949 resultados para Sculpture, Dutch.


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As a component of a three-year cooperative effort of the Washington State Department of Ecology and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, surficial sediment samples from 100 locations in southern Puget Sound were collected in 1999 to determine their relative quality based on measures of toxicity, chemical contamination, and benthic infaunal assemblage structure. The survey encompassed an area of approximately 858 km2, ranging from East and Colvos Passages south to Oakland Bay, and including Hood Canal. Toxic responses were most severe in some of the industrialized waterways of Tacoma’s Commencement Bay. Other industrialized harbors in which sediments induced toxic responses on smaller scales included the Port of Olympia, Oakland Bay at Shelton, Gig Harbor, Port Ludlow, and Port Gamble. Based on the methods selected for this survey, the spatial extent of toxicity for the southern Puget Sound survey area was 0% of the total survey area for amphipod survival, 5.7% for urchin fertilization, 0.2% for microbial bioluminescence, and 5- 38% with the cytochrome P450 HRGS assay. Measurements of trace metals, PAHs, PCBs, chlorinated pesticides, other organic chemicals, and other characteristics of the sediments, indicated that 20 of the 100 samples collected had one or more chemical concentrations that exceeded applicable, effects-based sediment guidelines and/or Washington State standards. Chemical contamination was highest in eight samples collected in or near the industrialized waterways of Commencement Bay. Samples from the Thea Foss and Middle Waterways were primarily contaminated with a mixture of PAHs and trace metals, whereas those from Hylebos Waterway were contaminated with chlorinated organic hydrocarbons. The remaining 12 samples with elevated chemical concentrations primarily had high levels of other chemicals, including bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, benzoic acid, benzyl alcohol, and phenol. The characteristics of benthic infaunal assemblages in south Puget Sound differed considerably among locations and habitat types throughout the study area. In general, many of the small embayments and inlets throughout the study area had infaunal assemblages with relatively low total abundance, taxa richness, evenness, and dominance values, although total abundance values were very high in some cases, typically due to high abundance of one organism such as the polychaete Aphelochaeta sp. N1. The majority of the samples collected from passages, outer embayments, and larger bodies of water tended to have infaunal assemblages with higher total abundance, taxa richness, evenness, and dominance values. Two samples collected in the Port of Olympia near a superfund cleanup site had no living organisms in them. A weight-of-evidence approach used to simultaneously examine all three “sediment quality triad” parameters, identified 11 stations (representing 4.4 km2, 0.5% of the total study area) with sediment toxicity, chemical contamination, and altered benthos (i.e., degraded sediment quality), 36 stations (493.5 km2, 57.5% total study area) with no toxicity or chemical contamination (i.e., high sediment quality), 35 stations (274.1 km2, 32.0% total study area) with one impaired sediment triad parameter (i.e., intermediate/high sediment quality), and 18 stations (85.7km2, 10.0% total study area) with two impaired sediment parameters (i.e., intermediate/degraded quality sediments). Generally, upon comparison, the number of stations with degraded sediments based upon the sediment quality triad of data was slightly greater in the central Puget Sound than in the northern and southern Puget Sound study areas, with the percent of the total study area degraded in each region decreasing from central to north to south (2.8, 1.3 and 0.5%, respectively). Overall, the sediments collected in Puget Sound during the combined 1997-1999 surveys were among the least contaminated relative to other marine bays and estuaries studied by NOAA using equivalent methods. (PDF contains 351 pages)


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[ES] La artista alavesa Juncal Ballestín desarrolla una obra caracterizada principalmente por sus referencias al arte objetual, el surrealismo y el arte povera. A partir de aquí, recaba su interés en la búsqueda de diversos objetos con una marcada memoria, es decir, objetos ya utilizados y que han recogido diferentes experiencias, pensamientos y vivencias de sus antiguos dueños, lo que proporciona a su producción escultórica una sólida base significativa, social y vivencial.


