986 resultados para Value Functions
We study steady-state correlation functions of nonlinear stochastic processes driven by external colored noise. We present a methodology that provides explicit expressions of correlation functions approximating simultaneously short- and long-time regimes. The non-Markov nature is reduced to an effective Markovian formulation, and the nonlinearities are treated systematically by means of double expansions in high and low frequencies. We also derive some exact expressions for the coefficients of these expansions for arbitrary noise by means of a generalization of projection-operator techniques.
The intensity correlation functions C(t) for the colored-gain-noise model of dye lasers are analyzed and compared with those for the loss-noise model. For correlation times ¿ larger than the deterministic relaxation time td, we show with the use of the adiabatic approximation that C(t) values coincide for both models. For small correlation times we use a method that provides explicit expressions of non-Markovian correlation functions, approximating simultaneously short- and long-time behaviors. Comparison with numerical simulations shows excellent results simultaneously for short- and long-time regimes. It is found that, when the correlation time of the noise increases, differences between the gain- and loss-noise models tend to disappear. The decay of C(t) for both models can be described by a time scale that approaches the deterministic relaxation time. However, in contrast with the loss-noise model, a secondary time scale remains for large times for the gain-noise model, which could allow one to distinguish between both models.
Pedotransfer functions (PTF) were developed to estimate the parameters (α, n, θr and θs) of the van Genuchten model (1980) to describe soil water retention curves. The data came from various sources, mainly from studies conducted by universities in Northeast Brazil, by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) and by a corporation for the development of the São Francisco and Parnaíba river basins (Codevasf), totaling 786 retention curves, which were divided into two data sets: 85 % for the development of PTFs, and 15 % for testing and validation, considered independent data. Aside from the development of general PTFs for all soils together, specific PTFs were developed for the soil classes Ultisols, Oxisols, Entisols, and Alfisols by multiple regression techniques, using a stepwise procedure (forward and backward) to select the best predictors. Two types of PTFs were developed: the first included all predictors (soil density, proportions of sand, silt, clay, and organic matter), and the second only the proportions of sand, silt and clay. The evaluation of adequacy of the PTFs was based on the correlation coefficient (R) and Willmott index (d). To evaluate the PTF for the moisture content at specific pressure heads, we used the root mean square error (RMSE). The PTF-predicted retention curve is relatively poor, except for the residual water content. The inclusion of organic matter as a PTF predictor improved the prediction of parameter a of van Genuchten. The performance of soil-class-specific PTFs was not better than of the general PTF. Except for the water content of saturated soil estimated by particle size distribution, the tested models for water content prediction at specific pressure heads proved satisfactory. Predictions of water content at pressure heads more negative than -0.6 m, using a PTF considering particle size distribution, are only slightly lower than those obtained by PTFs including bulk density and organic matter content.
Studies on water retention and availability are scarce for subtropical or humid temperate climate regions of the southern hemisphere. The aims of this study were to evaluate the relations of the soil physical, chemical, and mineralogical properties with water retention and availability for the generation and validation of continuous point pedotransfer functions (PTFs) for soils of the State of Santa Catarina (SC) in the South of Brazil. Horizons of 44 profiles were sampled in areas under different cover crops and regions of SC, to determine: field capacity (FC, 10 kPa), permanent wilting point (PWP, 1,500 kPa), available water content (AW, by difference), saturated hydraulic conductivity, bulk density, aggregate stability, particle size distribution (seven classes), organic matter content, and particle density. Chemical and mineralogical properties were obtained from the literature. Spearman's rank correlation analysis and path analysis were used in the statistical analyses. The point PTFs for estimation of FC, PWP and AW were generated for the soil surface and subsurface through multiple regression analysis, followed by robust regression analysis, using two sets of predictive variables. Soils with finer texture and/or greater organic matter content retain more moisture, and organic matter is the property that mainly controls the water availability to plants in soil surface horizons. Path analysis was useful in understanding the relationships between soil properties for FC, PWP and AW. The predictive power of the generated PTFs to estimate FC and PWP was good for all horizons, while AW was best estimated by more complex models with better prediction for the surface horizons of soils in Santa Catarina.
