937 resultados para Social network site


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There has been an increasing interest in the use of inter-organisational groups to address regional implications in sustainable development. These groups bring together local knowledge and expertise and span boundaries between government and industry organisations. Our focus is in understanding how knowledge is shared in such inter-organisational groups. Utilising interviews, observations and social network analysis, we examine the knowledge sharing implications derived from the mixed membership, multilevel interaction, and the need to span boundaries with external organisations in these collaborations.


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Through two concepts, this paper investigates how online culture is shifting our understanding of media, communication and what could be described as the public sphere. The concept of intercommunication is developed to explicate how online culture blends what has often been seen as separate domains: there is now a higher fluidity between what is seen as media and what is seen as a form of communication. In effect, there is now an interpersonal mediation of communication through social media where what we like and dislike is shared and exchanged. The result of this different structure of communication is a transforming public sphere that highlights how the personal dimension of communicationis privileged. To unpack this shifted structure of media and communication, the paper develops the concept of persona. Persona, as a structure and presentation of personal identity for different publics, helps us understand how the individualhas to present themselves strategically and tactically in this intercommunicative world. Through a series of examples that analyse memes, social network identity, and communication, and new iterations of what could be construed as private,public, and professional identity, the paper investigates this emerging "intercommunicative public self.”


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This article presents a personal e-learning system architecture in the context of a social network environment. The main objective of a personal e-learning system is to develop individual skills on a specific subject and share resources with peers. The authors' system architecture defines the organisation and management of a personal learning environment that aids in creating, verifying and sharing learning artefacts, and making money at the same time. In their research, they also focus on one of the most interesting arenas in digital content or document management - digital rights management - and its application to e-learning.


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Researching persona is a study in the production, dissemination and exchange of public identity. One starting point in the process is to look at the production of the presentation of the self online, which allows for a particularly valuable way of exploring celebrity and public personalities. In order to advance on this point, this article examines three emerging and complementary methods of persona studies that work to capture different elements in the production of public identity. In the following we provide an introduction to the research currently being generated using three intersectional methods as a primer to the study of persona. We first present an adaptation of interpretative phenomenological analysis for the investigation of online identity as a means for understanding the strategic and negotiated agency that constructing a public persona entails. Second, we outline the potential for methods of social network analysis and data visualisation to contribute to the investigation of networked structures of public identities, and to further explore the assembly of a professional persona in the creative and niche paratextual industry roles enabled by social media. Finally, to explore reputation and relational cultural power we consider how persona is constituted by connections, adapting prosopography – an historical method for identifying relational status in a community – to the study of current public production of the self and relational reputation as a form of cultural field. All of these techniques are equally useful for the direct study of celebrity persona, and function dynamically together as means to access the wider dimensions of public persona.


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Emergencies, including both natural and man - made disasters, increasingly pose an immediate threat to life, health, property, and environment. For example, Hurricane Katrina, the deadliest and most destructive Atlantic tropical cyclone of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season, led to at least 1,883 people's death and an estimated loss of - 108 billion property. To reduce the damage by emergencies, a wide range of cutting-edge technologies on medicine and information are used in all phases of emergency management. This article proposes a cloud-based emergency management system for environmental and structural monitoring that utilizes the powerful computing and storage capability of datacenters to analyze the mass data collected by the wireless intelligent sensor network deployed in civil environment. The system also benefits from smartphone and social network platform to setup the spatial and population models, which enables faster evacuation and better resource allocation.


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 Chronic heart failure (CHF) is a progressive and debilitating disease with a broad symptom profile, intermittently marked by periods of acute decompensation. CHF patients are encouraged to self-manage their illness, such as adhering to medical regimens and monitoring symptoms, to optimise health outcomes and quality of life. In so doing, patients are asked to collaborate with their health service providers with regard to their care. However, patients generally do not self-manage well, even with specialist support. Moreover, self- management interventions are yet to demonstrate morbidity or mortality benefits. Social network approaches to self-management consider the availability and mobilisation of all resources, beyond those of only the patient and healthcare providers. Used in conjunction with e-health platforms, social network approaches may offer a means by which to optimise self-management programmes of the future.


