964 resultados para Vascular Endothelial


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Photodynamic therapy (PDT) affects vascular barrier function and thus increases vessel permeability. This phenomenon may be exploited to facilitate targeted drug delivery and may lead to a new clinical application of photodynamic therapy. Here, we investigate the role of leukocyte recruitment for PDT-induced vascular permeabilization. STUDY DESIGN/MATERIAL AND METHODS: Fluorescein isothiocyanate dextran (FITC-D, 2,000 kDa) was injected intravenously 120 minutes after focal PDT on striated muscle in nude mice bearing dorsal skinfold chambers (Visudyne® 800 µg/kg, fluence rate 300 mW/cm2 , light dose of 200 J/cm2). Leukocyte interaction with endothelial cells was inhibited by antibodies functionally blocking adhesion molecules ("MABS-PDT" group, n = 5); control animals had PDT but no antibody injection (group "PDT", n = 7). By intravital microscopy, we monitored leukocyte rolling and sticking in real-time before, 90 and 180 minutes after PDT. The extravasation of FITC-D from striated muscle vessels into the interstitial space was determined in vivo during 45 minutes to assess treatment-induced alterations of vascular permeability. RESULTS: PDT significantly increased the recruitment of leukocytes and enhanced the leakage of FITC-D. Neutralization of adhesion molecules before PDT suppressed the rolling of leukocytes along the venular endothelium and significantly reduced the extravasation of FITC-D as compared to control animals (156 ± 27 vs. 11 ± 2 (mean ± SEM, number of WBC/30 seconds mm vessel circumference; P < 0.05) at 90 minutes after PDT and 194 ± 21 vs. 14 ± 4 at 180 minutes after PDT). In contrast, leukocyte sticking was not downregulated by the antibody treatment. CONCLUSION: Leukocyte recruitment plays an essential role in the permeability-enhancing effect of PDT.


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Epidemiological studies have suggested an inverse correlation between red wine consumption and the incidence of CVD. However, Champagne wine has not been fully investigated for its cardioprotective potential. In order to assess whether acute and moderate Champagne wine consumption is capable of modulating vascular function, we performed a randomised, placebo-controlled, cross-over intervention trial. We show that consumption of Champagne wine, but not a control matched for alcohol, carbohydrate and fruit-derived acid content, induced an acute change in endothelium-independent vasodilatation at 4 and 8 h post-consumption. Although both Champagne wine and the control also induced an increase in endothelium-dependent vascular reactivity at 4 h, there was no significant difference between the vascular effects induced by Champagne or the control at any time point. These effects were accompanied by an acute decrease in the concentration of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP-9), a significant decrease in plasma levels of oxidising species and an increase in urinary excretion of a number of phenolic metabolites. In particular, the mean total excretion of hippuric acid, protocatechuic acid and isoferulic acid were all significantly greater following the Champagne wine intervention compared with the control intervention. Our data suggest that a daily moderate consumption of Champagne wine may improve vascular performance via the delivery of phenolic constituents capable of improving NO bioavailability and reducing matrix metalloproteinase activity.


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Vascular dysfunction is recognised as an integrative marker of CVD. While dietary strategies aimed at reducing CVD risk include reductions in the intake of SFA, there are currently no clear guidelines on what should replace SFA. The purpose of this review was to assess the evidence for the effects of total dietary fat and individual fatty acids (SFA, MUFA and n-6 PUFA) on vascular function, cellular microparticles and endothelial progenitor cells. Medline was systematically searched from 1966 until November 2010. A total of fifty-nine peer-reviewed publications (covering fifty-six studies), which included five epidemiological, eighteen dietary intervention and thirty-three test meal studies, were identified. The findings from the epidemiological studies were inconclusive. The limited data available from dietary intervention studies suggested a beneficial effect of low-fat diets on vascular reactivity, which was strongest when the comparator diet was high in SFA, with a modest improvement in measures of vascular reactivity when high-fat, MUFA-rich diets were compared with SFA-rich diets. There was consistent evidence from the test meal studies that high-fat meals have a detrimental effect on postprandial vascular function. However, the evidence for the comparative effects of test meals rich in MUFA or n-6 PUFA with SFA on postprandial vascular function was limited and inconclusive. The lack of studies with comparable within-study dietary fatty acid targets, a variety of different study designs and different methods for determining vascular function all confound any clear conclusions on the impact of dietary fat and individual fatty acids on vascular function.


