999 resultados para Supervisão clínica inter-pares
The thesis deals with the phenomenon of learning between organizations in innovation networks that develop new products, services or processes. Inter organizational learning is studied especially at the level of the network. The role of the network can be seen as twofold: either the network is a context for inter organizational learning, if the learner is something else than the network (organization, group, individual), or the network itself is the learner. Innovations are regarded as a primary source of competitiveness and renewal in organizations. Networking has become increasingly common particularly because of the possibility to extend the resource base of the organization through partnerships and to concentrate on core competencies. Especially in innovation activities, networks provide the possibility to answer the complex needs of the customers faster and to share the costs and risks of the development work. Networked innovation activities are often organized in practice as distributed virtual teams, either within one organization or as cross organizational co operation. The role of technology is considered in the research mainly as an enabling tool for collaboration and learning. Learning has been recognized as one important collaborative process in networks or as a motivation for networking. It is even more important in the innovation context as an enabler of renewal, since the essence of the innovation process is creating new knowledge, processes, products and services. The thesis aims at providing enhanced understanding about the inter organizational learning phenomenon in and by innovation networks, especially concentrating on the network level. The perspectives used in the research are the theoretical viewpoints and concepts, challenges, and solutions for learning. The methods used in the study are literature reviews and empirical research carried out with semi structured interviews analyzed with qualitative content analysis. The empirical research concentrates on two different areas, firstly on the theoretical approaches to learning that are relevant to innovation networks, secondly on learning in virtual innovation teams. As a result, the research identifies insights and implications for learning in innovation networks from several viewpoints on organizational learning. Using multiple perspectives allows drawing a many sided picture of the learning phenomenon that is valuable because of the versatility and complexity of situations and challenges of learning in the context of innovation and networks. The research results also show some of the challenges of learning and possible solutions for supporting especially network level learning.
Las teorías contemporáneas sobre el duelo enfatizan en el papel de la adaptación activa a la pérdida como un factor que afecta a un amplio rango de aspectos psicosociales. A pesar del considerable número de investigaciones empíricas que refuerzan este punto de vista, los investigadores comúnmente han limitado su atención a las respuestas a las pérdidas más recientes sufridas por las personas en duelo antes que estudiar su posible adaptación a las diversas pérdidas sufridas a lo largo de su historia vital. Para ello, los autores presentan el Inventario de Historia de Pérdidas (IHP), el cual evalúa sistemáticamente la forma en que las pérdidas han sido experimentadas por los sujetos y su percepción de haberse adaptado satisfactoria o insatisfactoriamente a cada una de ellas. El IHP puede ayudar en la evaluación psicológica y en la planificación del tratamiento, así como permitir la recolección de datos históricos relevantes para la investigación futura en temas de duelo y pérdida.
Invocatio: Deo moderatore.
El tema que aquí ens ocupa és esbrinar quins són els hàbits de lectura dels pares i les mares i constatar si influeixen o no en l'adquisició d'aquests mateixos hàbits en els seus fills i filles. Les dades utilitzades per fer la investigació són el resultat de cinquantasis enquestes contestades per pares i mares d'infants d'educació primària, que ens serveixen per veure que la motivació dels infants envers la lectura no depèn només de la família, sinó també de l'escola i de la societat, que han de treballar conjuntament
Invocatio: J.N.J.F.
Dedicatio: Isaacus Eneberg.
Invocatio: Q.F.F.S.
Invocatio: D.D.
Invocatio: I.N.J.C.
Invocatio: D.O.D.
Invocatio: B.C.D.
Invocatio: I.N.J.C.
Invocatio: Q.F.E.I.S.T.
Invocatio: I.N.J.