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P2P collusive piracy, where paid P2P clients share the content with unpaid clients, has drawn significant concerns in recent years. Study on the follow relationship provides an emerging track of research in capturing the followee (e.g., paid client) for the blocking of piracy spread from all his followers (e.g., unpaid clients). Unfortunately, existing research efforts on the follow relationship in online social network have largely overlooked the time constraint and the content feedback in sequential behavior analysis. Hence, how to consider these two characteristics for effective P2P collusive piracy prevention remains an open problem. In this paper, we proposed a multi-bloom filter circle to facilitate the time-constraint storage and query of P2P sequential behaviors. Then, a probabilistic follow with content feedback model to fast discover and quantify the probabilistic follow relationship is further developed, and then, the corresponding approach to piracy prevention is designed. The extensive experimental analysis demonstrates the capability of the proposed approach.


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Large-scale object-oriented applications consist of tens of thousands of methods and exhibit highly complex runtime behaviour that is difficult to analyse for performance. Typical performance analysis approaches that aggregate performance measures in a method-centric manner result in thinly distributed costs and few easily identifiable optimisation opportunities. Subsuming methods analysis is a new approach that aggregates performance costs across repeated patterns of method calls that occur in the application's runtime behaviour. This allows automatic identification of patterns that are expensive and represent practical optimisation opportunities. To evaluate the practicality of this analysis with a real world large-scale object-oriented application we completed a case study with the developers of letterboxd.com - a social network website for movie goers. Using the results of the analysis we were able to rapidly implement changes resulting in a 54.8% reduction in CPU load and an 49.6% reduction in average response time.


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Coordinated systems are required to ensure evidence-informed practice and evaluation of community-based interventions (CBIs). Knowledge translation and exchange (KTE) strategies show promise, but these require evaluation. This paper describes implementation and evaluation of COOPS, a national KTE platform to support best practice in obesity prevention CBIs. A logic model guides KTE activities including knowledge brokering, networking, tailored communications, training, and needs assessments. A mixed-methods evaluation includes communications data, knowledge brokering database, annual survey of CBIs, pre- and post-event questionnaires, interviews, social network analysis, and case studies. This evaluation will contribute to understanding the process of implementing a KTE platform with CBIs and its reach, quality and effectiveness.


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The objective of this essay was to verify if the practices of local development in these small towns (population under 20.000 inhabitants) of Lavra¿s small region have contributed to the formation and/or strengthening of social network. The work was conducted from a theoretical discussion about local development, citizenship, local development with citizenship and social network. Afterward interviews were made semi-structured with a sample formed of 54 citizens of six towns of Lavra¿s small region in Minas Gerais. The speech analysis was used in the treatment of the dates. As results, considering the strengthening and formation of social network, it is possible to say: about the strengthening, that there is not a possibility, because the social networks structured as we understand it, do not exist or are still to embryonic, prevailing, in the formation towns, the pyramidal structure. And about the formation, it is notable that there are more negative aspects than positive to the development of these networks, however some initiative point out to the possibilities of creation. Therefore, we can conclude that the practice of local development contribute, still, in a very incipient and limited manner to the formation of social networks in the state¿s town. Incipient because the identified initiatives that points towards the creation are recent and are still in a structure stage; and limited because there are too many negative aspects that make the construction difficult.


