964 resultados para Telangiectasia, Hereditary Hemorrhagic


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Centronuclear myopathy (CNM) is a genetically heterogeneous disorder associated with general skeletal muscle weakness, type I fiber predominance and atrophy, and abnormally centralized nuclei. Autosomal dominant CNM is due to mutations in the large GTPase dynamin 2 (DNM2), a mechanochemical enzyme regulating cytoskeleton and membrane trafficking in cells. To date, 40 families with CNM-related DNM2 mutations have been described, and here we report 60 additional families encompassing a broad genotypic and phenotypic spectrum. In total, 18 different mutations are reported in 100 families and our cohort harbors nine known and four new mutations, including the first splice-site mutation. Genotype-phenotype correlation hypotheses are drawn from the published and new data, and allow an efficient screening strategy for molecular diagnosis. In addition to CNM, dissimilar DNM2 mutations are associated with Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) peripheral neuropathy (CMTD1B and CMT2M), suggesting a tissue-specific impact of the mutations. In this study, we discuss the possible clinical overlap of CNM and CMT, and the biological significance of the respective mutations based on the known functions of dynamin 2 and its protein structure. Defects in membrane trafficking due to DNM2 mutations potentially represent a common pathological mechanism in CNM and CMT. Hum Mutat 33: 949-959, 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Abstract Background The etiology of idiopathic scoliosis remains unknown and different factors have been suggested as causal. Hereditary factors can also determine the etiology of the disease; however, the pattern of inheritance remains unknown. Autosomal dominant, X-linked and multifactorial patterns of inheritances have been reported. Other studies have suggested possible chromosome regions related to the etiology of idiopathic scoliosis. We report the genetic aspects of and investigate chromosome regions for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis in a Brazilian family. Methods Evaluation of 57 family members, distributed over 4 generations of a Brazilian family, with 9 carriers of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. The proband presented a scoliotic curve of 75 degrees, as determined by the Cobb method. Genomic DNA from family members was genotyped. Results Locating a chromosome region linked to adolescent idiopathic scoliosis was not possible in the family studied. Conclusion While it was not possible to determine a chromosome region responsible for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis by investigation of genetic linkage using microsatellites markers during analysis of four generations of a Brazilian family with multiple affected members, analysis including other types of genomic variations, like single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) could contribute to the continuity of this study.


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Abstract Background Family history is among the few established risk factors for testicular germ cell tumor (TGCT). Approximately 1.4% of newly diagnosed TGCT patients report a positive family history of TGCT. Sons and siblings of TGCT patients have four- to six fold and eight- to tenfold increase in TGCT risk, respectively. In twins of men with TGCT the relative risk of testicular cancer is 37.5 (12.3-115.6). Nevertheless, information about the occurrence of TGCT in relatives of patients with extragonadal germ cell tumor is limited. Case report A 24 year-old male patient was diagnosed with a mediastinum tumor and was submitted to image-guided biopsy, which revealed a seminoma. Two months later, his non-identical asymptomatic twin brother was submitted to an elective ultrasound of the testes, which showed a left testicular mass of 4.2 cm. This patient underwent orchiectomy revealing a seminoma of the left testis. There are no other cases of seminoma or other types of cancers reported in first-degree relatives in this family. Conclusions Although familial aggregations of TGCT have been well described, to the best of our knowledge, no data concerning the association of gonadal and extragonadal germ cell tumor in relatives has been previously reported. Further investigation on this association is warranted and may help in improving our knowledge of familial pattern inheritance.


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Esta pesquisa objetivou caracterizar as vítimas de ocorrência de trânsito submetidas a procedimentos anestésico-cirúrgicos, segundo dados demográficos e clínicos, e identificar os preditores de intercorrências no período transoperatório (choque hemorrágico ou óbito). Estudo de corte transversal desenvolvido a partir de consulta aos prontuários dos pacientes submetidos à cirurgia, no Instituto Central do Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP. Nos 69 pacientes, predominaram os jovens, do sexo masculino, vítimas de acidentes motociclísticos/ciclísticos e que receberam atendimento pré-hospitalar. As variáveis: abdome como região mais gravemente lesada pelo Injury Severity Score e as cirurgias geral e ortopédica, apresentaram associação estatística significativa com choque e óbito. A idade associou-se apenas com choque. No modelo final, o Injury Severity Score foi preditor para choque e óbito e a cirurgia geral, apenas para choque. A cirurgia ortopédica foi fator de proteção para óbito. Esses achados subsidiam a equipe cirúrgica no planejamento de estratégicas que visem à redução de desfechos indesejados.


