938 resultados para Software process improvement


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Experimental software engineering includes several processes, the most representative being run experiments, run replications and synthesize the results of multiple replications. Of these processes, only the first is relatively well established in software engineering. Problems of information management and communication among researchers are one of the obstacles to progress in the replication and synthesis processes. Software engineering experimentation has expanded considerably over the last few years. This has brought with it the invention of experimental process support proposals. However, few of these proposals provide integral support, including replication and synthesis processes. Most of the proposals focus on experiment execution. This paper proposes an infrastructure providing integral support for the experimental research process, specializing in the replication and synthesis of a family of experiments. The research has been divided into stages or phases, whose transition milestones are marked by the attainment of their goals. Each goal exactly matches an artifact or product. Within each stage, we will adopt cycles of successive approximations (generateand- test cycles), where each approximation includes a diferent viewpoint or input. Each cycle will end with the product approval.


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In order to show the choice of transparency as the guiding principle of the accreditation process, the article evaluates its influence on the fundamental subprocess of self-evaluation, thereby confirming that transparency is an essential tool for continuous improvement of academic processes and those of educational quality management. It fosters educational innovation and permits the sustainability of the continuous accreditation process over time, resulting in greater probabilities of university self-regulation through systemization of the process, with the objective of continuous improvement of university degree programs. The article analyzes the influence of transparency on each activity of the self-evaluation process according to the Peruvian accreditation model prepared under the total quality approach, as a reference for other accreditation models, proposing concrete transparency actions and evaluating its influence on the stakeholder groups in the self-evaluation process, as well as on the efficiency and effectiveness of the process. It is concluded that transparency has a positive influence on the training of human capital and the formation of the university?s organizational culture, facilitating dissemination, understanding and involvement of the stakeholder groups in the continuous improvement of accreditation activities and increasing their acceptance of change and commitment to the process. It is confirmed that transparency contributes toward increasing the efficiency index of the self-evaluation process by reducing operating costs through adequate, accessible, timely contribution of information by the stakeholders and through the optimization of the time spent gathering relevant information. In addition, it is concluded that transparency contributes toward increasing the effectiveness index of self-evaluation by facilitating the achievement of its objectives through synthetic, useful, reliable interpretation of the education situation and the formulation of feasible improvement plans based on the adequacy, relevance, visibility, pertinence and truthfulness of the information analyzed.


