985 resultados para Splenic rotation
3D seismic facies characterization and geological patterns recognition (Australian North West Shelf)
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This PhD research, funded by the Swiss Sciences Foundation, is principally devoted to enhance the recognition, the visualisation and the characterization of geobodies through innovative 3D seismic approaches. A series of case studies from the Australian North West Shelf ensures the development of reproducible integrated 3D workflows and gives new insight into local and regional stratigraphic as well as structural issues. This project was initiated in year 2000 at the Geology and Palaeontology Institute of the University of Lausanne (Switzerland). Several collaborations ensured the improvement of technical approaches as well as the assessment of geological models. - Investigations into the Timor Sea structural style were carried out at the Tectonics Special Research Centre of the University of Western Australia and in collaboration with Woodside Energy in Perth. - Seismic analysis and attributes classification approach were initiated with Schlumberger Oilfield Australia in Perth; assessments and enhancements of the integrated seismic approaches benefited from collaborations with scientists from Schlumberger Stavanger Research (Norway). Adapting and refining from "linear" exploration techniques, a conceptual "helical" 3D seismic approach has been developed. In order to investigate specific geological issues this approach, integrating seismic attributes and visualisation tools, has been refined and adjusted leading to the development of two specific workflows: - A stratigraphic workflow focused on the recognition of geobodies and the characterization of depositional systems. Additionally, it can support the modelling of the subsidence and incidentally the constraint of the hydrocarbon maturity of a given area. - A structural workflow used to quickly and accurately define major and secondary fault systems. The integration of the 3D structural interpretation results ensures the analysis of the fault networks kinematics which can affect hydrocarbon trapping mechanisms. The application of these integrated workflows brings new insight into two complex settings on the Australian North West Shelf and ensures the definition of astonishing stratigraphic and structural outcomes. The stratigraphic workflow ensures the 3D characterization of the Late Palaeozoic glacial depositional system on the Mermaid Nose (Dampier Subbasin, Northern Carnarvon Basin) that presents similarities with the glacial facies along the Neotethys margin up to Oman (chapter 3.1). A subsidence model reveals the Phanerozoic geodynamic evolution of this area (chapter 3.2) and emphasizes two distinct mode of regional extension for the Palaeozoic (Neotethys opening) and Mesozoic (abyssal plains opening). The structural workflow is used for the definition of the structural evolution of the Laminaria High area (Bonaparte Basin). Following a regional structural characterization of the Timor Sea (chapter 4.1), a thorough analysis of the Mesozoic fault architecture reveals a local rotation of the stress field and the development of reverse structures (flower structures) in extensional setting, that form potential hydrocarbon traps (chapter 4.2). The definition of the complex Neogene structural architecture associated with the fault kinematic analysis and a plate flexure model (chapter 4.3) suggest that the Miocene to Pleistocene reactivation phases recorded at the Laminaria High most probably result from the oblique normal reactivation of the underlying Mesozoic fault planes. This episode is associated with the deformation of the subducting Australian plate. Based on these results three papers were published in international journals and two additional publications will be submitted. Additionally this research led to several communications in international conferences. Although the different workflows presented in this research have been primarily developed and used for the analysis of specific stratigraphic and structural geobodies on the Australian North West Shelf, similar integrated 3D seismic approaches will have applications to hydrocarbon exploration and production phases; for instance increasing the recognition of potential source rocks, secondary migration pathways, additional traps or reservoir breaching mechanisms. The new elements brought by this research further highlight that 3D seismic data contains a tremendous amount of hidden geological information waiting to be revealed and that will undoubtedly bring new insight into depositional systems, structural evolution and geohistory of the areas reputed being explored and constrained and other yet to be constrained. The further development of 3D texture attributes highlighting specific features of the seismic signal, the integration of quantitative analysis for stratigraphic and structural processes, the automation of the interpretation workflow as well as the formal definition of "seismo-morphologic" characteristics of a wide range of geobodies from various environments would represent challenging examples of continuation of this present research. The 21st century will most probably represent a transition period between fossil and other alternative energies. The next generation of seismic interpreters prospecting for hydrocarbon will undoubtedly face new challenges mostly due to the shortage of obvious and easy targets. They will probably have to keep on integrating techniques and geological processes in order to further capitalise the seismic data for new potentials definition. Imagination and creativity will most certainly be among the most important quality required from such geoscientists.
