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The aim of this study was to evaluate whether digitized images obtained from occlusal radiographs taken with low or over dose of radiation could be improved with the aid of computer software for digital treatment. Thirteen occlusal radiographs of a dry skull were taken employing 13 different exposure times. The radiographs were digitized and then manipulated with the program for image editing. 143 evaluations were performed by specialists in dental radiology who classified radiographs as appropriate or not appropriate for interpretation. Test Z was used for statistical analysis of the data and the results showed that it is possible to manipulate digitized radiographic images taken with 75% of the ideal exposure time and to make them suitable for interpretation and diagnosis. Conversely, it was concluded that the over exposed images, 57.50% above the standard exposure time, were inadequate.
A rapid, robust and economical method for the analysis of persistent halogenated organic compounds in small volumes of human serum and umbilical cord blood is described. The pollutants studied cover a broad range of molecules of contemporary epidemiological and legislative concern, including polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs), polychlorobenzenes (CBs), hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), DDTs, polychlorostyrenes (PCSs) and polybromodiphenyl ethers (PBDEs). Extraction and clean-up with n-hexane and concentrated sulphuric acid was followed with analysis by gas chromatography coupled to electron capture (GC-ECD) and GC coupled to negative ion chemical ionisation mass spectrometry (GC-NICI-MS). The advantages of this method rest in the broad range of analytes and its simplicity and robustness, while the use of concentrated sulphuric acid extraction/clean-up destroys viruses that may be present in the samples. Small volumes of reference serum between 50 and 1000 μL were extracted and the limits of detection/quantification and repeatability were determined. Recoveries of spiked compounds for the extraction of small volumes (≥300 μL) of the spiked reference serum were between 90% and 120%. The coefficients of variation of repeatability ranged from 0.1-14%, depending on the compound. Samples of 4-year-old serum and umbilical cord blood (n = 73 and 40, respectively) from a population inhabiting a village near a chloro-alkali plant were screened for the above-mentioned halogenated pollutants using this method and the results are briefly described. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.
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By remote sensing, geodatabase digital processing, information and expeditions to Capivara's sub-basin, was possible to identify the changes in the landscape mainly the expansion of eucalyptus, sugar-cane, and orange trees, being the last two, mainly on the Periferic Depression of Basaltic Cuesta. A significant portion of the soil on this geological area is formed from sandstones, providing high permeability to them, making them important places to groundwater recharge areas as sensible to contamination by pesticides. Throughout last decade was observed that the native vegetation fragments stabilization, keeping a reason of 26.5% on the land used between 2000 and 2010. The pasture decrease being substituted by eucalyptus, sugar-cane and orange trees call attention for the changes in the agribusiness model demanded by the current economic and social necessity. Pasture decrease followed by erosions decrease on sub-basin is evidence that these two aspects are strongly related.
Brazil's Atlantic Forest ecosystem has been greatly affected by land use changes, with only 11.26% of its original vegetation cover remaining. Currently, Atlantic Forest restoration is receiving increasing attention because of its potential for carbon sequestration and the important role of soil carbon in the global carbon balance. Soil organic matter is also essential for physical, chemical and biological components of soil fertility and forest sustainability. This study evaluated the potential for soil recovery in contrasting restoration models using indigenous Atlantic Forest tree species ten years after their establishment. The study site is located in Botucatu municipality, São Paulo State-Brazil, in a loamy dystrophic Red-Yellow Argisol site (Typic Hapludult). Four treatments were compared: i) Control (Spontaneous Restoration); ii) Low Diversity (five fast-growing tree species established by direct seeding); iii) High Diversity (mixed plantings of 41 species established with seedlings) and; iv) Native Forest (well conserved neighboring forest fragment). The following soil properties were evaluated: (1) physical-texture, density and porosity; (2) chemical-C, N, P, S, K, Ca, Mg, Al and pH; (3) biological-microbial biomass. Litter nutrient concentrations (P, S, K, Ca and Mg) and C and N litter stocks were determined. Within ten years the litter C and N stocks of the Low Diversity treatment area were higher than Control and similar to those in both the High Diversity treatment and the Native Forest. Soil C stocks increased through time for both models and in the Control plots, but remained highest in the Native Forest. The methods of restoration were shown to have different effects on soil dynamics, mainly on chemical properties. These results show that, at least in the short-term, changes in soil properties are more rapid in a less complex system like the Low Diversity model than in the a High Species Diversity model. For both mixed plantation systems, carbon soil cycling can be reestablished, resulting in increases in carbon stocks in both soil and litter.
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The sediment production in river basins is an important aspect for planning the land use. Mathematical models are useful tools for analyzing the problem by providing speed, convenience and flexibility to the simulations of current conditions and future. In this article we evaluate a methodology to simulate the sediment production combining the MUSLE, a hydrologic model (ABC) and a GIS in different scenarios of land use. The models used showed good performance for purposes of planning land use, as well as for agricultural and environmental planning.
The aim of this study was to determine the anthropometrical and physiological profile of futsal players and compare between under-20 and adults categories. Twenty four male athletes futsal participated in the study. They played in two teams of futsal-level state: a team with players under-20 (12 athletes); and another with players of the adults category (12 athletes). The participants performed a routine assessment involving anthropometric measurements (body mass, size, thickness of skin folds, perimeter body and bone diameter) and tests to estimate the aerobic and anaerobic capacity. The results did not indicate differences in relation to the anthropometrical and physiological profile between the under-20 and adults categories. We concluded that the promotion of athletes from the under-20 category for the adult's category taking into account the anthropometrical profile and aerobic and anaerobic performance indicators is recommended. However, other indicators, such as the technical, tactical and psychological aspects are important to help in understanding this promotion phase and in the training. © FTCD/FIP-MOC.
Contiene la propuesta de resolución a ser discutida en la reunión sobre el cambio de nombre del Instituto por el de: Instituto Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Planificación Económica y Social, y conservar la sigla ILPES.
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