The aquatic environment is exposed continuously and increasingly to chemical substances such as pharmaceuticals. These medical compounds are released into the environment after having being consumed and body-excreted by patients. Pharmaceutical residues are synthetic molecules that are not always removed by traditional sewage treatment processes and thus escape degradation. Among pharmaceuticals that escape sewage treatment plants (STPs), the anticancer drugs were measured in STP effluents and natural waters. In the aquatic environment, their long-term effects at low concentrations are sparsely known on non-target species. Tamoxifen is an anticancer drug that is widely prescribed worldwide for the prevention and treatment of hormone receptor-positive breast cancers. Two of its metabolites, i.e., endoxifen and 4-hydroxy- tamoxifen (4OHTam), have high pharmacological potency in vivo and such as tamoxifen, they are excreted via faeces by patients. Tamoxifen was measured in STP effluents and natural waters but, to the best of our knowledge, its metabolites concentrations in waters have never been reported. Imatinib is another and recent anticancer compound that targets specific tumour cells. This pharmaceutical is also body excreted and because of its increasing use in cancer treatment, imatinib may reach the natural water. The effects of tamoxifen and imatinib are unknown upon more than one generation of aquatic species. And the effects of 4OHTam, endoxifen have never been studied in ecotoxicology so far. The aims of this thesis were threefold. First, the sensitivity of D. pulex exposed to tamoxifen, 4OHTam, endoxifen or imatinib was assessed using ecotoxicological experiments. Ecotoxicology is the science that considers the toxic effects of natural or synthetic substances, such as pharmaceuticals, on organisms, populations, community and ecosystem. Acute and multigenerational (2-4 generations) tests were performed on daphnids considering several studied endpoints, such as immobilisation, size, reproduction, viability and intrinsic rate of natural increase. Additional prospective assays were designed to evaluate whether 1) low concentrations of tamoxifen and 4OHTam were able to induce toxic effects when used in combination, and 2) daphnids were able to recover when offspring were withdrawn from solutions carrying the pharmaceutical. Second, the stability of tamoxifen, 4OHTam and endoxifen in incubation medium was evaluated in solution exempted from daphnids. Because the nominal concentrations of tamoxifen, 4OHTam and endoxifen did not correspond to the measured, we provide a predictive method to estimate the concentrations of these chemicals during long-term ecotoxicological tests. Finally, changes in protein expressions were analysed in D. pulex exposed 2 or 7 seven days to tamoxifen using ecotoxicoproteomic experiments with a shot-gun approach inducing a peptide fractionation step. Our results show that tamoxifen, 4OHTam and endoxifen induced adverse effects in D. pulex at environmentally relevant concentrations. At very low concentrations, these molecules displayed unusual and teratogenic effects because morphological abnormalities were observed in offspring, such as thick and short antennas, curved spines, premature neonates and aborted eggs. Tamoxifen was the most toxic compound among the test chemicals, followed by 4OHTam, endoxifen and imatinib. Tamoxifen no-observed effect concentrations (NOECs) that were calculated for size, reproduction and intrinsic rate were below or in the range of the concentrations measured in natural waters, i.e., between 0.12 µg/L and 0.67 µg/L. For instance, the tamoxifen NOECs that were calculated for reproduction were between 0.67 and 0.72 µg/L, whereas the NOEC was < 0.15 µg/L when based on morphological abnormalities. The NOECs of 4OHTam were higher but still in the same order of magnitude as tamoxifen environmental concentrations, with a value of 1.48 µg/L. Endoxifen NOEC for the intrinsic rate of natural increase (r) and the reproduction were 0.4 and 4.3 µg/L, respectively. Daphnids that were withdrawn from tamoxifen and 4OHTam were not able to recover. Also, the reproduction of D. pulex was reduced when the treated animals were exposed to the combination of tamoxifen and 4OHTam while no effects were observed when these chemicals were tested individually at the same concentration. Among the anticancer drugs that were tested during this thesis, imatinib was the less toxic molecule towards D. pulex. No effects on size and reproduction were observed within two generations, except for the first whose reproduction decreased at the highest test concentration, i.e., 626 µg/L. Our results also underline the need to use measured or predicted concentrations instead of the nominal during aquatic experiments, particularly when lipophilic molecules are tested. Indeed, notable differences between nominal (i.e., theoretical) and measured concentrations were found with tamoxifen, 4OHTam and endoxifen at all test concentrations. A cost and time sustainable method was proposed to predict the test exposure levels of these chemicals during long-term experiments. This