Between 1986 and 1997, 13 shoulders in adult patients who had severe polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis were treated with primary arthroplasty. Eleven shoulders were evaluated retrospectively by an independent observer with a mean follow-up of 9 years. Patient evaluation included pain Visual Analogue Scale, range of motion, Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand score, and Short-Form 36. Patients' pain decreased significantly after surgery (mean 6.7). Forward elevation improved on average by 41.1 degrees and external rotation by 39.1 degrees , without evidence of shoulder instability. Final Short-Form 36 scores and Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand results (mean, 44.7) were poor, but all patients rated themselves satisfied with the procedure. Shoulder arthroplasty provided pain relief for end-stage shoulder involvement in adult juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Improvement in external rotation in this severely affected group appears to have a beneficial effect on functional outcome.
Introduction: L'évaluation de la fonction de l'épaule à l'aide de capteurscinématiques embarqués produit des mesures discriminatives etsensibles au changement. Cependant, la réalisation pratique reste tropcomplexe pour l'utilisation courante. L'objectif de cette étude était dedévelopper une méthode d'évaluation cinématique simplifié et efficace.Méthode : Une analyse secondaire a été effectuée sur les donnéesd'un score de référence, basé sur la réalisation de 7 mouvements.Trente-cinq patients ont été mesurés à l'aide d'accéléromètreset de gyroscopes en préopératoire, ainsi qu'à 3, 6 et 12mois après chirurgie de l'épaule. Les mouvements essentiels ontété identifiés à l'aide une analyse en composantes principales(ACP). Une méthode d'évaluation simplifiée a ensuite été élaboréeen effectuant des régressions multiples des mouvementssélectionnées versus le score de référence à 3 mois. Les résultatsdu score simplifié ont été comparés au score de référence paranalyse statistique (ANOVA à mesure double répétées, régressionlinéaire, taille de l'effet, limite de l'agrément et corrélationaux échelles cliniques).Resultats : Une composante d'élévation et une composante de rotationreprésentant plus de 62 % de la variance ont été identifiées.Des modèles simplifiés d'évaluation ont donc été calculés avec desrégressions multiples incluant des combinaisons de mouvementsde rotation et d'élévation : dos-tête, dos-abduction, dos-épaule, dosplafond.La comparaison du score de référence et des scores simplifiésmontrait à tous les stades : une relation fortement linéaire (R2> 0,96), une taille de l'effet comparable (d de Cohen 1,33 à 1,51 versus1,33 pour le score de référence) et une corrélation comparable avecles scores cliniques (r = 0,22 à 0,8). La différence entre les scoresse situait entre - 6,28 et + 2,78. La limite de l'agrément variait de 13à 24 %. Parmi les scores simplifiés, seul le score « dos-plafond » nemontrait pas de différence avec le score de référence pour l'interactiontemps*score (p > 0,5).Discussion-Conclusion : Un score cinématique de l'épaule comprenantuniquement deux mouvements a été développé. Plusieursmodèles de score simplifiés produisent des résultats comparablesau score de référence pour l'évaluation de groupes de patients. Lescore moyen « dos-plafond » présente un profil d'évolution dans letemps en relation étroite avec le score de référence. Par contre, ladiscordance des résultats entre le score de référence et les scoressimplifiés lors de mesures individuelles doit être prise en considérationavant une éventuelle application à des études de cas clinique.Implications : Cette nouvelle méthode d'évaluation présente desavantages pratiques pour l'évaluation objective de l'épaule. Cecipourrait favoriser l'utilisation de méthodes d'analyse informatiséedu mouvement en clinique et pour la recherche. Les résultats confirmentégalement que l'on peut obtenir une bonne appréciation de lafonction de l'épaule en demandant au patient de mettre la main dansle dos, puis de lever le bras.
Although correspondence analysis is now widely available in statistical software packages and applied in a variety of contexts, notably the social and environmental sciences, there are still some misconceptions about this method as well as unresolved issues which remain controversial to this day. In this paper we hope to settle these matters, namely (i) the way CA measures variance in a two-way table and how to compare variances between tables of different sizes, (ii) the influence, or rather lack of influence, of outliers in the usual CA maps, (iii) the scaling issue and the biplot interpretation of maps,(iv) whether or not to rotate a solution, and (v) statistical significance of results.
