917 resultados para Variedades naturalizadas


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A ferrugem de espécies de Capsicum spp. (pimenta e pimentão), é causada pelo fungo Puccinia pampeana, pode causar perdas totais em plantios de diversas espécies de Capsicum, onde preodminam temperaturas ao redor de 21ºC. Esta ferrugem, mesmo sendo específica do gênero Capsicum, e mesmo muitas espécies dentro deste gênero sendo suscetíveis, algumas apresentam reação de hipersensibilidade. Foi o caso de Capsicum annuum (pimenta cv. Cayenne) e C. chinense (pimenta cv. Habañero), que após a formação dos espermogônios (11 dias), apresentou manchas necróticas na região periférica aos espermogônios, aos 15 dias após a inoculação, não havendo evolução da infecção. Também foi observada reação de hipersensibilidade, de forma mais moderada em folhas C. annuum (pimenta serrano) e C. baccatum (chapéu-de-frade). Com relação às outras solanáceas inoculadas (jiló e berinjela) não foram observados os sintomas e sinais da infecção.


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Avaliaram-se sob cultivo protegido na Fazenda Experimental São Manuel (FCA/UNESP, Câmpus de Botucatu) quatro variedades (Branco Colonião, Caipira Hortec, Prêmio e Rubi) e três híbridos (Caipira AG-221, Guarani AG-370 e Safira) de pepino tipo caipira em duas épocas: verão e inverno. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e cinco plantas por parcela. O híbrido Safira foi o mais produtivo na semeadura de verão (41,3 frutos por planta), enquanto no inverno `Prêmio' produziu menor número de frutos comercias (6,7 frutos por planta) que todos os demais. Iniciaram-se as colheitas, em média, 51 e 87 dias após a semeadura no verão e no inverno respectivamente. Os híbridos foram mais precoces que as variedades na semeadura de verão. Os frutos passavam do ponto mais rapidamente no cultivo de verão, apresentando maior massa média. Concluiu-se que o híbrido Safira foi o melhor para o cultivo no verão, enquanto no inverno a produtividade de todas as cultivares foi muito prejudicada.


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Objetivou-se avaliar alternativas de preparo da amostra e os métodos quantitativos para a determinação do teor de óleo em frutos de limão. Os tratamentos foram avaliados por meio do delineamento estatístico inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2x2x6, com quatro repetições, sendo duas variedades-copa de limoeiro verdadeiro ('Siciliano' e 'Eureka'), dois métodos analíticos para a determinação do teor de óleo (Scott e Clevenger) e seis formas de preparo dos frutos para análise (análise do fruto inteiro; frutos cortados na longitudinal e análise de ¼; frutos cortados na longitudinal e análise de ¹/2; frutos cortados ao meio e análise da parte superior; frutos cortados ao meio e análise da parte inferior; e análise de ²/8 do fruto). O método denominado de Clevenger foi o mais eficiente na determinação do teor de óleo essencial, e as formas de preparo de amostras ½ inferior, ½ superior, ¼ longitudinal e ½ longitudinal dos frutos proporcionaram valores superiores de óleo essencial.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Diferenças inter e intra-específicas na habilidade de suportar períodos de estresse nutricional podem dever-se à capacidade de armazenar e liberar íons dos vacúolos, e, ou, à intensidade de retranslocação de nutrientes em tais condições. Neste trabalho, pretendeu-se avaliar diferenças varietais quanto ao tamanho do pool não-metabólico de Pi; velocidade de liberação do Pi previamente armazenado (VLPi), quando o P citoplasmático cai a um valor limite; capacidade de transportar Pi de regiões menos ativas para aquelas mais ativas metabolicamente e definir compartimentos que são preferencialmente fontes e os que são preferencialmente drenos para o Pi, em condições de absorção limitada de P. Avaliaram-se a produção de matéria seca e os teores internos de Pi, orgânico (Po) e total solúvel em ácido (Pts), de diferentes órgãos de plantas dos cultivares de soja (Glycine max L. Merrill) Santa Rosa, Uberaba, IAC8, Doko e UFV1, submetidos a oito dias de omissão do elemento. A VLPi foi estimada como tangente às equações obtidas para Pi como função do perído de omissão no ponto médio do período de omissão em que houve maior decréscimo em Pi (zero a quatro dias de omissão de P), t = dois dias, considerando-se que -deltaPi/deltat expressa a velocidade de liberação de Pi. A capacidade interna de tamponamento de Pi (CTIPi) foi calculada como o inverso da VLPi. O cultivar Santa Rosa apresentou maior capacidade de armazenar Pi, quando o suprimento externo foi alto, liberando-o mais intensamente sob condições de baixo suprimento de P que os cultivares IAC8 e UFV1. O cultivar Uberaba mostrou-se superior ao Doko em sua habilidade de armazenar e utilizar o Pi. Folhas superiores mostraram ser o principal dreno para o Pi armazenado em folhas medianas e inferiores, seguidas por raízes e caules. Raízes comportaram-se como fontes ou drenos para o Pi. Raízes e folhas superiores apresentaram maiores (VLPi) e menores valores de CTIPi que folhas medianas e folhas inferiores, sendo o caule o compartimento com menor VLPi e maior CTIPi. Dentre as variedades, as diferenças foram pequenas, destacando-se a maior VLPi e menor CTIPi do cultivar Santa Rosa. O cultivar Doko apresentou a menor VLPi e maior CTIPi, enquanto Uberaba, IAC8 e UFV1 ocuparam posição intermediária quanto a essas características.


