990 resultados para Scandium fluoride


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O trabalho de investigação apresentado nesta dissertação foi desenvolvido tendo como objectivo a síntese e funcionalização de meso-triarilcorróis para utilização como quimiossensores. Este trabalho encontra-se apresentado ao longo de cinco capítulos. No primeiro capítulo são apresentadas as características gerais, as metodologias de síntese e de funcionalização de macrociclos de tipo corrólico, e descrevemse algumas aplicações em que têm sido utilizados. São ainda abordadas algumas das propriedades e características dos quimiossensores e os mecanismos de deteção de diversos analítos. No segundo capítulo, após uma pequena introdução às reações de Wittig e de Diels-Alder, escolhidas para a funcionalização do macrociclo corrólico, descreve-se o estudo efectuado para a obtenção do complexo de gálio(III) do 3- vinil-5,10,15-tris(pentafluorofenil)corrol e o seu comportamento como dieno, em reações de Diels-Alder na presença dos dienófilos 1,4-benzoquinona e 1,4- naftoquinona. Desses estudos resultaram dois aductos cuja habilidade sensorial, bem como a dos seus precursores, foi estudada, em solução, na presença de aniões esféricos (F-, Br-, Cl-), lineares (CN-) e volumosos (CH3COO-, H2PO4 -). Dos macrociclos estudados verificou-se que o corrol base-livre 5,10,15-tris(pentafluorofenil)corrol apresenta uma elevada sensibilidade para o anião fluoreto (F-), e que a coordenação do núcleo corrólico com gálio(III) diminui a afinidade para este anião. Em geral, todos os compostos mostraram afinidade para o anião cianeto (CN-) mesmo quando em suportes poliméricos. O gel de poliacrilamida revelou-se muito promissor na determinação de CN- em amostras de água. No terceiro capítulo é avaliada a reatividade do complexo de gálio(III) do 3- vinil-5,10,15-tris(pentafluorofenil)corrol ainda como dieno mas agora na presença de um dienófilo linear, o acetilenodicarboxilato de dimetilo. Desse estudo resultaram dois novos derivados corrólicos. A habilidade sensorial dos mesmos perante os aniões fluoreto, cianeto, acetato, e fosfato foi avaliada por espectroscopia de absorção e emissão tendo um dos aductos mostrado ser colorimétrico para o anião cianeto. No quarto capítulo descreve-se a síntese e caracterização de dois conjugados do tipo corrol-cumarina, resultantes de reações de Hetero-Diels-Alder entre o 3-vinil-5,10,15-tris(pentafluorofenil)corrolatogálio(III)(piridina) e orto-quinonasmetídeos gerados in situ a partir de reacções de Knoevenagel entre cumarinas e paraformaldeído. Realizaram-se estudos de afinidade sensorial para aniões e catiões com estes macrociclos, bem como com conjugados porfirinacumarina análogos. A inserção de uma unidade cumarina conferiu uma excepcional solubilidade tendo os novos derivados apresentado solubilidade em etanol. No quinto e último capítulo desta dissertação é avaliada a capacidade sensorial do 5,10,15-tris(pentafluorofenil)corrol e da sua espécie monoaniónica, para os catiões metálicos Na+, Ca2+, Cu2+, Cd2+, Pb2+, Hg2+, Ag+, Al3+, Zn2+, Ni2+, Cr3+, Ga3+, Fe3+ em tolueno e acetonitrilo. Os macrociclos corrólicos mostraram ser selectivos e colorimétricos para o catião Hg2+. Neste trabalho descreve-se ainda a síntese do derivado -iminocorrol, que após funcionalização com o 3-isocianatopropiltrimetoxisilano originou um derivado do tipo alcoxisilano, que foi, posteriormente, ancorado a nanopartículas comerciais de sílica. As novas nanopartículas ancoradas com o alcoxisilano corrol foram estudadas na presença de Cu2+, Hg2+ e Ag+. Na presença do catião Ag+ assistiu-se a uma mudança de cor, de verde para amarelo.


