993 resultados para Taillandier, Alph.-Hon.
"Based on a survey which the author made during the winter of 1927-28 for Hon. W.M. Jardine, United States secretary of agriculture, of research data in Washington and elsewhere which have a bearing on the industrial utilization of farm products."--Pref.
A series of articles re-published from the Charleston mercury discussing the pamphlet "The opinion of Hon. William Johnson, delivered on the 7th of August, 1823, in the case of the arrest of a British seaman under the 3d section of the state act, entitled An act for the better regulation of free negroes and persons of colour, and for other purposes passed in December last".
At head of title: Department of the Interior. Hon. Thomas G. Murphy, minister. W.W. Cory, C.M.G., deputy minister. North West Territories and Yukon Branch. O.S. Finnie, director. "Notes on the musk-ox and the caribou, by R.M. Anderson, PH. D.": p.49-53.
London edition, 1856, published in 2 vols.
Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att undersöka hur muslimska kvinnor framställs i digitala dagstidningarna Dagens Nyheter och engelska The Guardian. För att kunna genomföra denna studie valde jag att använda mig av kvantitativ innehållsanalys där jag efter vissa kriterier valde ut 51 artiklar från The Guardian och 49 artiklar från Dagens Nyheter. Totalt undersöktes 100 artiklar från de utvalda tidningarna. Tidsperioden var 2011-2016. Frågeställningarna var; hur beskrivs muslimska kvinnor i de utvalda webbtidningarna? Vilka etniska grupper finns explicit nämda i de undersökta artiklarna? Om det finns, vilka könsroller kan urskiljas? Finns det en positiv eller negativ anda i själva artikeln gentemot muslimska kvinnor? De teorier som jag använde mig av i denna studie var feministiska och mångfaldsteorier. Resultatet visade att det vanligaste sammanhanget som den muslimska kvinnan förekommer i är att de beskrivs som offer. Ibland kunde hon framställas som både offer och förbrytare. En del av artiklarna var lite svåra att bedöma om de hade positiv eller negativ attityd. Detta beror på att det beskrevs som både positivt och negativt. Det kunde handla om den muslimska kvinnans situation som beskrevs positivt medan en del negativt kunde skrivas om islam, om t ex att det finns bakåtsträvande idéer och rörelser. Antingen framställdes den muslimska kvinnan som ett offer, förbrytare, både och, neutralt eller som en kämpe. Artiklarna som framställde kvinnan som en kämpe hade en positiv tendens då de försökte lyfta fram kvinnan och visa att hon är mer framgångsrik samt självständig, än förtryckt, vilket många anser en beslöjad kvinna är. Det fanns artiklar som hade en positiv tendens, men även artiklarna med en negativ tendens gentemot den muslimska kvinnan. Ytterst få artiklar i både DN och The Guardian nämnde etniska grupper, det lades inget stort fokus på etniciteter. Utöver detta benämndes kvinnorna i artiklarna som muslimska kvinnor. Inga könsroller kunde urskiljas.
A lithographic method was used to produce polycrystalline diamond films having highly defined surface geometry, showing an array of diamond tips for possible application as a field emitter device. The films grown in this study used microwave plasma assisted chemical vapour deposition (MACVD) on a silicon substrate; the substrate was then dissolved away to reveal the surface features on the diamond film. It is possible to align the crystallite direction and affect the electron emission properties using a voltage bias to enhance the nucleation process and influence the nuclei to a preferred orientation. This study focuses on the identification of the distribution of crystal directions in the film, using electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD) to identify the crystallographic character of the film surface. EBSD allows direct examination of the individual diamond grains, grains boundaries and the crystal orientation of each individual crystallite. The EBSD maps of the bottom (nucleation side) of the films, following which a layer of film is ion-milled away and the mapping process repeated. The method demonstrates experimentally that oriented nucleation occurs and the thin sections allow the crystal texture to be reconstructed in 3-D. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study aimed to investigate whether fluid shifts alter ciprofloxacin pharmacokinetics in critically ill patients over time. Patients >= 18 years, with normal renal function, requiring intensive care treatment and parenteral antibiotics were enrolled. Group A (22 patients) included patients with documented intra-abdominal infections. Group B (18 patients) included patients with severe sepsis from other causes. All patients received intravenous ciprofloxacin 400 mg every 8 h infused over 60 min. Eight timed blood specimens were taken on days 0, 2 and 7. Ciprofloxacin plasma concentrations were determined using high performance liquid chromatography. There were no significant differences between the pharmacokinetics of the two groups or over time. Ciprofloxacin pharmacokinetics in critically ill patients do not change over time, and intra-abdominal sepsis does not alter ciprofloxacin pharmacokinetic parameters to a greater degree than sepsis from other causes in critically ill patients. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. and the International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.
Biomass pyrolysis to bio-oil is one of the promising sustainable fuels. In this work, relation between biomass feedstock element characteristic and crude bio-oil production yield and lower heating value was explored. The element characteristics considered in this study include moisture, ash, fix carbon, volatile matter, C, H, N, O, S, cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin content. A semi-batch fixed bed reactor was used for biomass pyrolysis with heating rate of 30 °C/min from room temperature to 600 °C and the reactor was held at 600 °C for 1 h before cooling down. Constant nitrogen flow (1bar) was provided for anaerobic condition. Sago and Napier glass were used in the study to create different element characteristic of feedstock by altering mixing ratio. Comparison between each element characteristic to crude bio-oil yield and low heating value was conducted. The result suggested potential key element characteristic for pyrolysis and provide a platform to access the feedstock element acceptance range.
Biomass pyrolysis to bio-oil is one of the promising sustainable fuels. In this work, relation between biomass feedstock element characteristic and pyrolysis process outputs was explored. The element characteristics considered in this study include moisture, ash, fix carbon, volatile matter, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulphur. A semi-batch fixed bed reactor was used for biomass pyrolysis with heating rate of 30 °C/min from room temperature to 600 °C and the reactor was held at 600 °C for 1 h before cooling down. Constant nitrogen flow rate of 5 L/min was provided for anaerobic condition. Rice husk, Sago biomass and Napier grass were used in the study to form different element characteristic of feedstock by altering mixing ratio. Comparison between each element characteristic to total produced bio-oil yield, aqueous phase bio-oil yield, organic phase bio-oil yield, higher heating value of organic phase bio-oil, and organic bio-oil compounds was conducted. The results demonstrate that process performance is associated with feedstock properties, which can be used as a platform to access the process feedstock element acceptance range to estimate the process outputs. Ultimately, this work evaluated the element acceptance range for proposed biomass pyrolysis technology to integrate alternative biomass species feedstock based on element characteristic to enhance the flexibility of feedstock selection.
Although the theme park has been a major tourism destination in the United States, little research has been done in this industry. The growing economic significance and competition of the theme park industry ensure that the study of theme parks will emerge as a more popular research topic in the years to come. The authors review related articles and identify potential research topics in the theme park industry.