967 resultados para Sillanpää, Pia
PURPOSE Laser range scanners (LRS) allow performing a surface scan without physical contact with the organ, yielding higher registration accuracy for image-guided surgery (IGS) systems. However, the use of LRS-based registration in laparoscopic liver surgery is still limited because current solutions are composed of expensive and bulky equipment which can hardly be integrated in a surgical scenario. METHODS In this work, we present a novel LRS-based IGS system for laparoscopic liver procedures. A triangulation process is formulated to compute the 3D coordinates of laser points by using the existing IGS system tracking devices. This allows the use of a compact and cost-effective LRS and therefore facilitates the integration into the laparoscopic setup. The 3D laser points are then reconstructed into a surface to register to the preoperative liver model using a multi-level registration process. RESULTS Experimental results show that the proposed system provides submillimeter scanning precision and accuracy comparable to those reported in the literature. Further quantitative analysis shows that the proposed system is able to achieve a patient-to-image registration accuracy, described as target registration error, of [Formula: see text]. CONCLUSIONS We believe that the presented approach will lead to a faster integration of LRS-based registration techniques in the surgical environment. Further studies will focus on optimizing scanning time and on the respiratory motion compensation.
OBJECTIVES The aim of the present longitudinal study was to investigate bacterial colonization of the internal implant cavity and to evaluate a possible association with peri-implant bone loss. METHODS A total of 264 paper point samples were harvested from the intra-implant cavity of 66 implants in 26 patients immediately following implant insertion and after 3, 4, and 12 months. Samples were evaluated for Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, Treponema denticola, and Tannerella forsythia as well as total bacterial counts by real-time PCR. Bone loss was evaluated on standardized radiographs up to 25 months after implant insertion. For the statistical analysis of the data, mixed effects models were fitted. RESULTS There was an increase in the frequency of detection as well as in the mean counts of the selected bacteria over time. The evaluation of the target bacteria revealed a significant association of Pr. intermedia at 4 and 12 months with peri-implant bone loss at 25 months (4 months: P = 0.009; 12 months: P = 0.021). CONCLUSIONS The present study could demonstrate a progressive colonization by periodontopathogenic bacteria in the internal cavities of two-piece implants. The results suggest that internal colonization with Pr. intermedia was associated with peri-implant bone loss.
BACKGROUND Patient-to-image registration is a core process of image-guided surgery (IGS) systems. We present a novel registration approach for application in laparoscopic liver surgery, which reconstructs in real time an intraoperative volume of the underlying intrahepatic vessels through an ultrasound (US) sweep process. METHODS An existing IGS system for an open liver procedure was adapted, with suitable instrument tracking for laparoscopic equipment. Registration accuracy was evaluated on a realistic phantom by computing the target registration error (TRE) for 5 intrahepatic tumors. The registration work flow was evaluated by computing the time required for performing the registration. Additionally, a scheme for intraoperative accuracy assessment by visual overlay of the US image with preoperative image data was evaluated. RESULTS The proposed registration method achieved an average TRE of 7.2 mm in the left lobe and 9.7 mm in the right lobe. The average time required for performing the registration was 12 minutes. A positive correlation was found between the intraoperative accuracy assessment and the obtained TREs. CONCLUSIONS The registration accuracy of the proposed method is adequate for laparoscopic intrahepatic tumor targeting. The presented approach is feasible and fast and may, therefore, not be disruptive to the current surgical work flow.
Fetal antigen 1/delta-like 1 homologue (FA1/dlk1) belongs to the epidermal growth factor superfamily and is considered to be a non-canonical ligand for the Notch receptor. Interactions between Notch and its ligands are crucial for the development of various tissues. Moreover, FA1/dlk1 has been suggested as a potential supplementary marker of dopaminergic neurons. The present study aimed at investigating the distribution of FA1/dlk1-immunoreactive (-ir) cells in the early postnatal and adult midbrain as well as in the nigrostriatal system of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-lesioned hemiparkinsonian adult rats. FA1/dlk1-ir cells were predominantly distributed in the substantia nigra (SN) pars compacta (SNc) and in the ventral tegmental area. Interestingly, the expression of FA1/dlk1 significantly increased in tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-ir cells during early postnatal development. Co-localization and tracing studies demonstrated that FA1/dlk1-ir cells in the SNc were nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons, and unilateral 6-OHDA lesions resulted in loss of both FA1/dlk1-ir and TH-ir cells in the SNc. Surprisingly, increased numbers of FA1/dlk1-ir cells (by 70%) were detected in dopamine-depleted striata as compared to unlesioned controls. The higher number of FA1/dlk1-ir cells was likely not due to neurogenesis as colocalization studies for proliferation markers were negative. This suggests that FA1/dlk1 was up-regulated in intrinsic cells in response to the 6-OHDA-mediated loss of FA1/dlk1-expressing SNc dopaminergic neurons and/or due to the stab wound. Our findings hint to a significant role of FA1/dlk1 in the SNc during early postnatal development. The differential expression of FA1/dlk1 in the SNc and the striatum of dopamine-depleted rats could indicate a potential involvement of FA1/dlk1 in the cellular response to the degenerative processes.
