977 resultados para Veterinary ophthalmology.


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A number of tests and test batteries are available for the prediction of older driver safety, but many of these have not been validated against standardized driving outcome measures. The aim of this study was to evaluate a series of previously described screening tests in terms of their ability to predict the potential for safe and unsafe driving. Participants included 79 community-dwelling older drivers (M=72.16 years, SD=5.46; range 65-88 years; 57 males and 22 females) who completed a previously validated multi-disciplinary driving assessment, a hazard perception test, a hazard change detection test and a battery of vision and cognitive tests. Participants also completed a standardized on-road driving assessment. The multi-disciplinary test battery had the highest predictive ability with a sensitivity of 80% and a specificity of 73%, followed by the hazard perception test which demonstrated a sensitivity of 75% and a specificity of 61%. These findings suggest that a relatively simple and practical battery of tests from a range of domains has the capacity to predict safe and unsafe driving in older adults.


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Purpose: There are some limited reports, based on questionnaire data, which suggest that outdoor activity decreases the risk of myopia in children and may offset the myopia risk associated with prolonged near work. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between near work, indoor illumination, daily sunlight and ultraviolet (UV) exposure in emmetropic and myopic University students, given that University students perform significant amounts of near work and as a group have a high prevalence of myopia. Methods: Participants were 35 students, aged 17 to 25 years who were classified as being emmetropic (n=13), or having stable (n=12) or progressing myopia (n=10). During waking hours on three separate days participants wore a light sensor data logger (HOBO) and a polysulphone UV dosimeter; these devices measured daily illuminance and accumulative UV exposure respectively; participants also completed a daily activity log. Results: No significant between group differences were observed for average daily illuminance (p=0.732), number of hours per day spent in sunlight (p=0.266), outdoor shade (p=0.726), bright indoor/dim outdoor light (p=0.574) or dim room illumination (p=0.484). Daily UV exposure was significantly different across the groups (p=0.003); with stable myopes experiencing the greatest UV exposure (versus emmetropes p=0.002; versus progressing myopes p=0.004). Conclusions: The current literature suggests there is a link between myopia protection and spending time outdoors in children. Our data provides some evidence of this relationship in young adults and highlights the need for larger studies to further investigate this relationship longitudinally.


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We analyzed mesopic rod and S-cone interactions in terms of their contributions to the blue-yellow opponent pathway. Stimuli were generated using a 4-primary colorimeter. Mixed rod and S-cone modulation thresholds (constant L-, M-cone excitation) were measured as a function of their phase difference. Modulation amplitude was equated using threshold units and contrast ratios. This study identified three interaction types: (1) A linear and antagonistic rod:S-cone interaction, (2) probability summation (3) and a previously unidentified mutual nonlinear reinforcement. Linear rod:S-cone interactions occur within the blue-yellow opponent pathway. Probability summation involves signaling by different post-receptoral pathways. The origin of the nonlinear reinforcement is possibly at the photoreceptors.


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Purpose: This study investigates the clinical utility of the melanopsin expressing intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cell (ipRGC) controlled post-illumination pupil response (PIPR) as a novel technique for documenting inner retinal function in patients with Type II diabetes without diabetic retinopathy. Methods: The post-illumination pupil response (PIPR) was measured in seven patients with Type II diabetes, normal retinal nerve fiber thickness and no diabetic retinopathy. A 488 nm and 610 nm, 7.15º diameter stimulus was presented in Maxwellian view to the right eye and the left consensual pupil light reflex was recorded. Results: The group data for the blue PIPR (488 nm) identified a trend of reduced ipRGC function in patients with diabetes with no retinopathy. The transient pupil constriction was lower on average in the diabetic group. The relationship between duration of diabetes and the blue PIPR amplitude was linear, suggesting that ipRGC function decreases with increasing diabetes duration. Conclusion: This is the first report to show that the ipRGC controlled post-illumination pupil response may have clinical applications as a non-invasive technique for determining progression of inner neuroretinal changes in patients with diabetes before they are ophthalmoscopically or anatomically evident. The lower transient pupil constriction amplitude indicates that outer retinal photoreceptor inputs to the pupil light reflex may also be affected in diabetes.