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O principal objectivo desta dissertação foi avaliar a evolução hidrogeoquímica das águas minerais de Entre‐os‐Rios, para uma melhor compreensão do modelo hidrogeológico conceptual deste sistema hidromineral. Desta forma, foram coligidos diversos dados hidroquímicos, quer das nascentes clássicas (Torre, Curveira, Ardias, Arcos Esquerda e Arcos Direita), quer do furo Barbeitos. Foram compiladas e analisadas oitenta análises hidroquímicas no período 1938‐2012, incluindo características organolépticas (cheiro, cor e turbidez), diversas propriedades físico-químicas (temperatura, pH, condutividade eléctrica, sulfuração, etc), os principais catiões e aniões (bicarbonato, fluoreto, sódio, lítio, etc) e os elementos vestigiários (chumbo, tungsténio, boro, etc). Além disso, foram integrados os dados históricos disponíveis de finais do século XIX e inícios do século XX. Foram igualmente reunidos e discutidos alguns dados isotópicos (oxigénio‐18, deutério e trítio). O recurso hidromineral de Entre‐os‐Rios está condicionado pela litologia e pelas condições tectónicas. As análises químicas revelaram que as águas minerais de Entre‐os‐Rios apresentam uma estabilidade química nos últimos 100 anos. Estas águas são orto‐ a hipertermais, fracamente mineralizadas, de reacção alcalina, sulfídricas, bicarbonatadas sódicas, carbonatadas e muito fluoretadas. Estas características são claramente distintas das águas normais da região. As águas de Entre‐os‐Rios são muito semelhantes às águas minerais de S. Vicente e, em diversos parâmetros, bastante diferentes das águas minerais das Caldas da Saúde. Os dados isotópicos permitiram concluir que as águas de Entre‐os‐Rios têm uma origem meteórica, com um tempo de residência longo no sistema aquífero, e que são, muito provavelmente, submodernas, com uma recarga anterior a 1952. Na região de Entre‐os‐Rios coexistem três sistemas aquíferos, um sistema granítico superficial, livre e um sistema livre a semi‐confinado, ambos com circulação de águas normais, e um sistema aquífero granítico, profundo, confinado, com circulação de água mineral.


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This work proposes different kind of solid-contact graphite-based electrodes for the selective determination of sulphonamides (SPHs) in pharmaceuticals, biological fluids and aquaculture waters. Sulfadiazine (SDZ) and sulfamethoxazole (SMX) were selected for this purpose for being the most representative compounds of this group. The template molecules were imprinted in sol–gel (ISG) and the resulting material was used as detecting element. This was made by employing it as either a sensing layer or an ionophore of PVC-based membranes and subsequent potentiometric transduction, a strategy never reported before. The corresponding non-imprinted sol–gel (NISG) membranes were used as blank. The effect of plasticizer and kind/charge of ionic lipophilic additive was also studied. The best performance in terms of slope, linearity ranges and signal reproducibility and repeatability was achieved by PVC membranes including a high dielectric constant plasticizer and 15 mg of ISG particles. The corresponding average slope was −51.4 and −52.4 mV/decade, linear responses were 9.0 × 10−6 and 1.7 × 10−5 M, and limits of detection were 0.74 and 1.3 μg/mL for SDZ and for SMX, respectively. Good selectivity with log Kpot < −0.3 was observed for carbonate, chloride, fluoride, hydrogenocarbonate, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, cyanide, sulfate, borate, persulphate, citrate, tartrate, salicylate, tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, sulphamerazine, sulphatiazole, dopamine, glucose, galactose, cysteine and creatinine. The best sensors were successfully applied to the analysis of real samples with relative errors ranging from −6.8 to + 3.7%.