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Acne fulminans is a rare condition and the most severe form of acne. It involves the sudden onset of febrile and multisystemic symptoms, with poor response to ordinary therapy in patients who previously had mild to moderate acne. It is characterized by hemorrhagic ulcerative crusting lesions on the face, chest and upper back. The authors report a case of acne fulminans that was successfully treated with oral prednisone and dapsone.


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Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is an autosomal recessive disorder classically related to HFE mutations. However, since 1996, it is known that HFE mutations explain about 80% of HH cases, with the remaining around 20% denominated non-HFE hemochromatosis. Nowadays, four main genes are implicated in the pathophysiology of clinical syndromes classified as non-HFE hemochromatosis: hemojuvelin (HJV, type 2Ajuvenile HH), hepcidin (HAMP, type 2B juvenile HH), transferrin receptor 2 (TFR2, type 3 HH) and ferroportin (SLC40A1, type 4 HH). The aim of this review is to explore molecular, clinical and management aspects of non-HFE hemochromatosis.


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BACKGROUND: Porphyria cutanea tarda is the most common form of porphyria, characterized by the decreased activity of the uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase enzyme. Several reports associated HFE gene mutations of hereditary hemochromatosis with porphyria cutanea tarda worldwide, although up to date only one study has been conducted in Brazil. OBJECTIVES: Investigation of porphyria cutanea tarda association with C282Y and H63D mutations in the HFE gene. Identification of precipitating factors (hepatitis C, HIV, alcoholism and estrogen) and their link with HFE mutations. METHODS: An ambispective study of 60 patients with PCT was conducted during the period from 2003 to 2012. Serological tests for hepatitis C and HIV were performed and histories of alcohol abuse and estrogen intake were investigated. HFE mutations were identified with real-time PCR. RESULTS: Porphyria cutanea tarda predominated in males and alcohol abuse was the main precipitating factor. Estrogen intake was the sole precipitating factor present in 25% of female patients. Hepatitis C was present in 41.7%. All HIV-positive patients (15.3%) had a history of alcohol abuse. Allele frequency for HFE mutations, i.e., C282Y (p = 0.0001) and H63D (p = 0.0004), were significantly higher in porphyria cutanea tarda patients, compared to control group. HFE mutations had no association with the other precipitating factors. CONCLUSIONS: Alcohol abuse, hepatitis C and estrogen intake are prevalent precipitating factors in our porphyria cutanea tarda population; however, hemochromatosis in itself can also contribute to the outbreak of porphyria cutanea tarda, which makes the research for HFE mutations necessary in these patients


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Introdução: A reposição volêmica em pacientes traumatizados tem sido controvérsa. O A.T.L.S. recomenda a infusão de um grande volume de fluidos na fase inicial de tratamento, enquanto outros autores recomendam a administração somente quando do controle da hemorragia. O acesso venoso femoral é contra indicado em pacientes com trauma abdominal por temor de aumento de hemorragia. A solução hipertônica de NaCl a 7,5% (SH) possui benefícios consideráveis de logística e de recuperação hemodinâmica com pequenos volumes de infusão, semelhante as vantagens das soluções padrões isotônicas na fase pré-hospitalar. Objetivos: Criar um modelo de choque hemorrágico induzido por trauma venoso. Avaliar a hemodinâmica e o volume de hemorragia abdominal nos animais submetidos a choque hemorrágico e tratados com SH via acesso femoral e jugular. Métodos: Em 18 porcos da raça landrace, divididos em 3 grupos de 6 animais (Controle, Jugular e Femoral), foi induzido um choque hipovolêmico não controlado pela ruptura da veia cava caudal. Os animais do grupo controle (GC) foram observados por 40 minutos quanto ao seu padrão hemodinâmico de Pressão de Artéria Pulmonar (PAP), Pressão Artérial Média (PAM), Débito Cardíaco (DC) e Fluxo de Veia Porta (FVP), porém sem reposição volêmica. Os animais dos grupos Femoral (GC) e Jugular (GJ) foram tratados com 4 ml/Kg de solução hipertônica de NaCl a 7,5% (SH) aos 20 minutos de experimento. Ao final do experimento, o volume de hemorragia abdominal foi mensurado.Resultados: O grupo controle (GC) apresentou queda dos valores hemodinâmicos aos 10 minutos e estes permaneceram estáveis até o final do experimento. Os animais dos grupos tratamento (GF e GJ) apresentaram melhora da hemodinâmica aos 30 minutos, sem aumento da hemorragia abdominal. Conclusão: A solução hipertônica de NaCl (SH) permitiu a melhora parcial da hemodinâmica no modelo de choque hipovolêmico, sem aumento da hemorragia, independentemente do acesso utilizada para a infusão.


