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Le présent rapport intermédiaire concerne l'impact de la suite de la campagne STOP-SIDA et des autres aspects de la prévention (actions multiplicatrices, compléments à la campagne STOP-SIDA), à partir du mois d'octobre 1987. Il fait référence entre autres à la phase III de STOP-SIDA: répétition des messages des phases I et II (usage du préservatif, non-échange de matériel d'injection, fidélité) et situations sans risque de contamination. Les données présentées sont le résultat d'une synthèse préliminaire basée sur des études en cours de réalisation, elles ne peuvent donc être interprétées qu'en termes de premières tendances ou impressions, qui devront encore être confirmées ou infirmées par l'achèvement des études. Elles permettent cependant de formuler quelques conclusions et recommandations. [Auteurs, p. 5-6]
At the beginning of the 1990s, the concept of "European integration" could still be said to be fairly unambiguous. Nowadays, it has become plural and complex almost to the point of unintelligibility. This is due, of course, to the internal differentiation of EU membership, with several Member States pulling out of key integrative projects such as establishing an area without frontiers, the "Schengen" area, and a common currency. But this is also due to the differentiated extension of key integrative projects to European non-EU countries - Schengen is again a case in point. Such processes of "integration without membership", the focus of the present publication, are acquiring an ever-growing topicality both in the political arena and in academia. International relations between the EU and its neighbouring countries are crucial for both, and their development through new agreements features prominently on the continent's political agenda. Over and above this aspect, the dissemination of EU values and standards beyond the Union's borders raises a whole host of theoretical and methodological questions, unsettling in some cases traditional conceptions of the autonomy and separation of national legal orders. This publication brings together the papers presented at the Integration without EU Membership workshop held in May 2008 at the EUI (Max Weber Programme and Department of Law). It aims to compare different models and experiences of integration between the EU, on the one hand, and those European countries that do not currently have an accession perspective on the other hand. In delimiting the geographical scope of the inquiry, so as to scale it down to manageable proportions, the guiding principles have been to include both the "Eastern" and "Western" neighbours of the EU, and to examine both structured frameworks of cooperation, such as the European Neighbourhood Policy and the European Economic Area, and bilateral relations developing on a more ad hoc basis. These principles are reflected in the arrangement of the papers, which consider in turn the positions of Ukraine, Russia, Norway, and Switzerland in European integration - current standing, perspectives for evolution, consequences in terms of the EU-ization of their respective legal orders1. These subjects are examined from several perspectives. We had the privilege of receiving contributions from leading practitioners and scholars from the countries concerned, from EU highranking officials, from prominent specialists in EU external relations law, and from young and talented researchers. We wish to thank them all here for their invaluable insights. We are moreover deeply indebted to Marise Cremona (EUI, Law Department, EUI) for her inspiring advice and encouragement, as well as to Ramon Marimon, Karin Tilmans, Lotte Holm, Alyson Price and Susan Garvin (Max Weber Programme, EUI) for their unflinching support throughout this project. A word is perhaps needed on the propriety and usefulness of the research concept embodied in this publication. Does it make sense to compare the integration models and experiences of countries as different as Norway, Russia, Switzerland, and Ukraine? Needless to say, this list of four evokes a staggering diversity of political, social, cultural, and economic conditions, and at least as great a diversity of approaches to European integration. Still, we would argue that such diversity only makes comparisons more meaningful. Indeed, while the particularities and idiosyncratic elements of each "model" of integration are fully displayed in the present volume, common themes and preoccupations run through the pages of every contribution: the difficulty in conceptualizing the finalité and essence of integration, which is evident in the EU today but which is greatly amplified for non-EU countries; the asymmetries and tradeoffs between integration and autonomy that are inherent in any attempt to participate in European integration from outside; the alteration of deeply seated legal concepts, and concepts about the law, that are already observable in the most integrated of the non-EU countries concerned. These issues are not transient or coincidental: they are inextricably bound up with the integration of non-EU countries in the EU project. By publishing this collection, we make no claim to have dealt with them in an exhaustive, still less in a definitive manner. Our ambition is more modest: to highlight the relevance of these themes, to place them more firmly on the scientific agenda, and to provide a stimulating basis for future research and reflection.