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Catalase dismutes H20 2 to O2 and H20. In successive twoelectron reactions H20 2 induces both oxidation and reduction at the heme group. In the first step the protoheme prosthetic group of beef liver catalase forms compound I, in which the heme has been oxidized from Fe3+ to Fe4+=0 and a porphyrin radical has been created. Compound II is formed by the oneelectron reduction of comp I. It retains Fe4+=0 but lacks the porphyrin radical and is catalytically inert. Molecular structures are available for Escherichia coli Hydroperoxidase II, Micrococcus Iysodeiktus, Penicillium vitale and beef liver enzymes, which contain different hemes and heme pockets. In the present work, the pockets and substrate access channels of protoheme (beef liver & Micrococcus) and heme d (HPII of E. coli and Penicillium) catalases have been analysed using Quanta™ and CharmMTM molecular modeling packages on the Silicon Graphics Iris Indigo 2 computer. Experimental studies have been carried out with two catalases, HPII (and its mutants) and beef liver. Fluoride and formate' are inhibitors of both enzymes, and their binding is modulated by the heme and by distal residues N201 & H128. Both HPII and beef liver enzymes form compound I with H202 or peracetate. The reduction of beef liver enzyme compound I to II and the decay of compound II are accelerated by fluoride. The decay of compound II is also accelerated by formate, and this reagent acts as a 2-electron donor towards compound I of both enzymes. It is concluded that heme d enzymes (Penicillium and HPII of E. coli) are formed by autocatalytic transformation of protoheme in a modified pocket which contains a characteristic serine residue as well as a partially occluded heme channel. They are less active than protoheme enzymes but also do not form the inactive compound II species. Binding of peroxide as well as fluoride and formate is prevented by mutation of H128 and modulated by mutation of N201.


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Aluminosilicate catalysts containing supported ZnCl2 and metal fluoride salts have been prepared using a sol-gel based route, tested and characterized. The activities of these ZnCl2 + metal fluoride catalysts, while greater than "Clayzic" (ZnCI2 supported on montmorillonite KIO) are not as good as supported ZnCl2 only supported on aluminosilicate. Alumina supports have also been prepared via a sol-gel route using various chemical additives to generate a mesoporous structure, loaded with ZnCl2 and tested for activity. The activities for these alumina-supported catalysts are also significantly higher than that of "Clayzic", an effective Friedel-Crafts catalyst. Characterizations of these two types of catalysts were done by magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR, diffuse reflectance infrared (DRIFT) spectroscopy and additionally for the alumina nitrogen adsorption studies were done. Supported aluminum trichloride was also investigated as an alternative to the traditional use of aluminum trichloride.


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The preparation of phenacyl and para-phenylphenacyl esters, the reactions of carboxylic acids, phenols, 2-nitropropane and alcohols with alkyl halides in the presence of fluoride anion are described. The reactions are thought to be accelerated by the formation of hydrogen bonds between the fluoride anion and the organic electron acceptor. The fluoride ,carboxylic acids, fluoride-phenols and fluoride-2-nitropropane are better reaction systems than the fluoride-alcohol. The source of the fluoride anion and the choice of solvents are also discussed.


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Hydrogen bond assisted alkylation of phenols is compared with the classical base assisted reactions. The influence of solvents on the fluoride assisted reactions is discussed,· with emphasis on the localization of hydrogen bond charge density. Polar aprotic solvents such as DMF favour a-alkylation, and nonpolar aprotic solvents such as toluene favourC-alkylation of phenol. For more reactive and soluble fluorides, such as tetrabu~ylammoniumfluoride, the polar aprotic solvent favours a-alkylation and nonpolar aprotic solvent favours fluorination. Freeze-dried potassium fluoride is a better catalytic agent in hydrogen bond assisted alkylation reactions of phenol than the oven-dried fluoride. The presence of water in the alkylation reactions reduces the expected yield drastically. The tolerance of the reaction to water has also been studied. The use ofa phase transfer catalyst such as tetrabutylammonium bromide in the alkylation reactions of phenol in the presence of potassium fluoride is very effective under anhydrous conditions. Sterically hindered phenols such as 2,6-ditertiarybutyl-4-methyl phenol could not be alkylated even by using the more reactive fluorides, such as tetrabutylammonium fluoride in either polar or nonpolar aprotic solvents. Attempts were also made to alkylate phenols in the presence of triphenylphosphine oxide.


