977 resultados para Tax revenue


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This study uses internationally comparable methodologies to analyse the distributional impact of income tax and public transfers in 17 countries of Latin America. The results indicate that fiscal policy plays a limited role in improving the distribution of disposable income; the Gini coefficient decreased by barely three percentage points after direct fiscal action. On average, 61% of this reduction was due to public cash transfers and the rest to direct taxes, reflecting the pressing need for personal income tax to be strengthened. Analysis of household surveys gives an indication of the potential effects of tax reforms aimed at increasing the average effective tax rate of the top income decile. Allocating this additional revenue to targeted transfers would produce significant results. Consequently, tax reforms must be evaluated bearing in mind how those resources are used.


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Safeguarding the advances the continent has already achieved and ensuring inclusive and sustainable growth must be a priority for all the countries in the region. That is why the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and Oxfam are committed to working together in order to promote and build a new consensus against inequality. There is no silver bullet, but there are measures that can be taken, which together can make a big difference —and tax reform is a good place to start. This publication has been prepared in the hope that it will contribute to efforts to combat inequality in Latin America, by analysing the fiscal challenges involved and proposing policy guidelines.


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Os Sistemas Agroflorestais (SAFs) de cacaueiro da BR-230 além de ser uma alternativa para a recuperação de áreas desmatadas e degradadas da Amazônia são capazes de integrar floresta e agricultura proporcionando serviços ambientais como a manutenção da biodiversidade, o ciclo da água e o estoque de carbono. Porém, a lógica econômica do mercado de cacau não leva em consideração as falhas de mercado, sobretudo não internaliza as externalidades positivas dos serviços ambientais, principalmente o carbono dos Sistemas Agroflorestais de cacaueiro da BR-230. Portanto, o produtor rural não é compensado por este esforço em manter o serviço ambiental carbono em sua atividade. Assim, neste trabalho apresentamos um mecanismo de compensação com uma metodologia para o REDD para atividades produtivas a partir do estudo do Custo Marginal Privado e do Benefício Marginal Privado do mercado de cacau do Estado do Pará e, usando parâmetros da atividade produtiva dos SAFs de cacaueiro da BR-230, como o Carbono Estocado no Tempo para compor o Benefício Socioambiental. Este Benefício Socioambiental é composto pela Produtividade da Atividade, Valor do Carbono Estocado e primordialmente pelo Carbono Estocado no Tempo dos SAFs de cacaueiro para um período de trinta anos. Do estudo resultou a ferramenta do Benefício Socioambiental para solucionar os problemas da falha de mercado para a implantação do REDD para o produtor rural da SAF, mecanismo de compensação baseado na política de externalidade socioambiental positiva justificado pela Taxa Pigouviana. Portanto, o mecanismo de compensação apresenta uma visão de integração entre as dimensões social, econômica e ambiental como lógica diferente para os produtores rurais de SAFs da rodovia Transamazônica que promove benefícios para a conservação e preservação sem desmatamento e sem degradação para que o produtor continue perpetuando a conservação possibilitando um acréscimo na renda do produtor rural no período onde há maior custo da atividade e nenhuma receita de retorno e, nos últimos anos como forma de investimento de uma renovação da área em uso com um novo plantio ou com a manutenção de uma área antiga ou implantação de nova área de SAF. Desta forma, este mecanismo de compensação é um importante fator no financiamento de um novo modelo de desenvolvimento da Amazônia com uma política de REDD.


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o instituto da renúncia de receita tributária. A prática de conceder benefícios fiscais que importem em renúncia de receita é consagrada internacionalmente para auxiliar o desenvolvimento de segmentos econômicos estratégicos, regiões desfavorecidas e grupos de contribuintes, mas não deve ocorrer de forma indiscriminada, pois pode afetar o equilíbrio das contas públicas. É nesse pressuposto que se baseia a doutrina do tax expenditure ou, como chamamos no Brasil, gasto tributário, que equipara, para fins exclusivamente orçamentários, as perdas de arrecadação decorrentes de renúncias aos gastos governamentais. No âmbito nacional, a preocupação com a quantificação e controle sobre os gastos tributários encontra assento na Constituição Federal de 1988, que determina em seu art. 165, § 6º, que o projeto de lei orçamentária será acompanhado de demonstrativo regionalizado do efeito das receitas renunciadas. A temática da renúncia de receita ganhou maior notoriedade com o advento da Lei Complementar nº 101, de 04 de maio de 2000, chamada de Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal, que estabelece normas de finanças públicas voltadas para a responsabilidade na gestão fiscal; adota o conceito internacionalmente consagrado de renúncia de receita como gasto tributário e impõe diretrizes rigorosas para a concessão de benefícios tributários que acarretem renúncia de receita; e incorpora aos instrumentos de planejamento orçamentário os efeitos financeiros das renúncias de receita. Além dos requisitos constantes na Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal e da observância do disposto no art. 165 da Constituição Federal, a concessão de exonerações tributárias deve sempre se coadunar com a promoção do bem-estar social, ou seja, para a concessão ou ampliação de incentivos tributários que importem em renúncia de receita é necessário que haja um interesse público justificador do ato, que confira legitimidade à renúncia. Além da abordagem teórica do instituto em questão, a presente pesquisa destina-se a verificar, no caso concreto, a utilização que o Estado do Pará faz desse instituto.