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Scope Diets low in fruits and vegetables (FV) are responsible for 2.7 million deaths from cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and certain cancers annually. Many FV and their juices contain flavonoids, some of which increase endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) activity. A single nucleotide polymorphism in the eNOS gene, where thymine (T) replaces guanine (G) at position 894 predicting substitution of glutamate for aspartate at codon 298 (Glu298Asp), has been associated with increased CVD risk due to effects on nitric oxide synthesis and subsequently vascular reactivity. Individuals can be homozygous for guanine (GG), thymine (TT) or heterozygous (GT). Methods and results We investigated the effects of acute ingestion of a FV-puree-based-drink (FVPD) on vasodilation and antioxidant status in subjects retrospectively genotyped for this polymorphism. Healthy volunteers (n = 24; 11 GG, 11 GT, 2 TT) aged 30–70 were recruited to a randomized, controlled, crossover, acute study. We showed that acute consumption of 400 mL FVPD differentially affected individuals depending on their genotype. There was a significant genotype interaction for endothelium-dependent vasodilation measured by laser Doppler imaging with iontophoresis (P < 0.05) and ex vivo low-density lipoproteins (LDL) oxidation (P = 0.002). GG subjects had increased endothelium-dependent vasodilation 180 min (P = 0.028) and reduced ex vivo LDL oxidation (P = 0.013) after 60 min after FVPD compared with control, no differences were observed in GT subjects. Conclusion eNOS Glu298Asp genotype differentially affects vasodilation and ex vivo LDL oxidation after consumption of FV in the form of a puree-based drink.


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Although there are reports concerning a vascular adaptive response to stress in males, this is not yet defined in females. The aim of this study was to delineate functional gender differences in the rat vascular adaptive response to stress and to determine the ability of sex hormones to modulate the stress-induced vascular adaptive response. Responses to noradrenaline were evaluated in aortas, with and without endothelium, from intact, gonadectomized and gonadectomized-hormone-replaced males and females submitted or not to stress (2-h immobilization). Reactivity of the aorta of stressed and non-stressed intact males and females (n = 6-14 per group) was also examined in the presence of L-NAME or indomethacin. Stress decreased and gonadectomy increased maximal responses to noradrenaline in aortas with intact endothelium from both genders. Stress also reduced noradrenaline potency in males. In females, but not males, stress decreased the gonadectomy-induced noradrenaline hyper-reactivity to near that of intact non-stressed rats. Hormone replacement restored the gonadectomy-induced impaired vascular adaptive response to stress. L-NAME, but not indomethacin, abolished the stress-induced decrease in aorta reactivity of males and females. None of the procedures altered reactivity of aortas denuded of endothelium. Conclusion: Stress-induced vascular adaptive responses show gender differences. The magnitude of the adaptive response is dependent on testicular hormones and involves endothelial nitric oxide-system hyperactivity.


