993 resultados para Sediments lacustres


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Pore water and solid phase from surface sediments of the continental slope off Uruguay and from the Argentine Basin (southwestern Atlantic) were investigated geochemically to ascribe characteristic early diagenetic reactions of iron and manganese. Solid-phase iron speciation was determined by extractions as well as by Mössbauer spectroscopy. Both methods showed good agreement (<6% deviation) for total-Fe speciation. The proportion of easy reducible iron oxyhydroxide relative to total-Fe oxides decreased from the continental slope to the deep sea which is attributed to an increase in crystallinity during transport as well as to a general decrease of iron mobilization. The product of iron reoxidation is Fe oxyhydroxide which made up less than 5% of total Fe. In addition to this fraction, a proportion of smectite bound iron was found to be redox reactive. This fraction made up to 10% of total Fe in sediments of the Argentine Basin and was quantitatively extracted by 1 N HCl. The redox reactive Fe(+II) fraction of smectite was almost completely reoxidized within 24 h under air atmosphere and may therefore considerably contribute to iron redox cycling if bioturbation occurs. In the case of the slope sediments we found concurrent iron and manganese release to pore water. It is not clear whether this is caused by dissimilatory iron and manganese reduction at the same depth or dissimilatory iron reduction alone inducing Mn(+IV) reduction by (abiotic) reaction with released Fe2+. The Argentine Basin sediment showed a significant manganese solid-phase enrichment above the denitrification depth despite the absence of a distinct pore-water gradient of Mn. This implies a recent termination of manganese mobilization and thus a non-steady-state situation with respect to sedimentation or to organic carbon burial rate.


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In order to validate the use of 238U/235U as a paleoredox proxy in carbonates, we examined the incorporation and early diagenetic evolution of U isotopes in shallow Bahamian carbonate sediments. Our sample set consists of a variety of primary precipitates that represent a range of carbonate producing organisms and components that were important in the past (scleractinian corals, calcareous green and red algae, ooids, and mollusks). In addition, four short push cores were taken in different depositional environments to assess the impact of early diagenesis and pore water chemistry on the U isotopic composition of bulk carbonates. We find that U concentrations are much higher in bulk carbonate sediments (avg. 4.1 ppm) than in primary precipitates (avg. 1.5 ppm). In almost all cases, the lowest bulk sediment U concentrations were as high as or higher than the highest concentrations found in primary precipitates. This is consistent with authigenic accumulation of reduced U(IV) during early diagenesis. The extent of this process appears sensitive to pore water H2S, and thus indirectly to organic matter content. d238/235U values were very close to seawater values in all of the primary precipitates, suggesting that these carbonate components could be used to reconstruct changes in seawater U geochemistry. However, d238/235U of bulk sediments from the push cores was 0.2-0.4 per mil heavier than seawater (and primary precipitates). These results indicate that authigenic accumulation of U under open-system sulfidic pore water conditions commonly found in carbonate sediments strongly affects the bulk U concentrations and 238U/235U ratios. We also report the occurrence of dolomite in a tidal pond core which contains low 234U/238U and 238U/235U ratios and discuss the possibility that the dolomitization process may result in sediments depleted in 238U. From this initial exploration, it is clear that 238U/235U variations in ancient carbonate sediments could be driven by changes in global average seawater, by spatial and temporal variations in the local deposition environment, or subsequent diagenesis. To cope with such effects, proxies for syndepositional pore water redox conditions (e.g., organic matter content, iron speciation, and trace metal distributions) and careful consideration of possible post-deposition alteration will be required to avoid spurious interpretation of 238U/235U data from ancient carbonate sediments.


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Li and Li isotopes have been measured in the clay fraction of sediments recovered from the Middle Valley hydrothermal site on the Juan De Fuca Ridge. The Li content of pure detrital clays is 51 ppm while hydrothermal clays and carbonates have lower Li (22+/-11 ppm). However, there is no clear relationship between the mineralogy of the hydrothermal alteration products and their Li content. The d7Li value of the detrital clays is +5.8?. Hydrothermal clays and carbonates have d7Li in the range of -3.9? to +7.8?; these values do not seem to be dependent on the temperature at which they formed. Modelling of the Li and Li isotope systematics indicates that the fluid from which the alteration products form is significantly enriched in Li (higher than 10000 µmol/kg) relative to pore fluids recovered from within the sediments (up to 589 µmol/kg; [Wheat, C.G., M.J. Mottl, 1994. Data report: trace metal composition of pore water from Sites 855 through 858, Middle valley, Juan De Fuca Ridge. In Mottl, M.J., Davis, E.E., Fisher, A.T., Slack, J.F. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Res. 139: 749-755; doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.139.269.1994]), and that this Li is derived from sediment. Thus, the alteration products are not in equilibrium with their conjugate pore fluids; rather, the alteration minerals formed at lower water/sediment ratios. This suggests that fluid flow pathways at Middle Valley were more diffuse in the past than they are today.


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In recent sediments of the Stromboli Canyon sides features of mineral and grain size compositions, redox conditions, behavior of Fe, Mn, organic carbon, Mo, and W in an environment of active input of pyroclastic material are considered. Differences in conditions of sedimentation and early diagenesis in the east and west sides of the canyon depending on position of the prevailing direction of drift and steepness of the slopes, as well as types of differentiation of detrital material in sediments under conditions of permanent vibrations are specified.