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Purpose: To determine whether there is a difference in neuroretinal function and in macular pigment optical density between persons with high- and low-risk gene variants for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and no ophthalmoscopic signs of AMD, and to compare the results on neuroretinal function to patients with manifest early AMD. Methods and Participants: Neuroretinal function was assessed with the multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) for 32 participants (22 healthy persons with no AMD and 10 early AMD patients). The 22 healthy participants with no AMD had high- or low-risk genotypes for either CFH (rs380390) and/or ARMS2 (rs10490924). Trough-to-peak response densities and peak-implicit times were analyzed in 5 concentric rings. Macular pigment optical densitometry was assessed by customized heterochromatic flicker photometry. Results: Trough-to-peak response densities for concentric rings 1 to 3 were, on average, significantly greater in participants with high-risk genotypes than in participants with low-risk genotypes and in persons with early AMD after correction for age and smoking (p<0.05). The group peak- implicit times for ring 1 were, on average, delayed in the patients with early AMD compared with the participants with high- or low-risk genotypes, although these differences were not significant. There was no significant correlation between genotypes and macular pigment optical density. Conclusion: Increased neuroretinal activity in persons who carry high-risk AMD genotypes may be due to genetically determined subclinical inflammatory and/or histological changes in the retina. Neuroretinal function in healthy persons genetically susceptible to AMD may be a useful additional early biomarker (in combination with genetics) before there is clinical manifestation.


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Acepromazine (ACP) is a useful therapeutic drug, but is a prohibited substance in competition horses. The illicit use of ACP is difficult to detect due to its rapid metabolism, so this study investigated the ACP metabolite 2-(1-hydroxyethyl)promazine sulphoxide (HEPS) as a potential forensic marker. Acepromazine maleate, equivalent to 30 mg of ACP, was given IV to 12 racing-bred geldings. Blood and urine were collected for 7 days post-administration and analysed for ACP and HEPS by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS). Acepromazine was quantifiable in plasma for up to 3 h with little reaching the urine unmodified. Similar to previous studies, there was wide variation in the distribution and metabolism of ACP. The metabolite HEPS was quantifiable for up to 24 h in plasma and 144 h in urine. The metabolism of ACP to HEPS was fast and erratic, so the early phase of the HEPS emergence could not be modelled directly, but was assumed to be similar to the rate of disappearance of ACP. However, the relationship between peak plasma HEPS and the y-intercept of the kinetic model was strong (P = 0.001, r2 = 0.72), allowing accurate determination of the formation pharmacokinetics of HEPS. Due to its rapid metabolism, testing of forensic samples for the parent drug is redundant with IV administration. The relatively long half-life of HEPS and its stable behaviour beyond the initial phase make it a valuable indicator of ACP use, and by determining the urine-to-plasma concentration ratios for HEPS, the approximate dose of ACP administration may be estimated.


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Purpose. To evaluate the use of optical coherence tomography (OCT) to assess the effect of different soft contact lenses on corneoscleral morphology. Methods. Ten subjects had anterior segment OCT B-scans taken in the morning and again after six hours of soft contact lens wear. For each subject, three different contact lenses were used in the right eye on non-consecutive days, including a hydrogel sphere, a silicone hydrogel sphere and a silicone hydrogel toric. After image registration and layer segmentation, analyses were performed of the first hyper-reflective layer (HRL), the epithelial basement membrane (EBL) and the epithelial thickness (HRL to EBL). A root mean square difference (RMSD) of the layer profiles and the thickness change between the morning and afternoon measurements, was used to assess the effect of the contact lens on the corneoscleral morphology. Results. The soft contact lenses had a statistically significant effect on the morphology of the anterior segment layers (p <0.001). The average amounts of change for the three lenses (average RMSD values) for the corneal region were lower (3.93±1.95 µm for the HRL and 4.02±2.14 µm for the EBL) than those measured in the limbal/scleral region (11.24±6.21 µm for the HRL and 12.61±6.42 µm for the EBL). Similarly, averaged across the three lenses, the RMSD in epithelial thickness was lower in the cornea (2.84±0.84 µm) than the limbal/scleral (5.47±1.71 µm) region. Post-hoc analysis showed that ocular surface changes were significantly smaller with the silicone hydrogel sphere lens than both the silicone hydrogel toric (p<0.005) and hydrogel sphere (p<0.02) for the combined HRL and EBL data. Conclusions. In this preliminary study, we have shown that soft contact lenses can produce small but significant changes in the morphology of the limbal/scleral region and that OCT technology is useful in assessing these changes. The clinical significance of these changes is yet to be determined.


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The time course of elongation and recovery of axial length associated with a 30 minute accommodative task was studied using optical low coherence reflectometry in a population of young adult myopic (n = 37) and emmetropic (n = 22) subjects. Ten of the 59 subjects were excluded from analysis either due to inconsistent accommodative response, or incomplete anterior biometry data. Those subjects with valid data (n = 49) were found to exhibit a significant axial elongation immediately following the commencement of a 30 minute, 4 D accommodation task, which was sustained for the duration of the task, and ¬was evident to a lesser extent immediately following task cessation. During the accommodation task, on average, the myopic subjects exhibited 22 ± 34 µm, and the emmetropic subjects 6 ± 22 µm of axial elongation, however the differences in axial elongation between the myopic and emmetropic subjects were not statistically significant (p = 0.136). Immediately following the completion of the task, the myopic subjects still exhibited an axial elongation (mean magnitude 12 ± 28 µm), that was significantly greater (p < 0.05) than the changes in axial length observed in the emmetropic subjects (mean change -3 ± 16 µm). Axial length had returned to baseline levels 10 minutes after completion of the accommodation task. The time for recovery from accommodation-induced axial elongation was greater in myopes, which may reflect differences in the biomechanical properties of the globe associated with refractive error. Changes in subfoveal choroidal thickness were able to be measured in 37 of the 59 subjects, and a small amount of choroidal thinning was observed during the accommodation task that was statistically significant in the myopic subjects (p < 0.05). These subfoveal choroidal changes could account for some but not all of the increased axial length during accommodation.