Intraoperative laparoscopic calibration remains a challenging task. In this work we present a new method and instrumentation for intraoperative camera calibration. Contrary to conventional calibration methods, the proposed technique allows intraoperative laparoscope calibration from single perspective observations, resulting in a standardized scheme for calibrating in a clinical scenario. Results show an average displacement error of 0.52 ± 0.19 mm, indicating sufficient accuracy for clinical use. Additionally, the proposed method is validated clinically by performing a calibration during the surgery.
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a multifactorial disease process involving behavioral, inflammatory, clinical, thrombotic, and genetic components. Previous epidemiologic studies focused on identifying behavioral and demographic risk factors of CAD, but none focused on platelets. Current platelet literature lacks the known effects of platelet function and platelet receptor polymorphisms on CAD. This case-control analysis addressed these issues by analyzing data collected for a previous study. Cases were individuals who had undergone CABG and thus had been diagnosed with CAD, while the controls were volunteers presumed to be CAD free. The platelet function variables analyzed included fibrinogen Von Willebrand Factor activity (VWF), shear-induced platelet aggregation (SIPA), sCD40L, and mean platelet volume; and the platelet polymorphisms studied included PIA, α2 807, Ko, Kozak, and VNTR. Univariate analysis found fibrinogen, VWF, SIPA, and PIA to be independent risk factors of CAD. Logistic regression was used to build a predictive model for CAD using the platelet function and platelet polymorphism data adjusted for age, sex, race, and current smoking status. A model containing only platelet polymorphisms and their respective receptor densities, found polymorphisms within GPIbα to be associated with CAD, yielding an 86% (95% C.I. 0.97–3.55) increased risk with the presence of at least 1 polymorphism in Ko, Kozak, or VNTR. Another model included both platelet function and platelet polymorphism data. Fibrinogen, the receptor density of GPIbα, and the polymorphism in GPIa-IIa (α2 807) were all associated with CAD with odds ratios of 1.10, 1.04, and 2.30 for fibrinogen (10mg/dl increase), GPIbα receptors (1 MFI increase), and GPIa-IIa, respectively. In addition, risk estimates and 99% confidence intervals adjusted for race were calculated to determine if the presence of a platelet receptor polymorphism was associated with CAD. The results were as follows: PIA (1.64, 0.74–3.65); α2 807 (1.35, 0.77–2.37); Ko (1.71, 0.70–4.16); Kozak (1.17, 0.54–2.52); and VNTR (1.24, 0.52–2.91). Although not statistically significant, all platelet polymorphisms were associated with an increased risk for CAD. These exploratory findings indicate that platelets do appear to have a role in atherosclerosis and that anti-platelet drugs targeting GPI-IIa and GPIbα may be better treatment candidates for individuals with CAD. ^
Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is a leading cause of life-threatening infection in neonates and young infants, pregnant women, and non-pregnant adults with underlying medical conditions. Immunization has theoretical potential to prevent significant morbidity and mortality from GBS disease. Alpha C protein (α C), found in 70% of non-type III capsule polysaccharide group B Streptococcus, elicits antibodies protective against α C-expressing strains in experimental animals and is an appealing carrier for a GBS conjugate vaccine. We determined whether natural exposure to α C elicits antibodies in women and if high maternal α C-specific serum antibody at delivery is associated with protection against neonatal disease. An ELISA was designed to measure α C-specific IgM and IgG in human sera. A case-control design (1:3 ratio) was used to match α C-expressing GBS colonized and non-colonized women by age and compare quantified serum α C-specific IgM and IgG. Sera also were analyzed from bacteremic neonates and their mothers and from women with invasive GBS disease. Antibody concentrations were compared using t-tests on log-transformed data. Geometric mean concentrations of α C-specific IgM and IgG were similar in sera from 58 α C strain colonized and 174 age-matched non-colonized women (IgG 245 and 313 ng/ml; IgM 257 and 229 ng/ml, respectively). Delivery sera from mothers of 42 neonates with GBS α C sepsis had similar concentrations of α C-specific IgM (245 ng/ml) and IgG (371 ng/ml), but acute sera from 13 women with invasive α C-expressing GBS infection had significantly higher concentrations (IgM 383 and IgG 476 ng/ml [p=0.036 and 0.038, respectively]). Convalescent sera from 5 of these women 16-49 days later had high α C-specific IgM and IgG concentrations (1355 and 4173 ng/ml, respectively). In vitro killing of α C-expressing GBS correlated with total α C-specific antibody concentration. Invasive disease but not colonization elicits α C-specific IgM and IgG in adults. Whether α C-specific IgG induced by vaccine would protect against disease in neonates merits further investigation. ^
Revista del Instituto de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo.