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The work in this thesis deals mainly with nucleophilic substitution of chloroanthraquinones as a route to various starting materials which might rearrange, via aryne intermediates to afford fused-ring heterocy1ic carboxylic acids. 1-Amino-5-chloroanthraquinone was successfully prepared by reacting 1,5-dichloroanthraquinone with sodium aZide in ref1uxing dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). It could also be prepared from the same starting material by reaction with ammonia (gas) in DMSO in the presence of potassium fluoride. Treatment of l-amino-5-chloroanthraquinone with potassium amide in liquid ammonia or with potassium t-butoxide in t-butylbenzene returned mainly starting material, although in the latter case some 1-amino-5-hydroxyanthraquinone was also isolated. 1-Hydroxy-5-chloroanthraquinone was ultimately prepared by diazotization of the amino-analog. It was recovered almost quantitatively after treatmenu'with potassium amide in liquid ammonia. The reaction with potassium t-butoxide in t-buty1benzene was anomalous and gave 1-hydroxyanthraquinone as the only iso1able product. Acridines were successfully prepared by the action of 70% sulfuric acid on 1,5-bis(p-toluidino)-anthraquinone and 1-p-toluidino-5- ch10roanthraquinone, and in the latter case, cleavage to give an acridinecarboxylate was attempted. Substituted anthraquinones reacted with sodium azide in sulfuric acid to give azepindiones by -NH insertion. Methods for separating and identifying isomeric mixtures of these compounds were examined. Attempted decarbonylation of selected azepindiones to give acridones gave mainly what were thought to be amino-benzophenone derivatives. Chloroanthraquinones were found to react with hexamethylphosphoramide (HMPA) to give mixtures of the dimethylamino- and methylaminoderivatives. Under the same conditions halogeno-nitrobenzenes and nitrophenols were substituted to give the appropriate dimethyl aminobenzenes, except in two cases. 3-Chloronitrobenzene reacted anomalously to give a small amount of 3,3'-dichloroazobenzene and a trace of 4-dimethylamino-nitrobenzene. Pentachlorophenol reacted to give a pentachlorophenylphosphorodiamidate in good yield.


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The mass spectra and fragmentation of a variety of fluoroaromatic compounds of Group V and some selected transition elements are discussed in some detail, aided by data from metastable defocussed experiments. Results of ,studies on the coupling reaction using unstable organotitanium chloride intermediate species are reported. The preparation of some 5-substituted octafluorodibenzophospho1es is also discussed. Rearrangements under electron bombardment resulting in the loss of heteroatom-fluoride fragments are discussed in the light of presently accepted mechanisms for these processes as are rearrangements observed in compounds involving thionophosphoryl bonds ( p=s ).


