998 resultados para Single Photons
在单脉冲激波管上,研究了1,2-二氯乙烷的热裂解.实验的激波条件为:温度区间1020 K<T<1190 K, 压力: P=0.12 MPa,实验时间τ=0.5 ms;实验气体为1,2-二氯乙烷稀释于Ar气中(3.95 mmol/L).以4-甲基-1-环己烯作为对比速率法实验的内标物,用4-甲基-1-环己烯开环反应的速率常数k=1015.3exp(-33400/T) s-1,以及从其产物的浓度推定出实验温度.经激波加热后的实验气体的终产物用气相色谱分析出主要成分为C2H3Cl,指示出主要反应通道为β消去反应.如把所有产物C2H3Cl都归于β消去反应,则可推定出表观之反应速率常数k1a=5.0×1013exp(-30000/T) s-1.对于由C-Cl键断键反应引发的链反应的可能影响做了分析研究.用了一种简便分析可推知在实验的温度范围内的低端(1020 K)链反应的影响可以忽略,而在其高端(1190 K)链反应将给出10%的终产物C2H3Cl的附加浓度,获得真实的β消去反应速率常数则必须把这部分予以扣除.经过这样的校正之后,最后得到CH2ClCH2Clβ消去反应速率常数为k1c=2.3×1013exp(-29200/T) s-1.
We have used scanning gate microscopy to explore the local conductivity of a current-annealed graphene flake. A map of the local neutrality point (NP) after annealing at low current density exhibits micron-sized inhomogeneities. Broadening of the local e-h transition is also correlated with the inhomogeneity of the NP. Annealing at higher current density reduces the NP inhomogeneity, but we still observe some asymmetry in the e-h conduction. We attribute this to a hole-doped domain close to one of the metal contacts combined with underlying striations in the local NP. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.