910 resultados para Valores sociais - Estudo de casos


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A PETROBRAS, conhecedora das mudanças ocorridas no ambiente de negócios durante a década de 90, esforça-se em aproveitar as oportunidades surgidas ou aquelas que ainda estão por aparecer no setor petroleiro. Tal esforço traduziu-se na formulação do Plano Estratégico do Sistema PETROBRAS 199212001. Este plano define objetivos e estratégias decenais. Inserida no Plano Estratégico, está a questão da automação da companhia, considerada de suma importância para o seu desempenho no setor. Dentre os 14 Projetos Estratégicos do Plano temos o Projeto Estratégico de Automação (PEA), e para a implementação de seus objetivos é fundamental o desempenho dos funcionários neste Projeto. O desempenho do quadro funcional irá influenciar decisivamente o caminho a ser percorrido pela empresa rumo à modernidade, em um ambiente de negócios altamente renovado pela tecnologia de base microeletrônica. Uma das variáveis , que permitirá ou não a efetividade da PETROBRAS está relacionada à sua Cultura Técnica, ou seja, ao conjuntod,e conhecimentos que os agentes técnicos da Companhia .,.~ I-r '\ .. utilizam no processo de tomada de decisão e que depende dos paradigmas tecnológicos internacionais, das normas internas da empresa e das características societais brasileiras. Investigar criticamente a situação do PEA, por meio da identificação da Cultura Técnica predominante, é o foco do trabalho ora proposto para apreciação. Este não é um tema que diz respeito somente aos engenheiros e técnicos diretamente envolvidos com o PEA, mas a todos aqueles que fazem a empresa, como também a todos os estudiosos do tema.


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Este estudo desvelou, através da abordagem hermenêutica fenomenológica, a polissemia do fenômeno da fusão da empresa pública Eletronuclear. Destaca-se o sentido técnico e humano do processo de fusão da área nuclear de Furnas e Nuclen. Descreve-se o vivido pelas pessoas, durante os momentos da fusão: antecipação, anúncio, transição e formação da nova Empresa. A compreensão da singularidade do caso enfocado, dependeu do discurso da ação do agente de Serviço Social da Eletronuclear. O presente trabalho contem as ações significativas do profissional de Serviço Social em um momento de fusão, ações inseridas no projetos global da empresa favorecendo a negociação, entre os originados das empresas Furnas e Nuclen. Apresentam-se as sugestões, tanto das pessoas da empresa, engajadas na pesquisa, quanto da autora em uma perspectiva fenomenológica.


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A Estratégia de Integração e Convergência de Ações nos Municípios Mais Pobres do Programa Comunidade Solidária tem como objetivo desenvolver as localidades sobre as quais intervém, através da implementação de uma série de programas federais na área educacional, de saúde coletiva e de promoção de emprego e renda, ao mesmo tempo em que também pretende aumentar o nível de efetividade dos mesmos. Para tanto, seria basicamente necessário (a) promover a integração entre as ações desenvolvidas, de modo a produzir um efeito sinergético que aumentasse a sua capacidade de transformar a realidade; e, (b) agregar esforços e iniciativas de outros parceiros governamentais e da sociedade civil organizada. Neste trabalho, tomou-se o caso do Município de Sobradinho (RS), no qual a Estratégia foi implementada em 1996, para investigar se tal estratégia tem produzindo os efeitos esperados e como os mecanismos elaborados para aumentar o grau de efetividade dos programas vêm sendo conduzidos


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Is it possible to see elements of an organizational strategy in churches practices, as we can do in public and private organizations? This work intend to show a case study about the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, and study some factors that can be evidences of a strategic profile. It discusses the success that this church try to show: can it be proved? The conclusion of this study answer these questions.


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The purpose of this study is to identify the strategic vision of the Internal Audit Department of Petrel Brasileiro S.A. PETROBRAS, in comparison with the audit function's proposals and practices in competitive organizations and their reality. It also aims at the verification of the possible solutions, within Petrobras itself, so as to constantly add value to the business and to the shareholders. With this in mind, a research was carried out, contemplating the conceptual proposals and market practices related to auditing and to the current diagnosis and the organizational model of Petrobras, so as to choose elements for comparison and analysis of such vision. The results of this research pointed in the direction of questioning the organizational value of the internal audit action, concluding that it will only be possible to continuously attain such value by means of a permanent coordination with the organization's strategic level. This is especially true if the audit action participates effectively in the process of Corporate Governance, in defining the risks, the internal control system and the measurement of corporate performance, as related to the development of the strategic plan. However, any action along these lines is still heavily impacted and limited by several aspects of culture and relationship of the organizational power as well as by the beliefs of the organization and of the body of auditors. The involvement of the auditors as employees was also considered relevant in the auditing process, by means of the participation of the audited entities in self assessment2. This procedure is still not sufficiently guaranteed by successful experiments in major organizations, considering that there is not a clear demonstration of the effective benefits of adopting this practice, as ompared to the central control, seldom shared but strongly monitored by integrated information systems. Finally, this research points to the need to renew the concept of the formation and role of the auditors in modern competitive organizations, in the face of information technology and of automation of the instrument controls of the business. Therefore, one may conclude that the trend will be toward an action aiming at the revision of formal internal control matrixes, as they are established in such systems. On the other hand, the majority of audit human resources will be increasingly deployed to the evaluation of risk and control, as related to relevant events of a more abstract nature, as in the case of those connected with the uncontrollable factors of the external environment.


