894 resultados para Transformada wavelet discreta
用延河流域甘谷驿站1953—2000年实测月径流深和输沙模数数据和1957—2000年月均面降雨数据,采用小波多尺度方法,分析延河流域主要水文要素的周期及其变化特征。结果表明:延河流域降雨、径流和输沙存在着显著的周期,且其大小非常接近,为3.0、6.5、13.0和23.0 a。降雨、径流和输沙主周期分别是3.0、23.0和23.0 a。延河流域20世纪70年代后降雨量年际分配趋于均匀。3 a对应的小尺度上,70—80年代初3个水文序列对应曲线出现紊乱现象,与该时期大规模水利水土保持措施的修建有关。80年代后,由于水利水土保持措施减水减沙效益的削弱,3条曲线重新趋于一致。13 a对应的中尺度和23 a对应的大尺度上,均出现径流和输沙曲线不同步,或者滞后于降雨曲线现象。降水是径流和输沙周期性变化的主要外动力因子,人类活动导致的流域下垫面变化则是不可忽视的另一重要原因。
We study the non-Gaussianity induced by the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect in cosmic microwave background (CMB) fluctuation maps. If a CMB map is contaminated by the SZ effect of galaxies or galaxy clusters, the CMB maps should have similar non-Gaussian features to the galaxy and cluster fields. Using the WMAP data and 2MASS galaxy catalogue, we show that the non-Gaussianity of the 2MASS galaxies is imprinted on WMAP maps. The signature of non-Gaussianity can be seen with the fourth-order cross-correlation between the wavelet variables of the WMAP maps and 2MASS clusters. The intensity of the fourth-order non-Gaussian features is found to be consistent with the contamination of the SZ effect of 2MASS galaxies. We also show that this non-Gaussianity can not be seen by the high-order autocorrelation of the WMAP. This is because the SZ signals in the autocorrelations of the WMAP data generally are weaker than the WMAP-2MASS cross-correlations by a factor f(2), which is the ratio between the powers of the SZ-effect map and the CMB fluctuations on the scale considered. Therefore, the ratio of high-order autocorrelations of CMB maps to cross-correlations of the CMB maps and galaxy field would be effective to constrain the powers of the SZ effect on various scales.
利用Morlet小波对延安1952~2003年52年间的降水量进行了多时间尺度分析,结果表明,延安降水在3~6 a和25~32 a的时间尺度上变化较强,存在近22 a和3 a的降水周期,其中22 a的周期变化最为强烈。根据降水周期,延安年降水在2003年后的5~8 a内相对偏多,2007~2009年左右达到最大值,然后降水量开始减少,从2013年左右开始进入一个约10 a的少雨阶段。基于1952~1990年降水量资料,建立小波变换的最近邻抽样回归模型,用1990~2003年13 a的年降水量变化作为校验,13年中有11年的预测结果相对误差小于30%,说明小波分析和最近邻抽样回归模型结合可以较好地预测降水量的年际变化。
Stable deuterium (delta D) and oxygen-18 (delta O-18) isotopes in 1962 to 2002 precipitation from the seven Australian stations of the Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation (GNIP) were used to investigate isotope characteristics including temporal and spatial distributions across different regions of Australia. On the basis of 1534 samples, the local meteoric water line (LMWL) was established as delta D = 7.10 delta O-18 + 8.21. delta O-18 showed a depletion trend from north and south to central Australia (a continental effect) and from west to east. Precipitation amount effects were generally greater than temperature effects, with quadratic or logarithmic correlations describing delta/T and delta/P better than linear relationships. Nonlinear stepwise regression was used to determine the significant meteorological control factors for each station, explaining about 50% or more of the delta O-18 variations. Geographical control factors for delta O-18 were given by the relationship delta O-18 (parts per thousand) = -0.005 longitude (degrees) - 0.034 latitude (degrees)-0.003 altitude (m) - 4.753. Four different types of d-excess patterns demonstrated particular precipitation formation conditions for four major seasonal rainfall zones. Finally, wavelet coherence (WTC) between delta O-18 and SOI confirmed that the influence of ENSO decreased from east and north to west Australia.
It is important for practical application to design an effective and efficient metric for video quality. The most reliable way is by subjective evaluation. Thus, to design an objective metric by simulating human visual system (HVS) is quite reasonable and available. In this paper, the video quality assessment metric based on visual perception is proposed. Three-dimensional wavelet is utilized to decompose video and then extract features to mimic the multichannel structure of HVS. Spatio-temporal contrast sensitivity function (S-T CSF) is employed to weight coefficient obtained by three-dimensional wavelet to simulate nonlinearity feature of the human eyes. Perceptual threshold is exploited to obtain visual sensitive coefficients after S-T CSF filtered. Visual sensitive coefficients are normalized representation and then visual sensitive errors are calculated between reference and distorted video. Finally, temporal perceptual mechanism is applied to count values of video quality for reducing computational cost. Experimental results prove the proposed method outperforms the most existing methods and is comparable to LHS and PVQM.