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El proceso de cambio de una sociedad industrial a una sociedad del conocimiento, que experimenta el mundo globalizado en el siglo XXI, induce a las empresas y organizaciones a desarrollar ventajas competitivas y sostenibles basadas en sus activos intangibles, entre los cuales destacan los sistemas de gestión en general y los sistemas de gestión de la calidad (SGC) en particular. Las organizaciones dedicadas a la producción de petróleo están influenciadas por dicha tendencia. El petróleo es un recurso natural con reservas limitadas, cuya producción y consumo ha crecido progresivamente, aportando la mayor cuota (35 %) del total de la energía que se consume en el mundo contemporáneo, aporte que se mantendrá hasta el año 2035, según las previsiones más conservadoras. Por tanto, se hace necesario desarrollar modelos de producción innovadores, que contribuyan a la mejora del factor de recobro de los yacimientos y de la vida útil de los mismos, al tiempo que satisfagan los requerimientos de producción y consumo diarios de los exigentes mercados globales. El objeto de esta investigación es el desarrollo de un modelo de gestión de la calidad y su efecto en el desempeño organizacional, a través del efecto mediador de los constructos satisfacción del cliente interno y gestión del conocimiento en la producción de petróleo. Esta investigación de carácter explicativo, no experimental, transeccional y ex-postfacto, se realizó en la región petrolífera del lago de Maracaibo, al occidente de Venezuela, la cual tiene más de 70 años en producción y cuenta con yacimientos maduros. La población objeto de estudio fue de 369 trabajadores petroleros, quienes participaron en las mesas técnicas de la calidad, durante los meses de mayo y julio del año 2012, los cuales en su mayoría están en proceso de formación como analistas, asesores y auditores de los SGC. La técnica de muestreo aplicada fue de tipo aleatorio simple, con una muestra de 252 individuos. A la misma se le aplicó un cuestionario diseñado ad hoc, el cual fue validado por las técnicas de juicio de expertos y prueba piloto. El procedimiento de investigación se realizó a través de una secuencia, que incluyó la elaboración de un modelo teórico, basado en la revisión del estado del arte; un modelo factorial, sobre la base del análisis factorial de los datos de la encuesta; un modelo de regresión lineal, elaborado a través del método de regresión lineal simple y múltiple; un modelo de análisis de sendero, realizado con el software Amos 20 SPSS y finalmente, un modelo informático, realizado con el simulador Vensim PLE v.6.2. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el modelo teórico se transformó en un modelo empírico, en el cual, la variable independiente fue el SGC, la variable mediadora fue la integración de las dimensiones eliminación de la no conformidad, satisfacción del cliente interno y aprendizaje organizacional (ENCSCIAO) y la variable respuesta la integración de las dimensiones desempeño organizacional y aprendizaje organizacional (DOOA). Se verificó el efecto mediador del ENSCIAO sobre la relación SGC-DOOA con una bondad del ajuste, del 42,65%. En el modelo de regresión múltiple se encontró que las variables determinantes son eliminación de la no conformidad (ENC), conocimiento adquirido (CA) y conocimiento espontáneo (CE), lo cual fue corroborado con el modelo de análisis de sendero. El modelo informático se desarrolló empleando datos aproximados de una unidad de producción tipo, generándose cuatro escenarios; siendo el más favorable, aquel en el cual se aplicaba el SGC y variables relacionadas, reduciendo la desviación de la producción, incrementando el factor de recobro y ampliando la vida útil del yacimiento. Se concluye que la aplicación del SGC y constructos relacionados favorece el desempeño y la producción de las unidades de explotación de yacimientos petrolíferos maduros. Los principales aportes de la tesis son la obtención de un modelo de gestión de la producción de petróleo en yacimientos maduros, basado en los SGC. Asimismo, el desarrollo de un concepto de gestión de la calidad asociado a la reducción de la desviación de la producción petrolífera anual, al incremento del factor de recobro y al aumento de la vida útil del yacimiento. Las futuras líneas de investigación están orientadas a la aplicación del modelo en contextos reales y específicos, para medir su impacto y realizar los ajustes pertinentes. ABSTRACT The process of change from an industrial society to a knowledge-based society, which undergoes the globalized world in the twenty-first century, induces companies and organizations to develop a sustainable and competitive advantages based on its intangible assets, among which are noteworthy the management systems in general and particularly the quality management systems (QMS). Organizations engaged in oil production are influenced by said trend. Oil is a natural resource with limited reserves, where production and consumption has grown progressively, providing the largest share (35%) of the total energy consumed in the contemporary world, a contribution that will remain until the year 2035 according to the more conservative trust estimations. Therefore, it becomes necessary to develop innovative production models which contribute with the improvement of reservoirs´ recovery factor and the lifetime thereof, while meeting the production requirements and daily consumption of demanding global markets. The aim of this research is to develop a model of quality management and its effect on organizational performance through the mediator effect of the constructs, internal customer satisfaction and knowledge management in oil production. This research of explanatory nature, not experimental, transactional and expos-facto was carried out in the oil-region of Maracaibo Lake located to the west of Venezuela, which has more than 70 years in continuous production and has mature reservoirs. The population under study was 369 oil workers who participated in the technical quality workshops, during the months of May and July of 2012, the majority of which were in the process of training as analysts, consultants and auditors of the QMS. The sampling technique applied was simple random type. To a sample of 252 individuals of the population it was applied an ad hoc designed questionnaire, which was validated by the techniques of expert judgment and pilot test. The research procedure was performed through a sequence, which included the elaboration of a theoretical model, based on the review of the state of the art; a factorial model with based on factorial analysis of the survey data; a linear regression model, developed through the method of simple and multiple linear regression; a structural equation model, made with software °Amos 20 SPSS° and finally, a computer model, performed with the simulator Vensim PLE v.6.2. The results indicate that the theoretical model was transformed into an empirical model, in which the independent variable was the QMS, the mediator variable was the integration of the dimensions: elimination of non-conformity, internal customer satisfaction and organizational learning (ENCSCIAO) and the response variable the integration of the dimensions, organizational performance and learning organizational (DOOA). ENSCIAO´s mediator effect on the relation QMS-DOOA was verified with a goodness of fit of 42,65%. In the multiple regression model was found to be the determining variables are elimination of nonconformity (ENC), knowledge acquired (CA) and spontaneous knowledge (EC), which was verified with the structural equation model. The computer model was developed based on approximate data of an oil production unit type, creating four (04) scenarios; being the most favorable, that one which it was applied the QMS and related variables, reducing the production deviation, increasing the recovery factor and extending the lifetime of the reservoir. It is concluded that QMS implementation powered with the related constructs, favors performance and production of mature oilfield of exploitation reservoirs units. The main contributions of this thesis are obtaining a management model for oil production in mature oilfields, based on QMS. In addition, development of a concept of quality associated to reduce the annual oil production deviation, increase the recovery factor and increase oilfield lifetime. Future lines of research are oriented to the implementation of this model in real and specific contexts to measure its impact and make the necessary adjustments that might take place.