Les courts-séjours médico-sociaux dans le canton de Vaud : expériences des usagers de 65 ans et plus
La prestation court-séjour est proposée dans le canton de Vaud depuis 1984. Elle s'inscrit dans la volonté des services publics de permettre aux personnes, âgées notamment, de vivre à domicile le plus longtemps possible. Il s'agit d'accueillir temporairement en établissement médico-social (EMS) ou en division C d'un hôpital, les personnes momentanément affaiblies à la suite d'une hospitalisation ou d'un problème de santé, mais aussi des personnes durablement atteintes dans leur santé, en particulier pour donner quelques jours ou semaines de répit à leur entourage. En 2013, afin de faire un bilan de cette prestation et démarrer une phase de réflexion quant aux améliorations qui pourraient lui être apportées, le Service des assurances sociales et de l'hébergement (SASH) a mandaté l'Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive (IUMSP) pour la réalisation d'une enquête sur l'expérience des usagers des courts-séjours dans le canton de Vaud.
Professional cleaning is a basic service occupation with a wide variety of tasks carried out in all kind of different sectors and workplaces by a large workforce. One important risk for cleaning workers is the exposure to chemical substances that are present in cleaning products.Monoethanolamine was found to be often present in cleaning products such as general purpose cleaners, bathroom cleaners, floor cleaners and kitchen cleaners. Monoethanolamine can injure the skin, and exposure to monoethanolamine was associated to asthma even when the air concentrations were low. It is a strong irritant and known to be involved in sensitizing mechanisms. It is very likely that the use of cleaning products containing monoethanolamine gives rise to respiratory and dermal exposures. Therefore there is a need to further investigate the exposures to monoethanolamine for both, respiratory and dermal exposure.The determination of monoethanolamine has traditionally been difficult and analytical methods available are little adapted for occupational exposure assessments. For monoethanolamine air concentrations, a sampling and analytical method was already available and could be used. However, a method to analyses samples for skin exposure assessments as well as samples of skin permeation experiments was missing. Therefore one main objective of this master thesis was to search an already developed and described analytical method for the measurement of monoethanolamine in water solutions, and to set it up in the laboratory. Monoethanolamine was analyzed after a derivatisation reaction with o-pthtaldialdehyde. The derivated fluorescing monoethanolamine was then separated with high performance liquid chromatography and detection took place with a fluorescent detector. The method was found to be suitable for qualitative and quantitative analysis of monoethanolamine. An exposure assessment was conducted in the cleaning sector to measure the respiratory and dermal exposures to monoethanolamine during floor cleaning. Stationary air samples (n=36) were collected in 8 companies and samples for dermal exposures (n=12) were collected in two companies. Air concentrations (Mean = 0.18 mg/m3, Standard Deviation = 0.23 mg/m3, geometric Mean = 0.09 mg/m3, Geometric Standard Deviation = 3.50) detected were mostly below 1/10 of the Swiss 8h time weighted average occupational exposure limit. Factors that influenced the measured monoethanolamine air concentrations were room size, ventilation system and the concentration of monoethanolamine in the cleaning product and amount of monoethanolamine used. Measured skin exposures ranged from 0.6 to 128.4 mg/sample. Some cleaning workers that participated in the skin exposure assessment did not use gloves and had direct contact with the solutions containing the cleaning product and monoethanolamine. During the entire sampling campaign, cleaning workers mostly did not use gloves. Cleaning workers are at risk to be regularly exposed to low air concentrations of monoethanolamine. This exposure may be problematic if a worker suffers from allergic reactions (e.g. Asthma). In that case a substitution of the cleaning product may be a good prevention measure as several different cleaning products are available for similar cleaning tasks. Currently there are no occupational exposure limits to compare the skin exposures that were found. To prevent skin exposures, adaptations of the cleaning techniques and the use of gloves should be considered. The simultaneous skin and airborne exposures might accelerate adverse health effects. Overall the risks caused by exposures to monoethanolamine are considered as low to moderate when the cleaning products are used correctly. Whenever possible, skin exposures should be avoided. Further research should consider especially the dermal exposure routes, as very high exposures might occur by skin contact with cleaning products. Dermatitis but also sensitization might be caused by skin exposures. In addition, new biomedical insights are needed to better understand the risks of the dermal exposure. Therefore skin permeability experiments should be considered.
Ont contibué: Mazzolai L., Angellilo A., Bervini D, Borens O, Buclin T, Bulaz C., Burnier M, Calandra T, Cornuz J, Corpataux J,M., Daniel R., Desmartines N., Duchosal M., Eeckhout E., Farron A., Frackowiak R., Hirschi B., Hohlfeld P., Hugli O., Jichlinski P., Jolliet P., Kern C., Levivier M., Leyvraz S., Meuli R., Michel P., Moradpour D., Nicod L., Pannatier A., Prior J., Qanadli S., Ris H.B., Ruchat P., So A., Teta D., Vial Y., Vogt P., Voirol P., Von Segesser L., Waeber G., Yersin B.
