997 resultados para Snow, C. P


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Risk acceptance has been broadly discussed in relation to hazardous risk activities and/or technologies. A better understanding of risk acceptance in occupational settings is also important; however, studies on this topic are scarce. It seems important to understand the level of risk that stakeholders consider sufficiently low, how stakeholders form their opinion about risk, and why they adopt a certain attitude toward risk. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to examine risk acceptance in regard to occupational accidents in furniture industries. The safety climate analysis was conducted through the application of the Safety Climate in Wood Industries questionnaire. Judgments about risk acceptance, trust, risk perception, benefit perception, emotions, and moral values were measured. Several models were tested to explain occupational risk acceptance. The results showed that the level of risk acceptance decreased as the risk level increased. High-risk and death scenarios were assessed as unacceptable. Risk perception, emotions, and trust had an important influence on risk acceptance. Safety climate was correlated with risk acceptance and other variables that influence risk acceptance. These results are important for the risk assessment process in terms of defining risk acceptance criteria and strategies to reduce risks.


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This study aims to analyse the relationship between safety climate and the level of risk acceptance, as well as its relationship with workplace safety performance. The sample includes 14 companies and 403 workers. The safety climate assessment was performed by the application of a Safety Climate in Wood Industries questionnaire and safety performance was assessed with a checklist. Judgements about risk acceptance were measured through questionnaires together with four other variables: trust, risk perception, benefit perception and emotion. Safety climate was found to be correlated with workgroup safety performance, and it also plays an important role in workers’ risk acceptance levels. Risk acceptance tends to be lower when safety climate scores of workgroups are high, and subsequently, their safety performance is better. These findings seem to be relevant, as they provide Occupational, Safety and Health practitioners with a better understanding of workers’ risk acceptance levels and of the differences among workgroups.


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Herpetic infections are common complications in AIDS patients. The clinical features could be uncommon and antiviral chemotherapy is imperative. A rapid diagnosis could prevent incorrect approaches and treatment. The polymerase chain reaction is a rapid, specific and sensible method for DNA amplification and diagnosis of infectious diseases, especially viral diseases. This approach has some advantages compared with conventional diagnostic procedures. Recently we have reported a new PCR protocol to rapid diagnosis of herpetic infections with suppression of the DNA extraction step. In this paper we present a case of herpetic whitlow with rapid diagnosis by HSV-1 specific polymerase chain reaction using the referred protocol.


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Plos Genetics, 5(7): ARTe1000566


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TTV is a recently discovered DNA virus, isolated from a patient with post-transfusion hepatitis of unknown etiology by Japanese researchers. In the present study, we evaluated the presence of TTV among chronic liver diseases patients in São Paulo and Pará states, representing two geographically distinct Brazilian regions. TTV DNA was found in 21/105 (20%) and 9/20 (45%) cases from São Paulo and Pará States, respectively. DNA sequence data confirmed the presence of TTV genotypes 1a and 2a, as well as other genotypes not yet described. In conclusion, TTV is present in chronic liver diseases cases from Southeast and North Brazil. However, further studies involving healthy populations are necessary before establishing any causal relationship among TTV and human hepatitis.


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The basis for virulence in Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is not completely understood. There is a consensus that the sequencial in vitro subcultivation of P. brasiliensis leads to loss of its pathogenicity, which can be reverted by reisolation from animal passage. Attention to morphological and biochemical properties that are regained or demonstrated after animal passage may provide new insights into factors related to the pathogenicity and virulence of P. brasiliensis. We evaluated morphological characters: the percentage of budding cells, number of buds by cell and the diameter of 100 mother cells of yeast-like cells of 30 P. brasiliensis isolates, before and after animal passage. The isolates were obtained from patients with different clinical forms of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM): acute form (group A, n=15) and chronic form (group C, n=15). The measurement of the yeast cell sizes was carried out with the aid of an Olympus CBB microscope coupled with a micrometer disc. We measured the major transverse and longitudinal axes of 100 viable cells of each preparation. The percentage of budding cells as also the number of buds by cell was not influenced by animal passage, regardless of the source of the strain (acute or chronic groups). The size values of P. brasiliensis isolates from groups A and C, measured before the animal passage exhibited the same behavior. After animal passage, there was a statistically significant difference between the cell sizes of P. brasiliensis isolates recovered from testicles inoculated with strains from groups A and C. The maximum diameter of mother cells from group A isolates exhibited a size of 42.1CE="Symbol">mm in contrast with 32.9CE="Symbol">mm exhibited by mother cells from group C (p<0.05). The diameter of 1500 mother cells from group A isolates exhibited a medium size of 16.0CE="Symbol">mm (SD ± 4.0), a value significantly higher than the 14.1CE="Symbol">mm (SD = ± 3.3) exhibited by 1500 mother cells from group C isolates (p<0.05). Our results reinforce the polymorphism exhibited by P. brasiliensis in biological material and the need for further investigations to elucidate the role of morphological parameters of the fungus in the natural history of the disease.