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Introdução: Trombose Venosa Profunda (TVP) é o resultado de inúmeros fatores, incluindo estase venosa, injuria endotelial e hipercoagulação do sangue. O embolismo pulmonar é a maior complicação da TVP e ocorre quando um trombo ou um coágulo sangüíneo desloca-se em direção aos pulmões. O tromboembolismo é um sério problema de saúde e é responsável por um considerável número de mortes súbitas e por significantes custos de hospitalizações em todo o mundo. Entre os métodos profiláticos usados na prevenção da TVP, há os classificados como mecânicos e os farmacológicos. Ambos são efetivos e podem ser usados sempre que necessário, tendo sido recomendados por consenso internacional. Objetivos: Avaliar a incidência da TVP em pacientes cirúrgicos através da Compressão pneumática Intermitente CPI (coxa/perna ou perna/pé) contra nenhuma forma de profilaxia ou contra fármacos. Métodos: Revisão sistemática de ensaios clínicos randomizados, utilizando a metodologia Cochrane, através de buscas eletrônica e manual. Foram incluídos pacientes cirúrgicos, de ambos os sexos, cuja intervenção foi o uso de aparelhos de compressão pneumática intermitente. Resultados: 4269 pacientes cirúrgicos investigados por 31 ensaios submetidos a um número de intervenções cirúrgicas, incluindo cirurgia ortopédica (joelho e quadris), geral, ginecológica, urológica e neurológica. Dados combinados demonstraram efeitos de tratamento virtualmente iguais entre CPI e abordagens farmacológicas [0.95 (95%CI 0.82, 1.10)], em relação à incidência de TVP. Entretanto, o risco de hemorragia foi maior e estatisticamente significante em pacientes tratados com intervenções farmacológicas [0.37(95%CI 0.20, 0.69)]. Conclusão: Comparações entre as estratégias farmacológicas e mecânicas indicam que ambas são similares na prevenção de trombose venosa profunda. Entretantio, a evidência atual suportaria a escolha das abordagens mecâncias, uma vez que o risco de eventos hemorrágicos favorece os métodos mecânicos.


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Objectives: to define in patients undergoing surgery for mitral regurgitation (MR) the risk of thrombo-embolic complications, particularly ischemic stroke (IS) compared to that in the general population. Background: MR is frequent, occurs mostly in the elderly and guidelines recommend surgery in asymptomatic patients but IS risks are unknown. Methods: in 1344 patients (65±12 years) consecutively operated for MR (procedures: 897 valve repair, MRep; 447 valve replacement, 231 mechanical, MVRm; 216 biological, MVRb), thrombo-embolic complications particularly IS (diagnosed by a neurologist) during follow-up were assessed early (<30 days), mid-term (30-180 days) and long-term (180 days). Results: IS occurred in 130 patients and IS or transient ischemic attack in 201. IS rates were 1.9±0.4% and 2.7±0.5%, at 30 and 180 days and 8.1±0.8% at 5 years. IS rates were lowest after MRep vs. MVRb and MVRm (6.1±0.9, 8±2.1 and 16.1±2.7% at 5 years, p<0.001). Comparison to IS expected rates in the population showed high risk within 30 days of surgery (Risk-ratio 41[26-60], p<0.001 but p>0.10 between procedures) and moderate risk after 30 days (risk-ratio 1.7 overall, p<0.001; 1.3 for MRep, p=0.07; 0.98 for MVRb, p=0.95; 4.8 for MVRm, p<0.001). Beyond 180 days, IS risk declined further and was not different from the general population for MRep (1.2, p=0.30) and for MVRb (0.9, p=0.72). Risk of IS or transient ischemic attack was higher than the general population in all groups up to 180 days. The risk of bleeding beyond 30 days was lowest in MRep vs. MVRb and MVRm (7±1, 14±4 and 16±3% at 10 years, p<0.001). Conclusion: thrombo-embolic complications after MR surgery are both reason for concern and encouragement. IS risk is notable early, irrespective of the procedure performed, but long-term is not higher than in the general population after MRep and MVRb. Preference for MRep should be emphasized and trials aimed at preventing IS should be conducted to reduce the thrombo-embolic and hemorrhagic risk in patients undergoing surgery for MR.