Cette recherche articule des processus de socialisation et d'auto-sélection à partir d'une perspective de représentations sociales (RS). Les deux études présentées montrent comment le passage dans une filière universitaire, par un phénomène de socialisation qui succède à un processus d'auto-sélection, permet d'ancrer les prises de position dans des groupes. L'Etude 1 (N = 177) montre que les étudiant-e-s interrogé-e-s choisissent leur filière en fonction des études menées avant l'entrée à l'université, et que les étudiant-e-s en commerce et en droit prennent plus fortement position en faveur de l'économie libérale que les étudiant-e-s des sciences sociales et politiques et des lettres. Les résultats de l'Etude 2 (N = 92) indiquent que ces prises de position normatives sont stables au fil des ans en commerce et qu'elles remettent de plus en plus en question l'économie libérale en sciences sociales et politiques. Enfin, les prises de position dépendent de l'orthodoxie des connaissances économiques, une mesure de la perception de la valeur explicative des connaissances économiques qui est propre aux filières.
Les hypertensions pulmonaires post-capillaires sont définies par une pression artérielle moyenne (PAPm) ≥ 25mmHg et une pression pulmonaire d'occlusion (PAPO) > 15mmHg. Une augmentation de la PAP peut être soit passive, transmission rétrograde de l'augmentation de la pression du coeur gauche ( gradient transpulmonaire GTP ≤ 12mmHg), soit active, élévation hors de proportion de la PAP due à une augmentation du tonus vasculaire et un remodelage vasculaire (GTP > 12mmHg). Le gradient entre la pression artérielle diastolique (PAPd) et la PAPO, qui est normal (≤ 5mmHg) dans les HP post-capillaires, n'est actuellement plus utilisé dans le diagnostic et l'évaluation des HP dans la dernière classification de 2008 (Dana Point 2008). But : - analyse des données cliniques, échocardiographiques et hémodynamiques des HP post-capillaires des patients référés dans un centre de référence d'HP - évaluer le rôle du gradient PAPd-PAPO dans la prise en charge des HP Méthode : Nous avons analysé de manière rétrospective les données cliniques, hémodynamiques et échocardiographiques des patients qui ont été diagnostiqué pour une HP au moyen d'un cathétérisme cardiaque entre janvier 2009 et juin 2011 au centre de référence d'HP du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV). Résultats: - 40% des patients ont les critères pour une HP post-capillaire - 33% des patients ont une HP qui répond à la définition d'HP "hors de propotion" avec un GTP > 12mmHg - 74% des patients avec HP post-capillaire ont une cardiopathie gauche associée avec des signes échocardiographiques de dysfonction diastolique - Sur les 27 patients avec une HP du groupe 2, 44% ont plusieurs facteurs de risque (FR) pour une HP - 75% de ces patients avec une cardiopathie gauche ainsi qu'un autre FR pour une HP ont un gradient PAPd-PAPO > 5 mmHg versus 8% de ceux qui n'ont pas d'autre FR (p-value 0.0075) Conclusion : Les HP post-capillaires sont fréquentes chez les patients adressés au centre de référence d'HP pour une suspicion d'HP. Dans notre cohorte 85% des patients avec HP post-capillaire ont une HP hors de proportion dont 44% ont un FR non cardiaque susceptible d'être à l'origine de l'HP. Le gradient PAPd-PAPO semble être un meilleur facteur discriminant que le GTP pour la caractérisation et la classification des HP.
Travaux effectués dans le cadre de l'étude "Case Mix" menée par l'Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive de Lausanne et le Service de la santé publique et de la planification sanitaire du canton de Vaud, en collaboration avec les cantons de Berne, Fribourg, Genève, Jura, Neuchâtel, Soleure, Tessin et Valais
[Table des matières] 1. Objectifs d'évaluation pour 2009. - 2. Données de la surveillance biologique et comportementale: Nouvelles déclarations de tests VIH positifs à Genève - Comportements face au VIH/sida - Groupe Sida Genève (GsG) - Dialogai - L'association Première ligne - Association genevoise des Personnes Vivant Avec le VIH/sida (PVA) - Association Solidarité Femmes Africaines de Genève (ASFAG). 3. Conclusions et recommandations. 4. Annexes.