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La Ingeniería del Software (IS) Empírica adopta el método científico a la IS para facilitar la generación de conocimiento. Una de las técnicas empleadas, es la realización de experimentos. Para que el conocimiento obtenido experimentalmente adquiera el nivel de madurez necesario para su posterior uso, es necesario que los experimentos sean replicados. La existencia de múltiples replicaciones de un mismo experimento conlleva la existencia de numerosas versiones de los distintos productos generados durante la realización de cada replicación. Actualmente existe un gran descontrol sobre estos productos, ya que la administración se realiza de manera informal. Esto causa problemas a la hora de planificar nuevas replicaciones, o intentar obtener información sobre las replicaciones ya realizadas. Para conocer con detalle la dimensión del problema a resolver, se estudia el estado actual de la gestión de materiales experimentales y su uso en replicaciones, así como de las herramientas de gestión de materiales experimentales. El estudio concluye que ninguno de los enfoques estudiados proporciona una solución al problema planteado. Este trabajo persigue como objetivo mejorar la administración de los materiales experimentales y replicaciones de experimentos en IS para dar soporte a la replicación de experimentos. Para satisfacer este objetivo, se propone la adopción en experimentación de los paradigmas de Gestión de Configuración del Software (GCS) y Línea de Producto Software (LPS). Para desarrollar la propuesta se decide utilizar el método de investigación acción (en inglés action research). Para adoptar la GCS a experimentación, se comienza realizando un estudio del proceso experimental como transformación de productos; a continuación, se realiza una adopción de conceptos fundamentada en los procesos del desarrollo software y de experimentación; finalmente, se desarrollan un conjunto de instrumentos, que se incorporan a un Plan de Gestión de Configuración de Experimentos (PGCE). Para adoptar la LPS a experimentación, se comienza realizando un estudio de los conceptos, actividades y fases que fundamentan la LPS; a continuación, se realiza una adopción de los conceptos; finalmente, se desarrollan o adoptan las técnicas, simbología y modelos para dar soporte a las fases de la Línea de Producto para Experimentación (LPE). La propuesta se valida mediante la evaluación de su: viabilidad, flexibilidad, usabilidad y satisfacción. La viabilidad y flexibilidad se evalúan mediante la instanciación del PGCE y de la LPE en experimentos concretos en IS. La usabilidad se evalúa mediante el uso de la propuesta para la generación de las instancias del PGCE y de LPE. La satisfacción evalúa la información sobre el experimento que contiene el PGCE y la LPE. Los resultados de la validación de la propuesta muestran mejores resultados en los aspectos de usabilidad y satisfacción a los experimentadores. ABSTRACT Empirical software engineering adapts the scientific method to software engineering (SE) in order to facilitate knowledge generation. Experimentation is one of the techniques used. For the knowledge generated experimentally to acquire the level of maturity necessary for later use, the experiments have to be replicated. As the same experiment is replicated more than once, there are numerous versions of all the products generated during a replication. These products are generally administered informally without control. This is troublesome when it comes to planning new replications or trying to gather information on replications conducted in the past. In order to grasp the size of the problem to be solved, this research examines the current state of the art of the management and use of experimental materials in replications, as well as the tools managing experimental materials. The study concludes that none of the analysed approaches provides a solution to the stated problem. The aim of this research is to improve the administration of SE experimental materials and experimental replications in support of experiment replication. To do this, we propose the adaptation of software configuration management (SCM) and software product line (SPL) paradigms to experimentation. The action research method was selected in order to develop this proposal. The first step in the adaptation of the SCM to experimentation was to analyse the experimental process from the viewpoint of the transformation of products. The concepts were then adapted based on software development and experimentation processes. Finally, a set of instruments were developed and added to an experiment configuration management plan (ECMP). The first step in the adaptation of the SPL to experimentation is to analyse the concepts, activities and phases underlying the SPL. The concepts are then adapted. Finally, techniques, symbols and models are developed or adapted in support of the experimentation product line (EPL) phases. The proposal is validated by evaluating its feasibility, flexibility, usability and satisfaction. Feasibility and flexibility are evaluated by instantiating the ECMP and the EPL in specific SE experiments. Usability is evaluated by using the proposal to generate the instances of the ECMP and EPL. The results of the validation of the proposal show that the proposal performs better with respect to usability issues and experimenter satisfaction.