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Abstract Introduction Several studies link hematological dysfunction to severity of sepsis. Previously we showed that platelet-derived microparticles from septic patients induce vascular cell apoptosis through the NADPH oxidase-dependent release of superoxide. We sought to further characterize the microparticle-dependent vascular injury pathway. Methods During septic shock there is increased generation of thrombin, TNF-α and nitric oxide (NO). Human platelets were exposed for 1 hour to the NO donor diethylamine-NONOate (0.5 μM), lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 100 ng/ml), TNF-α (40 ng/ml), or thrombin (5 IU/ml). Microparticles were recovered through filtration and ultracentrifugation and analyzed by electron microscopy, flow cytometry or Western blotting for protein identification. Redox activity was characterized by lucigenin (5 μM) or coelenterazine (5 μM) luminescence and by 4,5-diaminofluorescein (10 mM) and 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein (10 mM) fluorescence. Endothelial cell apoptosis was detected by phosphatidylserine exposure and by measurement of caspase-3 activity with an enzyme-linked immunoassay. Results Size, morphology, high exposure of the tetraspanins CD9, CD63, and CD81, together with low phosphatidylserine, showed that platelets exposed to NONOate and LPS, but not to TNF-α or thrombin, generate microparticles similar to those recovered from septic patients, and characterize them as exosomes. Luminescence and fluorescence studies, and the use of specific inhibitors, revealed concomitant superoxide and NO generation. Western blots showed the presence of NO synthase II (but not isoforms I or III) and of the NADPH oxidase subunits p22phox, protein disulfide isomerase and Nox. Endothelial cells exposed to the exosomes underwent apoptosis and caspase-3 activation, which were inhibited by NO synthase inhibitors or by a superoxide dismutase mimetic and totally blocked by urate (1 mM), suggesting a role for the peroxynitrite radical. None of these redox properties and proapoptotic effects was evident in microparticles recovered from platelets exposed to thrombin or TNF-α. Conclusion We showed that, in sepsis, NO and bacterial elements are responsible for type-specific platelet-derived exosome generation. Those exosomes have an active role in vascular signaling as redox-active particles that can induce endothelial cell caspase-3 activation and apoptosis by generating superoxide, NO and peroxynitrite. Thus, exosomes must be considered for further developments in understanding and treating vascular dysfunction in sepsis.


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Glukokortikoide (GCs) stellen wichtige Hormone in der Regulation der metabolischen Homöostase dar. Synthetische GCs, wie Dexamethasone (DEX), spielen eine essentielle Rolle in der Behandlung inflammatorischer Krankheiten. Jedoch sind unter einer Dexamethason-Therapie zahlreiche Nebenwirkungen bekannt, so z.B. auch die Entwicklung einer Hypertonie, in deren Pathogenese oxidativer Stress eine entscheidende Rolle spielt. Obwohl sich in den vergangenen Jahren zahlreiche Studien zum Ziel setzten die GC-induzierte Hypertonie (GC-HT) aufzuklären, sind die genauen Mechanismen bis heute unklar. Eine erhöhte Expression von NADPH Oxidasen (Nox) und eine Entkopplung der endothelialen NO Synthase (eNOS), die Hauptquellen reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) im vaskulären System, tragen maßgeblich zur Pathogenese kardiovaskulärer Erkrankungen bei. Daher ist eine Beteiligung dieser Enzyme in GC-induziertem oxidativen Stress sehr wahrscheinlich. Folglich wurde die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass NADPH Oxidasen und eine entkoppelte eNOS die vielversprechendsten unter den zahlreichen involvierten pro- und anti-oxidativen Enzymen sind. Mit Fokus auf die oben genannten Systeme wurde in der vorliegenden Studie der Effekt von DEX mit Hilfe von in vivo (WKY Ratten) ebenso wie in vitro Experimenten (A7r5 und EA.hy 926 Zellen) untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich, dass Nox1, Nox4 und p22phox durch DEX unterschiedlich reguliert wurden. Nox1 wurde hoch-, Nox4 hingegen herunterreguliert, während p22phox unverändert blieb. Die Modufikation schien hierbei auf transkriptioneller und post-transkriptioneller Ebene stattzufinden. Durch die gegensätzliche Regulation von Nox1 und Nox4 bleibt die Nettowirkung der verschiedenen Nox Isoformen unklar. Immer mehr Studien bringen vaskulären oxidativen Stress mit der Pathogenese einer GC-HT in Zusammenhang, welche letztendlich zu einer verminderten Bioverfügbarkeit von Stickstoffmonoxid (NO) führt. Durch die eNOS produziertes NO stellt einen essentiellen Schutzfaktor der Blutgefäße dar. Eine verminderte NO-Bioverfügbarkeit könnte die Folge einer eNOS-Entkopplung darstellen, ausgelöst durch oxidativen Stress. Da die Verfügbarkeit von Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) entscheident ist für die Aktivität und enzymatische Kopplung der eNOS, beschäftigt sich die vorliegende Arbeit mit GC-induzierten Veränderungen in der BH4-Versorgung. Die Behandlung von EA.hy 926 Zellen mit DEX führte zu einer zeit- und konzentrationsabhängigen Herunterregulation von eNOS auf mRNA- und Proteinebene. Gleichzeitig wurde die Phosphorylierung an Serine1177 vermindert. Als maßgeblicher “Kopplungs-Schalter” kann BH4 endogen über zwei verschiedene Signalwege synthetisiert werden, welche durch die Enzyme GCH1 und DHFR reguliert werden. DEX führte zu einer zeit- und konzentrationsabhängigen Herunterregulation von BH4, BH2 und Biopterin, wobei ebenso das BH4 / BH2 -Verhältnis vermindert wurde. Beide Enzyme, GCH1 genauso wie DHFR, wurden auf mRNA- und Proteinebene herunterreguliert, was auf einen Effekt von GCs auf beide rnBH4-produzierenden Signalwege schließen lässt. Nach Behandlung mit DEX wurde die Produktion von NO in Endothelzellen maßgeblich vermindert. In ROS-Messungen zeigte sich eine Tendenz hin zu einer eNOS-Entkopplung, jedoch war es mit unserem experimentellen Aufbau nicht möglich, diese endgültig zu beweisen.rnZusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die Behandlung mit GCs zu Veränderungen in beiden untersuchten Systemen, den NADPH Oxidasen ebenso wie dem eNOS-NO System, führte. DEX erhöhte die Expression von Nox1 in glatten Muskelzellen und reduzierte die Nox4-Expression in Endothelzellen. Gleichzeitig verminderte DEX die Verfügbarkeit von BH4 und inhibierte die Phosphorylierung / Aktivität von eNOS. Mithilfe weiterer Studien muss die endgültige Beteiligung von NADPH Oxidasen und einer eNOS-Entkopplung an oxidativem Stress in GC-HT abschließend aufgeklärt werden.rn