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Aim: The objective was to describe an outbreak of bloodstream infections by Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) in bone marrow transplant and hematology outpatients.Methods: On February 15, 2008 a Bcc outbreak was suspected. 24 cases were identified. Demographic and clinical data were evaluated. Environment and healthcare workers' (HCW) hands were cultured. Species were determined and typed. Reinforcement of hand hygiene, central venous catheter (CVC) care, infusion therapy, and maintenance of laminar flow cabinet were undertaken. 16 different HCWs had cared for the CVCs. Multi-dose heparin and saline were prepared on counter common to both units.Findings: 14 patients had B. multivorans(one patient had also B. cenopacia), six non-multivorans Bcc and one did not belong to Bcc. Clone A B. multivorans occurred in 12 patients (from Hematology); in 10 their CVC had been used on February 11/12. Environmental and HCW cultures were negative. All patients were treated with meropenem, and ceftazidime lock-therapy. Eight patients (30%) were hospitalized. No deaths occurred. After control measures (multidose vial for single patient; CVC lock with ceftazidime; cleaning of laminar flow cabinet; hand hygiene improvement; use of cabinet to store prepared medication), no new cases occurred.Conclusions: This polyclonal outbreak may be explained by a common source containing multiple species of Bcc, maybe the laminar flow cabinet common to both units. There may have been contamination by B. multivorans (clone A) of multi-dose vials.


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Congenital muscular dystrophy type 1A is caused by mutations in the LAMA2 gene, which encodes the a2-chain of laminin. We report two patients with partial laminin-a2 deficiency and atypical phenotypes, one with almost exclusive central nervous system involvement (cognitive impairment and refractory epilepsy) and the second with marked cardiac dysfunction, rigid spine syndrome and limb-girdle weakness. Patients underwent clinical, histopathological, imaging and genetic studies. Both cases have two heterozygous LAMA2 variants sharing a potentially pathogenic missense mutation c.2461A>C (p.Thr821Pro) located in exon 18. Brain MRI was instrumental for the diagnosis, since muscular examination and motor achievements were normal in the first patient and there was a severe cardiac involvement in the second. The clinical phenotype of the patients is markedly different which could in part be explained by the different combination of mutations types (two missense versus a missense and a truncating mutation).


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Foi isolada uma cepa de Schistosoma mansoni proveniente de dois pacientes tratados com hycanthone, por duas vezes, na dose de 2,5mg/kg, i.m., em janeiro e em abril de 1970, e com niridazole (25mg/kg dia x 5 oral), em abril de 1971. O número de ovos por grama de fezes nestes pacientes antes do tratamento era de 2675 e 1025, respectivamente e, após o terceiro tratamento, em torno de 100 ovos/g. Mira­dios obtidos das fezes destes pacientes, infectaram caramujos (Biomphalaria glabrata), que passaram a eliminar cer¡rias (cepa WW). Estas foram utilizadas para infe§Ã£o experimental de camundongos albinos. Os animais infectados foram tratados com esquemas múltiplos de hycanthone, niridazole e oxamniquine. Estudos comparativos das cepas WW e LE (esta última mantida rotineiramente em nossos laboratórios) mostraram diferenças acentuadas quando à sensibilidade aos esquistossomicidas usados. De fato, com hycanthone, na dose de 80mg/kg, i.m. houve 100% de alteração do oograma nos camundongos infectados com a cepa L.E. e de 0,0% nos infectados com a cepa WW. Com a oxamniquine e niridazole as diferenças foram menores, mas, ainda assim, suficientes para indicar maior resistência da cepa WW a estes esquistossomicidas. Esta é a primeira vez na literatura, que se demonstra resistência em cepas de S. mansoni provenientes de pacientes tratados.