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Antecedentes: Esta investigación se enmarca principalmente en la replicación y secundariamente en la síntesis de experimentos en Ingeniería de Software (IS). Para poder replicar, es necesario disponer de todos los detalles del experimento original. Sin embargo, la descripción de los experimentos es habitualmente incompleta debido a la existencia de conocimiento tácito y a la existencia de otros problemas tales como: La carencia de un formato estándar de reporte, la inexistencia de herramientas que den soporte a la generación de reportes experimentales, etc. Esto provoca que no se pueda reproducir fielmente el experimento original. Esta problemática limita considerablemente la capacidad de los experimentadores para llevar a cabo replicaciones y por ende síntesis de experimentos. Objetivo: La investigación tiene como objetivo formalizar el proceso experimental en IS, de modo que facilite la comunicación de información entre experimentadores. Contexto: El presente trabajo de tesis doctoral ha sido desarrollado en el seno del Grupo de Investigación en Ingeniería del Software Empírica (GrISE) perteneciente a la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos (ETSIINF) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), como parte del proyecto TIN2011-23216 denominado “Tecnologías para la Replicación y Síntesis de Experimentos en Ingeniería de Software”, el cual es financiado por el Gobierno de España. El grupo GrISE cumple a la perfección con los requisitos necesarios (familia de experimentos establecida, con al menos tres líneas experimentales y una amplia experiencia en replicaciones (16 replicaciones hasta 2011 en la línea de técnicas de pruebas de software)) y ofrece las condiciones para que la investigación se lleve a cabo de la mejor manera, como por ejemplo, el acceso total a su información. Método de Investigación: Para cumplir este objetivo se opta por Action Research (AR) como el método de investigación más adecuado a las características de la investigación, para obtener resultados a través de aproximaciones sucesivas que abordan los problemas concretos de comunicación entre experimentadores. Resultados: Se formalizó el modelo conceptual del ciclo experimental desde la perspectiva de los 3 roles principales que representan los experimentadores en el proceso experimental, siendo estos: Gestor de la Investigación (GI), Gestor del Experimento (GE) y Experimentador Senior (ES). Por otra parte, se formalizó el modelo del ciclo experimental, a través de: Un workflow del ciclo y un diagrama de procesos. Paralelamente a la formalización del proceso experimental en IS, se desarrolló ISRE (de las siglas en inglés Infrastructure for Sharing and Replicating Experiments), una prueba de concepto de entorno de soporte a la experimentación en IS. Finalmente, se plantearon guías para el desarrollo de entornos de soporte a la experimentación en IS, en base al estudio de las características principales y comunes de los modelos de las herramientas de soporte a la experimentación en distintas disciplinas experimentales. Conclusiones: La principal contribución de la investigación esta representada por la formalización del proceso experimental en IS. Los modelos que representan la formalización del ciclo experimental, así como la herramienta ISRE, construida a modo de evaluación de los modelos, fueron encontrados satisfactorios por los experimentadores del GrISE. Para consolidar la validez de la formalización, consideramos que este estudio debería ser replicado en otros grupos de investigación representativos en la comunidad de la IS experimental. Futuras Líneas de Investigación: El cumplimiento de los objetivos, de la mano con los hallazgos alcanzados, han dado paso a nuevas líneas de investigación, las cuales son las siguientes: (1) Considerar la construcción de un mecanismo para facilitar el proceso de hacer explícito el conocimiento tácito de los experimentadores por si mismos de forma colaborativa y basados en el debate y el consenso , (2) Continuar la investigación empírica en el mismo grupo de investigación hasta cubrir completamente el ciclo experimental (por ejemplo: experimentos nuevos, síntesis de resultados, etc.), (3) Replicar el proceso de investigación en otros grupos de investigación en ISE, y (4) Renovar la tecnología de la prueba de concepto, tal que responda a las restricciones y necesidades de un entorno real de investigación. ABSTRACT Background: This research addresses first and foremost the replication and also the synthesis of software engineering (SE) experiments. Replication is impossible without access to all the details of the original experiment. But the description of experiments is usually incomplete because knowledge is tacit, there is no standard reporting format or there are hardly any tools to support the generation of experimental reports, etc. This means that the original experiment cannot be reproduced exactly. These issues place considerable constraints on experimenters’ options for carrying out replications and ultimately synthesizing experiments. Aim: The aim of the research is to formalize the SE experimental process in order to facilitate information communication among experimenters. Context: This PhD research was developed within the empirical software engineering research group (GrISE) at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)’s School of Computer Engineering (ETSIINF) as part of project TIN2011-23216 entitled “Technologies for Software Engineering Experiment Replication and Synthesis”, which was funded by the Spanish Government. The GrISE research group fulfils all the requirements (established family of experiments with at least three experimental lines and lengthy replication experience (16 replications prior to 2011 in the software testing techniques line)) and provides favourable conditions for the research to be conducted in the best possible way, like, for example, full access to information. Research Method: We opted for action research (AR) as the research method best suited to the characteristics of the investigation. Results were generated successive rounds of AR addressing specific communication problems among experimenters. Results: The conceptual model of the experimental cycle was formalized from the viewpoint of three key roles representing experimenters in the experimental process. They were: research manager, experiment manager and senior experimenter. The model of the experimental cycle was formalized by means of a workflow and a process diagram. In tandem with the formalization of the SE experimental process, infrastructure for sharing and replicating experiments (ISRE) was developed. ISRE is a proof of concept of a SE experimentation support environment. Finally, guidelines for developing SE experimentation support environments were designed based on the study of the key features that the models of experimentation support tools for different experimental disciplines had in common. Conclusions: The key contribution of this research is the formalization of the SE experimental process. GrISE experimenters were satisfied with both the models representing the formalization of the experimental cycle and the ISRE tool built in order to evaluate the models. In order to further validate the formalization, this study should be replicated at other research groups representative of the experimental SE community. Future Research Lines: The achievement of the aims and the resulting findings have led to new research lines, which are as follows: (1) assess the feasibility of building a mechanism to help experimenters collaboratively specify tacit knowledge based on debate and consensus, (2) continue empirical research at the same research group in order to cover the remainder of the experimental cycle (for example, new experiments, results synthesis, etc.), (3) replicate the research process at other ESE research groups, and (4) update the tools of the proof of concept in order to meet the constraints and needs of a real research environment.