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Cytosolic CuZn-SOD (SOD1) is a dimeric, carbohydrate-free enzyme with a molecular weight of about 32 kDa and also circulates in human blood plasma. Due to its molecular mass it has been believed that the enzyme cannot penetrate the cell membrane. Here we report that rapid endocytosis of FITC-CuZn-SOD into human endothelial cells occurs within 5 min. Moreover, relaxation of rat aortic rings in response to CuZn-SOD is associated with a lag time of 45-60 s and only observed in the presence of intact endothelial cells. The results indicate acute and rapid endothelial cell endocytosis of CuZn-SOD, possibly via activation of a receptor-mediated pathway. Intracellular uptake via endocytosis may contribute to the vascular effects of CuZn-SOD, including vasodilation, and is likely to play a role in regulation of vascular tone and diseases such as atherosclerosis.


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OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to examine determinants of excess coronary artery disease risk in UK South Asians, more prevalent in this population than UK Caucasians, by examining differences in risk factors, vascular function, and endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs). METHODS AND RESULTS: 24 South Asian and 25 Caucasian healthy age-matched nonsmoking men were studied. Vascular function was assessed by flow-mediated and GTN brachial artery dilatation and blood flow responses to infusion of ACh, SNP, and L-NMMA. EPC number and function were measured by flow cytometry (CD34, CD133, and KDR positive cells), and CFU/migration assays. Traditional risk factors and anthropometric measurements were similar in the groups. South Asians had higher fasting insulin levels (6.01 versus 3.62 microU/mL; P = 0.02). South Asians had lower FMD (6.9 versus 8.5%; P = 0.003), L-NMMA response (0.8 versus 1.3 mL/min/100 mL; P = 0.03), mean SNP response (9.5+/-0.6 versus 11.6+/-0.6; P = 0.02), EPC number (0.046+/-0.005% versus 0.085+/-0.009%; P = < 0.001), and CFU ability (CFU 4.29+/-1.57 versus 18.86+/-4.00; P = 0.005). EPC number was the strongest predictor of FMD. Ethnicity was the strongest predictor of EPC number. CONCLUSIONS: Healthy South Asian men are more insulin resistant, and demonstrate endothelial dysfunction and reduced EPC number and function compared with Caucasians. These abnormalities may contribute to their increased CAD risk.