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Brazil is one of the major centers of diversity for polyploid cotton plants; these plants belong to the genus Gossypium, which has three known species: G. hirsutum, G. barbadense and G. mustelinum. The Northeast is the only region where the three species occur, the last group being endemic. Northeast s cotton plants can be important sources of variability for genetic breeding. It is believed that great part of local diversity is being lost, due to economic, political, cultural and agricultural problems. In an attempt to mitigate this loss and delineate conservation strategies it is necessary to know how the species are found where they occur. The objective was to characterize and determine how plants are maintained in situ in the states of Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte and Paraíba at the beginning of the XXI century. The in situ characterization of G. hirsutum and G. barbadense was conducted through structured interviews with the cotton plants owners and through the analysis of the environment. The data were collected during expeditions undertaken between the years 2004 to 2005. Twenty-two plants were collected in the state of Paraíba, forty-four in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, one hundred and forty-six in the state of Ceará, forty in the state of Maranhão and ninety-one plants in the state of Piauí. All plants collected in the states of Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte belonged to moco type. Moco cotton plants also predominated in the other states, representing 92%, 62% and 78% of plants collected in Ceará, Piauí and Maranhão, respectively. The other cotton plants collected belong to the species G. barbadense. The cotton plants were found in situ as dooryard plants, roads side, feral populations, cultivation or local varieties. Great part were dooryard plants (45.2%), being major in Piauí and Maranhão. Cultivation predominated in Ceará; in Rio Grande do Norte feral populations were the most frequent and, in Paraíba, local varieties. The maintenance of moco plants is related, mainly, to the phytotherapic domestic use (20.9%) and to confection of lamp wicks (29.7%). Few inhabitants in Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte, Piauí and none in Maranhão used harvest the plants, storage the seeds or gin; however, in Ceará, 40.5% of owners affirmed that they harvested and commercialized the fiber. It was found that the maintenance of species is dependent of the fragile cultural habits of local inhabitants, therefore the maintenance in situ is not a suitable way to conservation of genetic resources. The efforts must be directed to the continuity of collections, maintenance and characterization ex situ


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Sugarcane is one of the most important products of the world and Brazil is responsible for 25 % of the world production. One problem of this culture at northeast of Brazil is the early flowering. In our laboratory, it has been made before four subtractive libraries using early and late flowering genotypes in order to identify messages related to the flowering process. In this work, two cDNAs were chosen to make in silico analysis and overexpression constructs. Another approach to understand the flowering process in sugarcane was to use proteomic tools. First, the protocol for protein extraction using apical meristem was set up. After that, these proteins were separated on two bidimensional gels. It was possible to observe some difference for some regions of these gels as well as some proteins that can be found in all conditions. The next step, spots will be isolated and sequence on MS spectrometry in order to understand this physiological process in sugarcane