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El Daño Cerebral Adquirido (DCA) se define como una lesión cerebral que ocurre después del nacimiento y que no guarda relación con defectos congénitos o enfermedades degenerativas. En el cerebro, se llevan a cabo las funciones mentales superiores como la atención, la memoria, las funciones ejecutivas y el lenguaje, consideradas pre-requisitos básicos de la inteligencia. Sea cual sea su causa, todo daño cerebral puede afectar a una o varias de estas funciones, de ahí la gravedad del problema. A pesar de los avances en nuevas técnicas de intervención precoz y el desarrollo de los cuidados intensivos, las afectaciones cerebrales aún no tienen tratamiento ni quirúrgico ni farmacológico que permita una restitución de las funciones perdidas. Los tratamientos de neurorrehabilitación cognitiva y funcional pretenden, por tanto, la minimización o compensación de las alteraciones ocasionadas por una lesión en el sistema nervioso. En concreto, la rehabilitación cognitiva se define como el proceso en el que personas que han sufrido un daño cerebral trabajan de manera conjunta con profesionales de la salud para remediar o aliviar los déficits cognitivos surgidos como consecuencia de un episodio neurológico. Esto se consigue gracias a la naturaleza plástica del sistema nervioso, donde el cerebro es capaz de reconfigurar sus conexiones neuronales, tanto creando nuevas como modificando las ya existentes. Durante los últimos años hemos visto una transformación de la sociedad, en lo que se ha denominado "sociedad de la información", cuyo pilar básico son las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC). La aplicación de estas tecnologías en medicina ha revolucionado la manera en que se proveen los servicios sanitarios. Así, donde tecnología y medicina se mezclan, la telerrehabilitación se define como la rehabilitación a distancia, ayudando a extender los servicios de rehabilitación más allá de los centros hospitalarios, rompiendo las barreras geográficas, mejorando la eficiencia de los procesos y monitorizando en todo momento el estado y evolución del paciente. En este contexto, el objetivo general de la presente tesis es mejorar la rehabilitación neuropsicológica de pacientes que sufren alteraciones cognitivas, mediante el diseño, desarrollo y validación de un sistema de telemedicina que incorpora las TIC para avanzar hacia un nuevo paradigma personalizado, ubicuo y ecológico. Para conseguirlo, se han definido los siguientes objetivos específicos: • Analizar y modelar un sistema de telerrehabilitación, mediante la definición de objetivos y requisitos de usuario para diseñar las diferentes funcionalidades necesarias. • Definir una arquitectura de telerrehabilitación escalable para la prestación de diferentes servicios que agrupe las funcionalidades necesarias en módulos. • Diseñar y desarrollar la plataforma de telerrehabilitación, incluida la interfaz de usuario, creando diferentes roles de usuario con sus propias funcionalidades. • Desarrollar de un módulo de análisis de datos para extraer conocimiento basado en los resultados históricos de las sesiones de rehabilitación almacenadas en el sistema. • Evaluación de los resultados obtenidos por los pacientes después del programa de rehabilitación, obteniendo conclusiones sobre los beneficios del servicio implementado. • Evaluación técnica de la plataforma de telerrehabilitación, así como su usabilidad y la relación coste/beneficio. • Integración de un dispositivo de eye-tracking que permita la monitorización de la atención visual mientras los pacientes ejecutan tareas de neurorrehabilitación. •Diseño y desarrollo de un entorno de monitorización que permita obtener patrones de atención visual. Como resumen de los resultados obtenidos, se ha desarrollado y validado técnicamente la plataforma de telerrehabilitación cognitiva, demostrando la mejora en la eficiencia de los procesos, sin que esto resulte en una reducción de la eficacia del tratamiento. Además, se ha llevado a cabo una evaluación de la usabilidad del sistema, con muy buenos resultados. Respecto al módulo de análisis de datos, se ha diseñado y desarrollado un algoritmo que configura y planifica sesiones de rehabilitación para los pacientes, de manera automática, teniendo en cuenta las características específicas de cada paciente. Este algoritmo se ha denominado Intelligent Therapy Assistant (ITA). Los resultados obtenidos por el asistente muestran una mejora tanto en la eficiencia como en la eficacia de los procesos, comparado los resultados obtenidos con los de la planificación manual llevada a cabo por los terapeutas. Por último, se ha integrado con éxito el dispositivo de eye-tracking en la plataforma de telerrehabilitación, llevando a cabo una prueba con pacientes y sujetos control que ha demostrado la viabilidad técnica de la solución, así como la existencia de diferencias en los patrones de atención visual en pacientes con daño cerebral. ABSTRACT Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) is defined as brain damage that suddenly and unexpectedly appears in people’s life, being the main cause of disability in developed countries. The brain is responsible of the higher cognitive functions such as attention, memory, executive functions or language, which are considered basic requirements of the intelligence. Whatever its cause is, every ABI may affects one or several functions, highlighting the severity of the problem. New techniques of early intervention and the development of intensive ABI care have noticeably improved the survival rate. However, despite these advances, brain injuries still have no surgical or pharmacological treatment to re-establish lost functions. Cognitive rehabilitation is defined as a process whereby people with brain injury work together with health service professionals and others to remediate or alleviate cognitive deficits arising from a neurological insult. This is achieved by taking advantage of the plastic nature of the nervous system, where the brain can reconfigure its connections, both creating new ones, and modifying the previously existing. Neuro-rehabilitation aims to optimize the plastic nature by inducing a reorganization of the neural network, based on specific experiences. Personalized interventions from individual impairment profile will be necessary to optimize the remaining resources by potentiating adaptive responses and inhibiting maladaptive changes. In the last years, some applications and software programs have been developed to train or stimulate cognitive functions of different neuropsychological disorders, such as ABI, Alzheimer, psychiatric disorders, attention deficit or hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The application of technologies into medicine has changed the paradigm. Telemedicine allows improving the quality of clinical services, providing better access to them and helping to break geographical barriers. Moreover, one of the main advantages of telemedicine is the possibility to extend the therapeutic processes beyond the hospital (e.g. patient's home). As a consequence, a reduction of unnecessary costs and a better costs/benefits ratio are achieved, making possible a more efficient use of the available resources In this context, the main objective of this work is to improve neuro-rehabilitation of patients suffering cognitive deficits, by designing, developing and validating a telemedicine system that incorporates ICTs to change this paradigm, making it more personalized, ubiquitous and ecologic. The following specific objectives have been defined: • To analyse and model a tele-rehabilitation system, defining objectives and user requirements to design the different needed functionalities. • To define a scalable tele-rehabilitation architecture to offer different services grouping functionalities into modules. • To design and develop the tele-rehabilitation platform, including the graphic user interface, creating different user roles and permissions. • To develop a data analysis module to extract knowledge based on the historic results from the rehabilitation sessions stored in the system. • To evaluate the obtained results by patients after the rehabilitation program, arising conclusions about the benefits of the implemented service. • To technically evaluate the tele-rehabilitation platform, and its usability and the costs/benefit ratio. • To integrate an eye-tracking device allowing the monitoring of the visual attention while patients execute rehabilitation tasks. •To design and develop a monitoring environment that allows to obtain visual attention patterns. Summarizing the obtained results, the cognitive tele-rehabilitation platform has been developed and evaluated technically, demonstrating the improvements on the efficiency without worsening the efficacy of the process. Besides, a usability evaluation has been carried out, with very good results. Regarding the data analysis module, an algorithm has been designed and developed to automatically select and configure rehabilitation sessions, taking into account the specific characteristics of each patient. This algorithm is called Intelligent Therapy Assistant (ITA). The obtained results show an improvement both in the efficiency and the efficacy of the process, comparing the results obtained by patients when they receive treatments scheduled manually by therapists. Finally, an eye-tracking device has been integrated in the tele-rehabilitation platform, carrying out a study with patients and control subjects demonstrating the technical viability of the developed monitoring environment. First results also show that there are differences between the visual attention patterns between ABI patients and control subjects.