Contexte :¦Les affections neuromusculaires sont des maladies rares, le plus souvent d'origine génétique et dont le degré de sévérité est variable. Certaines sont progressives et conduisent à une perte de l'indépendance motrice et à une insuffisance respiratoire, tandis que d'autres permettent une vie proche de la normale.¦Les progrès des connaissances en génétique moléculaire ont permis d'améliorer significativement la connaissance des mécanismes physiopathologiques de ces maladies et ont également ouverts la voie à de nouvelles possibilités thérapeutiques. Concernant les maladies les plus graves, le but premier de ces thérapies sera de tenter de préserver la marche indépendante le plus longtemps possible. Toutefois, les patients ayant déjà perdu la marche et qui dépendent de la fonction de leur membres supérieurs pour garder une certaine indépendance devront également pouvoir être inclus dans des essais thérapeutiques et bénéficier des traitements reconnus efficaces.¦De nouveaux moyens de mesure de la fonction motrice des membres supérieurs doivent être développés non seulement dans la perspective de ces éventuels essais thérapeutiques pour ces patients limités à la chaise roulante, mais également dans le but de pouvoir évaluer plus précisément l'histoire naturelle des maladies même après la perte de la marche indépendante.¦Objectifs:¦Evaluer la fonction motrice des membres supérieurs chez des patients myopathes ayant perdu la marche indépendante par mesure cinématique.¦Méthode :¦Mesure de l'activité des membres supérieurs et le profil de cette activité par mesure cinématique (Physilog) chez:¦-Vingt-cinq patients atteints d'une myopathie en chaise roulante.¦-Vingt-cinq sujets contrôle assis¦Ces mesures seront comparées aux scores obtenus à l'échelle de Mesure de Fonction Motrice (Bérard et al, 2005) et plus précisément à l'axe D3 de cette échelle qui évalue les fonctions distales.¦Les patients seront vus à deux reprises pour une période de deux fois deux heures pendant laquelle ils porteront le Physilog. Il leur sera demandé d'effectuer une série d'exercices afin d'évaluer la fonction motrice des membres supérieurs (manger un yaourt avec une cuillère, verser un verre d'eau et le boire, se toucher selon les possibilités la tête, le front, la bouche, le cou, jouer à la console Wii) Le score de Brooke sera également testé. Chaque exercice sera répété plusieurs fois afin de d'assurer de la qualité des résultats.¦Système portable Physilog :¦Physilog est un système de mesure ambulatoire. La version utilisée dans cette étude est composée de 2 capteurs miniatures et d'une unité numérique portable légère (~215 g), qui filtre, amplifie et sauvegarde les signaux fournis par les capteurs sur une carte mémoire (Physilog-BioAGM, CH).¦Afin de pouvoir enregistrer l'activité des deux membres supérieurs, deux appareils Physilog (4 capteurs) seront utilisés par patient. Deux capteurs seront fixés sur chaque membre supérieur. Les capteurs sont fixés sur la peau à l'aide d'une bande autocollante.¦Les capteurs mis au point par le LMAM (laboratoire de mesure et d'analyse du mouvement) mesurent la rotation angulaire et l'accélération au niveau des membres supérieurs. L'algorithme utilisé dans cette étude a été développé dans le laboratoire LMAM à l'EPFL et a fait l'objet d'une thèse.¦Résultats escomptés :¦Les résultats de l'étude pilote montrent que le Physilog permet de quantifier de manière fiable et reproductible la fonction des membres supérieurs durant des activités courantes de la vie quotidienne et pourrait donc devenir un moyen d'évaluation fiable des nouveaux traitements.
PURPOSE: To report a series of patients with cerebellar dysfunction and altered vision during motion, and to quantify their visual impairment in motion with a simple clinical test. METHODS: Twenty consecutive patients suffering from cerebellar dysfunction and altered vision during motion were examined between 1994 and 2007. A control group consisted of 20 age- and sex-matched healthy people. All patients had a full neuro-ophthalmic examination. Near visual acuity (NVA) was measured at rest (static NVA) and during chair rotation (dynamic NVA). Distance visual acuity (DVA) was measured at rest (static DVA) and during rotation of the patient's head (dynamic DVA). RESULTS: Only four of the 20 patients reported altered vision during motion spontaneously. The remaining 16 patients admitted this unusual visual disturbance only when asked specifically. All patients exhibited abnormal eye movements, including saccadic smooth pursuit (20/20), dysmetric saccades (15/20), nystagmus (19/20) and impaired suppression of vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) (20/20). During rotation of the examination chair (dynamic NVA), the drop in NVA averaged 5.6 lines (range 1-10 lines). During rotation of the patient's head (dynamic DVA), the drop in DVA averaged only 2.5 lines (range 0-10 lines). For the control group, there was no significant drop in NVA under dynamic conditions. CONCLUSION: Patients with cerebellar dysfunction rarely complain spontaneously of altered vision during motion. However, specific questioning may bring up this unusual symptom. The use of a simple clinical test, consisting of NVA measurement during rotation of the examination chair (dynamic NVA), allows practitioners to quantify the level of visual impairment in patients presenting altered VOR modulation.