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This paper proposes an approach to load characterization and revenue metering, which accounts for the influence of supply deterioration and line impedance. It makes use of the Conservative Power Theory and aims at characterizing the load from the measurements done at the point of common coupling. Despite the inherent limitations of a single-point measurement, the proposed methodology enables evaluation of power terms, which clarify the effects of reactivity, asymmetry and distortion, and attempts to depurate the power consumption accounted to the load from those terms deriving from supply nonidealities.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Many farm or ranch families that are attempting to bring a son or daughter back into their business experience a strain on the cash flow. Recent changes to Nebraska's Beginning Farmer Tax Credit Program provide an attractive incentive that can be very beneficial to those families. Regulation changes made in 2008 now allow parents to rent agricultural assets to their own children.


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Many farm or ranch families that are attempting to bring a son or daughter back into their business experience a strain on the cash flow. After all, a business that has been providing enough income for one family to live on, must now not only generate adequate income for the parents living expenses, but also attempt to provide enough income for a second family, the successor. Recent changes to Nebraska’s Beginning Farmer Tax Credit Program provide an attractive incentive that can be very beneficial for family farming/ranching operations that are trying to bring a family member back into their business. Regulation changes made in 2008 now allow parents to rent agricultural assets to their own children.


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If you're like most farmers, one of your key goals is to maximize after-tax earnings. The more money left over after you've paid your farm bills land your taxes, the more you and your family will have to spend. You can increase thos enet earnings in sveral ways: by increasing production, by decreasing cost of supplies oer by finding a way to get more for your produce. But there's another way to increase your after-tax earnings. One that many farmers oculd afford to spen dmore time on: decreasing taxes. The key to avoiding unnecessary taxes is tax planning. This publication will help you do just that: plan for the future.


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Background: In Virology Journal 2011, 8: 535, Neto et al. described point mutations into Tax-responsive elements (TRE) of the LTR region of HTLV-1 isolates from asymptomatic carriers from Sao Paulo, Brazil, and hypothesized that the presence of the G232A mutation in the TRE-1 increase viral proliferation and consequently the proviral load (PvL), while the A184G mutation in the TRE-2 do not have such effect. Findings: We performed the real-time PCR assay (pol) and sequenced LTR region of HTLV-1 isolates from 24 HIV/HTLV-1-coinfected patients without HTLV-1-associated diseases from the same geographic area. These sequences were classified as belonging to the transcontinental subgroup A of the Cosmopolitan subtype a. The frequency of G232A mutation (16/24, 66.7%) was high as much as 61.8% reported by Neto's in HTLV-1 asymptomatic carriers with high PvL. High frequency (13/24, 54.2%) of double mutations G232A and A184G was also detected in HIV/HTLV-1-coinfected patients. We did not quantify PvL, but comparative analyses of the cycle threshold (Ct) median values of the group of isolates presenting the mutated-types sequences (Ct 33.5, n = 16) versus the group of isolates with the wild-type sequences (Ct 32, n = 8) showed no statistical difference (p = 0.4220). Conclusion: The frequencies of mutated-type sequences in the TRE-1 and TRE-2 motifs were high in HIV/HTLV-1-coinfected patients from Sao Paulo, Brazil. If these LTR point mutations have predictive value for the development of HTLV-1-associated diseases or they correspond to the subtype of virus that circulate in this geographic area has to be determined.


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The tax gene of human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) diverges among isolates according to geographic regions and has been classified into two genotypes: taxA and taxB. In Brazil, taxA is the most prevalent genotype in symptomatic and asymptomatic carriers. Few studies have been conducted in HIV-infected patients. The present study characterized the tax gene (1059 bp) in 13 Brazilian HIV-1/HTLV-1-coinfected patients from the south and southeast regions. The results confirmed the transcontinental HTLV-1 subgroup A of the Cosmopolitan subtype and showed high nucleotide similarity both among Brazilian sequences and in relation to the ATK prototype (99.5% and 99.2%, respectively). Six nucleotide substitutions were highly conserved among isolates, ranging from 76.9% to 100%: C7401T, T7914C, C7920T, C7982T, G8231A, and A8367C. The presence of the Brazilian molecular signature of genotype taxA was confirmed in all of the isolates, and they clustered into two Latin American clusters, which confirms the double introduction of HTLV-1 in Brazil.


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Background Tax policy is considered the most effective strategy to reduce tobacco consumption and prevalence. Tax avoidance and tax evasion therefore undermine the effectiveness of tax policies and result in less revenue for governments, cheaper prices for smokers and increased tobacco use. Tobacco smuggling and illicit tobacco trade have probably always existed, since tobacco's introduction as a valuable product from the New World, but the nature of the trade has changed. Methods This article clarifies definitions, reviews the key issues related to illicit trade, describes the different ways taxes are circumvented and looks at the size of the problem, its changing nature and its causes. The difficulties of data collection and research are discussed. Finally, we look at the policy options to combat illicit trade and the negotiations for a WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) protocol on illicit tobacco trade. Results Twenty years ago the main type of illicit trade was large-scale cigarette smuggling of well known cigarette brands. A change occurred as some major international tobacco companies in Europe and the Americas reviewed their export practices due to tax regulations, investigations and lawsuits by the authorities. Other types of illicit trade emerged such as illegal manufacturing, including counterfeiting and the emergence of new cigarette brands, produced in a rather open manner at well known locations, which are only or mainly intended for the illegal market of another country. Conclusions The global scope and multifaceted nature of the illicit tobacco trade requires a coordinated international response, so a strong protocol to the FCTC is essential. The illicit tobacco trade is a global problem which needs a global solution.


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Financial support: FUNDHERP, CTC, INCTC, FAPESP, CNPq and CAPES.