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ImageJ es un programa informático de tratamiento digital de imagen orientado principalmente hacia el ámbito de las ciencias de la salud. Se trata de un software de dominio público y de código abierto desarrollado en lenguaje Java en las instituciones del National Institutes of Health de Estados Unidos. Incluye por defecto potentes herramientas para editar, procesar y analizar imágenes de casi cualquier tipo y formato. Sin embargo, su mayor virtud reside en su extensibilidad: las funcionalidades de ImageJ pueden ampliarse hasta resolver casi cualquier problema de tratamiento digital de imagen mediante macros, scripts y, especialmente, plugins programables en lenguaje Java gracias a la API que ofrece. Además, ImageJ cuenta con repositorios oficiales en los que es posible obtener de forma gratuita macros, scripts y plugins aplicables en multitud de entornos gracias a la labor de la extensa comunidad de desarrolladores de ImageJ, que los depura, mejora y amplia frecuentemente. Este documento es la memoria de un proyecto que consiste en el análisis detallado de las herramientas de tratamiento digital de imagen que ofrece ImageJ. Tiene por objetivo determinar si ImageJ, a pesar de estar más enfocado a las ciencias de la salud, puede resultar útil en el entorno de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería y Sistemas de Telecomunicación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, y en tal caso, resaltar las características que pudieran resultar más beneficiosas en este ámbito y servir además como guía introductoria. En las siguientes páginas se examinan una a una las herramientas de ImageJ (versión 1.48q), su funcionamiento y los mecanismos subyacentes. Se sigue el orden marcado por los menús de la interfaz de usuario: el primer capítulo abarca las herramientas destinadas a la manipulación de imágenes en general (menú Image); el segundo, las herramientas de procesado (menú Process); el tercero, las herramientas de análisis (menú Analyze); y el cuarto y último, las herramientas relacionadas con la extensibilidad de ImageJ (menú Plugins). ABSTRACT. ImageJ is a digital image processing computer program which is mainly focused at the health sciences field. It is a public domain, open source software developed in Java language at the National Institutes of Health of the United States of America. It includes powerful built-in tools to edit, process and analyze almost every type of image in nearly every format. However, its main virtue is its extensibility: ImageJ functionalities can be widened to solve nearly every situation found in digital image processing through macros, scripts and, specially, plugins programmed in Java language thanks to the ImageJ API. In addition, ImageJ has official repositories where it is possible to freely get many different macros, scripts and plugins thanks to the work carried out by the ImageJ developers community, which continuously debug, improve and widen them. This document is a report which explains a detailed analysis of all the digital image processing tools offered by ImageJ. Its final goal is to determine if ImageJ can be useful to the environment of Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenierfa y Sistemas de Telecomunicacion of Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, in spite of being focused at the health sciences field. In such a case, it also aims to highlight the characteristics which could be more beneficial in this field, and serve as an introductory guide too. In the following pages, all of the ImageJ tools (version 1.48q) are examined one by one, as well as their work and the underlying mechanics. The document follows the order established by the menus in ImageJ: the first chapter covers all the tools destined to manipulate images in general (menu Image); the second one covers all the processing tools (menu Process); the third one includes analyzing tools (menu Analyze); and finally, the fourth one contains all those tools related to ImageJ extensibility (menu Plugins).