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(A) In recent years, 4,4-difluoro-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacene (BODIPY) fluorophores have attracted considerable interest due to their unique photochemical properties. However detailed studies on the stability of BODIPY and analogues under acidic and basic conditions have been lacking. Thus the stability of a series of BODIPY analogues in acidic (di- and trichloroacetic acid) and basic (aqueous ammonium hydroxide) conditions was investigated using 11B NMR spectroscopy. Among the analogues tested, 4,4-diphenyl BODIPY was the most stable under the conditions used in the experiments. It was found that reaction of 4,4-dimethoxy BODIPY with dichloroacetic acid gave mixed anhydride 4,4-bis(dichloroacetoxy) BODIPY in good yields. Treatment of the latter mixed anhydride with alcohols such as methanol and ethanol in the presence of a base afforded corresponding borate esters, whereas treatment with 1,2-diols such as ethylene glycol and catechol in the presence of a base gave corresponding cyclic borate esters. Furthermore treatment of 4,4-difluoro-8-methyl-BODIPY with secondary amines in dihalomethane resulted in carbon–carbon bond formation at the meso-methyl position of BODIPY via Mannich-type reactions. The resulting modified BODIPY fluorophores possess high fluorescent quantum yields. Five BODIPY analogues bearing potential ion-binding moieties were synthesized via this Mannich-type reaction. Among these, the BODIPY bearing an aza-18-crown-5 tether was found to be selective towards copper (II) ion, resulting in a large blue shift in absorption and sharp fluorescent quenching, whereas aza-15-crown-4 analogue was selected towards fluoride ion, leading to effective florescent quenching and blue shift. (B) Peptide nucleic acids (PNA), as mimics of natural nucleic acids, have been widely applied in molecular biology and biotechnology. Currently, the preparation of PNA oligomers is commonly achieved by a coupling reaction between carboxyl and amino groups in the presence of an activator. In this thesis attempts were made towards the synthesis of PNA through the Staudinger ligation reactions between C-terminal diphenylphosphinomethanethiol thioesters and N-terminal α-azido PNA building blocks.


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1. Triarylamminium radical-cation complexes. The detailed study of manganese, copper and nickel metal-radical complexes with triarylamminium ligands was conducted. Stable, neutral and pseudo-octahedral coordination monometallic complexes with simple monodentate 2,2`-bipyridine ligand containing a redox-active N,N`-(4,4`-dimethoxydiphenyl-amino) substituent were synthesized and fully characterized. The one-electron oxidation process and formation of persistent radical-cation complexes was observed by cyclic voltammetry and spectroelectrochemical measurements. Evans method measurements were performed with radical-cation complexes generated by chemical one-electron oxidation with NOPF6 in acetonitrile. The experimental results indicate ferromagnetic coupling between metal and triarylamminium cation in manganese (II) complex and antiferromagnetic coupling in nickel (II) complex. This data is supported by DFT calculations which also lend weight to the  spin polarization mechanism as an operative model for magnetic exchange coupling. Neutral bimetallic complexes with a new ditopic ligand were synthesized and fully characterized, including magnetic and electrochemical studies. Chemical oxidation of these precursor complexes did not generate radical-cations, but dicationic complexes, which was confirmed by UV-vis and EPR-experiments, as well as varied temperature magnetic measurements. DFT calculations for radical-cation complexes are included. A synthetic pathway for polytopic ligand with multiple redox-active triarylamine sites was developed. The structure of the ligand is presumably suitable for -spin polarization exchange model and allows for production of polymetallic complexes having high spin ground states. 2. Base-catalyzed hydrosilylation. A simple reductive base-catalyzed hydrosilation of aldehydes and ketones was adapted to the use of the cheap, safe, and non-toxic polymethylhydrosiloxane (PMHS) instead of the common PhSiH3 and (EtO)3SiH, which present significant cost and safety concerns, respectively. The conversion of silane into pentacoordinate silicate species upon addition of a base was studied in details for the cases of phenyl silane and PMHS and is believed to be essential for the hydrosilylation process. We discovered that nucleophiles (a base or fluoride-anion) induced the rearrangement of PMHS and TMDS into light silanes: MeSiH3 and Me2SiH2, respectively. The reductive properties of PMHS under basic conditions can be attributed to the formation of methyl silane and its conversion into a silicate species. A procedure for the generation of methyl silane and its use in further efficient reductions of aldehydes and ketones has been developed. The protocol was extended to the selective reduction of esters and tertiary amides into alcohols and aldimines into amines with good isolated yields and reduction of heterocyclic compounds was attempted.