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Anhidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia (EDA), is the most frequent form among Ectodermal Dysplasias, hereditary genetic disorders causing ectodermal appendages defective development. Indeed, EDA is characterized by defective formation of hair follicles, sweat glands and teeth both in human patients and animals. EDA, the gene mutated in Anhidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia, encodes Ectodysplasin, a TNF family member that activates NF-kB mediated transcription. This disease can occur with mutations in other EDA-NF-kB pathway members, as EDA receptor, EDAR and its adapter, EDARADD. Moreover, mutations in TRAF6, NEMO, IKB and NF-kBs genes are responsible for Immunodeficiency associated EDA (EDA-ID). Several molecules, as SHH, WNT/DKK, BMP and LTβ, have already been reported to be EDA pathway regulators or effectors although the knowledge of the full spectrum of EDA targets remains incomplete. During the first part of the research project a gene expression analysis was performed in primary keratinocytes from Wild-type and Tabby (EDA model mouse) mice to identify novel EDA target genes. Earlier expression profiling at various developmental time points in Tabby and Wild-type mouse skin reported genes differentially expressed in the two samples and, to increase the resolution to find genes whose expression may be restricted to epidermal cells, the study was extended to primary keratinocyte cultures established from E19 Wild-type and Tabby skin. Using microarrays bearing 44,000 gene probes, we found 385 “preliminary candidate” genes whose expression was significantly affected by Eda defect. By comparing expression profiles to those from Eda-A1 (where Eda-A1 is highly expressed) transgenic skin, we restricted the list to 38 “candidate EDA targets”, 14 of which were already known to be expressed in hair follicles or epidermis. This work confirmed expression changes for 3 selected genes, Tbx1, Bmp7, and Jag1, both in primary keratinocytes and in Wild-type and Tabby whole skin, by Q-PCR and Western blotting analyses. Thus, this study detected novel candidate pathways downstream of EDA. In the second part of the research project, plasmid constructs were produced and analyzed to create a transgenic mouse model for Immunodeficiency associated EDA disease (XL-EDA-ID). In particular, plasmids containing mouse Wild-type and mutated Nemo cDNA under K-17 epidermis-specific promoter control and a Flag tag, were prepared, on the way to confine transgene expression to mice epidermis and to determine EDA phenotype without immunodeficiency for a comparison to Tabby model phenotype. EDA-ID mutations reported in patients and selected for this study are: C417R (C409R in mouse), causing Zinc Finger protein domain destabilization and A288G (A282G in mouse) affecting oligomerization of the protein. Moreover, the ex-novo mutation, ZnF, C-terminal Zinc Finger domain deletion, was tested. Thus, the constructs were analyzed by transient transfection, Western blotting and luciferase assays techniques, detecting Nemo Wild-type and mutant protein products and residue NF-kB activity in presence of mutants, after TNF stimulation. In particular, MEF_Nemo-/- cell line was used to monitor NF-kB activity without endogenous Nemo gene. Results show reduced NF-kB activity in presence of mutated Nemo forms compared to Wild-type: 81% for A282G (A288G in human); 24% for C409R (C417R in human); 15% for ZnF. C409R mutation (C417R in human), reported in 6 EDA-ID human patients, was selected to prepare transgenic model mouse. Mice (white, FVP) born following K17-promoter-Flag-Nemo_C409R plasmid region pronuclear injection, were analyzed for the transgene presence in the genotype and a preliminar examination of their phenotype was performed. In particular, one mouse showed considerable coat defects if compared to Wild-type mice. This preliminar analysis suggests a possible influence of Nemo mutant over-expression in epidermis without immunodeficiency. Still, more microscopic studies to analyze hair subtypes, Guard, Awl and Zigzag (usually alterated inTabby mouse model), Immunohistochemistry experiments to detect epidermis restricted Nemo expression and sweat glands analysis, will follow. This and other transgene positive mice will be crossed with black mice C57BL6 to obtain at least two indipendent agouti lines to analyze. Theses mice will be used in EDA target genes detection through microarrays. Following, plasmid constructs containing other Nemo mutant forms (A282G and ZnF) might be studied by the same experimental approaches to prepare more transgenic model mice to compare to Nemo_C409R and Tabby mouse models.