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[ES] En la iglesia de San Miguel Arcángel, en Irura, encontramos uno de los retablos más interesantes de finales del Renacimiento en Gipuzkoa. El altar posee relieves y tallas de estilo romanista de gran calidad, junto con una mazonería manierista. La obra fue realizada en las postrimerías del siglo XVI por los artistas Pedro de Goicoechea y Jerónimo de Larrea, miembros del taller de Tolosa, siguiendo las trazas dadas por escultor Juan de Goicoechea.


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Among other tasks the “Working Group on Crangon Fisheries and Life Cycle” of the “International Council for the Exploration of the Sea” collects data on landings and effort in the North Sea brown shrimp fisheries by country. Landings per unit effort data are calculated and all are compared on basis of long-term series as well as on seasonal basis. The development for each country is described and compared for the year 2001 to the ten-year average from 1992 to 2001 were possible, as some data are missing especially for the Netherlands. While the Dutch and British fleets increased their landings substantially in 2001 compared to the previous years, Danish,German and Belgian fishermen had reduced landings. There are regional differences in fishing pattern between the countries, especially Denmark versus the rest of Europe. Effort measures remain incomparable between the countries, and fluctuations in landings per unit effort data seem to be in a normal biological range, giving no reason for concern at present for the situation of brown shrimp stocks in the North Sea. An improvement of the data basis is required and possibly achievable by the EU logbook system being in force for brown shrimp fisheries as well.


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„Winter fishery“ on brown shrimp does not imply a special type of fishery. It merely means the continuation of the standard fishing procedure of parts of the fleet during wintertime, when the majority of the mostly smaller vessels stay in harbour due to generally unfavourable weather conditions for their activity. During 1990 to 1999 mean European wide landings in January and February summedup to 854 tonnes making up to only 4 % of the mean annual landings (21 805 t). While German vessels landed0.7 % (68.7 t) of their mean annual landings during that period, the other countries caught about 7 % of their individual, mean annual landings at the same time. The Netherlands and Denmark contributed highest tonnages of 580and 110 tonnes, respectively, to the total European landings, making up 81 % of them. As about 70 % of brown shrimp may carry eggs in January, the winter fishery took a mean total of about 2.15 x 1012brown shrimp eggs out of the stocks in that period annually. As there is no reliable assessment available concerning the brown shrimp stocks, it is despite of these high losses of eggs not possible to trace a negative effect of the winter fishery in scientific terms. However, precautional catch reductions in winter would be in favour of higher survival rates of eggs, which are the carrying source for the recruitment of brown shrimp stocks and catches in forthcoming summer and autumn seasons according to Dutch investigations.


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Shrimping in the waddensea is frequently considered to significantly reduce the numbers of juvenile plaice . This investigation aims to reveal the seasonal and regional differences regarding discards in the German waddensea and sets the results in relation to the bycatch projects with German participation. Furthermore, methodological aspects are evaluated to find possible effects on the estimation of the netted numbers. The bycatch problem exists predominantly throughout the summer season, but high catches of juvenile plaice can occur occasionally in autumn. The discard issue seems to be most important in the East Frisian region, while the Elbe and Schleswig-Holstein areas are of lesser importance. Considering the distribution of the fish in the environment is as indispensable as sampling of the shrimp fleet with optimum representativity. There are indices that the contribution of the Dutch shrimp fleet to the discard mortality of juvenile plaice was underestimated in the recent past. A combination of time and area closures as restrictions in combination with the extensive application of selective gears could possibly gain the best protection for the affected species.