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The northeastern region is responsible to 14.32% of sugarcane national production. This lowered contribution is due to edaphoclimatic condition. Flowering is a vital process to plant which consumes lots of energy and it culminates in a process called isoporization. This one can give in a decreasing of 60% on alcohol and water production. It may consider that cropped sugarcane has a hibrid with octaploid genome, there are varieties with a flowering standard until of non flowering. Using this natural genetic potential on different croppings of sugarcane, the aim of this work was to understand as this process occurs by the usage of subtractive approaches. The total RNA was extracted using Trizol of peaks of merisematics of croppings with induced flowering and other with late flowering. From this total RNA were built four subtractives libraries (B1- induced early flowering subtracted on late flowering not induced; B2- late flowering not induced subtracted induced early flowering; B3- induced early flowering subtracted of not induced early flowering; B02- not induced early flowering subtracted from induced early flowering) using kits Super Smart cDNA synthesis and BD Clontech kit select cDNA subtraction (Clontech). This material was clone don vector pGEM T-easy(Promega) and changed in competent cells of E.coli DH10B. Given analysis sequence was carried out a program BLASTn against database of NCBI and genome of Arabidopsis thaliana, rice and maize. Clones were grouped in 9 different classes according to function. Some factors already related as couples of flower induction were identified at different libraries. And grouped proteins with cell cycle and it controls were presents, mainly kinases proteins. Related factors to proteic sinthesis, metabolism, defence, cell communication were also given in both libraries .Some identified genes did not show similarity on database or homology with hypothesis function, and it can represents new genes to be deposited in international database. These results offers that some identified on sugarcane, classified as on factors classes, cell cycle and cell communication, trough unknown genes, can be linked with genetic changing to the flowering process found in the northeastern region


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This research was conducted with the aim to study the genetic and pathogenic structure of Ramularia areola isolates collected in Brazil and to characterize the resistance response in cotton plants to ramularia spot. The genetic variability of 28 isolates of R. areola was studied using RAPD markers. The pathogenicity evaluation was realized by the inoculation of 6 isolates on cotton varieties Guazuncho-2 (Gossypium hirsutum) and VH8-4602 (Gossypium barbadense). The inheritance of disease resistance was studied using an artificially inoculated population of F2 individuals derived from the intercross of Guazuncho-2 (susceptible variety) end VH8-4602 (resistant variety), and also the parents and F1 individuals. Molecular polymorphism between the G. hisutum varieties DeltaOpal (suscetible) and CNPA CO-11612 (resistant) was estimated by 118 SSR and 24 AFLP markers. The parental genotypes Guazuncho-2 and VH8-4602 were selected for mapping, and then Recombinant Inbred Lines (RIL´s) derived from this crossing were evaluated with SSR 12 markers. The analysis of population structure of R. areola revealed that the three subpopulations were genetically simillar (Gst=0.18), and the isolates from Goiás and Minas Gerais were more similar to each other (0,92). This probability can be related to the relatively high gene flow among the three subpopulations (Nm=2.20). The isolates R. areola 9.1, from Minas Gerais State and 8.1 and 8.3 from Goiás State were the most aggressive ones to the susceptible variety Guazuncho-2. The variety VH8-4602 presented high level of resistance to ramularia spot. No differential interaction was observed between the pathogens and the analyzed varieties, and the resistance was classified as horizontal. The quantification of disease by number of necrotic lesions and number of spores in individual plants of F1 and F2 generations from the crossing between the varieties Guazuncho-2 and VH8-4602 presented continuous distribution, suggesting polygenic resistance. The resistance is probabilly recessive, since necrotic lesions and sporulation were observed on F1 plants. The molecular polymorphism between DeltaOpal e CNPA CO-11612 lineages was low (6%), then would be difficult to accomplish molecular mapping of disease resistance using this intercross. With the genotyping of the RIL s it was verified that 25% of the markers segregated in the proportions proposed by Mendel s Law and 75% of the studied markers presented segregation distortion in favor to the parental G. hirsutum. Both the low genetic variability of the pathogen and the number of resistance genes suggest that durable genetic resitance may be achieved