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Background: Mastocytosis is a rare disease involving mast cells (MC) and their CD34+ progenitors. According to the WHO consensus classification, cutaneous mastocytosis (CM) is considered a benign disease confined to the skin, preferentially seen in young children with a marked tendency to regress spontaneously. Aim of our study was the long-term assessment of the outcome of solitary (SM) and multiple (MM) mastocytomas in a pediatric population. Materials and methods: From January 1996 to December 2010, 241 pediatric patients with a diagnosis of CM were followed-up at the outpatient division of pediatric dermatology of the University of Bologna. We focused our retrospective evaluation on patients affected by SM or MM. We collected, through the analysis of medical records and with a telephone questionnaire for patients and their families, information on clinical aspects of the disease evolution and on the efficacy of topical steroid therapy. Results: Over the 241 considered patients we recorded: SM or MM in 176 (73%) pts., urticaria pigmentosa in 53 (22%) pts., telangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans in 9 (4%) pts., diffuse CM in 2 (0,9%) pts. and polymorph CM in 1 (0,4%) pt. On 176 children affected by SM or MM (97 M vs. 79 F), 130 (74%) patients were followed-up with a mean of 56,3 (r. 4-142) months. A satisfactory outcome was recorded in 99 (76%) cases of whom 52 (53%) treated with topic steroids. Mean time to complete regression was 16.4 m. on treated patients vs. 34.7 m. on non treated patients (p=0,001). Conclusions: From our study emerged that resolution of the disease is independent from therapy, but the time to regression and to complete recovery of the coetaneous lesions is faster and favored by the application of topic steroid with an improvement of the quality of life for children and their families.


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Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) and Autosomal Dominant Optic Atrophy (ADOA) are the two most common inherited optic neuropathies and both are the result of mitochondrial dysfunctions. Despite the primary mutations causing these disorders are different, being an mtDNA mutation in subunits of complex I in LHON and defects in the nuclear gene encoding the mitochondrial protein OPA1 in ADOA, both pathologies share some peculiar features, such a variable penetrance and tissue-specificity of the pathological processes. Probably, one of the most interesting and unclear aspect of LHON is the variable penetrance. This phenomenon is common in LHON families, most of them being homoplasmic mutant. Inter-family variability of penetrance may be caused by nuclear or mitochondrial ‘secondary’ genetic determinants or other predisposing triggering factors. We identified a compensatory mechanism in LHON patients, able to distinguish affected individuals from unaffected mutation carriers. In fact, carrier individuals resulted more efficient than affected subjects in increasing the mitochondrial biogenesis to compensate for the energetic defect. Thus, the activation of the mitochondrial biogenesis may be a crucial factor in modulating penetrance, determining the fate of subjects harbouring LHON mutations. Furthermore, mtDNA content can be used as a molecular biomarker which, for the first time, clearly differentiates LHON affected from LHON carrier individuals, providing a valid mechanism that may be exploited for development of therapeutic strategies. Although the mitochondrial biogenesis gained a relevant role in LHON pathogenesis, we failed to identify a genetic modifying factor for the variable penetrance in a set of candidate genes involved in the regulation of this process. A more systematic high-throughput approach will be necessary to select the genetic variants responsible for the different efficiency in activating mitochondrial biogenesis. A genetic modifying factor was instead identified in the MnSOD gene. The SNP Ala16Val in this gene seems to modulate LHON penetrance, since the Ala allele in this position significantly predisposes to be affected. Thus, we propose that high MnSOD activity in mitochondria of LHON subjects may produce an overload of H2O2 for the antioxidant machinery, leading to release from mitochondria of this radical and promoting a severe cell damage and death ADOA is due to mutation in the OPA1 gene in the large majority of cases. The causative nuclear defects in the remaining families with DOA have not been identified yet, but a small number of families have been mapped to other chromosomal loci (OPA3, OPA4, OPA5, OPA7, OPA8). Recently, a form of DOA and premature cataract (ADOAC) has been associated to pathogenic mutations of the OPA3 gene, encoding a mitochondrial protein. In the last year OPA3 has been investigated by two different groups, but a clear function for this protein and the pathogenic mechanism leading to ADOAC are still unclear. Our study on OPA3 provides new information about the pattern of expression of the two isoforms OPA3V1 and OPA3V2, and, moreover, suggests that OPA3 may have a different function in mitochondria from OPA1, the major site for ADOA mutations. In fact, based on our results, we propose that OPA3 is not involved in the mitochondrial fusion process, but, on the contrary, it may regulate mitochondrial fission. Furthermore, at difference from OPA1, we excluded a role for OPA3 in mtDNA maintenance and we failed to identify a direct interaction between OPA3 and OPA1. Considering the results from overexpression and silencing of OPA3, we can conclude that the overexpression has more drastic consequences on the cells than silencing, suggesting that OPA3 may cause optic atrophy via a gain-of-function mechanism. These data provide a new starting point for future investigations aimed at identifying the exact function of OPA3 and the pathogenic mechanism causing ADOAC.