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Virtual, cellular, modular, organic, holographic, networked enterprise. This is a new kind of organizational structure of growing importance inside of the enterprises that are looking for new models, attending to the requirements of flexibility, celerity and competitiveness. Requirements to the business of the future, for the new times of moving cycles, each time faster and faster. In that context, technological, cultural, strategic and human aspects are remodelled inside of the context of the called 'Information Era'. The objective of this work is to research how business, specially the Brazilians, are getting ready to be the 'organizations or enterprises' of the future. On the perspective of a virtual organization, throughout the flexibility, celerity and based on knowledge. Especially the Brazilian telecommunication industry, living the post privatization phase, which is in a process of organizational reestructuration, seeking to increase its competition in the globalized market. That is why, the analysis focus on Telemar, one of the largest in terms of geographic covering and investment power in the market and with essentially national shareholders.


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The goal of this work is to study microcredit public policy as a mechanism of improving wage and decreasing unemployment rates. This study is contextualized by analysis of up-to-date macroeconomic national situation, Brazilian intergovernamental constitutional relationship, Brazilian job market and local development perspectives, trying to show that public microcredit driven by local government is a natural and useful way. Two cases have been chosen for analysis: Banco do Povo de Juiz de For a and São Paulo Confia.


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O presente trabalho faz uma avaliação da gestão ambiental das indústrias químicas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Dessa forma, procuramos relatar as principais ações instrumentos gerenciais disponíveis às organizações delineamos um quadro das idéias relativas ao desenvolvimento sustentável que deveriam permear todas as ações do gerente ambiental na indústria. partir das informações colhidas, avaliamos os aspectos primordiais dessas atividades como demandas por assessoria técnica; os aspectos ambientais relevantes; as ações implementadas; projetos inovações; as dificuldades para melhoria; registros sistemáticos; as ações externas as ações futuras; investimentos; os recursos humanos; aspectos do mercado e a legislação. Concluímos com uma análise sobre os diversos aspectos observados, sugerindo conceitos ações que ratificam, acrescentam ou alteram as ações gerenciais observadas.


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This research has a practice-oriented focus on the concept of Organizational Learning. The basic approach is a learning organization perspective, and some references to the concepts and concerns of organizational learning were included whenever necessary and proper. Organizational Learning is researched mainly from a management techniques and strategy point of view, with a smaller emphasis on the innovation and accumulation of technological capabilities and theoretical research points of view. A broad approach has been used, based mainly on the study of a successful case using action research in a private telecommunication company operating nationwide in Brazil. This study involved a small group, as it is common with pilot groups for learning organizations. The main purpose of this research is to provide a broad and updated survey about the idea of Organizational Learning. Results presented in the related literature are compared with findings from the field, and that literature is cited throughout the text. The interactions of Organizational Learning with the Brazilian context and with the public administration context are analyzed; important data, ranging from the historical origins and bases of the concept, to details of the activities in a real life learning organization, are shown. Some essential aspects, that should be considered or used when applying this type of management, are analyzed. The action research has shown a close proximity between Organizational Learning and a phenomenological perspective, servant leadership, and managerial model, respectively in the fields of philosophical approach, leadership, and management models.


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This dissertation adds new evidences and explanations to two distinct streams of debate. The first one refers to the globalisation (or dissemination) of technological innovative capabilities in the context of newly industrialised economies. The second one refers to common generalisations about the deterioration of the innovative capabilities in Latin American countries after 1990. This study was motivated by a lack of empirical studies focused on the relationship between the globalisation of innovative capabilities and sources to build them up in emerging organisations, especially R&D institutes. This dissertation is focused on the globalisation of innovative capabilities at the information and communication technology industry in Brazil. The globalisation of innovative capabilities is measured by the technological capabilities types and levels of 18 national R&D institutes related to this industry. Besides, this dissertation examines sources to build up innovative capabilities in the sampled institutes, namely: their intra-organisational learning processes and the linkages established with firms and the technological infra-structure. The study is based on first-hand empirical evidences, collected by different data-gathering sources in an extensive fieldwork. The data were examined with analytical frameworks, organised in the light of the theoretical basis of the study. The study has found the dissemination of innovative capabilities has been occurring in the Brazilian ICT industry with the involvement of the technological infra-structure with innovative activities. Besides that, the variety of the intra-organisational learning processes and the types of linkages established with technological infra-structure and firms have been influencing the development of innovative capabilities. The evidences that emerge from this study contradict common generalizations and arguments about the inexistence of innovative activities and about the technological infra-structure weakness in emerging or newly industrialized economies.


