833 resultados para Taiwan type 2 diabetes


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Background : Life transitions are associated with high levels of stress affecting health behaviours among people with Type 1 diabetes. Transition to motherhood is a major transition with potential complications accelerated by pregnancy with risks of adverse childbirth outcomes and added anxiety and worries about pregnancy outcomes. Further, preparing and going through pregnancy requires vigilant attention to a diabetes management regimen and detailed planning of everyday activities with added stress on women. Psychological and social well-being during and after pregnancy are integral for good pregnancy outcomes for both mother and baby. The aim of this study is to establish the face and content validity of two novel measures assessing the well-being of women with type 1 diabetes in their transition to motherhood, 1) during pregnancy and 2) during the postnatal period.

Methods : The approach to the development of the Pregnancy and Postnatal Well-being in T1DM Transition questionnaires was based on a four-stage pre-testing process; systematic overview of literature, items development, piloting testing of questionnaire and refinement of questionnaire. The questionnaire was reviewed at every stage by expert clinicians, researchers and representatives from consumer groups. The cognitive debriefing approach confirmed relevance of issues and identified additional items.

Results : The literature review and interviews identified three main areas impacting on the women’s postnatal self-management; (1) psychological well-being; (2) social environment, (3) physical (maternal and fetal) well-being. The cognitive debriefing in pilot testing of the questionnaire identified that immediate postnatal period was difficult, particularly when the women were breastfeeding and felt depressed.

Conclusions : The questionnaires fill an important gap by systematically assessing the psychosocial needs of women with type 1 diabetes during pregnancy and in the immediate postnatal period. The questionnaires can be used in larger data collection to establish psychometric properties. The questionnaires potentially play a key role in prospective research to determine the self-management and psychological needs of women with type 1 diabetes transitioning to motherhood and to evaluate health education interventions.


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OBJECTIVE: Impaired awareness of hypoglycemia (IAH) and defective counterregulation significantly increase severe hypoglycemia risk in type 1 diabetes (T1D). We evaluated restoration of IAH/defective counterregulation by a treatment strategy targeted at hypoglycemia avoidance in adults with T1D with IAH (Gold score ≥4) participating in the U.K.-based multicenter HypoCOMPaSS randomized controlled trial. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Eighteen subjects with T1D and IAH (mean ± SD age 50 ± 9 years, T1D duration 35 ± 10 years, HbA1c 8.1 ± 1.0% [65 ± 10.9 mmol/mol]) underwent stepped hyperinsulinemic-hypoglycemic clamp studies before and after a 6-month intervention. The intervention comprised the HypoCOMPaSS education tool in all and randomized allocation, in a 2 × 2 factorial study design, to multiple daily insulin analog injections or continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion therapy and conventional glucose monitoring or real-time continuous glucose monitoring. Symptoms, cognitive function, and counterregulatory hormones were measured at each glucose plateau (5.0, 3.8, 3.4, 2.8, and 2.4 mmol/L), with each step lasting 40 min with subjects kept blinded to their actual glucose value throughout clamp studies. RESULTS: After intervention, glucose concentrations at which subjects first felt hypoglycemic increased (mean ± SE from 2.6 ± 0.1 to 3.1 ± 0.2 mmol/L, P = 0.02), and symptom and plasma metanephrine responses to hypoglycemia were higher (median area under curve for symptoms, 580 [interquartile range {IQR} 420-780] vs. 710 [460-1,260], P = 0.02; metanephrine, 2,412 [-3,026 to 7,279] vs. 5,180 [-771 to 11,513], P = 0.01). Glycemic threshold for deterioration of cognitive function measured by four-choice reaction time was unchanged, while the color-word Stroop test showed a degree of adaptation. CONCLUSIONS: Even in long-standing T1D, IAH and defective counterregulation may be improved by a clinical strategy aimed at hypoglycemia avoidance.


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AIMS: To evaluate structured type 1 diabetes education delivered in routine practice throughout Australia.

METHODS: Participants attended a five-day training program in insulin dose adjustment and carbohydrate counting between April 2007 and February 2012. Using an uncontrolled before-and-after study design, we investigated: HbA1c (% and mmol/mol); severe hypoglycaemia; diabetes ketoacidosis (DKA) requiring hospitalisation, and diabetes-related distress (Problem Areas in Diabetes scale; PAID), weight (kg); body mass index. Data were collected pre-training and 6-18 months post-training. Change in outcome scores were examined overall as well as between groups stratified by baseline HbA1c quartiles. Data are mean±SD or % (n).