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Objectif : il a été rapporté que l’utilisation d’agents prophylactiques fluorés pouvait favoriser la corrosion galvanique au sein des alliages de titane. L’objectif de la présente étude était d’évaluer l’effet d’un rince-bouche fluoré sur les propriétés mécaniques de fils en nickel-titane (NiTi) et de fils en cuivre-nickel-titane (CuNiTi) lorsque ces derniers sont couplés à des boîtiers de compositions différentes (boîtiers de marques Smartclip, Clarity, et Sprint). Matériels et Méthodes : 90 segments de fils en NiTi et 90 segments de fils en CuNiTi ont été chacun couplés à 2 boîtiers de chaque marque. Chaque assemblage fil-boîtiers a été par la suite incubé pendant 3 heures à 37°C, soit dans une solution de fluore neutre (Fluorinse™ 0,05% NaF), soit dans une solution de salive artificielle (solution contrôle). Suite à l’incubation, les échantillons étaient nettoyés avec de l’eau déshydrogénée, les fils séparés des boîtiers et montés sur un support pour subir un test de pliage en trois points en milieu humide (salive artificielle) à 37°C. Les modules d’élasticité ainsi que les limites conventionnelles d’élasticité en activation et en désactivation ont été mesurés et comparés. Des analyses de Variance (ANOVA) et des comparaisons post-hoc avec la correction de Bonferronni ont été utilisées pour comparer les groupes entre eux (α = 0,05). Résultats : L’utilisation d’un rince-bouche fluoré a produit une réduction du module d’élasticité et de la limite conventionnelle d’élasticité en activation et en désactivation pour les fils en NiTi ; cependant, cet effet a été modulé par le type de boîtier auquel le fil a été couplé. Les propriétés mécaniques de fils en CuNiTi n’ont pas été affectées par le fluor, ou par le type de boîtier utilisé. Conclusions : L’utilisation d’un rince-bouche fluoré modifie les propriétés mécaniques des fils en NiTi seulement. Cet effet est modulé par le boîtier auquel le fil en NiTi est couplé. A la différence des autres études publiées dans la littérature, nos résultats ne nous permettent pas de conclure que la modification des propriétés mécaniques des fils en NiTi entrainerait obligatoirement un allongement de la durée du traitement orthodontique. Mots clés : Fluor, fils nickel-titane, boîtiers orthodontiques, corrosion galvanique, propriétés mécaniques.


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Les seize détecteurs MPX constituant le réseau ATLAS-MPX ont été placés à différentes positions dans le détecteur ATLAS et sa averne au CERN dans le but de mesurer en emps réel les champs de radiation produits ar des particules primaires (protons des faisceaux) et des particules secondaires (kaons, pions, g, protons) issues des collisions proton-proton. Des films de polyéthylène (PE) et de fluorure de lithium (6LiF) recouvrent les détecteurs afin d’augmenter leur sensibilité aux neutrons produits par les particules primaires et secondaires interagissant avec les matériaux présents dans l’environnement d’ATLAS. La reconnaissance des traces laissées par les particules dans un détecteur ATLAS-MPX se fait à partir des algorithmes du logiciel MAFalda (“Medipix Analysis Framework”) basé sur les librairies et le logiciel d’analyse de données ROOT. Une étude sur le taux d’identifications erronées et le chevauchement d’amas a été faite en reconstruisant les activités des sources 106Ru et 137Cs. L’efficacité de détection des neutrons rapides a été mesurée à l’aide des sources 252Cf et 241AmBe (neutrons d’énergie moyenne de 2.13 et 4.08 MeV respectivement). La moyenne des efficacités de détection mesurées pour les neutrons produits par les sources 252C f et 241AmBe a été calculée pour les convertisseurs 6LiF et PE et donnent (0.8580 ± 0.1490)% et (0.0254 ± 0.0031)% pour LiF et (0.0510 ± 0.0061)% et (0.0591 ± 0.0063)% pour PE à bas et à haut seuil d’énergie respectivement. Une simulation du calcul de l’efficacité de détection des neutrons dans le détecteur MPX a été réalisée avec le logiciel GEANT4. Des données MPX correspondant aux collisions proton-proton à 2.4 TeV et à 7 TeV dans le centre de masse ont été analysées. Les flux détectés d’électrons et de photons sont particulièrement élevés dans les détecteurs MPX01 et MPX14 car ils sont plus près du point de collision. Des flux de neutrons ont été estimés en utilisant les efficacités de détection mesurées. Une corrélation avec la luminosité du LHC a été établie et on prédit que pour les collisions à 14 TeV dans le centre de masse et avec une luminosité de 10^34 cm-1*s-1 il y aura environ 5.1x10^8 ± 1.5x10^7 et 1.6x10^9 ± 6.3x10^7 particules détectées par les détecteurs MPX01 et MPX14 respectivement.