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Aiming for price stabilisation Danish, German and Dutch brown shrimp fisheries agreed on weekly catch limitations for the years 1998 and 1999. This resulted in fishing effort reduction of 18 % of the total number of fishing trips in 1998 and up to 24 % in summer. In that period highest abundance of young plaice occurs in the Wadden Sea which is the fishing area of the brown shrimp fleets of Germany and the Netherlands. Consequently as a side effect a reduction of the total annual by-catch especially of young plaice must have occurred. According to formerly conducted EU-studies and investigations the by-catch reduction due to the agreed catch limitations should have led to survival of millions of young plaice. They give a potential of some extra catch in coming years which is 2,5 % of the total TAC of plaice in the North Sea. Compared to the German TAC in year 2000 the gain equals 44 %. The catch limitations effect on by-catch reduction in 1998 was in the same order of magnitude of the one achievable by technical measures in net selection applied in that fishery and research. A combination of both could substantially reduce traditional by-catch levels in brown shrimp fisheries.Aiming for price stabilisation Danish, German and Dutch brown shrimp fisheries agreed on weekly catch limitations for the years 1998 and 1999. This resulted in fishing effort reduction of 18 % of the total number of fishing trips in 1998 and up to 24 % in summer. In that period highest abundance of young plaice occurs in the Wadden Sea which is the fishing area of the brown shrimp fleets of Germany and the Netherlands. Consequently as a side effect a reduction of the total annual by-catch especially of young plaice must have occurred. According to formerly conducted EU-studies and investigations the by-catch reduction due to the agreed catch limitations should have led to survival of millions of young plaice. They give a potential of some extra catch in coming years which is 2,5 % of the total TAC of plaice in the North Sea. Compared to the German TAC in year 2000 the gain equals 44 %. The catch limitations effect on by-catch reduction in 1998 was in the same order of magnitude of the one achievable by technical measures in net selection applied in that fishery and research. A combination of both could substantially reduce traditional by-catch levels in brown shrimp fisheries.


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The German brown shrimp fishery experienced considerable changes during the recent four decades. Contrarily to the decline in number of vessels the technical standard and size of the shrimping vessels improved and the fishing power as well as the effort of the single boats have strongly increased. As fishing effort by the whole fleet may be calculated different ways, trends in total effort may differ according to the relevant author´s approach. The present study tries to estimate the total trawled area by the fleet in the mid fifties as well as in 1996. The result is that there seems to be no change in the order of magnitude of the total trawled area for the German shrimping fleet itself, though shifts in geographical areas as within seasons were reported. However, the development of the Danish and Dutch shrimping fleets have contributed to an increase in terms of annually trawled area. Therefore pooled fishing effort must have increased considerably.


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The atlanto-scandian herring consists of two major stocks, i.e. the Icelandic summer spawner and the Norwegian spring spawner. Both stocks have recovered well after complete collapse in the seventies and allow for a controlled fishery. The total allowable catch of the Norwegian spring spawner is currently 1.3 mill. t. The resumption of the fishery is accompanied by an annual and multi-national survey with Norwegian, Faeroe Islands, Icelandic and Russian contribution. In 1998 the EU will contribute to the survey with the Swedish vessel ”Argos” and in 1999 with the ”Walther Herwig III” under Dutch, Swedish and German participation. About half of the survey costs are covered by the EU by means of a funded study, the other half is contributed by the participating nations.


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An EU funded research project was started in 1998 by institutes from Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany to reduce the adverse environmental impact of demersal trawls. In the frame of this project the Institute for Fishery Technique of the Federal Research Centre for Fisheries, Hamburg, is developing a jet beamtrawl replacing the heavy tickler chains of a traditional flatfish beam trawl by water jet nozzles placed at the lower side of the beam with the jets directed towards the sea bottom. First trials on the dutch research vessel “Tridens” were performed in March 1998. Catch and bycatch of a jet beamtrawl and a traditional beamtrawl were compared. The efficiency of the jet beamtrawl was not satisfactory and will have to be improved.


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The international hydroacoustic herring survey in the North Sea is carried out since the early eighties with Dutch, Scottish, Danish und Norwegian contribution. Since 1994 Germany also participates in this survey on a regular basis and has taken over a sector in the easter part between the Dogger Bank and the Danish coast. This area is known for the abundance of chiefly juvenile herring and sprat. During the 1995 cruise some 420000 t of herring were found here, most of them being juveniles of age group I. Analyses of plankton hauls showed that planktonic echos were not caused by juvenile herring, instead the echos were apparently produced by small pelagic gastropodes of the genus Spiratella.