RESULTS: 506 participants had data eligible for analysis. From baseline to follow-up, significant reductions were observed in the proportion of participants reporting at least one severe hypoglycaemic event (24.7% (n=123) vs 12.1% (n=59), p<0.001); and severe diabetes-related distress (29.3% (n=145) vs 12.6% (n=60), p<0.001). DKA requiring hospitalisation in the past year reduced from 4.1% (n=20) to 1.2% (n=6). For those with above target baseline HbA1c there was a small, statistically significant improvement (n=418, 8.4±1.1% (69±12mmol/mol) to 8.2±1.1% (66±12mmol/mol). HbA1c improvement was clinically significant among those in the highest baseline quartile (n=122, 9.7±1.1% (82±11mmol/mol) to 9.0±1.2% (75±13mmol/mol), p<0.001).

CONCLUSIONS: The proportion of participants reporting severe hypoglycaemia, DKA and severe diabetes-related distress was at least halved, and HbA1c reduced by 0.7% (7mmol/mol) among those with highest baseline levels. Structured type 1 diabetes education delivered in routine practice offers clinically important benefits for those with greatest clinical need.


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Portadores de diabetes parecem ter mais queixas de olho seco do que o resto da população. Acredita-se que isto possa estar associado a uma forma de neuropatia diabética expressa por uma redução na sensibilidade corneana desses pacientes. Nossos principais objetivos neste estudo foram avaliar a influência da diabetes melito tipo 2 na sensibilidade corneana central e verificar se há uma associação entre a sensibilidade corneana central e a síndrome do olho seco em indivíduos com a doença. Assim, 62 portadores de diabetes tipo 2 foram submetidos a um exame oftalmológico de rotina, a uma ceratoestesiometria e a testes específicos para avaliar olho seco e polineuropatia distal simétrica. Num outro grupo, 20 voluntários saudáveis tiveram seus olhos avaliados da mesma forma, exceto pela não realização dos testes específicos para disfunção lacrimal. Entre os indivíduos diabéticos avaliados, foram observados 53.2% com hipoestesia corneana, 54.2% com retinopatia diabética, 45.9% com polineuropatia distal simétrica e 51.6% com a síndrome do olho seco. Entre os principais achados, observamos associações significativas envolvendo: diabetes tipo 2 e hipoestesia corneana central, síndrome do olho seco e hipoestesia corneana central, produção lacrimal reflexa (avaliada pelo teste de Schirmer II) e sensibilidade corneana central e retinopatia diabética proliferativa e sensibilidade corneana central. Uma possível associação foi encontrada envolvendo síndrome do olho seco retinopatia diabética proliferativa. Os autores discutem os resultados obtidos e os mecanismos envolvidos.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Estudos epidemiológicos observaram que glicemias pós-prandiais (GPPs) elevadas são fator principal na ocorrência de doenças cardiovasculares. Sabe-se que a hemoglobina glicada (HbA1C) reflete a glicemia média dos últimos 2-3 meses, entretanto é controversa a contribuição relativa da glicemia de jejum (GJ) e GPP para o valor da HbA1C. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a contribuição da GJ e GPPs para o valor da HbA1C em pacientes com diabetes melito tipo 2 (DM2). MÉTODOS: Participaram 53 indivíduos com DM2, estáveis e em tratamento com antidiabéticos orais (n= 27) e/ou insulina (n= 26). Cada paciente comparecia a 3 visitas a intervalos de 2 meses. em cada visita era medida a GJ, as GPPs (2h pós-desjejum: GPD e pós-almoço: GPA) e a HbA1C, sendo fornecido o desjejum e o almoço segundo seus hábitos alimentares. Mediu-se a glicose plasmática pela glicose-oxidase e a HbA1C, pela cromatografia de troca iônica. Realizou-se a análise das associações pelo coeficiente de correlação de Spearman, com P< 0,05. RESULTADOS: A HbA1C correlacionou-se melhor em cada visita ao longo do estudo com a GPD (r: 0,66­0,48), a glicemia média (r: 0,64­0,41), a área abaixo da curva glicêmica (r : 0,64­0,46) e a GPP média (r: 0,59­0,41). CONCLUSÕES: A GPD mostrou-se um parâmetro eficaz adicional no monitoramento glicêmico dos pacientes com DM2.


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Objectives: We performed a prospective clinical study of the cochleovestibular symptoms and the risk cofactors and characteristics of hearing loss in patients with type 1 diabetes.Methods: Group I consisted of 40 patients with type I diabetes, and group 2 consisted of 20 control subjects without diabetes. All participants answered a questionnaire, and their medical records were reviewed. They also were submitted to otorhinolaryngological examinations and to auditory tests (pure tone audiometry and acoustic immitance and auditory brain stem response [ABR] tests).Results: Dyslipidemia, hypertension, retinopathy, and diabetic neuropathy were not frequent in the patients of group 1, but incipient nephropathy was present in 47.5% of them. The most frequent cochleovestibular symptoms were tinnitus and hearing loss. Sensorineural hearing loss was found in 4 patients of group I and was predominantly bilateral, symmetric, and affecting the high frequencies, coexisting with normal vocal discrimination. These patients had a longer time from diabetes diagnosis and had poor glycemia control. A delay of ABR interpeak latency I-III was observed in 11.25% of the group I ears. All patients of group 2 presented normal audiograms and ABR tests.Conclusions: In group 1, the most frequent cochleovestibular symptoms were tinnitus and hearing loss. The sensorineural hearing loss was mild, symmetric, and predominantly high-frequency. A delay of ABR interpeak latencies was detected in the patients of group I who had normal audiometric thresholds.