Two alloys, Fe80Nb10B10 and Fe70Ni14Zr6B10, were produced by mechanical alloying. The formation of thenanocrystallites (about 7-8 nm at 80h MA) was detected by X-ray diffraction. After milling for 80 h, differentialscanning calorimetry scans show low-temperature recovery processes and several crystallization processes related with crystal growth and reordering of crystalline phases. The apparent activation energy values are 315 ± 40 kJ mol–1 for alloy A, and 295 ± 20 kJ mol–1 and 320 ± 25 kJ mol–1 for alloy B. Furthermore, a melt-spun Fe-based ribbon was mechanically alloyed to obtain a powdered-like alloy. The increase of the rotation speed and the ball-to-powderweight ratio reduces the necessary time to obtain the powdered form
Division and proliferation of dendritic cells (DCs) have been proposed to contribute to homeostasis and to prolonged antigen presentation. Whether abnormal proliferation of dendritic cells causes Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a highly debated topic. Transgenic expression of simian virus 40 (SV40) T antigens in mature DCs allowed their transformation in vivo while maintaining their phenotype, function, and maturation capacity. The transformed cells were differentiated splenic CD8 alpha-positive conventional dendritic cells with increased Langerin expression. Their selective transformation was correlated with higher steady-state cycling compared with CD8 alpha-negative DCs in wild-type and transgenic mice. Mice developed a DC disease involving the spleen, liver, bone marrow, thymus, and mesenteric lymph node. Surprisingly, lesions displayed key immunohistologic features of Langerhans cell histiocytosis, including expression of Langerin and absence of the abnormal mitoses observed in Langerhans cell sarcomas. Our results demonstrate that a transgenic mouse model with striking similarities to aggressive forms of multisystem histiocytosis, such as the Letterer-Siwe syndrome, can be obtained by transformation of conventional DCs. These findings suggest that conventional DCs may cause some human multisystem LCH. They can reveal shared molecular pathways for human histiocytosis between humans and mice
Mainly because it is possible to live without it, the spleen has always been considered a secondary and mysterious organ. However, recent observations have revealed new unsuspected functions for this organ whose patho-physiological importance should be reconsidered. Much less known than the hypersplenism, the hyposplenism corresponds historically to the loss or the insufficiency of the two principal functions of spleen: the filtration of faded or senescent elements from the blood and the fight against infections. In this article, after a short recall of the physiological functions of spleen, three innovations relating to hyposplenism will be explored: the vascular complications, the loss of the splenic pool of regenerating monocytes and the loss of the splenic pool of pluripotent mesenchymal stem cell.
The spatial variability of strongly weathered soils under sugarcane and soybean/wheat rotation was quantitatively assessed on 33 fields in two regions in São Paulo State, Brazil: Araras (15 fields with sugarcane) and Assis (11 fields with sugarcane and seven fields with soybean/wheat rotation). Statistical methods used were: nested analysis of variance (for 11 fields), semivariance analysis and analysis of variance within and between fields. Spatial levels from 50 m to several km were analyzed. Results are discussed with reference to a previously published study carried out in the surroundings of Passo Fundo (RS). Similar variability patterns were found for clay content, organic C content and cation exchange capacity. The fields studied are quite homogeneous with respect to these relatively stable soil characteristics. Spatial variability of other characteristics (resin extractable P, pH, base- and Al-saturation and also soil colour), varies with region and, or land use management. Soil management for sugarcane seems to have induced modifications to greater depths than for soybean/wheat rotation. Surface layers of soils under soybean/wheat present relatively little variation, apparently as a result of very intensive soil management. The major part of within-field variation occurs at short distances (< 50 m) in all study areas. Hence, little extra information would be gained by increasing sampling density from, say, 1/km² to 1/50 m². For many purposes, the soils in the study regions can be mapped with the same observation density, but residual variance will not be the same in all areas. Bulk sampling may help to reveal spatial patterns between 50 and 1.000 m.
Three classes of thyroid hormone response elements have been described. They are composed of two half-sites arranged either as a palindromic, a direct repeat or as an inverted palindromic array. Receptor homodimers as well as heterodimers can bind to all three types of response element. While the ligand binding domain of the receptors provides the major dimerization surface, asymmetric contacts between the DNA binding domains are necessary for binding to a direct repeat. Moreover, some recent findings suggest that in TR, compared to RXR, the ligand binding domain has a 180 degrees rotation with respect to the DNA binding domain. This feature could explain the preferential binding of the RXR-TR heterodimer to the direct repeat response element, in which RXR exclusively binds the 5' half-site, and of the TR homodimer to the inverted palindrome response element.