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Purpose: The aim of this cross-over study was to investigate the changes in corneal thickness, anterior and posterior corneal topography, corneal refractive power and ocular wavefront aberrations, following the short term use of rigid contact lenses. Method: Fourteen participants wore 4 different types of contact lenses (RGP lenses of 9.5 mm and 10.5 mm diameter, and for comparison a PMMA lens of 9.5 mm diameter and a soft silicone hydrogel lens) on 4 different days for a period of 8 h on each day. Measures were collected before and after contact lens wear and additionally on a baseline day. Results: Anterior corneal curvature generally showed a flattening with both of the RGP lenses and a steepening with the PMMA lens. A significant negative correlation was found between the change in corneal swelling and central and peripheral posterior corneal curvature (all p ≤ 0.001). RGP contact lenses caused a significant decrease in corneal refractive power (hyperopic shift) of approximately 0.5 D. The PMMA contact lenses caused the greatest corneal swelling in both the central (27.92 ± 15.49 μm, p < 0.001) and peripheral (17.78 ± 12.11 μm, p = 0.001) corneal regions, a significant flattening of the posterior cornea and an increase in ocular aberrations (all p ≤ 0.05). Conclusion: The corneal swelling associated with RGP lenses was relatively minor, but there was slight central corneal flattening and a clinically significant hyperopic change in corneal refractive power after the first day of lens wear. The PMMA contact lenses resulted in significant corneal swelling and reduced optical performance of the cornea.


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Purpose. The purpose of the study was to investigate the changes in axial length occurring with shifts in gaze direction. Methods. Axial length measurements were obtained from the left eye of 30 young adults (10 emmetropes, 10 low myopes, and 10 moderate myopes) through a rotating prism with 15° deviation, along the foveal axis, using a noncontact optical biometer in each of the nine different cardinal directions of gaze over 5 minutes. The subject's fellow eye fixated on an external distance (6 m) target to control accommodation, also with 15° deviation. Axial length measurements were also performed in 15° and 25° downward gaze with the biometer inclined on a tilting table, allowing gaze shifts to be achieved with either full head turn but no eye turn, or full eye turn with no head turn. Results. There was a significant influence of gaze angle and time on axial length (both P < 0.001), with the greatest axial elongation (+18 ± 8 μm) occurring with inferonasal gaze (P < 0.001) and a slight decrease in axial length in superior gaze (−12 ± 17 μm) compared with primary gaze (P < 0.001). In downward gaze, a significant axial elongation occurred when eye turn was used (P < 0.001), but not when head turn was used to shift gaze (P > 0.05). Conclusions. The angle of gaze has a small but significant short-term effect on axial length, with greatest elongation occurring in inferonasal gaze. The elongation of the eye appears to be due to the influence of the extraocular muscles, in particular the oblique muscles.


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Recent research indicates that brief periods (60 minutes) of monocular defocus lead to small but significant changes in human axial length. However, the effects of longer periods of defocus on the axial length of human eyes are unknown. We examined the influence of a 12 hour period of monocular myopic defocus on the natural daily variations occurring in axial length and choroidal thickness of young adult emmetropes. A series of axial length and choroidal thickness measurements (collected at ~3 hourly intervals, with the first measurement at ~9 am and the final measurement at ~9 pm) were obtained for 13 emmetropic young adults over three consecutive days. The natural daily rhythms (Day 1, baseline day, no defocus), the daily rhythms with monocular myopic defocus (Day 2, defocus day, +1.50 DS spectacle lens over the right eye), and the recovery from any defocus induced changes (Day 3, recovery day, no defocus) were all examined. Significant variations over the course of the day were observed in both axial length and choroidal thickness on each of the three measurement days (p<0.0001). The magnitude and timing of the daily variations in axial length and choroidal thickness were significantly altered with the monocular myopic defocus on day 2 (p<0.0001). Following the introduction of monocular myopic defocus, the daily peak in axial length occurred approximately 6 hours later, and the peak in choroidal thickness approximately 8.5 hours earlier in the day compared to days 1 and 3 (with no defocus). The mean amplitude (peak to trough) of change in axial length (0.030 ± 0.012 on day 1, 0.020 ± 0.010 on day 2 and 0.033 ± 0.012 mm on day 3) and choroidal thickness (0.030 ± 0.007 on day 1, 0.022 ± 0.006 on day 2 and 0.027 ± 0.009 mm on day 3) were also significantly different between the three days (both p<0.05). The introduction of monocular myopic defocus disrupts the daily variations in axial length and choroidal thickness of human eyes (in terms of both amplitude and timing) that return to normal the following day after removal of the defocus.