predictive method was efficient particularly for low concentrations, which corresponded to the test concentrations in multigenerational tests. In the ecotoxicoproteomic experiments a total of 3940 proteins were identified and quantified in D. pulex exposed to tamoxifen. These results are currently the largest dataset from D. pulex that is published and the results of proteomic analyses are available for the scientific community. Among these 3940 proteins, 189 were significantly different from controls. After protein annotation, we assumed that treated daphnids with tamoxifen had shifted cost-energy functions, such as reproduction, to maintain their basic metabolism necessary to survive. This metabolic cost hypothesis was supported by the presence of proteins involved in oxidative stress. Biomarkers for early detection of tamoxifen harmful effects on D. pulex were not discovered but the proteins of the vitellogenin-2 family (E9H8K5) and the ryanodine receptor (E9FTU9) are promising potential biomarkers because their expression was already modified after 2 days of treatment. In this thesis, the effects of tamoxifen, 4OHTam and endoxifen on daphnids raise questions about the potential impact of tamoxifen and 4OHTam in other aquatic ecosystems, and therefore, about metabolites in ecotoxicology. Because the NOECs were environmentally relevant, these results suggest that tamoxifen and 4OHTam may be interesting pharmaceuticals to consider in risk assessment. Our findings also emphasize the importance of performing long-term experiments and of considering multi-endpoints instead of the standard reproductive endpoint. Finally, we open the discussion about the importance to measure test exposures or not, during ecotoxicological studies. -- Les milieux aquatiques sont exposés continuellement à un nombre croissant de substances chimiques, notamment les médicaments issus de la médecine vétérinaire et humaine. Chez les patients, les substances administrées sont utilisées par le corps avant d'être éliminées par l'intermédiaire des excrétas dans le système d'eaux usées de la ville. Ces eaux rejoignent ensuite une station de traitement afin d'y éliminer les déchets. Dans le cas des molécules chimiques, il arrive que les processus de traitement d'eaux usées ne soient pas suffisamment efficaces et que ces molécules ne soient pas dégradées. Elles sont alors libérées dans le milieu aquatique avec les effluents de la station d'épuration. Une fois dans l'environnement, ces résidus de médicaments sont susceptibles d'induire des effets sur la faune et la flore aquatique, dont les conséquences à long terme et à faibles concentrations sont peu connues. Les anticancéreux sont une famille de médicaments qui peuvent échapper aux traitements des stations d'épuration et qui sont retrouvées dans le milieu aquatique naturel. Parmi ces substances, le tamoxifen est une molécule utilisée dans le monde entier pour prévenir et traiter les cancers hormonaux dépendant du sein, notamment. Une fois ingéré, le tamoxifen est transformé par le foie en métabolites dont deux d'entre eux, le 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen (4OHTam) et l'endoxifen, possèdent un affinité pour les récepteurs aux estrogènes et une efficacité sur les cellules tumorales supérieure au tamoxifen lui- même. Tout comme la molécule mère, ces métabolites sont principalement éliminés par l'intermédiaire des fèces. Le tamoxifen a déjà été mesuré dans les effluents de stations d'épuration et dans les eaux naturelles, mais aucune valeur n'a été reportée pour ses métabolites jusqu'à présent. Un autre anticancéreux, également éliminé par voie biliaire et susceptible d'atteindre l'environnement, est l'imatinib. Cette récente molécule a révolutionné le traitement et la survie des patients souffrant de leucémie myéloïde chronique et de tumeur stromales gastrointestinales. Les effets du tamoxifen et de l'imatinib sur plusieurs générations d'organismes aquatiques, tels que les microcrustacés Daphnia, sont inconnus et le 4OHTam et l'endoxifen n'ont même jamais été testés en écotoxicologie. Cette thèse s'est articulée autour de trois objectifs principaux. Premièrement, la sensibilité des D. pulex exposés au tamoxifen, 4OHTam, endoxifen et imatinib a été évaluée par l'intermédiaire de tests aigus et de tests sur deux à quatre générations. La mobilité, la taille, la reproduction, la viabilité et la croissance potentielle de la population ont été relevées au cours de ces expériences. Des tests supplémentaires, à but prospectifs, ont également été réalisés afin d'évaluer 1) la capacité de récupération des daphnies, lorsque leurs descendants ont été placés dans un milieu exempté de tamoxifen ou de 4OHTam, 2) les effets chez les daphnies exposées à une solution contenant de faibles concentration de tamoxifen et de 4OHTam mélangés. Le deuxième objectif a été d'évaluer la stabilité du tamoxifen, 4OHTam et endoxifen dilué dans le milieu des daphnies. Après analyses, les concentrations mesurées ne correspondaient pas aux concentrations nominales (c.