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Avaliou-se, sob duas densidades de plantio, um variante somaclonal de porte baixo de bananeira, comparando-o com a variedade Nanicão Jangada que lhe deu origem. Os materiais genéticos 'Nanicão Jangada'(controle) e o variante somaclonal representado pelas seleções 224 e 225 de um ensaio anterior, foram avaliados nos espaçamentos 2,0m X 2,0m (densidade 2500 plantas ha-1) e 3,0m X 2,0m (1666plantas ha-1), na Fazenda de Ensino e Pesquisa da Faculdade de Engenharia - UNESP, Campus de Ilha Solteira-SP. O ensaio foi conduzido em blocos ao acaso com cinco repetições, com utilização de mudas micropropagadas, sob irrigação por gotejamento, no período de dezembro de 1998 a março de 2001, com avaliação dos dois primeiros ciclos de produção. Constatou-se efeito da densidade e do ciclo sobre a produção estimada de frutos sendo que no cultivo mais denso, a média foi de 81,25 t.ha-1 no primeiro ciclo de produção e 67,93 t.ha-1 no segundo ciclo. No cultivo de menor densidade a produção estimada no primeiro ciclo foi de 51,35 t.ha-1 e 44,08 t.ha-1 no segundo. As seleções do variante de porte baixo apresentaram menor altura da planta e mostraram-se relativamente mais precoces e com produção semelhante a cv. Nanicão Jangada no primeiro ciclo. No segundo ciclo houve uma queda na produção do bananal, com maior intensidade para a seleção 225 do variante.


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Los herbicidas glifosato y paraquat son utilizados por los productores de soja con el objetivo de desecar las plantas, anticipar y uniformizar la cosecha. Sin embargo, el uso indiscriminado de herbicidas puede causar problemas eventualmente en las características agronómicas y fisiológicas del cultivo. El presente trabajo tuvo por objetivo evaluar la utilización de los herbicidas glifosato y paraquat como desecantes para el cultivo de la soja. El experimento fue llevado a cabo en el año agrícola 2005/06, en un delineamiento experimental de bloques al azar, con cuatro repeticiones. Los tratamientos fueron dispuestos en dos esquemas factoriales, 3x3x5x2 y 3x2x5x2: dos desecantes (glifosato y paraquat) y un testigo (sin desecación), aplicación de los desecantes en tres y dos estadios fenológicos de las plantas (R6, R7 y R8) y (R7 y R8), para las variedades MSOY 6101 de ciclo superprecoz, y MG/BR 46 (Conquista) de ciclo precoz, respectivamente, cinco épocas de muestreo (2; 4; 6; 8 y 10 días después de la aplicación) y evaluación en dos posiciones en la planta (ápice y base). Fue evaluada la producción de semillas, masa y tenor de agua de 100 semillas. Los desecantes evaluados fueron eficientes en la reducción del tenor de agua de las semillas, sin afectar la productividad y la masa de 100 semillas.


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This paper aims to describe the familiar cotton culture in the districts of Tangará and Triunfo Potiguar, located in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. It relates specific problems that small cotton agriculturists face in the cotton production and sale as well as their perception in relation to public policies that have been put into practice in these districts. The research revealed soils with potentiality for the cotton culture, but that are not being cultivated for anything else but subsistence, not being able to become productive, specifically through the cotton culture. That activity should be practiced so that it preserves the environment and the familiar farmers themselves, since it was verified they are constant1y exposed to health problems due to insecticides use. In what refers to fomentation policies it was observed that bureaucracy delays the liberation of the money destined to production, seeds delivery and other actions related to production and commercialization. Some procedures such as information and training about productivity development and attention with the environrnent and infrastructure are recommended. The results indicate lack of investments, rural credit and technical help, main1y in Triunfo Potiguar. There is unanimity, from the rural farmers of that district in what refers to the desire of improving the production and remaining in that activity. In this sense, the contribution of this research for the most appropriate culture production can be materialized through the technique of tissue's culture, aimed at obtaining plants that are resistant to diseases. The data indicated that the hormonal supplementations used induced regenerative calluses making in vitro morphogenesis possible in alI tested varieties. The use of the activated coal antioxidant was efficient, reducing oxidation, however not suppressing it. The results lead to an opportunity for the familiar tàrmers from Rio Grande do Norte enlarge the cotton culture, because to obtain plants that are resistant to diseases implies in insecticides reduction, propitiating smaller impact to the atmosphere and less cost