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KPNA3 is a gene that has been linked to schizophrenia susceptibility. In this study we investigated the possible association between KPNA3 variation and schizophrenia. To investigate a wider role of KPNA3 across psychiatric disorders we also analysed major depression, PTSD, nicotine dependent, alcohol dependent and opiate dependent cohorts. Using a haplotype block-based gene-tagging approach we genotyped six KPNA3 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 157 schizophrenia patients, 121 post-traumatic stress disorder patients, 120 opiate dependent patients, 231 alcohol dependent patients, 147 nicotine dependent patients and 266 major depression patients. One SNP rs2273816 was found to be significantly associated with schizophrenia, opiate dependence and alcohol dependence at the genotype and allele level. Major depression was also associated with rs2273816 but only at the allele level. Our study suggests that KPNA3 may contribute to the genetic susceptibility to schizophrenia as well as other psychiatric disorders.


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Given the importance of water for rice production, this study examines the factors affecting the technical efficiency (TE) of irrigated rice farmers in village irrigation systems (VIS) in Sri Lanka. Primary data were collected from 460 rice farmers in the Kurunagala District, Sri Lanka, to estimate a stochastic translog production frontier for rice production. The mean TE of rice farming in village irrigation was found to be 0.72, although 63% of rice farmers exceeded this average. The most influential factors of TE are membership of Farmer Organisations (FOs) and the participatory rate in collective actions organised by FOs. The results suggest that enhancement of co-operative arrangements of farmers by strengthening the membership of FOs is considered important for increasing TE in rice farming in VIS.


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There’s nothing like travel to broaden the mind. As a young man living in Britain during the 1980s I thought I knew about human obesity, but it took a visit to the US to show me what an epidemic looks like. Nowadays I live in Australia, where human obesity is rife. We have plenty of fat horses too (Sillence et al., 2006), but they are noticeable. In fact, it was only recently during a return visit to Britain, that I was finally sold on the concept of an equine obesity epidemic. It seems that in the UK, the fat horse or pony is now so commonplace that it has come to represent the norm in the eyes of many owners. I met clinicians who claim to have forgotten what a fit horse looks like, and heard anecdotes of a responsible owner who kept their animals in a healthy body condition, only to be reported to the RSPCA for ‘cruelty’. Round and shiny have become the order of the day and, as we have learned from the tsunami of human obesity, once a problem reaches a certain scale it can seem unstoppable, despite the attendant risks, costs and consequences.


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Purpose. Contrast adaptation may induce an error signal for emmetropization. This research aims to determine whether reading causes contrast adaptation in children and, if so, to determine whether myopes exhibit greater contrast adaptation than emmetropes. Methods. Baseline contrast sensitivity was determined in 34 emmetropic and 34 spectacle-corrected myopic children for 0.5, 1.2, 2.7, 4.4, and 6.2 cycles per degree (cpd) horizontal sine-wave gratings. Effects of near tasks on contrast sensitivity were determined during periods spent looking at a 6.2 cpd horizontal grating and during periods spent reading lines of English text, with 1.2 cpd row frequency and 6 cpd stroke frequency. Results. Both emmetropic and myopic groups (mean ± SD; age, 10.3 ± 1.4 years) showed reduced contrast sensitivity during both near tasks, with greatest overall adaptation at 6.2 cpd. Adaptation induced by viewing the grating (0.15 ± 0.17 log unit [40%]; range, 0.07-0.27 log unit) was significantly greater than adaptation induced by reading text (0.11 ± 0.18 log unit [29%], 0.08-0.16 log unit) (F(1,594) = 10.7; P = 0.001). Myopic children showed significantly greater adaptation across the tasks (0.15 ± 0.18 log unit [42%]) than emmetropic children (0.10 ± 0.16 log unit [26%]) (F(1,66) = 7.30; P = 0.009), with the greatest difference occurring at 4.4 cpd (mean, 0.11 log unit [30%]). Conclusions. Grating and reading tasks induced contrast adaptation; viewing horizontal gratings induced greater adaptation than reading, and myopes exhibited greater adaptation than emmetropes. Contrast adaptation effects may underlie findings of prolonged near work being associated with myopia. However, our research does not show whether this is consequential or causal.