979 resultados para Vigas mistas de madeira e concreto
This work talks about the importance of the steel adhesion to concrete, reinforced concrete structures, their testing and forms of measurement used and how the results are used in the structural design, which uses as a reference the NBR 6118 and NBR 7480. It also deals with the importance of a reliable assessment, discussing failures that the test used, NBR 7477, features in specific circumstances, as discussed under the EC-094. It also presents an initial proposal for simplified pullout test, which aims to analyze the grip on steel bars with diameter less than 10 mm, which results when used standardized testing by ABNT NBT 7477, has shown excessive variability, the main criticism of the trial today used without distinction to be established thick or thin bars. The proposal also presented methodology is in the consolidation phase, given the time and the volume of necessary tests. For this reason it is not possible to make a comparison between the values obtained and the results of the test used on the basis of the standard in force, this can only be done once the front with a continuation of this work
There are regulations that establish conditions and enable the design of armor columns. The NBR 6118 features statements relating to the transverse reinforcement as spacing, reinforcement diameters provision in structural elements and others. However, the norm in force does not provide an explicit methodology for the design of stirrups in different situations. We do not propose even a calculation model for this equipment and provides normative considerations for maximum or minimum values of spacings and armor in diameter. It is noteworthy that the classical references also do not provide a calculation routine sizing of transverse reinforcement and only makes the checks as the normative conditions for the given data. Based on this assumption and the problems that may occur in sizing error, both for spacing and for the proposal of the stirrup diameter, this study demonstrates that armor calculation method already established in the literature and then through an intuitive tool and available develops a spreadsheet based on this calculation routine. It takes as reference the one developed by Emil Moersch (1902) and the calculation model proposed by BUFFONI E SILVA (2006). Finally the paper presents a rational design of shear reinforcement and confronts these values with some numerical examples to show its truth
Two new species of Jupiaba Zanata are described from Brazil. Jupiaba iasy, new species, is described from rio Teles Pires and rio Jamanxim, tributaries of rio Tapajos, and from rio Aripuana, in the rio Madeira drainage. It is distinguished from its congeners by its color pattern consisting of a single posteriorly displaced dark crescent-shaped humeral blotch, situated over the first 5 to 7 lateral line scales, and an inconspicuous dark spot at the end of caudal peduncle. It also differs from all remaining Jupiaba for the following combination of characters: 34-36 lateral line scales, 19-21 branched anal-fin rays, 8-10 predorsal scales arranged in a regular row, 6 horizontal series of scales above and 4 series below lateral line, body depth 32.3-36.1% of SL, and absence of filamentous rays in the first dorsal and anal-fin rays. Jupiaba paranatinga, new species, is described from rio Teles Pires, tributary of rio Tapajos. It is distinguished by having 34-35 lateral line scales, two vertically elongated humeral blotches, a conspicuous caudal spot at the end of the caudal peduncle, extending over 8-10 median caudal-fin rays, eye diameter 43.7-46.9% of HL, and relatively low body depth (31.3-35.5% of SL). Additionally, comments on the putative relationships of the new species with their congeners and an updated key to the species of the genus are provided.
The knowledge of the variations in the wood characteristics produced by eucalyptus trees according to age and sampling positions is essential for its proper use. This study had as objective to evaluate the influence of the age, longitudinal and radial positions on basic density and anatomical characteristics in Eucalyptus grandis wood. The trees were planted in 3x2 m spacing and fertilized with commercial fertilizers in planting, 6th and 12th months. According to basal area distribution, fifteen trees were selected (24, 36 and 72 months of age) - five trees per age. Disks at DBH position (1.3 m) were taken for fiber determination (length, wall thickness, lumen diameter and width) and vessels (tangential diameter, frequency and area occupied) and in other different sampling positions for basic density determination. Wood basic density increased from 0.43 to 0.46 g.cm(-3) as well as the trees age increases with a longitudinal variation model, characterized through a decrease in base-3m (0.42-0.49 -> 0.40-0.46 g.cm(-3)) and an increase to the top of the trunk (0.46 -> 0.54 g.cm(-3)) Fibers and vessels dimensions showed variations related to age and to pit-bark direction. Wood properties behavior and variations indicate that, until this period, the juvenile wood is being formed.
O trabalho tem como foco a análise do processo produtivo de painéis maciços feitos como tábuas e cavilhas de madeira ("stack-board") em uma fábrica austríaca, visando identificar seus pontos positivos e negativos e fornecer uma visão geral de algumas das principais variáveis envolvendo a manufatura desse produto.
Ceriporiopsis subvermispora is a selective fungus in the wood delignification and the most promising in biopulping. Through the lipid peroxidation initiated by manganese peroxidase (MnP), free radicals can be generated, which can act in the degradation of lignin nonphenolic structures. This work evaluated the prooxidant activity (based in lipid peroxidation) of enzymatic extracts from wood biodegradation by this fungus in cultures containing exogenous calcium, oxalic acid or soybean oil. It was observed that MnP significant activity is required to promote lipid peroxidation and wood delignification. Positive correlation between prooxidant activity x MnP was observed up to 300 IU kg-1 of wood.