-à-d., théoriques) et il a été nécessaire de développer une méthode efficace de prédiction des niveaux d'exposition lors de tests de longue durée réalisés avec ces trois molécules. Finalement, des changements dans l'expression des protéines chez des daphnies exposées au tamoxifen ont été investigués par l'intermédiaire d'expériences écotoxicoprotéomiques avec une approche dite de shot-gun avec une étape de fractionnement des protéines. Les résultats obtenus dans cette thèse montrent que le tamoxifen, le 4OHTam et l'endoxifen induisent des effets indésirables chez les daphnies à des niveaux d'exposition proches ou identiques aux concentrations du tamoxifen mesurées dans l'environnement, c'est-à-dire 0.12 et 0.67 µg/L de tamoxifen. Ces molécules ont induit des effets inhabituels tels que la production de : nouveau-nés anormaux, avec des antennes et des queues déformées, des prématurés et des oeufs avortés. Le tamoxifen fut la molécule la plus toxique pour les D. pulex suivie du 4OHTam, de l'endoxifen et enfin de l'imatinib. Lors des expériences sur plusieurs générations, les concentrations n'ayant statistiquement pas d'effet (c.à.d. NOEC en anglais) sur la taille, la reproduction et la croissance intrinsèque de la population étaient du même ordre de grandeur que les concentrations environnementales du tamoxifen. Par exemple, les NOECs du tamoxifen calculées pour la reproduction étaient de 0.67 et 0.72 µg/L, tandis que celle calculée sur la base des anomalies chez les nouveau-nés était < 0.15 µg/L. Les NOECs du 4OHTam se situaient entre 0.16 et 1.48 µg/L et celles de l'endoxifen pour la croissance intrinsèque de la population, ainsi que pour la reproduction, étaient de 0.4 et 4.3 µg/L, respectivement. Dans l'expérience basée sur la récupération des daphnies, la taille et la reproduction ont diminué bien que la descendance fût placée dans un milieu sans substances chimiques. Les daphnies exposées au mélange de tamoxifen et de 4OHTam ont produit moins de nouveau-nés que les contrôles, alors que ces concentrations n'ont pas induit d'effets lorsque testées individuellement. Finalement, l'imatinib n'a pas montré d'effets sur les deux générations testées. Seule la première génération exposée à la plus haute concentration (626 µg/L) a montré une diminution de la reproduction. Les résultats obtenus lors de l'évaluation de la stabilité du tamoxifen, 4OHTam et endoxifen dans le milieu des daphnies ont souligné l'importance d'utiliser des concentrations mesurées ou prédites en écotoxicologie. En effet, des différences notables entre concentrations nominales et mesurées ont été observées à toutes les concentrations et l'hypothèse d'un phénomène d'adsorption sur le verre des récipients a été posée. De ce fait, il a été nécessaire d'élaborer une méthode prédictive efficace et acceptable, en terme de temps et de coûts. Une régression polynomiale basée sur des concentrations mesurées et nominales a permis de prédire avec efficacité les faibles niveaux d'exposition utilisés lors d'expériences écotoxicologiques à long terme, sur plusieurs générations. Suite aux expériences d'écotoxicoprotéomiques, un total de 3940 protéines ont été identifiées et quantifiées chez des daphnies exposées au tamoxifen. Ce nombre est actuellement la plus large série de données publiées et mises à disposition pour la communauté scientifique. Parmi ces protéines, 189 sont significatives et possiblement reliées à des processus de reproduction et de stress. Sur cette base, nous avons émis l'hypothèse que les individus subissant un stress, lié à l'exposition au tamoxifen, ont utilisé leur énergie de base pour favoriser leur survie plutôt que la reproduction. Enfin, la détermination de bio-marqueurs exprimant des dommages précoces des daphnies exposées au tamoxifen n'a pas abouti en tant que telle, mais des protéines prometteuses, telle que la famille de viellogenin-2 (E9H8K5) et le récepteur à la ryanodine (E9FTU9), ont été exprimées après deux jours d'exposition déjà. Ces protéines pourraient faire l'objet d'investigations écotoxicoprotéomiques futures. Les résultats de cette thèse posent certaines questions quant au risque du tamoxifen, du 4OHTam et de l'endoxifen sur la faune et la flore aquatique et plus particulièrement sur les anticancéreux présents dans l'environnement. Les effets toxiques de ces molécules ont été observés à des concentrations environnementales et sur plusieurs générations. La question de considérer les métabolites, et ainsi les pro-médicaments, en écotoxicologie est soulevée, notamment parce que ces molécules peuvent être plus actives et efficaces que la molécule mère. Les expériences chroniques, sur plusieurs générations sont également à favoriser car elles offrent un meilleur reflet de la réalité environnementale que des essais aigus ou d'une génération. L'utilisation de la protéomique permet d'agrandir les connaissances sur les effets des médicaments à un niveau inférieur de l'organisation biologique et ainsi, de mieux comprendre de potentiels mécanismes d'action ou de déterminer de potentiels biomarqueurs. Finalement, il semble important de discuter de l'opportunité de mesurer les concentrations qui sont testées en écotoxicologie afin de ne pas sous-estimer le risque pour la faune et la flore aquatique.