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ML 1.4 is widely accepted as the standard for representing the various software artifacts generated by a development process. For this reason, there have been attempts to use this language to represent the software architec- ture of systems as well. Unfortunately, these attempts have ended in representa- tions (boxes and lines) already criticized by the software architecture commu- nity. Recently, OMG has published a draft that will constitute the future UML 2.0 specification. In this paper we compare the capacities of UML 1.4 and UML 2.0 to describe software architectures. In particular, we study extensions of both UML versions to describe the static view of the C3 architectural style (a simplification of the C2 style). One of the results of this study is the difficulties found when using the UML 2.0 metamodel to describe the concept of connector in a software architecture.


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En la actualidad existe una gran expectación ante la introducción de nuevas herramientas y métodos para el desarrollo de productos software, que permitirán en un futuro próximo un planteamiento de ingeniería del proceso de producción software. Las nuevas metodologías que empiezan a esbozarse suponen un enfoque integral del problema abarcando todas las fases del esquema productivo. Sin embargo el grado de automatización conseguido en el proceso de construcción de sistemas es muy bajo y éste está centrado en las últimas fases del ciclo de vida del software, consiguiéndose así una reducción poco significativa de sus costes y, lo que es aún más importante, sin garantizar la calidad de los productos software obtenidos. Esta tesis define una metodología de desarrollo software estructurada que se puede automatizar, es decir una metodología CASE. La metodología que se presenta se ajusta al modelo de ciclo de desarrollo CASE, que consta de las fases de análisis, diseño y pruebas; siendo su ámbito de aplicación los sistemas de información. Se establecen inicialmente los principios básicos sobre los que la metodología CASE se asienta. Posteriormente, y puesto que la metodología se inicia con la fijación de los objetivos de la empresa que demanda un sistema informático, se emplean técnicas que sirvan de recogida y validación de la información, que proporcionan a la vez un lenguaje de comunicación fácil entre usuarios finales e informáticos. Además, estas mismas técnicas detallarán de una manera completa, consistente y sin ambigüedad todos los requisitos del sistema. Asimismo, se presentan un conjunto de técnicas y algoritmos para conseguir que desde la especificación de requisitos del sistema se logre una automatización tanto del diseño lógico del Modelo de Procesos como del Modelo de Datos, validados ambos conforme a la especificación de requisitos previa. Por último se definen unos procedimientos formales que indican el conjunto de actividades a realizar en el proceso de construcción y cómo llevarlas a cabo, consiguiendo de esta manera una integridad en las distintas etapas del proceso de desarrollo.---ABSTRACT---Nowdays there is a great expectation with regard to the introduction of new tools and methods for the software products development that, in the very near future will allow, an engineering approach in the software development process. New methodologies, just emerging, imply an integral approach to the problem, including all the productive scheme stages. However, the automatization degree obtained in the systems construction process is very low and focused on the last phases of the software lifecycle, which means that the costs reduction obtained is irrelevant and, which is more important, the quality of the software products is not guaranteed. This thesis defines an structured software development methodology that can be automated, that is a CASE methodology. Such a methodology is adapted to the CASE development cycle-model, which consists in analysis, design and testing phases, being the information systems its field of application. Firstly, we present the basic principies on which CASE methodology is based. Secondly, since the methodology starts from fixing the objectives of the company demanding the automatization system, we use some techniques that are useful for gathering and validating the information, being at the same time an easy communication language between end-users and developers. Indeed, these same techniques will detail completely, consistently and non ambiguously all the system requirements. Likewise, a set of techniques and algorithms are shown in order to obtain, from the system requirements specification, an automatization of the Process Model logical design, and of the Data Model logical design. Those two models are validated according to the previous requirement specification. Finally, we define several formal procedures that suggest which set of activities to be accomplished in the construction process, and how to carry them out, getting in this way integrity and completness for the different stages of the development process.


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Nowadays, organizations have plenty of data stored in DB databases, which contain invaluable information. Decision Support Systems DSS provide the support needed to manage this information and planning médium and long-term ?the modus operandi? of these organizations. Despite the growing importance of these systems, most proposals do not include its total evelopment, mostly limiting itself on the development of isolated parts, which often have serious integration problems. Hence, methodologies that include models and processes that consider every factor are necessary. This paper will try to fill this void as it proposes an approach for developing spatial DSS driven by the development of their associated Data Warehouse DW, without forgetting its other components. To the end of framing the proposal different Engineering Software focus (The Software Engineering Process and Model Driven Architecture) are used, and coupling with the DB development methodology, (and both of them adapted to DW peculiarities). Finally, an example illustrates the proposal.