O conhecimento das variações das características da madeira produzida pelas árvores de eucalipto em função da idade e posição no tronco é fundamental para o seu uso adequado. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da idade e das posições longitudinal na densidade básica e radial nas características anatômicas do lenho das árvores de Eucalyptus grandis plantadas no espaçamento 3x2 m e fertilizadas com adubação comercial no plantio, 6º, 12° mês. Foram selecionadas, de acordo com a distribuição de área basal, quinze árvores de eucalipto com 24, 36 e 72 meses de idade, sendo 5 árvores/idade, e cortados discos do lenho a 1,30 m da altura do solo (DAP) para as determinações das dimensões das fibras (comprimento, espessura da parede, diâmetro do lume e largura total) e vasos (diâmetro tangencial, frequência e área ocupada) e em diferentes alturas fixas do tronco para a determinação da densidade básica. A densidade básica do lenho aumentou de 0,43 g.cm-3 para 0,46 g.cm-3 com o avanço da idade das árvores, apresentando um modelo de variação longitudinal, comum as três idades, caracterizado pelo decréscimo da base-3m (0,42-0,49 g.cm-3 0,40-0,46 g.cm-3) e posterior aumento até a extremidade (0,46 g.cm-3 0,54 g.cm-3) do tronco. As dimensões das fibras e dos vasos apresentaram variações tanto em relação à idade quanto no sentido medula-casca. O comportamento e as variações das características do lenho das árvores de eucalipto indicam que o meristema cambial está formando, até este período, o lenho denominado de juvenil.
O comportamento de espalhamento de quatro escórias sintéticas foi investigado pelo método da gota séssil, quando em contato com a matriz de um concreto refratário contendo alto teor de carbono e carbeto de boro como agente antioxidante. A evolução do molhamento do sólido foi monitorada a 1450, 1550 e 1650 ºC por 1800 s. Além disso, simulações termodinâmicas foram efetuadas, usando o programa FactSage®, visando promover um maior entendimento das reações químicas que podem ocorrer na interface dos materiais avaliados. Foi observado que a composição química do líquido afetou diretamente o espalhamento deste e quanto maior o teor de MgO na composição da escória, maiores foram os valores do ângulo de contato entre líquido e sólido. No entanto, em altas temperaturas e tempos prolongados, foram verificadas a formação de bolhas na superfície do líquido e a infiltração das escórias nos poros do refratário. Estes fatores afetaram negativamente e tornaram menos conclusivos os dados coletados nos ensaios propostos, apontando que ainda são necessários aperfeiçoamentos da técnica de molhabilidade para a avaliação de materiais complexos, tais como os concretos refratários.
Placas de granitos são amplamente empregadas no revestimento de pisos na forma de ladrilhos assentados com argamassa industrializada. Recentemente, tem crescido o interesse no uso de sistemas não aderentes (sem argamassa) com placas de rocha. Porém, na literatura muito pouco foi publicado a respeito. O presente trabalho avaliou as propriedades físico-mecânicas de três granitos com grande aceitação comercial, e determinou as espessuras necessárias para estas das placas serem usadas como lajes de 200 cm de largura por 300 cm de comprimento, apoiadas pelas quatro extremidades em vigas de concreto. As propriedades testadas para o projeto estrutural das placas de granito foram: resistência à compressão, resistência à flexão por três pontos, módulo de elasticidade e coeficiente de Poisson. Foram também determinados o coeficiente de atrito e a resistência à abrasão profunda para a avaliação do desempenho do piso, de acordo com o uso e o ambiente de exposição,. Os resultados indicaram que o charnockito Verde Labrador deve ser usado com espessura de 30 mm, restrita a ambientes internos. O sienogranito e o monzogranito podem ser empregados em ambientes internos e externos. As placas do monzogranito Cinza Castelo devem possuir espessura de 20 mm, e as do sienogranito Vermelho Brasília devem possuir 30 mm de espessura.
Resistance to corrosion, high tensile strength, low weight, easiness and rapidity of application, are characteristics that have contributed to the spread of the strengthening technique characterized by bonding of carbon fibers reinforced polymer (CFRP). This research aimed to develop an innovate strengthening method for RC beams, based on a high performance cement-based composite of steel fibers (macro + microfibers) to be applied as a transition layer. The purpose of this transition layer is better control the cracking of concrete and detain or even avoid premature debonding of strengthening. A preliminary study in short beams molded with steel fibers and strengthened with CFRP sheet, was carried out where was verified that the conception of the transition layer is valid. Tests were developed to get a cement-based composite with adequate characteristics to constitute the layer transition. Results showed the possibility to develop a high performance material with a pseudo strain-hardening behavior, high strength and fracture toughness. The application of the strengthening on the transition layer surface had significantly to improve the performance levels of the strengthened beam. It summary, it was proven the efficiency of the new strengthening technique, and much information can be used as criteria of projects for repaired and strengthened structures.
A proposed adequation of NBR 6118, Item 7.4, related to shear strength of reinforced concrete beams is presented with aims to application on circular cross-section. The actual expressions are most suitable to rectangular cross-section and some misleading occurs when applied to circular sections at determination of VRd2, Vc and Vsw, as consequence of bw (beam width) and d (effective depth) definitions as well as the real effectiveness of circular stirrups. The proposed adequation is based on extensive bibliographic review and practical experience with a great number of infrastructure elements, such as anchored retaining pile walls, where the use of circular reinforced concrete members is frequent.