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We showed recently that low molecular weight dextran sulfate (DXS) acts as an endothelial cell (EC) protectant and prevents human complement- and NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity towards porcine cells in vitro. We therefore hypothesized that DXS, combined with cyclosporine A (CyA), could prevent acute vascular rejection (AVR) in the hamster-to-rat cardiac xenotransplantation model. Untreated, CyA-only, and DXS-only treated rats rejected their grafts within 4-5 days. Of the hearts grafted into rats receiving DXS in combination with CyA, 28% survived more than 30 days. Deposition of anti-hamster antibodies and complement was detected in long-term surviving grafts. Combined with the expression of hemoxygenase 1 (HO-1) on graft EC, these results indicate that accommodation had occurred. Complement activity was normal in rat sera after DXS injection, and while systemic inhibition of the coagulation cascade was observed 1 h after DXS injection, it was absent after 24 h. Moreover, using a fluorescein-labeled DXS (DXS-Fluo) injected 1 day after surgery, we observed a specific binding of DXS-Fluo to the xenograft endothelium. In conclusion, we show here that DXS + CyA induces long-term xenograft survival and we provide evidence that DXS might act as a local EC protectant also in vivo.


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The adhesive mechanisms allowing hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPC) homing to the bone marrow (BM) after BM transplantation are poorly understood. We investigated the role of endothelial selectins and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) in this process. Lethally irradiated recipient mice deficient in both P-and E-selectins (P/E−/−), reconstituted with minimal numbers (≤5 × 104) of wild-type BM cells, poorly survived the procedure compared with wild-type recipients. Excess mortality in P/E−/− mice, after a lethal dose of irradiation, was likely caused by a defect of HPC homing. Indeed, we observed that the recruitment of HPC to the BM was reduced in P/E−/− animals, either splenectomized or spleen-intact. Homing into the BM of P/E−/− recipient mice was further compromised when a function-blocking VCAM-1 antibody was administered. Circulating HPC, 14 hr after transplantation, were greatly increased in P/E−/− mice treated with anti-VCAM-1 compared with P/E−/− mice treated with just IgG or wild-type mice treated with either anti-VCAM-1 or IgG. Our results indicate that endothelial selectins play an important role in HPC homing to the BM. Optimal recruitment of HPC after lethal doses of irradiation requires the combined action of both selectins and VCAM-1 expressed on endothelium of the BM.


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Conjugation of drugs with antibodies to surface endothelial antigens is a potential strategy for drug delivery to endothelium. We studied antibodies to platelet-endothelial adhesion molecule 1 (PECAM-1, a stably expressed endothelial antigen) as carriers for vascular immunotargeting. Although 125I-labeled anti-PECAM bound to endothelial cells in culture, the antibody was poorly internalized by the cells and accumulated poorly after intravenous administration in mice and rats. However, conjugation of biotinylated anti-PECAM (b-anti-PECAM) with streptavidin (SA) markedly stimulated uptake and internalization of anti-PECAM by endothelial cells and by cells expressing PECAM. In addition, conjugation with streptavidin markedly stimulated uptake of 125I-labeled b-anti-PECAM in perfused rat lungs and in the lungs of intact animals after either intravenous or intraarterial injection. The antioxidant enzyme catalase conjugated with b-anti-PECAM/SA bound to endothelial cells in culture, entered the cells, escaped intracellular degradation, and protected the cells against H2O2-induced injury. Anti-PECAM/SA/125I-catalase accumulated in the lungs after intravenous injection or in the perfused rat lungs and protected these lungs against H2O2-induced injury. Thus, modification of a poor carrier antibody with biotin and SA provides an approach for facilitation of antibody-mediated drug targeting. Anti-PECAM/SA is a promising candidate for vascular immunotargeting of bioactive drugs.