and the follow-up period, all of which made meta-analysis impossible. CONCLUSION Although the enteral nutritional therapy demonstrates a promotion of pressure ulcer healing, sufficient evidence to confirm the hypothesis was not found.
OBJECTIVE To verify if the type of donor is a risk factor for infection in kidney transplant recipients. METHODS Systematic Review of Literature with Meta-analysis with searches conducted in the databases MEDLINE, LILACS, Embase, Cochrane, Web of Science, SciELO and CINAHL. RESULTS We selected 198 studies and included four observational studies describing infections among patients distinguishing the type of donor. Through meta-analysis, it was shown that in patients undergoing deceased donor transplant, the outcome infection was 2.65 higher, than those who received an organ from a living donor. CONCLUSION The study showed that deceased kidney donor recipients are at an increased risk for developing infections and so the need for establishing and enforcing protocols from proper management of ischemic time to the prevention and control of infection in this population emerges.
The InterPro database (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro/) is a freely available resource that can be used to classify sequences into protein families and to predict the presence of important domains and sites. Central to the InterPro database are predictive models, known as signatures, from a range of different protein family databases that have different biological focuses and use different methodological approaches to classify protein families and domains. InterPro integrates these signatures, capitalizing on the respective strengths of the individual databases, to produce a powerful protein classification resource. Here, we report on the status of InterPro as it enters its 15th year of operation, and give an overview of new developments with the database and its associated Web interfaces and software. In particular, the new domain architecture search tool is described and the process of mapping of Gene Ontology terms to InterPro is outlined. We also discuss the challenges faced by the resource given the explosive growth in sequence data in recent years. InterPro (version 48.0) contains 36 766 member database signatures integrated into 26 238 InterPro entries, an increase of over 3993 entries (5081 signatures), since 2012.