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O objetivo desta tese é contribuir com a análise das emoções, a partir dos papéis da valência e da excitação emocional, como influenciadoras do compartilhamento de informação entre consumidores online. Pessoas compartilham onversando ou utilizando ferramentas de compartilhamento de conteúdo na internet, como as redes sociais virtuais. O compartilhamento de conteúdo na internet leva a uma maior difusão, fazendo com que eles se viralizem, ou seja, sejam retransmitidos diversas vezes, atingindo diferentes públicos (HO; DEMPSEY, 2010). Ainda há dúvidas na literatura sobre as causas desta viralização, e o quanto as emoções influenciam o processo, articularmente se as pessoas tendem a compartilhar mais o que lhes é positivo, o que lhes causa mais excitação (BERGER; MILKMAN, 2012) ou se há um perfil específico de consumidor que se engaja mais nessas ações, como os chamados advogados de marca, e como tal perfil se comporta. Para investigar isso, foram conduzidos quatro experimentos: o primeiro comparou a propensão a compartilhar notícias de valências emocionais e excitações diferentes, o segundo relacionou a propensão a compartilhar propagandas e notícias com valências diferentes, o terceiro analisou como advogados de marca declarados agem com relação a conteúdo de diferentes valências e o quarto comparou a propensão a compartilhar de propagandas com diferentes valências e estímulos ao compartilhamento (nenhum, dica de um amigo ou participação em um sorteio). Os conteúdos de valência positiva que geraram maior excitação ou tidos como mais úteis seriam mais compartilhados, enquanto advogados de marca deram ênfase em suas respostas ao conteúdo negativo, negando-o, justificando-o ou se abstendo, e foram mais intensos ao reclamar de problemas que eles próprios sofreram. Os principais achados desta tese são que a) conteúdo online de valência positiva e de alta excitação tem maior probabilidade de ser compartilhado, porém b) conteúdo online de valência negativa é tido como mais útil e gera maior excitação. Além disso, c) se o conteúdo for referente a uma marca com que o consumidor é engajado, ele reagirá com respostas mais circunstanciadas e d) se o conteúdo lhe for indicado por um amigo, ele tem maior chance de compartilhar. A principal contribuição desta tese é auxiliar na compreensão, teórica e gerencial, do compartilhamento entre usuários, avaliando o 9 impacto de conteúdo excitante ou útil, seja de valência positiva ou negativa, permitindo às organizações dimensionar seus esforços de comunicação e de relacionamento com clientes, com vistas a selecionar as abordagens mais adequadas às mensagens


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Utilizando a base de dados dos trabalhos publicados nos Enanpads realizados em 2002-04, este artigo focaliza a área de administração da informação para realizar um estudo exploratório sobre a formação de padrões nas estruturas de disseminação do conhecimento acadêmico no Brasil, apoiado nos conceitos oriundos da análise das redes sociais e conjugados com a base proveniente da teoria dos grafos e em recursos computacionais. Procurou-se mapear os fluxos de informações que possibilitam as trocas de conhecimento através das ligações existentes no meio acadêmico. Os resultados indicam a necessidade de ampliar e estreitar os laços entre os autores, notadamente os que possuem algum grau de centralidade local, no intuito de obter o fortalecimento das instituições de ensino, de forma a quebrar as resistências à produção conjunta entre elas, em detrimento do padrão de reprodução endógena detectado.


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O estudo objetivou a investigação do fenômeno de engajamento do consumidor em uma comunidade virtual de marca, tendo a Fan Page da L'Oréal Paris Brasil como contexto de observação. Para isso, por meio de método netnográfico, foram coletadas as interações entre os membros da comunidade ao longo de três meses e analisadas sob a perspectiva do modelo conceitual apresentado por Brodie et al. (2011b). Durante a análise de conteúdo, considerando as técnicas propostas por Bardin (2007), foram identificadas as dimensões, os processos e sub-processos do engajamento do consumidor, conforme proposto pelo modelo conceitual. Além disso, os resultados encontrados apontam para a validação do modelo e reforçam a perspectiva de que a simples participação ou envolvimento não pressupõe engajamento, pois este reflete um estado psicológico complexo, dependente de contexto e que necessita de processos antecedentes e consequentes. Com base nos achados, são discutidas as implicações teóricas e práticas, assim como sugestão para futuros estudos sobre o tema.


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Este artigo pretende conectar aspectos gerais das teorias deliberativas de democracia a mecanismos específicos disponíveis aos usuários das redes sociais. Aponta-se quais ferramentas das redes sociais colaboram com a constituição de uma esfera pública e o desenvolvimento de uma democracia deliberativa, especialmente quando incorporadas pela comunicação do Estado. Para tanto, reconstruímos sistematicamente a estrutura teórica da democracia deliberativa e, em seguida, avaliamos ferramentas específicas, ilustrando-as com exemplos nacionais de seu uso. Julgamos que esse tipo de análise é relevante para que se determine no futuro como estruturar a comunicação entre órgãos estatais e sociedade, de maneira a maximizar seu potencial deliberativo.