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There are many open issues that must be addressed before the replication process can be successfully formalized in empirical software engineering research. We define replication as the deliberate repetition of the same empirical study for the purpose of determining whether the results of the first experiment can be reproduced. This definition would appear at first glance to be good. However, it needs several clarifications that have not yet been forthcoming in software engineering: – What is the exact meaning of the same empirical study? Namely how similar should an experiment be to the baseline study for it to be considered a replication? What is the exact meaning of a result being reproduced? Namely how similar does a result have to be to the result of the baseline study for it to be considered reproduced? These and other methodological questions need to be researched and tailored for empirical software engineering.


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The backdrop of actual problematic about the implementation of Information Technology (IT) services management in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) will be described. It will be exposed the reasons why reaching a maturity/capability level through well-known standards or the implementation of good software engineering practices by means of IT infrastructure Library are really difficult to achieve by SMEs. Also, the solutions to the exposed problems will be explained. Also master thesis goals are presented in terms of: purpose, research questions, research goals, objectives and scope. Finally, thesis structure is described.


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Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) are sensitive self-service systems that require important investments in security and testing. ATM certifications are testing processes for machines that integrate software components from different vendors and are performed before their deployment for public use. This project was originated from the need of optimization of the certification process in an ATM manufacturing company. The process identifies compatibility problems between software components through testing. It is composed by a huge number of manual user tasks that makes the process very expensive and error-prone. Moreover, it is not possible to fully automate the process as it requires human intervention for manipulating ATM peripherals. This project presented important challenges for the development team. First, this is a critical process, as all the ATM operations rely on the software under test. Second, the context of use of ATMs applications is vastly different from ordinary software. Third, ATMs’ useful lifetime is beyond 15 years and both new and old models need to be supported. Fourth, the know-how for efficient testing depends on each specialist and it is not explicitly documented. Fifth, the huge number of tests and their importance implies the need for user efficiency and accuracy. All these factors led us conclude that besides the technical challenges, the usability of the intended software solution was critical for the project success. This business context is the motivation of this Master Thesis project. Our proposal focused in the development process applied. By combining user-centered design (UCD) with agile development we ensured both the high priority of usability and the early mitigation of software development risks caused by all the technology constraints. We performed 23 development iterations and finally we were able to provide a working solution on time according to users’ expectations. The evaluation of the project was carried out through usability tests, where 4 real users participated in different tests in the real context of use. The results were positive, according to different metrics: error rate, efficiency, effectiveness, and user satisfaction. We discuss the problems found, the benefits and the lessons learned in the process. Finally, we measured the expected project benefits by comparing the effort required by the current and the new process (once the new software tool is adopted). The savings corresponded to 40% less effort (man-hours) per certification. Future work includes additional evaluation of product usability in a real scenario (with customers) and the measuring of benefits in terms of quality improvement.


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Light confinement strategies play a crucial role in the performance of thin-film (TF) silicon solar cells. One way to reduce the optical losses is the texturing of the transparent conductive oxide (TCO) that acts as the front contact. Other losses arise from the mismatch between the incident light spectrum and the spectral properties of the absorbent material that imply that low energy photons (below the bandgap value) are not absorbed, and therefore can not generate photocurrent. Up-conversion techniques, in which two sub-bandgap photons are combined to give one photon with a better matching with the bandgap, were proposed to overcome this problem. In particular, this work studies two strategies to improve light management in thin film silicon solar cells using laser technology. The first one addresses the problem of TCO surface texturing using fully commercial fast and ultrafast solid state laser sources. Aluminum doped Zinc Oxide (AZO) samples were laser processed and the results were optically evaluated by measuring the haze factor of the treated samples. As a second strategy, laser annealing experiments of TCOs doped with rare earth ions are presented as a potential process to produce layers with up-conversion properties, opening the possibility of its potential use in high efficiency solar cells.


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One of the objectives of the European Higher Education Area is the promotion of collaborative and informal learning through the implementation of educational practices. 3D virtual environments become an ideal space for such activities. On the other hand, the problem of financing in Spanish universities has led to the search for new ways to optimize available resources. The Technical University of Madrid requires the use of laboratories which due to their dangerousness, duration or control of the developed processes are difficult to perform in real life. For this reason, we have developed several 3D laboratories in virtual environment. The laboratories are built on open source platform OpenSim. In this paper it is exposed the use of the OpenSim platform for these new teaching experiences and the new design of the software architecture. This architecture requires the adaptation of the platform to the needs of the users and the different laboratories of our University. We will explain the structure of the implemented architecture and the process of creating and configuring it. The proposed architecture is decentralized, each laboratory is housed in different an educational center. The architecture adds several services, among others, the creation and management of users automated, communication between external services and platforms in different program languages. Therefore, we achieve improving the user experience and rising the functionalities of laboratories.