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A proposta deste trabalho é descrever o sistema de franquia no seu aspecto geral, dentro do contexto da presente conjuntura econômica brasileira, onde cortes nos gastos governamentais e implementação dos processos - de privatização. e licitação estão sendo - utilizados como fatores fundamentais para a competição e a atualização da indústria e dos serviços públicos no âmbito da globalização. Buscou-se fazer uma revisão da parte conceitual do sistema de franquia e das organizações públicas. A ECT - Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos é um estudo de caso concreto de uma empresa pública utilizando o sistema de franquia em larga escala e com sucesso. Paralela a esta apresentação, buscou-se demonstrar outras modalidades de parceria entre a iniciativa privada e a organização pública, através da licitação, privatização e terceirização, de forma a fornecer serviços e produtos ao consumidor com maior qualidade e menores investimentos para o governo.


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The "Observatório de Inovação Social do Turismo" was created due to the need of studies and researches related to tourism and its social impacts. The Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas, of Fundação Getulio Vargas, in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism and the Childhood Brazil, started in 2007, studies about the sexual exploration of children and adolescents. The present work has the objective to analyze, based on the results of the "Observatório de Inovação Social do Turismo", its contributions to the prevention and repression of sexual exploration of children and adolescents associated to the tourism.


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This research had as objective to identify as if it gives to the process of decisions in the City of Macaé. It was a case study, therefore to make possible this analysis, the used ways had been the research of field, bibliographical and documentary. The bibliographical survey was made in books, specialized periodicals, thesis, dissertations, monographs, sites and the pertinent legislation to the case, generating an analytical base of the subject considered for study. The research also was documentary, since internal document use of the City Hall of Macaé became. In the field, the public decision-making of Macaé, the previous management, had been interviewed, so that it was understood of that it forms if gives the process of taking of decisions in this city. Moreover, the interviewed ones had been encouraged to display its beliefs and feelings, to tell to experiences and personal characteristics. With this, one searched to better understand the universe lived for the respondents and, simultaneously, to compare the speeches and the reality. The data had suffered analysis of content based on the studies from Bardin (1979), Laville and Dione (1999) and Vergara (2005). The study it approaches the City of Macaé, and, in accordance with Yin (2001), studies of cases allow to work with an immense variety of evidences, as documents, devices, interviews and comments. The research bibliographical, documentary, of field, in the case study had been complementary and with its confrontation it searched to get a general vision of form to give to reply to the final question proposal. One concludes that the process of decisions politics and its implementation in the City of Macaé if gave by means of the awareness of the executive former-managers of the City Hall, in assuming roles of true entrepreneurs, the good relationship with the Common Council, in the search of chances and the combat to the problems and the establishment of public politics, focused in the access and the improvement of the quality of the public rendering of services, in the incentive the economic development and in the promotion of the citizenship for the population place.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar o impacto da privatização na Gestão de Recursos Humanos da Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional - CSN. Para tanto, comparou-se as Políticas de Recursos Humanos da cada Subsistema - Procura, Desenvolvimento, Manutenção, Aplicação e Pesquisa - em três fases distintas da empresa: na fase estatal ou histórica, na fase de transição ou preparatória para a privatização e, finalmente, na fase privada ou atual. o primeiro capítulo compreende a história das estatais brasileiras desde o início da intervenção do Estado na economia até o movimento inverso e atual de redução do Estado através da política de privatização. Já o segundo capítulo traz um estudo detalhado sobre a Administração de Recursos Humanos. O terceiro capítulo apresenta um estudo geral da CSN. O quarto e último capítulo compreende um estudo específico da Gestão de Recursos Humanos da empresa nas três fases distintas acima mencionadas. Dentre as principais medidas tomadas pela administração da CSN que maiS afetaram os recursos humanos da empresa, encontram-se: a redução do quadro de pessoal e a terceirização das atividades operacionais da Gestão de Recursos Humanos, tais como: Recrutamento, Seleção e Treinamento (entre as mais importantes), permanecendo sob a responsabilidade do Stalf de RH da CSN apenas as atividades mais estratégicas. A recuperação da CSN só foi possível a partir da obtenção de autonomia administrativa e política. A gestão da CSN era até então prejudicada pelo excesso de normas, assim como pela sua utilização como instrumento de política pública, que muitas vezes levava ao sacrificio de seus interesses empresariais. Concluiu-se que as grandes transformações, inclusive de melhoria da eficiência da CSN, ocorreram antes mesmo da sua venda, durante o período de recuperação e preparação da empresa para a privatização.


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This work objectives to investigate how the public policies of urbanization and land regularization of the Program of Urbanization of Informal Settlements - PROAP, in Rio de Janeiro allow the social inclusion and the rescue of the citizenship of the poor populations. To reach this objective the two programs of PROAP were analyzed into two communities both beneficed by each one of these programs. First, the social exclusion and how it reflects itself in the form of appropriation of the territory and in the type of housing was deeply analyzed. It leads the analysis of the public policies. As a next step, a brief historical analysis was made to include the PROAP in the historical context, and this was analyzed in each one of its stages. Finally, through a qualitative approaching, the slum of Vigário Geral and the irregular settlement of Ana Gonzaga have been researched, both were chose by their singular characteristics and, according to speech of the inhabitants, it was evaluated how the Program contributes in the social inclusion in these communities.