An algorithm for computing correlation filters based on synthetic discriminant functions that can be displayed on current spatial light modulators is presented. The procedure is nondivergent, computationally feasible, and capable of producing multiple solutions, thus overcoming some of the pitfalls of previous methods.
Over the past three decades, pedotransfer functions (PTFs) have been widely used by soil scientists to estimate soils properties in temperate regions in response to the lack of soil data for these regions. Several authors indicated that little effort has been dedicated to the prediction of soil properties in the humid tropics, where the need for soil property information is of even greater priority. The aim of this paper is to provide an up-to-date repository of past and recently published articles as well as papers from proceedings of events dealing with water-retention PTFs for soils of the humid tropics. Of the 35 publications found in the literature on PTFs for prediction of water retention of soils of the humid tropics, 91 % of the PTFs are based on an empirical approach, and only 9 % are based on a semi-physical approach. Of the empirical PTFs, 97 % are continuous, and 3 % (one) is a class PTF; of the empirical PTFs, 97 % are based on multiple linear and polynomial regression of n th order techniques, and 3 % (one) is based on the k-Nearest Neighbor approach; 84 % of the continuous PTFs are point-based, and 16 % are parameter-based; 97 % of the continuous PTFs are equation-based PTFs, and 3 % (one) is based on pattern recognition. Additionally, it was found that 26 % of the tropical water-retention PTFs were developed for soils in Brazil, 26 % for soils in India, 11 % for soils in other countries in America, and 11 % for soils in other countries in Africa.
Knowledge of the soil water retention curve (SWRC) is essential for understanding and modeling hydraulic processes in the soil. However, direct determination of the SWRC is time consuming and costly. In addition, it requires a large number of samples, due to the high spatial and temporal variability of soil hydraulic properties. An alternative is the use of models, called pedotransfer functions (PTFs), which estimate the SWRC from easy-to-measure properties. The aim of this paper was to test the accuracy of 16 point or parametric PTFs reported in the literature on different soils from the south and southeast of the State of Pará, Brazil. The PTFs tested were proposed by Pidgeon (1972), Lal (1979), Aina & Periaswamy (1985), Arruda et al. (1987), Dijkerman (1988), Vereecken et al. (1989), Batjes (1996), van den Berg et al. (1997), Tomasella et al. (2000), Hodnett & Tomasella (2002), Oliveira et al. (2002), and Barros (2010). We used a database that includes soil texture (sand, silt, and clay), bulk density, soil organic carbon, soil pH, cation exchange capacity, and the SWRC. Most of the PTFs tested did not show good performance in estimating the SWRC. The parametric PTFs, however, performed better than the point PTFs in assessing the SWRC in the tested region. Among the parametric PTFs, those proposed by Tomasella et al. (2000) achieved the best accuracy in estimating the empirical parameters of the van Genuchten (1980) model, especially when tested in the top soil layer.
The semiclassical Einstein-Langevin equations which describe the dynamics of stochastic perturbations of the metric induced by quantum stress-energy fluctuations of matter fields in a given state are considered on the background of the ground state of semiclassical gravity, namely, Minkowski spacetime and a scalar field in its vacuum state. The relevant equations are explicitly derived for massless and massive fields arbitrarily coupled to the curvature. In doing so, some semiclassical results, such as the expectation value of the stress-energy tensor to linear order in the metric perturbations and particle creation effects, are obtained. We then solve the equations and compute the two-point correlation functions for the linearized Einstein tensor and for the metric perturbations. In the conformal field case, explicit results are obtained. These results hint that gravitational fluctuations in stochastic semiclassical gravity have a non-perturbative behavior in some characteristic correlation lengths.