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Interactive theorem provers are tools designed for the certification of formal proofs developed by means of man-machine collaboration. Formal proofs obtained in this way cover a large variety of logical theories, ranging from the branches of mainstream mathematics, to the field of software verification. The border between these two worlds is marked by results in theoretical computer science and proofs related to the metatheory of programming languages. This last field, which is an obvious application of interactive theorem proving, poses nonetheless a serious challenge to the users of such tools, due both to the particularly structured way in which these proofs are constructed, and to difficulties related to the management of notions typical of programming languages like variable binding. This thesis is composed of two parts, discussing our experience in the development of the Matita interactive theorem prover and its use in the mechanization of the metatheory of programming languages. More specifically, part I covers: - the results of our effort in providing a better framework for the development of tactics for Matita, in order to make their implementation and debugging easier, also resulting in a much clearer code; - a discussion of the implementation of two tactics, providing infrastructure for the unification of constructor forms and the inversion of inductive predicates; we point out interactions between induction and inversion and provide an advancement over the state of the art. In the second part of the thesis, we focus on aspects related to the formalization of programming languages. We describe two works of ours: - a discussion of basic issues we encountered in our formalizations of part 1A of the Poplmark challenge, where we apply the extended inversion principles we implemented for Matita; - a formalization of an algebraic logical framework, posing more complex challenges, including multiple binding and a form of hereditary substitution; this work adopts, for the encoding of binding, an extension of Masahiko Sato's canonical locally named representation we designed during our visit to the Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science at the University of Edinburgh, under the supervision of Randy Pollack.


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DNA methylating compounds are widely used as anti-cancer chemotherapeutics. The pharmaceutical critical DNA lesion induced by these drugs is O6-methylguanine (O6MeG). O6MeG is highly mutagenic and genotoxic, by triggering apoptosis. Despite the potency of O6MeG to induce cell death, the mechanism of O6MeG induced toxicity is still poorly understood. Comparing the response of mouse fibroblasts wild-type (wt) and deficient for ataxia telangiectasia mutant protein (ATM), a kinase responsible for both the recognition and the signalling of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), it was shown that ATM deficient cells are more sensitive to the methylating agents N-methyl-N’-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG), methyl methansulfonate (MMS) and the anti-cancer drug temozolomide, in both colony formation and apoptosis assays. This clearly shows that DSBs are involved in O6MeG toxicity. By inactivating the O6MeG repair enzyme O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) with the specific inhibitor O6-benzylguanine (O6BG), ATM wt and deficient cells became more sensitive to MNNG and MMS. The opposite effect was observed when over-expressing MGMT in ATM -/- cells. The results show that O6MeG is the critical DNA lesion causing death in ATM cells following MNNG treatment, and is partially responsible for the toxicity observed following MMS treatment. Furthermore, by inhibiting the ATM kinase activity with caffeine, it was shown that the resistance of wt cells to MNNG was due to the kinase activity of ATM, as wt cells underwent more apoptosis following methylating agent treatment in the presence of caffeine. Apoptosis and caspase-3 activation were late events, starting 48h after treatment. This lends support to the model where O6MeG lesions are converted into DSBs during replication. As ATM wt and deficient cells showed similar G2/M blockage and Chk1 activation following MNNG and MMS treatment, it was concluded that the protective effect of ATM is not due to cell cycle progression control. The hypersensitivity of ATM deficient cells was accompanied by their inability to activate the anti-apoptotic NFkB pathway. In a second part of this study, it was shown that the inflammatory cytokine IL-1 up-regulates the DNA repair gene apurinic endonuclease 2 (APEX2). Up-regulation of APEX2 occurred by transcriptional regulation as it was abrogated by actinomycin D. APEX2 mRNA accumulation was accompanied by increase in APEX2 protein level. IL-1 induced APEX2 expression as well as transfection of cells with APEX2 cDNA positively correlated with a decrease in apoptosis after treatment with genotoxic agents, particularly affecting cell death after H2O2. This indicates an involvement of APEX2 in the BER pathway in cells responding to IL-1.