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Un réseau de seize détecteurs ATLAS-MPX a été mis en opération dans le détecteur ATLAS au LHC du CERN. Les détecteurs ATLAS-MPX sont sensibles au champ mixte de radiation de photons et d’électrons dans la caverne d’ATLAS et sont recouverts de convertisseurs de fluorure de lithium et de polyéthylène pour augmenter l’efficacité de détection des neutrons thermiques et des neutrons rapides respectivement. Les collisions à haute énergie sont dominées par des interactions partoniques avec petit moment transverse pT , associés à des événements de “minimum bias”. Dans notre cas la collision proton-proton se produit avec une énergie de 7 TeV dans le centre de masse avec une luminosité de 10³⁴cm⁻²s⁻¹ telle que fixée dans les simulations. On utilise la simulation des événements de "minimum bias" générés par PYTHIA en utilisant le cadre Athena qui fait une simulation GEANT4 complète du détecteur ATLAS pour mesurer le nombre de photons, d’électrons, des muons qui peuvent atteindre les détecteurs ATLASMPX dont les positions de chaque détecteur sont incluses dans les algorithmes d’Athena. Nous mesurons les flux de neutrons thermiques et rapides, générés par GCALOR, dans les régions de fluorure de lithium et de polyéthylène respectivement. Les résultats des événements de “minimum bias” et les flux de neutrons thermiques et rapides obtenus des simulations sont comparés aux mesures réelles des détecteurs ATLAS-MPX.


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L’émergence des souches bactériennes résistantes aux antibiotiques est un phénomène inquiétant, qui se répand à travers le monde. Staphylococcus aureus et Pseudomonas aeruginosa sont des bactéries pathogènes opportunistes multi résistantes qui peuvent causer plusieurs maladies. Cependant, ces bactéries deviennent difficiles à traiter avec des antibiotiques sans occasionner de toxicité. Alors pour trouver des solutions, c’est nécessaire de développer de nouvelles molécules afin de combattre les agents pathogènes résistants. Grâce à leur action pharmacologique, les fluorures exercent un certain effet antibactérien au niveau de l'émail des dents; donc, leur association aux antibiotiques pourrait bien a méliorer l’activité antimicrobienne. De ce fait, nous nous sommes proposés d’étudier les activités in vitro de la vancomycine (VAN), l’oxacilline (OXA), la ceftazidime (CFT) et la méropenème (MER) libre ou associée au fluorure de sodium (NaF) et fluorure de lithium (LiF) qui ont été évaluées sur des souches S.aureus et P.aeruginosa sensibles et résistantes, par la méthode de la microdilution en bouillon, déterminant leur concentration minimale inhibitrice (CMI), leur concentration minimale bactéricide (CMB), leur courbe cinétique (Time-Kill). Leur cytotoxicité sur les globules rouges humains, et leur stabilité à la température de 4°C et 22°C ont été étudiées. Les associations des antimicrobiens aux dérivés des fluorures ont montré une amélioration de l’effet des antibiotiques par la réduction des leurs concentrations et toxicité pour traiter correctement ces pathogènes résistants. Par conséquent, des antibiotiques associés aux dérivés de fluorure pourraient devenir une option de traitement contre des souches résistantes afin de diminuer la toxicité causée par de fortes doses des antibiotiques conventionnels.