930 resultados para Take the "Con" Out of Consulting In the Food Service
This paper makes a reflection about a panorama of higher education quality, and referring to that it reviews and discusses what should be ongoing, what was made in history and what is today in curse, that is the basic strategies used by the government to improve higher education. An emphasis is made on higher education quality tests (ECAES, in Spanish) for health careers, in order to solve some doubts in students and teachers about those tests. My excuses to the reader for often using first person and some references of personal interviews or unprinted conferences.
This article presents the results of a research project undertaken to obtain a Masters inBusiness Administration from the Business School at the Universidad del Norte, whosepurpose was to identify and test a methodology to measure the impact exerted by thechange from 2nd to 3rd generation mobile tech, based on the perception of users belongingto Barranquilla SME, motivated by the influence of technological changes in behavior andthe knowledge creation among society members, and the importance it has taken to thesurvival of organizations the adoption of applications for process automation, web-basedapplications, voice, data and video that allow the development of competitive advantages,based on information and creativity for new and better products or services.
The growth and expansion of cities during the last century can’t be seen without taking into account the important role they have assumed in the transport infrastructure. In Bogota have passed trough streetcar, buses and automóviles was deciding for the city, because all this periods marked a drastic change in growth morphology. This article studies the planning of Mass Transit System –MTS– Transmilenio and its interaction with the urban structure, in light of the current city planning framework. It also specifies the behavior of land use in the construction of the system first phase. One of the most important findings of this study is that there is no articulation between land and transport use system, despite the decisions taken in the ordering model. Similarly, local and intermediate planning exhibits Peak articulation.The existing infrastructure of the MTS reiterates the tendency to concentrate the accessibility in one place: the center has the largest accessibility whereas periphery fails to overcome its limitations of accessibility. While the city continued with this trend the existence of a coordinated planning system for Bogota and the ability to meet expectations of planning model is questionable, however it is something that depends not only on MTS.
The review of the terms used as keywords in three journals (published in Mexico and Chile) and the Brazilian meetings of regional and urban research are used to analyze the trends in housing research. Their dynamics are interpreted in the light of the general changes identified for urban and regional research, synthesized by other authors as the emergence of new research topics and agents of urban change (civil society, participation, environment, gender) and the process of globalization (in its facets of productive restructuration, job flexibility, social exclusion) as a general framework of analysis. It is found that the central themes of research in housing relate primarily to government action in housing. New concerns, such as citizen participation, the environment or gender are linked to these actions as normative elements to the evaluation of programs or policies, but not as autonomous fields of study of the housing.In addition to this central concern, a significant growth of academic production and ome indication of the internationalization of research are mentioned
The phenomenon of paramilitarism in Colombia has received an ambiguous treatment, balancing between political and criminal issues; an oscillation that has been intimately linked to the evolution of the Colombian internal conflict. This contribution analyzes the recent negotiations held with paramilitary groups by the administration of Alvaro Uribe Vélez (2002-2010). After a brief account of the dependency path that has determined this historical episode, I propose an assessment of the use of judicial categories by the various actors of the negotiations. The main argument is that those categories –war criminal, political criminal, drug smuggler, etc.– do not depend on the intrinsic nature of an armed actor, but are socially constructed by a conflictive process of material and symbolic struggles. The capacity to categorize private violence, as legitimate or illegitimate, political or criminal, appears as one of the basic manifestations of the state’s action, as well as one of the main conflicts presiding at the rocess of state formation.
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Es hora de salir del baño, pero Shirley no oye a su madre. Ella está soñando, flota en un mundo de aventuras, en una secreta tierra con bosques verdes, donde viven caballeros valientes montados en caballos blancos, en el que ella participa como uno más de ellos en un torneo, donde los reyes y las reinas flotan con sus flotadores en el foso alrededor del castillo.
Está destinado al apoyo de los profesores en su desarrollo profesional, pues es una referencia útil para aquellos que quieran conocer temas de investigación en pedagogía geográfica. Aunque los ejemplos se han tomado principalmente de las escuelas de Inglaterra, pueden ser aplicados a las aulas de geografía de todo el mundo. También muestra cómo es el aprendizaje de la geografía promovido por la autora del libro, que favorece la participación activa de los estudiantes, al demostrar la importancia de estimular su curiosidad y promover un comportamiento crítico hacia los datos, y ofrecer, asimismo, oportunidades para qué los propios alumnos busquen nuevas ideas e información y reflexionen sobre lo aprendido.
Antología de poesías pertenecientes a cien poetas de todo el mundo de habla inglesa. Es una introducción a una gran variedad de formas, estilos y contenidos de versos de los últimos cuatro siglos, desde el siglo XVI hasta la actualidad. Su contenido se adapta al estudio del CIE, IGCSE y al programa de estudios del nivel AS y nivel avanzado de literatura en inglés.
Antología de relatos de escritores de diferentes países y culturas, como Charles Dickens, H.G. Wells, Virginia Woolf, Graham Greene, V.S. Naipaul, Raymond Carver, Jhumpa Lahiri y Annie Proulx. Su contenido se adapta al estudio del CIE, IGCSE y a los exámenes del nivel AS y nivel A de literatura en inglés.