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A presente dissertação pretende ser uma pequena contribuição para o campo, ainda pouco explorado, dos estudos das artes sacras afro-descendentes brasileiras. Aqui, intento me aprofundar no mundo delicado e complexo no qual se inserem as esculturas religiosas dos Exus e das Pombajiras da Umbanda. Todo o percurso desenvolvido pelas imagens que figuram esses entes está envolto em uma contraparte imaterial, ligada de maneira indissociável à mítica religiosa e ao afeto. Gerada usualmente em conluio com o onírico e o invisível, as imagens de Exus e Pombajiras ganham formas graças a um processo criativo coletivo e, presentes no mundo material, passam a cumprir função sagrada primordial nos espaços do terreiro e do lar. A demonização, dado visual tão identificável nas representações escultóricas desses entes, esconde um conteúdo simbólico que vai além da associação simplista entre Exu e o diabo. Esses personagens do culto de Umbanda e suas figurações imagéticas se ligam a uma série de fatores culturais e legados mítico-religiosos, contemporâneos e arcaicos, que, submersos em sua simbologia religiosa, podem ser entrevistos pelos ícones de suas representações


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A arte religiosa afro-brasileira resulta da miscigenação das culturas negra, ameríndia e européia através dos séculos. Diversas representações artísticas das divindades afro-brasileiras continuam a ser produzidas mesmo nos dias atuais com inúmeras imagens através de desenhos, objetos rituais, indumentária e esculturas, os quais são fontes de pesquisa artística e etnográfica. A mulher está presente na arte afro-brasileira de uma maneira muito peculiar, principalmente no contexto religioso. Iemanjá, uma divindade feminina, é a Mãe Ancestral e ocupa lugar de destaque no imaginário popular, a orixá do Mar e de todas as águas. É constantemente tema para diversas expressões artísticas e, naturalmente, sua representação e iconografia são intensas e ricas. É importante compreendermos como essa imagem foi sendo construída através do tempo, desde a diáspora africana - sua representação religiosa no Candomblé e na Umbanda, sua imagem associada ao mito das sereias, a influência das iconografia católica até a apropriação de sua imagem por diversos artistas brasileiros como Emanoel Araújo, Jorge dos Anjos, J. Borges, Carybé, Alex Flemming, Rodrigo Cardoso e Nelson Leirner


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El presente trabajo se centra en la realización de un Plan Estratégico para la Editorial Pentagon, empresa establecida y que actúa en el mercado de los Países Bajos. La empresa realizó un plan previamente, por lo que en algunos aspectos se realizan aportaciones a dicho plan. Se lleva a cabo un análisis de la situación actual de la empresa, y la evolución sufrida por la misma y la del sector, con el fin de poder determinar los aspectos que la empresa está trabajando de forma adecuada o, los que por el contrario, no está explotando o gestionando de una forma eficiente o que le permita alcanzar sus objetivos. Se analizan en profundidad los factores determinantes del sector de actuación de la empresa, para posteriormente poder fijar unos objetivos y estrategias a seguir por parte de la misma para poder enfrentarse de la mejor forma a dicho entorno.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a presença da Igreja Protestante e, a propagação da fé reformada entre os indígenas durante a ocupação holandesa no Nordeste brasileiro, nos de 1630 a 1654. É discutido ainda como se deu a relação dos nativos com os invasores neerlandeses. Como foi realizada a evangelização dos índios, que por sua vez, já haviam sido catequizados pelos portugueses católicos, principalmente os religiosos da Companhia de Jesus, e quais as dificuldades encontradas frente a uma (re)catequização. Aborda ainda o interesse econômico aliado ao religioso que compunha o quadro do século XVII, além de todo o processo de alfabetização o qual os brasilianos passaram, resultando assim em uma mudança da estrutura cultural e social no tempo e espaço supracitados.