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Abundances of globules, micronodules and their aggregates composed of iron sulfides from bottom sediments of the Gulf of California have been determined together with studies of chemical composition of these sediments.


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Pore-water samples from the equatorial sedimentary bulge area show reversals in depth profiles of 87Sr/86Sr ratios at the sediment/basement interface. Results of this work support inferences made from previous pore-water data (from DSDP drilling in the area) that large-scale horizontal advection of seawater has occurred through the basement underlying the thick sedimentary sequence in this region. The area of apparent advection includes the eastern part of the equatorial high-productivity zone and part of the Guatemala Basin. We attempted to find links between the observed near-basement reversals in pore-water chemistry and sedimentary thickness, age, and topography of the area. Most of the sites that show horizontal advection have disturbed basement topography or outcrops within 10 to 20 km, suggesting that the cooling effects of outcrops may extend for at least 20 km horizontally. Heat-flow data from the area were compared to determine whether sites showing near-bottom chemistry reversals were consistent with areas of low conductive heat flow. This was generally true for the area of the sedimentary bulge and Guatemala Basin. Not enough pore-water data from the Nazca Plate were available to establish any reliable systematics. Because the high-productivity area is well-sealed from hydrothermal circulation, the missing heat must be lost by horizontal advective heat transport. From profiles of strontium isotopes and other elements that show departure from seawater values with increasing depth in the sediments, but return to seawater values near the basement, it appears that water flows relatively freely through much of the oceanic crust, even when sealed by considerable sedimentary cover.


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Complex investigations of recent and ancient Black Sea sediments from the outer shelf, continental slope, and deep-water basin of the Russian Black Sea sector have been carried out. Samples were collected during Cruise 100 of R/V Professor Shtokman organized by the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology (March 2009) and expedition of UZHMORGEO (summer 2006). Rates of the main anaerobic processes during diagenesis (sulfate reduction, dark CO2 assimilation, methanogenesis, and methane oxidation) were studied for the first time in sediment cores of the studied area. Two peaks in the rate of microbial processes and two sources of these processes were identified: the upper peak near the water-sediment contact is related to solar energy (OM substrate of the water column) and the lower peak at the base of ancient Black Sea sediments with high(>1 mmol) methane concentration related to energy of anaerobic methane oxidation. New labile OM formed during this process is utilized by other groups of microorganisms. According to experimental data, daily rate of anaerobic methane oxidation is many times higher than that of methanogenesis, which unambiguously indicates migration nature of the main part of methane.


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Data are presented on concentrations of aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (AHC and PAH) in interstitial waters and bottom sediments of the Kara Sea compared to distribution of particulate matter and organic carbon. It was found that AHC concentrations within the water mass (aver. 16 µg/l) are mainly formed by natural processes. Distribution of AHC represents variability of hydrological and sedimentation processes in different regions of the sea. The widest ranges of the concentrations occurred in the Obskaya Guba - Kara Sea section: in water (10-310 µg/l for AHC and 0.4-7.2 ng/l for PAH) and in the surface layer of the bottom sediments (8-42 µg/l for AHC and 9-94 ng/g for PAH). Differentiation of hydrocarbons (HC) in different media follows regularities typical for marginal filters; therefore no oil and pyrogenic compounds are supplied to the open sea. In sediments contents of HC depend on variations in redox conditions in sediments and on their composition.


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Sedimentology, mineralogy, and petrology of the pre-Pliocene sediments drilled at ODP Sites 652 and 654 in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Leg 107) have been studied with emphasis on the lower Messinian to pre-Messinian intervals. Messinian at Site 652 is essentially turbiditic and basinal in character; it was deposited during the syn-rift phase in a strongly subsiding half-graben and is correlatable with emerged coeval sequences; in part with the Laga Formation of the foredeep of Apennines, and in part with the filling of grabens dissecting that chain in the Tyrrhenian portion of Tuscany. The sequence found in Site 654 indicates an upper Tortonian to Messinian transgression accompanying crustal stretching in the western Tyrrhenian Sea and is perfectly correlatable with the so-called "Sahelian cycle" and with "postorogenic" cycles recognized in peninsular Italy and in Sicily.


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Lithological, geochemical, stratigraphic, and paleoecological features of carbonaceous sediments in the Late Jurassic Volgian Basin of the East European Platform (Kostroma Region) are considered. The shale-bearing sequence studied is characterized by greater sedimentological completeness as compared with its stratotype sections in the Middle Volga region (Gorodishche, Kashpir). Stratigraphic position and stratigraphy of the shale-bearing sequence, as well as distribution of biota in different sedimentation settings are specified. It is shown that Volgian sediments show distinct cyclic structure. The lower and upper elements of cyclites consist of high-carbonaceous shales and clayey-calcareous sediments, respectively, separated by transitional varieties. Bioturbation structures in different rocks are discussed. Microcomponent composition and pyrolytic parameters of organic matter, as well as distribution of chemical elements in lithologically variable sediments are analyzed. Possible reasons responsible for appearance of cyclicity and accumulation of organic-rich sediments are discussed.