A systematic time-dependent perturbation scheme for classical canonical systems is developed based on a Wick's theorem for thermal averages of time-ordered products. The occurrence of the derivatives with respect to the canonical variables noted by Martin, Siggia, and Rose implies that two types of Green's functions have to be considered, the propagator and the response function. The diagrams resulting from Wick's theorem are "double graphs" analogous to those introduced by Dyson and also by Kawasaki, in which the response-function lines form a "tree structure" completed by propagator lines. The implication of a fluctuation-dissipation theorem on the self-energies is analyzed and compared with recent results by Deker and Haake.
We propose a criterion for the validity of semiclassical gravity (SCG) which is based on the stability of the solutions of SCG with respect to quantum metric fluctuations. We pay special attention to the two-point quantum correlation functions for the metric perturbations, which contain both intrinsic and induced fluctuations. These fluctuations can be described by the Einstein-Langevin equation obtained in the framework of stochastic gravity. Specifically, the Einstein-Langevin equation yields stochastic correlation functions for the metric perturbations which agree, to leading order in the large N limit, with the quantum correlation functions of the theory of gravity interacting with N matter fields. The homogeneous solutions of the Einstein-Langevin equation are equivalent to the solutions of the perturbed semiclassical equation, which describe the evolution of the expectation value of the quantum metric perturbations. The information on the intrinsic fluctuations, which are connected to the initial fluctuations of the metric perturbations, can also be retrieved entirely from the homogeneous solutions. However, the induced metric fluctuations proportional to the noise kernel can only be obtained from the Einstein-Langevin equation (the inhomogeneous term). These equations exhibit runaway solutions with exponential instabilities. A detailed discussion about different methods to deal with these instabilities is given. We illustrate our criterion by showing explicitly that flat space is stable and a description based on SCG is a valid approximation in that case.
Taking into account the nature of the hydrological processes involved in in situ measurement of Field Capacity (FC), this study proposes a variation of the definition of FC aiming not only at minimizing the inadequacies of its determination, but also at maintaining its original, practical meaning. Analysis of FC data for 22 Brazilian soils and additional FC data from the literature, all measured according to the proposed definition, which is based on a 48-h drainage time after infiltration by shallow ponding, indicates a weak dependency on the amount of infiltrated water, antecedent moisture level, soil morphology, and the level of the groundwater table, but a strong dependency on basic soil properties. The dependence on basic soil properties allowed determination of FC of the 22 soil profiles by pedotransfer functions (PTFs) using the input variables usually adopted in prediction of soil water retention. Among the input variables, soil moisture content θ (6 kPa) had the greatest impact. Indeed, a linear PTF based only on it resulted in an FC with a root mean squared residue less than 0.04 m³ m-3 for most soils individually. Such a PTF proved to be a better FC predictor than the traditional method of using moisture content at an arbitrary suction. Our FC data were compatible with an equivalent and broader USA database found in the literature, mainly for medium-texture soil samples. One reason for differences between FCs of the two data sets of fine-textured soils is due to their different drainage times. Thus, a standardized procedure for in situ determination of FC is recommended.
Humic substances are the major components of soil organic matter. Among the three humic substance components (humic acid, fulvic acid, and humin), humin is the most insoluble in aqueous solution at any pH value and, in turn, the least understood. Humin has poor solubility mainly because it is tightly bonded to inorganic soil colloids. By breaking the linkage between humin and inorganic soil colloids using inorganic or organic solvents, bulk humin can be partially soluble in alkali, enabling a better understanding of the structure and properties of humin. However, the structural relationship between bulk humin and its alkaline-soluble (AS) and alkaline-insoluble (AIS) fractions is still unknown. In this study, we isolated bulk humin from two soils of Northeast China by exhaustive extraction (25 to 28 times) with 0.1 mol L-1 NaOH + 0.1 mol L-1 Na4P2O7, followed by the traditional treatment with 10 % HF-HCl. The isolated bulk humin was then fractionated into AS-humin and AIS-humin by exhaustive extraction (12 to 15 times) with 0.1 mol L-1 NaOH. Elemental analysis and solid-state 13C cross-polarization magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (13C CPMAS NMR) spectroscopy were used to characterize and compare the chemical structures of bulk humin and its corresponding fractions. The results showed that, regardless of soil types, bulk humin was the most aliphatic and most hydrophobic, AS-humin was the least aliphatic, and AIS-humin was the least alkylated among the three humic components. The results showed that bulk humin and its corresponding AS-humin and AIS-humin fractions are structurally differed from one another, implying that the functions of these humic components in the soil environment differed.