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There may be an interaction between periodontal disease and sonic systemic diseases such as diabetes mellitus The objective of this review was to verify by means of a review of clinical trials if is a positive association between periodontal disease and the glycerine control of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM 2) patients Eleven articles that fit the study criteria were revised It was concluded that periodontal disease may influence the metabolic control of 2 Additional studies with larger sample sizes and longer follow up are necessary for a better clarification of this issue (Rev Med Chile 2010 138 1172 1178)


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Background: Scarce information is available about the variation in the incidence of Type 1 diabetes in the Brazilian population in the last decades. Aim: The objective of this study was to assess the long-term trends (1986-2006) in the incidence of Type 1 diabetes in Bauru, São Paulo State, Brazil. Subjects and methods: The annual incidence of Type 1 diabetes (per 100,000 per yr) from 1986 to 2006 was determined in children yr of age, using the capture and recapture method. Results: A total of 176 cases were diagnosed in the study population. The overall incidence was 10.4/100,000 with a range of 2.82/100,000 in 1987 to 18.49/100,000 in 2002 representing a 6.56-fold increase within the same population. The estimated incidence, using the capture and recapture method varied from 2.82/100,000 per yr in 1987 to 27.20/100,000 per yr in 2002, representing a 9.6-fold variation. The global pattern of incidence variation was categorized as high (10-19.99/100,000 per yr), and very high (20/100,000 per yr) in 71.43% of the study-years. Incidence was slightly higher among females, Caucasians, children in the 5-9 yr of age range and belonging to lower socio-economic classes. Most diagnoses were established during the colder months and/or with higher pluviometric indexes. Conclusions: The incidence of Type 1 diabetes in children is increasing in Bauru, São Paulo State, Brazil, and the global pattern of incidence was classified as high or very high, mainly in the last 10 yr. All Brazilian regions should be involved in the study. (J. Endocrinol. Invest. 33: 373-377, 2010) (C)2010, Editrice Kurtis


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the importance of the oral glucose tolerance test for the diagnosis of glucose intolerance (GI) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM-2) in women with PCOS. METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted on 247 patients with PCOS selected at random. The diagnosis of GI was obtained from the two-hour oral glucose tolerance test with 75 g of glucose according to the criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO) (GI: 120 minutes for plasma glucose =140 mg/dL and <200 mg/dL), and the diagnosis of DM-2 was obtained by both the oral glucose tolerance test (DM: 120 minutes for plasma glucose =200 mg/dL) and fasting glucose using the criteria of the American Diabetes Association (impaired fasting glucose: fasting plasma glucose =100 and <126 mg/dL; DM: fasting glucose =126 mg/dL). A logistic regression model for repeated measures was applied to compare the oral glucose tolerance test with fasting plasma glucose. ANOVA followed by the Tukey test was used for the analysis of the clinical and biochemical characteristics of patients with and without GI and/or DM-2. A p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS: PCOS patients had a mean age of 24.8±6.3, and body mass index (BMI) of 18.3 to 54.9 kg/m2 (32.5±7.6). The percentage of obese patients was 64%, the percentage of overweight patients was 18.6% and 17.4% had healthy weight. The oral glucose tolerance test identified 14 cases of DM-2 (5.7%), while fasting glucose detected only three cases (1.2%), and the frequency of these disorders was higher with increasing age and BMI. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study demonstrate the superiority of the oral glucose tolerance test in relation to fasting glucose in diagnosing DM-2 in young women with PCOS and should be performed in these patients.


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Type I diabetes is a disease caused by autoimmune destruction of the beta cells in the pancreas that leads to a deficiency in insulin production. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prophylactic potential of a prime-boost strategy involving bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) and the pVAXhsp65 vaccine (BCG/DNAhsp65) in diabetes induced by streptozotocin (STZ) in C57BL/6 mice and also in spontaneous type 1 diabetes in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice. BCG/DNAhsp65 vaccination in NOD mice determined weight gain, protection against hyperglycaemia, decreased islet inflammation, higher levels of cytokine production by the spleen and a reduced number of regulatory T cells in the spleen compared with non-immunized NOD mice. In the STZ model, however, there was no significant difference in the clinical parameters. Although this vaccination strategy did not protect mice in the STZ model, it was very effective in NOD mice. This is the first report demonstrating that a prime-boost strategy could be explored as an immunomodulatory procedure in autoimmune diseases. © 2013 British Society for Immunology.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB