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Dans cette thèse, nous étudions quelques problèmes fondamentaux en mathématiques financières et actuarielles, ainsi que leurs applications. Cette thèse est constituée de trois contributions portant principalement sur la théorie de la mesure de risques, le problème de l’allocation du capital et la théorie des fluctuations. Dans le chapitre 2, nous construisons de nouvelles mesures de risque cohérentes et étudions l’allocation de capital dans le cadre de la théorie des risques collectifs. Pour ce faire, nous introduisons la famille des "mesures de risque entropique cumulatifs" (Cumulative Entropic Risk Measures). Le chapitre 3 étudie le problème du portefeuille optimal pour le Entropic Value at Risk dans le cas où les rendements sont modélisés par un processus de diffusion à sauts (Jump-Diffusion). Dans le chapitre 4, nous généralisons la notion de "statistiques naturelles de risque" (natural risk statistics) au cadre multivarié. Cette extension non-triviale produit des mesures de risque multivariées construites à partir des données financiéres et de données d’assurance. Le chapitre 5 introduit les concepts de "drawdown" et de la "vitesse d’épuisement" (speed of depletion) dans la théorie de la ruine. Nous étudions ces concepts pour des modeles de risque décrits par une famille de processus de Lévy spectrallement négatifs.
La santé folliculaire est déterminée par un nombre de facteurs endocriniens, paracrines et autocrines. Les gonadotrophines hypophysaires sont les principaux moteurs du développement du follicule, mais leurs actions sont modulées localement par les hormones et des facteurs de croissance. Les glycoprotéines de la famille des WNTs représentent une grande famille de molécules impliquées dans différentes voies de signalisation. Ils sont sécrétés dans le but de moduler et coordonner la réponse des follicules aux gonadotrophines, et leurs activités sont indispensables à la fonction ovarienne et à la fertilité féminine. Les WNTs sont généralement classés en fonction de la (des) voie(s) qu’ils activent. Le rôle des membres de la voie canonique WNT et de ses composants tels que CTNNB1, WNT4, WNT2, FZD1 et FZD4 est bien établi au cours du développement du follicule chez les rongeurs. Un rôle similaire des WNTs dans les espèces mono-ovulatoires demeure essentiellement inconnu. De plus, le rôle des WNT non canoniques dans l'ovaire de rongeurs est méconnu. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont (1) d'élucider la régulation hormonale de l'expression de WNT5A et le rôle physiologique de WNT5A dans les cellules de la granulosa bovine in vitro et (2) d'identifier les rôles physiologiques de WNT5A dans l'ovaire de souris par inactivation génique conditionnelle. Chacun de ces objectifs a mené à la publication d’un article à partir des résultats obtenus au cours de cette thèse. Dans le premier article, le rôle de WNT5A dans les cellules de la granulosa bovine a été étudié in vitro. Nous avons constaté que WNT5A est un régulateur négatif de la stéroïdogenèse stimulée par la FSH issue des cellules de la granulosa, et qu'il agit en supprimant l'activité de signalisation des WNTs canoniques tout en induisant la voie de signalisation MAPK8/JUN. le deuxième article, afin d’examiner le rôle de deux WNTs non-canoniques, WNT5A et WNT11, à différents stades de développement folliculaire, nous avons généré des modèles de souris knock-out conditionnels ciblant les cellules de la granulosa pour chacun de ces WNTs. Les résultats obtenus ont permis de mettre en évidence que WNT5A est nécessaire pour assurer la fertilité normale chez la femelle, le développement folliculaire et la stéroïdogenèse ovarienne. Il est aussi un antagoniste de la réponse aux gonadotrophines, agissant par l’intermédiaire de la suppression de la signalisation canonique des WNTs. Chez les souris knock-out pour WNT11, nous ne constatons aucun défaut important dans la fertilité des femelles. L’ensemble de notre travail met en évidence que WNT5A est essentiel pour le développement normal du follicule et qu’il agit pour inhiber la différenciation des cellules de la granulosa. En résumé, nous avons fourni une étude novatrice et approfondie, utilisant plusieurs modèles et techniques pour déterminer les mécanismes par lesquels WNT5A régule le développement des follicules.
Cette thèse décrit deux thèmes principaux: 1) la conception, la synthèse, et l'évaluation biophysique des nucléosides tricycliques, et 2) la synthèse de nagilactone B, un produit naturel norditerpenoïde dilactone de la famille de produits naturels “podolactone”. Le premier chapitre décrit la stratégie de design rationnel des nucléosides nommé “restriction conformationnelle double” basée sur les études de modélisation structurales des duplex ADN–ARN modifiés. Cette stratégie implique un blocage du cycle furanose dans une configuration de type N- ou S, et une restriction de la rotation torsionelle autour de l’angle γ. La première contrainte a été incorporée avec un pont méthylène entre l’oxygène en position 2′ et le carbone 4′ du nucléoside. Cette stratégie a été inspirée par les acides nucléiques bloqués (ou “locked nucleic acid”, LNA). La deuxième contrainte a été réalisée en ajoutant un carbocycle supplémentaire dans l'échafaud de l’acide nucléique bloqué. Les défis synthétiques de la formation des nucléotides modifiés à partir des carbohydrates sont décrits ainsi que les améliorations aux stabilités thermiques qu’ils apportent aux duplex oligonucléïques dont ils font partie. Chapitres deux et trois décrivent le développement de deux voies synthétiques complémentaires pour la formation du noyau de nagilactone B. Ce produit naturel a des implications pour le syndrome de Hutchinson–Gilford, à cause de son habilité de jouer le rôle de modulateur de l’épissage d’ARN pré-messager de lamine A. Ce produit naturel contient sept stereocentres différents, dont deux quaternaires et deux comprenant un syn-1,2-diol, ainsi que des lactones à cinq ou six membres, où le cycle à six ressemble à un groupement α-pyrone. La synthèse a débuté avec la cétone de Wieland-Miescher qui a permis d’adresser les défis structurels ainsi qu’explorer les fonctionnalisations des cycles A, B et D du noyau de nagilactone B.
The study deals with the diversity in structural and spectural characteristics of some transition metal complexes derived from aldehyde based thiosemicarbazone ligands thiosemicarbazones are a family of compounds with beneficial biological activity viz., anticancer,antitumour, antifungal, antibacterial, antimalarial, antifilarial, antiviral and anti-HIV activities. Many thiosemicarbazone ligands and their complexes have been prepared and screened for their antimicrobial activity against various types of fungi and bacteria. The results prove that the compounds exhibit antimicrobial properties and it is important to note that in some cases metal chelates show more inhibitory effects than the parent ligands. The increased lipophilicity of these complexes seems to be responsible for their enhanced biological potency. Adverse biological activities of thiosemicarbazones have been widely studied in rats and in other species. The parameters measured show that copper complexes caused considerable oxidative stress and zinc zinc complexes behaved as antioxidants. It has applications on analytical field also. Some thiosemicarbazones produce highly colored complexes with metal ions. This thesis aims to synthesis some novel thiosemicarbazone ligands and their transition metal complexes together with their physico-chemical characterization.
Two graphs G and H are Turker equivalent if they have the same set of Turker angles. In this paper some Turker equivalent family of graphs are obtained.
Abstract. The paper deals with graph operators-the Gallai graphs and the anti-Gallai graphs. We prove the existence of a finite family of forbidden subgraphs for the Gallai graphs and the anti-Gallai graphs to be H-free for any finite graph H. The case of complement reducible graphs-cographs is discussed in detail. Some relations between the chromatic number, the radius and the diameter of a graph and its Gallai and anti-Gallai graphs are also obtained.
Experimental data from ultrasonic and inelastic neutron scattering measurements are analyzed for different families of Cu-based shape-memory alloys. It is shown that the transition occurs at a value, independent of composition and alloy family, of the ratio between the elastic constants associated with the two shears necessary to accomplish the lattice distortion from the bcc to the close-packed structure. The zone boundary frequency of the TA2[110] branch evaluated at the transition point (TM), weakly depends, for each family, on composition. A linear relationship between this frequency and the inverse of the elastic constant C', both quantities evaluated at TM, has been found, in agreement with the prediction of a Landau model proposed for martensitic transformations.
The family Cyprinidae is the largest of freshwater fishes and, with the possible exception of Gobiidae, the largest family of vertebrates.Various members of this family are important as food fish, as aquarium fish, and in biological research. In this study, a fish species from this family exclusively found in the west flowing rivers originating from the Western Ghat region — Gonoproktopterus curmuca — was taken for population genetic analysis.There was an urgent need for restoration ecology by the development of apt management strategies to exploit resources judiciously. One of the strategies thus developed for the scientific management of these resources was to identify the natural units of the fishery resources under exploitation (Altukov, 1981). These natural units of a species can otherwise be called as stocks. A stock can be defined as a panmictic population of related individuals within a single species that is genetically distinct from other such populations.It is believed that a species may undergo micro evolutionary process and differentiate into genetically distinct sub-populations or stocks in course of time, if reproductively and geographically isolated.In recent times, there has been a wide spread degradation of natural aquatic environment due to anthropogenic activities and this has resulted in the decline and even extinction of some fish species. In such situations, evaluation of the genetic diversity of fish resources assumes important to conservation.The species selected for the study, was short-listed as one of the candidates for stock-specific, propagation assisted rehabilitation and management programme in rivers where it is naturally distributed. In connection with this, captive breeding and milt cryopreservation techniques of the species have been developed by the National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, Lucknow. However, for a scientific stock-specific rehabilitation programme, information on the stock structure and basic genetic profile of the species are essential and that is not available in case of G. curmuca. So the present work was taken up to identify molecular genetic markers like allozymes, microsatellites and RAPDs and, to use these markers to discriminate the distinct populations of the species, if any, in areas of its natural distribution. The genetic markers were found to be powerful tools to analyze the population genetic structure of the red-tailed barb and demonstrated clear cut genetic differentiation between pairs of populations examined. Geographic isolation by land distance is likely to be the factor that contributed to the restricted gene flow between the river systems. So the present study emphasizes the need for stock-wise, propagation assisted-rehabilitation of the natural populations of red-tailed barb, Gonoprokfopterus curmuca.
During the past few decades, a wide spread interest in the structural, optical, electrical and other physical properties of the transition metal dichalcogenide layer compounds has evolved. The members of this family of compounds can be regarded as strongly bonded two dimensional chalcogen-metal~chalcogen layers which are loosely coupled to one another by the weak ven der Waal's forces. Because of this type of bonding, the crystals are easily cleavable along the basal plane and show highly anisotropic properties. This thesis contains the growth and the study of the physical properties of certain tin dichalcogenide crystals (SnS2 and SnSe2). Tin disulphide and tin diselenide crystallize in the hexagonal CdI2 type crystal structure. This structure consists of layers of tin atoms sandwiched between two layers of chalcogen atoms. A tin atom is surrounded by six chalcogen atoms octahedrally.In the layers the atoms are held together by covalent bonding and in between the layers there is van der Waal's bonding.
During the past few decades, a wide spread interest in the structural, optical, electrical and other physical properties of the transition metal dichalcogenide layer compounds has evolved. The members of this family of compounds can be regarded as stronglybonded two dimensional chalcogen-metal-chalcogen layers which are loosely coupled to one another by the weak van der Waal's forces. Because of this type of bonding, the crystals are easily cleavable along the basal plane and show highly anisotropic properties. This thesis contains the growth and the study of the physical properties of certain tin dichalcogenide crystals (SnS2 and Snsea). Tin disulphide and tin diselenide crystallize in the hexagonal CdI2 type crystalstructure. This structure consists of layers of tin atoms sandwiched between two layers of chalcogen atoms. Aitin atom is surrounded by six chalcogen atoms octahedrally. In the layers the atoms are held together by covalent bonding and in between the layers there is van der Waal's bonding.
P rosea syn. Indica belong to the family of plumbaginaceae, is an important medicinal plant, cultivated widely in India. The roots of these plant are generally used for medicinal purposes mainly as diuretic, germicidal, vessicant, and abortifacient. It is also used for anaemia, diarrhea, leprosy and common wart. The bark of the root contains orange yellow pigment named plumbagin, a crystalline substance, belongs to the class of naphthoquinone. Its chemical structure is 5-hydroxy 2-methyl 1,4naphthoquinone. Apart from P rosea, P zeylanica, P europea, Drosera and Drosophyllum also contains plumbagin. The most exploited source of plumbagin is, of course, P. rosea roots. The roots contain O.9mg/ g D.Wt. of plumbagin in the roots. These plants grow very slowly and the roots suitable for plumbagin extraction can be obtained only after several years of growth. The productivity of the plant is also rather poor. The focus of the present study was to develop alternative strategies to obtain plumbagin. The tissue culture of P rosea for micropropagation has been studied
This thesis is devoted to the development of a relatively new, rapidly developing quaternary semiconducting material (viz., Cu2ZnSnS4) used for photovoltaic applications. This semiconductor, commonly known as CZTS, is closely related to a family of materials that have been used for solar cell applications. It is a compound semiconductor made of copper, zinc, tin and sulfur, which are sufficiently abundant elements; none of them is harmful to the environment even at large scale usage. Aim of this study is to fabricate CZTS solar cells through chemical spray pyrolysis (CSP) technique. At first the influence of various spray parameters like substrate temperature, spray rate, precursor ratio etc. on the opto-electronic properties of CZTS films will be studied in detail. Then the fabrication of CZTS/In2S3 hetero junctions and various ways to improve the performance parameters will be tried
Investigations on thin films that started decades back due to scientific curiosity in the properties of a two-dimensional solid, has developed into a leading research field in recent years due to the ever expanding applications of the thin films in the fann of a variety of active and passive microminiaturized components and devices, solar cells, radiation sowces and detectors, magnetic memory devices, interference filters, refection and antireflection coatings etc. [1]. The recent environment and energy resource concerns have aroused an enonnous interest in the study of materials in thin film form suitable for renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic devices. Recognition of the immense potential applications of the chalcopyrites that can fonn homojunctions or heterojunctions for solar cell fabrication has attracted many researchers to extensive and intense research on them. In this thesis, we have started with studies performed on CuInSe, thin films, a technologically well recognized compound belonging to the l•ill-VI family of semiconductors and have riveted on investigations on the preparation and characterization of compoWlds Culn3Se5. Culn5Seg and CuIn7Se12, an interesting group of compounds related to CuInSe2 called Ordered Vacancy Compounds, having promising applications in photovoltaic devices. A pioneering work attempted on preparing and characterizing the compound Culn7Sel2 is detailed in the chapters on OVC's. Investigation on valence band splitting in avc's have also been attempted for the first time and included as the last chapter in the thesis. Some of the salient features of the chalcopyrite c.ompounds are given in the next section .of this introductory chapter.
This is a Named Entity Based Question Answering System for Malayalam Language. Although a vast amount of information is available today in digital form, no effective information access mechanism exists to provide humans with convenient information access. Information Retrieval and Question Answering systems are the two mechanisms available now for information access. Information systems typically return a long list of documents in response to a user’s query which are to be skimmed by the user to determine whether they contain an answer. But a Question Answering System allows the user to state his/her information need as a natural language question and receives most appropriate answer in a word or a sentence or a paragraph. This system is based on Named Entity Tagging and Question Classification. Document tagging extracts useful information from the documents which will be used in finding the answer to the question. Question Classification extracts useful information from the question to determine the type of the question and the way in which the question is to be answered. Various Machine Learning methods are used to tag the documents. Rule-Based Approach is used for Question Classification. Malayalam belongs to the Dravidian family of languages and is one of the four major languages of this family. It is one of the 22 Scheduled Languages of India with official language status in the state of Kerala. It is spoken by 40 million people. Malayalam is a morphologically rich agglutinative language and relatively of free word order. Also Malayalam has a productive morphology that allows the creation of complex words which are often highly ambiguous. Document tagging tools such as Parts-of-Speech Tagger, Phrase Chunker, Named Entity Tagger, and Compound Word Splitter are developed as a part of this research work. No such tools were available for Malayalam language. Finite State Transducer, High Order Conditional Random Field, Artificial Immunity System Principles, and Support Vector Machines are the techniques used for the design of these document preprocessing tools. This research work describes how the Named Entity is used to represent the documents. Single sentence questions are used to test the system. Overall Precision and Recall obtained are 88.5% and 85.9% respectively. This work can be extended in several directions. The coverage of non-factoid questions can be increased and also it can be extended to include open domain applications. Reference Resolution and Word Sense Disambiguation techniques are suggested as the future enhancements
An alkaline protease gene (Eap) was isolated for the first time from a marine fungus, Engyodontium album. Eap consists of an open reading frame of 1,161 bp encoding a prepropeptide consisting of 387 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 40.923 kDa. Homology comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence of Eap with other known proteins indicated that Eap encode an extracellular protease that belongs to the subtilase family of serine protease (Family S8). A comparative homology model of the Engyodontium album protease (EAP) was developed using the crystal structure of proteinase K. The model revealed that EAP has broad substrate specificity similar to Proteinase K with preference for bulky hydrophobic residues at P1 and P4. Also, EAP is suggested to have two disulfide bonds and more than two Ca2? binding sites in its 3D structure; both of which are assumed to contribute to the thermostable nature of the protein.