Fil: Castellino, Marta Elena.
Fil: Piña, Cristina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
En el siguiente trabajo se desarrollarán los controles cambiarios en la Argentina y sus efectos sobre la economía desde 1930 hasta la actualidad mediante un estudio histórico y econométrico que permita realizar una proyección de la situación actual que experimenta nuestro país. El problema de investigación apunta a determinar la influencia de los controles cambiarios sobre el funcionamiento de la economía. En base a esto, los primeros interrogantes que surgieron son: ¿Por qué se han aplicado controles cambiarios y bajo qué circunstancias? ¿La efectividad de los controles cambiaros es la misma tanto para la entrada como la para salida de capitales? ¿y para el corto como para el largo plazo? La implementación de controles cambiarios ¿afecta a la actividad real de la economía generando distorsiones? ¿Qué influencia ejerce la situación económica mundial a la hora de aplicar controles cambiarios? ¿Qué rol juegan las expectativas de los distintos agentes económicos? En coordinación con las respectivas preguntas de investigación, las hipótesis que se corroboran mediante un tipo de estudio exploratorio y descriptivo son: “Existirían ciertas distorsiones sobre la economía cuando se aplica un control cambiario que afecta directamente a los indicadores macroeconómicos". “Los controles cambiarios serían una medida efectiva de corto plazo, pero no de largo". “La credibilidad de los agentes económicos sobre la política económica estaría directamente vinculada con el grado de independencia del Banco Central de un país". “Las expectativas de devaluación incentivarían la aplicación de controles cambiarios". “La prolija actividad del Estado sobre la política económica y las cuentas públicas evitarían la aplicación de controles cambiarios". En función de lo expuesto, el objetivo general del trabajo es determinar las causas que inducen a la aplicación de un control cambiario y sus respectivas consecuencias.
La Revista de Literaturas Modernas (RLM) fue creada con el objetivo de reunir en una sola entrega anual una visión de conjunto del trabajo del entonces llamado Instituto de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo) y comenzó a aparecer anualmente desde 1956. En ella se priorizan las publicaciones circunscriptas a la especialidad de cada una de las secciones del Instituto que posteriormente se bifurcó en dos: Lingüística y Literaturas Modernas (área que sigue editando la RLM). Desde sus comienzos, esta publicación da a conocer los trabajos de los profesores de la Facultad, y también de colaboradores del exterior, cuyos aportes han sido y son acordes con la temática y jerarquía propuestas como objetivo. En sus artículos y notas, se apunta a relacionar la literatura con otras disciplinas para posibilitar un análisis dinámico de los textos, enmarcados en su contexto de producción cultural. Si bien la periodicidad se vio interrumpida en algunas ocasiones, actualmente existe el objetivo de publicar un número por año, con la meta siempre presente de su difusión internacional. Por último, cabe aclarar que las siglas que abrevian su título deben ser utilizadas en citas, notas a pie de página y referencias bibliográficas.
La Revista de Literaturas Modernas (RLM) fue creada con el objetivo de reunir en una sola entrega anual una visión de conjunto del trabajo del entonces llamado Instituto de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo) y comenzó a aparecer anualmente desde 1956. En ella se priorizan las publicaciones circunscriptas a la especialidad de cada una de las secciones del Instituto que posteriormente se bifurcó en dos: Lingüística y Literaturas Modernas (área que sigue editando la RLM). Desde sus comienzos, esta publicación da a conocer los trabajos de los profesores de la Facultad, y también de colaboradores del exterior, cuyos aportes han sido y son acordes con la temática y jerarquía propuestas como objetivo. En sus artículos y notas, se apunta a relacionar la literatura con otras disciplinas para posibilitar un análisis dinámico de los textos, enmarcados en su contexto de producción cultural. Si bien la periodicidad se vio interrumpida en algunas ocasiones, actualmente existe el objetivo de publicar un número por año, con la meta siempre presente de su difusión internacional. Por último, cabe aclarar que las siglas que abrevian su título deben ser utilizadas en citas, notas a pie de página y referencias bibliográficas.