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Os autores descrevem um surto de leishmaniose tegumentar americana ( LTA ) instalado na região nordeste do Estado de São Paulo em 1992. Após a notificação de doze casos humanos em uma área rural do muni­pio de Itupeva, foi realizado um inquérito epidemiolõgico , destacando-se 34% de positividade da população a Reação Intradérmica de Montenegro. Constatou-se uma grande diversidade da fauna flebotomínica local, com predominância de L. migonei, L. intermedia e L. whitmani, tanto no domicilio, quanto na margem da mata. Ressalta-se a presença na margem da mata de L. longipalpis.


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Esta investigação busca avaliar a efetividade das ações destinadas ao Programa de Controle da Esquistossomose, PCE, em um muni­pio da Bahia, a Região da Bacia do Paraguaçu. Os dados são provenientes das fichas PCE-111 da SUCAM/FNS, registrados rotineiramente, nas 111 localidades identificadas entre 1982 e 1992. A infe§Ã£o foi diagnosticada através de exames de fezes (Katz-Kato). A análise da prevalência da infe§Ã£o baseou-se nas tendências da evolução temporal e distribuição espacial. Identificou-se quatro padrões típicos de evolução, sendo que os mais comuns são os de recorrência da infe§Ã£o (67,6 %). O controle ocorreu em 22,5% enquanto a expansão da infe§Ã£o apareceu em apenas 9,9% das localidades. No geral, a tendência foi de redução da prevalência, particularmente no período entre 1982 e 1985, ascendendo posteriormente para valores, que não atingem o patamar inicial. Verificou-se também impacto na redução relativa do número de localidades que apresentavam prevalência abaixo de 5%, indicativas de controle. Não foi possível examinar a evolução da intensidade da infe§Ã£o ou mesmo da ocorrência de formas graves ou óbitos que poderiam apresentar um quadro mais completo da efetividade das ações desse programa.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estabelecer critérios adequados à triagem de doadores de sangue de regiões com características epidemiológicas distintas, para malária. Foram estudados 3 locais com critérios de seleção diferentes: São Paulo, SP (sem transmissão vetorial), Belém (baixa transmissão ativa), Matupá, Belém, PA e Peixoto de Azevedo, MT (alta transmissão ativa). A pesquisa de plasmódios foi realizada por gota espessa, QBC Test® e imunofluoresªncia para pesquisa de antígenos, tendo sido todas as amostras negativas. Houve grande variação na positividade para anticorpos antiplasmodiais por IFI-IgG anti P. vivax e P. falciparum entre doadores aptos nos 3 locais de estudo e entre doadores aptos e inaptos em São Paulo (aptos 1,98%, inaptos 22,3%, p < 0.01) e Belém (aptos 17,2%, inaptos 58,3%, p < 0.01), o que atesta a validade da triagem clínico-epidemiológica realizada. Em Matupá e Peixoto de Azevedo não houve doadores inaptos e a positividade foi de 80,6%. Consideramos que em bancos de sangue a triagem deve seguir critérios clínico-epidemiológicos adequados à situação de cada região. Os métodos laboratoriais de triagem, devem ser para dete§Ã£o de plasmódios (gota espessa/QBC Test® ou dete§Ã£o de antígenos parasitários.


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O racionalismo surge como uma corrente filosófica, cuja operação mental e lógica é evidenciada. Sendo a principal característica do pensamento moderno o método, a bauhaus representa para o design a forma como a indústria se despiu dos ornamentos, buscando o ideal de forma e função. Numa corrente contemporânea, o design emocional retoma, além das funções que um objeto pode ter, estéticas, práticas e simbólicas, também as emocionais de identificação, fazendo rever os métodos. Este artigo faz uma relação deste contexto com a forma brilhante com que o casal Charles e Ray Eames, criou um método absolutamente emocional para a criação do design, iniciando, com a invenção do contraplacado, e depois com acesso a diversas tecnologias advindas do pós-guerra, um processo muito interessante de construção de design, aliando arte e técnica, produzindo assentos atemporais, encontrados facilmente no mundo contemporâneo.


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This paper reports an unusual pattern of serological HBV markers and the presence of HBsAg/anti-HBs immune complexes in serum samples from two patients with fulminant hepatitis from the Brazilian Western Amazon Basin. The diagnosis was made by both serologic tests and demonstration of antigen/antibody complexes by transmission electron microscopy. Concurrent Delta virus superinfection is also discussed.