Discrete wavelets transform (DWT). was applied to noise on removal capillary electrophoresis-electrochemiluminescence (CE-ECL) electropherograms. Several typical wavelet transforms, including Haar, Daublets, Coiflets, and Symmlets, were evaluated. Four types of determining threshold methods, fixed form threshold, rigorous Stein's unbiased estimate of risk (rigorous SURE), heuristic SURE and minimax, combined with hard and soft thresholding methods were compared. The denoising study on synthetic signals showed that wave Symmlet 4 with a level decomposition of 5 and the thresholding method of heuristic SURE-hard provide the optimum denoising strategy. Using this strategy, the noise on CE-ECL electropherograms could be removed adequately. Compared with the Savitzky-Golay and Fourier transform denoising methods, DWT is an efficient method for noise removal with a better preservation of the shape of peaks.
图像压缩是图像处理领域的一个重要研究课题,在图像存储、传输等应用中发挥着至关重要的作用。小波变换具有多分辨率、时频局部性、能量集中能力强等众多优点,因此特别适合于图像压缩。图像压缩主要涉及到图像变换和编码两部分。本文的大部分工作是基于图像变换而展开的,在小波变换理论、基于小波的图像压缩算法理论及其实现、提升小波变换的FPGA实现、以及对两种小波变换算法的改进等方面进行了深入研究和探讨,具体研究内容如下: 1介绍论文的研究背景和意义,并简要介绍图像压缩和小波变换的基本知识和研究现状,概述本论文的主要研究工作。 2详细阐述图像压缩的基本知识,包括图像压缩的原理、分类和图像压缩的国际标准,回顾图像压缩技术的研究历史,并展望一些新的发展方向。 3概述小波变换的基本理论,分析提升小波相对于传统小波变换的优势。分析小波变换应用于图像压缩中的优点,阐述基于小波的分层树集划分(SPIHT)编码算法,并给出实验结果。 4 本文设计了一种并行的二维提升小波变换电路硬件结构,在设计中主要针对小波基的选取、边界拓展方式、提升小波变换数字电路的流水线设计、变换整体结构设计等进行了详细的讨论。这些设计显著降低了资源的消耗,加快了变换速度,提高硬件利用率。 5 由于小波变换缺乏方向性,本文设计了基于Contourlet变换的改进策略,充分利用了Contourlet的方向性,并且克服了其冗余性,使其性能达到最优;针对提升小波不具备平移不变性的特点,将冗余分解的策略引入到提升小波,设计了基于最小熵原则的最佳冗余提升小波分解。并将这两种方法应用图像压缩,取得了较好的效果。
本论文研究的主要内容为基于小波多尺度特性的序列图像目标跟踪技术。目标跟踪作为一个在军事、工业和科学研究方面有着广泛应用背景的研究领域,一直以来吸引了大批国内外学者。由于小波变换具有多分辨率分析的特点,而且在时频两域都具有表征信号局部特征的能力,使得基于小波变换的目标跟踪算法具有传统算法无法比拟的优势。针对目标跟踪技术的研究现状和存在问题,本文着重从目标分割和特征检测与匹配两个角度对基于小波变换的几种新的目标跟踪方法进行了研究。 1. 采用基于多尺度Gabor小波的特征点检测算法对序列图像进行跟踪。借助图像的金字塔变换得到多尺度的Gabor小波特征图像,并对特征图像进行特征点检测,提取对图像变换具有鲁棒性的特征。针对两种特征检测方案,提出不同的特征匹配准则,按照分层匹配的策略由粗到精逐步定位目标的准确位置,具有较快的搜索速度。 2. 采用多尺度小波函数所提取的相位一致性特征进行基于目标分割和基于角点特征的跟踪。 对目标图像进行相位一致性检测,得到一个具有光照不变性的无量纲特征量—相位一致系数。利用相位一致性检测的这种特性,针对孤立目标的情况,提出了两种自适应目标分割和跟踪的算法。基于区域增长的目标分割算法利用从相位一致图像中找到的对比度最大点及其法线方向两边的灰度分布确定目标和背景的种子像素,进行自适应目标分割。基于相位一致性检测的目标分割算法只需确定一个阈值即可利用相位一致特征图像的方向性,依据目标在不同方向响应的不同将目标和背景区分开,适应于复杂纹理背景中的目标分割。最后,分别将两种算法所得的分割结果向水平和垂直方向投影即可确定各自的质心位置,实现自适应的质心跟踪。 进一步提取相位一致性图像的最小矩特征就能得到目标的角点信息。文中用实验验证了此方法检测到角点的综合性能。在此基础上,提出了利用单演相位差进行角点匹配跟踪的算法,并将其同基于灰度相关的匹配算法进行了对比,证明了本算法能够检测出更多准确匹配的角点、减少误匹配,同时具有较小的匹配运算量。 对以上提出的几种目标跟踪算法进行了大量的仿真实验,实验结果表明,这几种方法均取得了较好的跟踪效果,能够实现稳定、精确的跟踪。