Un dels problemes típics de regulació en el camp de l’automatització industrial és el control de velocitat lineal d’entrada del fil a les bobines, ja que com més gruix acumulem a igual velocitat de rotació de la bobina s’augmenta notablement la velocitat lineal d’entrada del fil, aquest desajust s’ha de poder compensar de forma automàtica per aconseguir una velocitat d’entrada constant. Aquest problema de regulació de velocitats és molt freqüent i de difícil control a la indústria on intervé el bobinat d’algun tipus de material com cablejat, fil, paper, làmines de planxa, tubs, etc... Els dos reptes i objectius principals són, primer, la regulació de la velocitat de rotació de la bobina per aconseguir una velocitat lineal del fil d’entrada, i segon, mitjançant el guiatge de l’alimentació de fil a la bobina, aconseguir un repartiment uniforme de cada capa de fil. El desenvolupament consisteix amb l’automatització i control d’una bobinadora automàtica mitjançant la configuració i programació de PLC’s, servomotors i encoders. Finalment es farà el muntatge pràctic sobre una bancada per verificar i simular el seu correcte funcionament que ha de donar solució a aquests problemes de regulació de velocitats. Com a conclusions finals s’han aconseguit els objectius i una metodologia per fer una regulació de velocitats de rotació per bobines, amb accionaments de servomotors amb polsos, i a nivell de coneixements he aconseguit dominar les aplicacions d’aquest tipus d’accionaments aplicats a construccions mecàniques.
Five to ten percent of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo are caused by the horizontal semi-circular variant (h-BPPV). In this study, we reviewed the efficacy of the Barbecue repositioning manoeuvre in h-BPPV, and we assessed the possible effect of different factors on the outcome. Barbecue manoeuvre consists in turning the supine patient around his longitudinal axis toward the unaffected side until 360 degrees are accomplished. After every 90 degrees step the patient is maintained in the new position for 30 s. We reviewed 46 patients with h-BPPV, treated by barbecue rotation from 2003 to 2005. After the first Barbecue manoeuvre, the patients were followed-up at intervals of approximately 1 week and the rotation was repeated if h-BPPV persisted (up to three rotations). Factors assessed were age, gender, duration of symptoms before treatment and type of h-BPPV (canalolithiasis vs. cupulolithiasis). Fisher's exact test was used for the analysis. Results: 85% of patients (39/46) were cured after a maximum of 3 rotations. 74% (34/46) were cured after the first manoeuvre and 80% (37/46) after the second one. None of the evaluated factors did significantly affect the efficacy (P > 0.05). The Barbecue manoeuvre is an efficient treatment of h-BPPV demonstrating 85% cure rate after a maximum of three sessions. 74% of the patients are healed after one manoeuvre. The efficacy is not affected by the evaluated factors.
A new statistical parallax method using the Maximum Likelihood principle is presented, allowing the simultaneous determination of a luminosity calibration, kinematic characteristics and spatial distribution of a given sample. This method has been developed for the exploitation of the Hipparcos data and presents several improvements with respect to the previous ones: the effects of the selection of the sample, the observational errors, the galactic rotation and the interstellar absorption are taken into account as an intrinsic part of the formulation (as opposed to external corrections). Furthermore, the method is able to identify and characterize physically distinct groups in inhomogeneous samples, thus avoiding biases due to unidentified components. Moreover, the implementation used by the authors is based on the extensive use of numerical methods, so avoiding the need for simplification of the equations and thus the bias they could introduce. Several examples of application using simulated samples are presented, to be followed by applications to real samples in forthcoming articles.
A new statistical parallax method using the Maximum Likelihood principle is presented, allowing the simultaneous determination of a luminosity calibration, kinematic characteristics and spatial distribution of a given sample. This method has been developed for the exploitation of the Hipparcos data and presents several improvements with respect to the previous ones: the effects of the selection of the sample, the observational errors, the galactic rotation and the interstellar absorption are taken into account as an intrinsic part of the formulation (as opposed to external corrections). Furthermore, the method is able to identify and characterize physically distinct groups in inhomogeneous samples, thus avoiding biases due to unidentified components. Moreover, the implementation used by the authors is based on the extensive use of numerical methods, so avoiding the need for simplification of the equations and thus the bias they could introduce. Several examples of application using simulated samples are presented, to be followed by applications to real samples in forthcoming articles.