986 resultados para SN 2006ov


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In this study, an attempt has been made to prepare the seismic intensity map for south India considering the probable earthquakes in the region. Anbazhagan et al. (Nat Hazards 60:1325-1345, 2012) have identified eight probable future earthquake zones in south India based on rupture-based seismic hazard analysis. Anbazhagan et al. (Eng Geol 171:81-95, 2014) has estimated the maximum future earthquake magnitude at these eight zones using regional rupture character. In this study, the whole south India is divided into several grids of size 1(o) x 1(o) and the intensity at each grid point is calculated using the regional intensity model for the maximum earthquake magnitude at each of the eight zones. The intensity due to earthquakes at these zones is mapped and thus eight seismic intensity maps are prepared. The final seismic intensity map of south India is obtained by considering the maximum intensity at each grid point due to the estimated earthquakes. By looking at the seismic intensity map, one can expect slight to heavy damage due to the probable earthquake magnitudes. Heavy damage may happen close to the probable earthquake zones.


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Tin oxide (SnO2) nanowires are synthesized by Au catalyzed chemical vapor deposition of Sn and C mixture at 900 degrees C by employing a continuous flow of Ar: O-2 (10:1) for an hour. X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy studies indicate that the as-grown SnO2 nanowires are crystalline in nature with tetragonal rutile phase. Electron microscopy studies reveal towards high aspect ratio of nanowires. The field emission studies show that SnO2 nanowires grown on Si substrate exhibit low turn-on field of 1.75 V/mu m (at 0.1 mu A/cm(2)) and long-term emission stability over a period of more than 50 h with a current density of 4 mu A/cm(2) at a constant electric field of 2.25 V/mu m. Hardly any considerable degradation in the emission current is noticed even after 50 h which may be attributed to the high crystallinity of SnO2 nanowires. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Thin films of Cu2SnS3 (CTS) were deposited by the facile solution processed sol-gel route followed by a low-temperature annealing. The Cu-Sn-thiourea complex formation was analysed using Fourier Transform Infrared spectrophotometer (FTIR). The various phase transformations and the deposition temperature range for the initial precursor solution was determined using Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) studies revealed the tetragonal phase formation of the CTS annealed films. Raman spectroscopy studies further confirmed the tetragonal phase formation and the absence of any deterioratory secondary phases. The morphological investigations and compositional analysis of the films were determined using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) respectively. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) was used to estimate the surface roughness of 1.3 nm. The absorption coefficient was found to be 10(4) cm(-1) and bandgap 1.3 eV which qualifies CTS to be a potential candidate for photovoltaic applications. The refractive index, extinction coefficient and relative permittivity of the film were measured by Spectroscopic ellipsometry. Hall effect measurements, indicated the p type nature of the films with a hole concentration of 2 x 10(18) cm(-3), electrical conductivity of 9 S/cm and a hole mobility of 29 cm(2)/V. The properties of CTS as deduced from the current study, present CTS as a potential absorber layer material for thin film solar cells. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: DNA methylation and its perturbations are an established attribute to a wide spectrum of phenotypic variations and disease conditions. Indian traditional system practices personalized medicine through indigenous concept of distinctly descriptive physiological, psychological and anatomical features known as prakriti. Here we attempted to establish DNA methylation differences in these three prakriti phenotypes. Methods: Following structured and objective measurement of 3416 subjects, whole blood DNA of 147 healthy male individuals belonging to defined prakriti (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) between the age group of 20-30years were subjected to methylated DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP) and microarray analysis. After data analysis, prakriti specific signatures were validated through bisulfite DNA sequencing. Results: Differentially methylated regions in CpG islands and shores were significantly enriched in promoters/UTRs and gene body regions. Phenotypes characterized by higher metabolism (Pitta prakriti) in individuals showed distinct promoter (34) and gene body methylation (204), followed by Vata prakriti which correlates to motion showed DNA methylation in 52 promoters and 139 CpG islands and finally individuals with structural attributes (Kapha prakriti) with 23 and 19 promoters and CpG islands respectively. Bisulfite DNA sequencing of prakriti specific multiple CpG sites in promoters and 5'-UTR such as; LHX1 (Vata prakriti), SOX11 (Pitta prakriti) and CDH22 (Kapha prakriti) were validated. Kapha prakriti specific CDH22 5'-UTR CpG methylation was also found to be associated with higher body mass index (BMI). Conclusion: Differential DNA methylation signatures in three distinct prakriti phenotypes demonstrate the epigenetic basis of Indian traditional human classification which may have relevance to personalized medicine.


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An automated ultrasonic spray pyrolysis system is fabricated for the growth of thin films. The system is equipped with x-y movement and enables film deposition in different patterns and spray rates. Cu-2(Zn,Sn)S-4 (CZTS) films are deposited using this setup. The substrate temperature (T-s) is varied from 240 to 490 degrees C. Kesterite CZTS phase is observed in all the films together with binary phases. The films prepared at T-s <340 degrees C showed SnxSy phase and those at T-s >340 degrees C showed Cu2S phase. Sulfur incorporation is maximum (40%) at 440 degrees C and the films showed better morphology. The Cu and S concentrations are varied to remove binary phases. Depth wise elemental analysis confirmed the existence of single phase CZTS. p-Type CZTS films of resistivity in the range of 10(2)-10(3) Omega cm are obtained. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recently, much research has been focused on finding new thermoelectric materials. Cu-based quaternary chalcogenides that belong to A(2)BCD(4) (A = Cu; B = Zn, Cd; C = Sn, Ge; D = S, Se, Te) are wide band gap materials and one of the potential thermoelectric materials due to their complex crystal structures. In this study, In-doped quaternary compounds Cu2ZnGe1-xInxSe4 (x = 0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1) were prepared by a solid state synthesis method. Powder x-ray diffraction patterns of all the samples showed a tetragonal crystal structure (space group I-42m) of the main phase with a trace amount of impurity phases, which was further confirmed by Rietveld analysis. The elemental composition of all the samples showed a slight deviation from the nominal composition with the presence of secondary phases. All the transport properties were measured in the temperature range 373-673 K. The electrical resistivity of all the samples initially decreased up to similar to 470 K and then increased with increase in temperature upto 673 K, indicating the transition from semiconducting to metallic behavior. Positive Seebeck coefficients for all the samples revealed that holes are the majority carriers in the entire temperature range. The substitution of In3+ on Ge4+ introduces holes and results in the decrease of resistivity as well as the Seebeck coefficient, thereby leading to the optimization of the power factor. The lattice thermal conductivity of all the samples decreased with increasing temperature, indicating the presence of phonon-phonon scattering. As a result, the thermoelectric figure of merit (zT) of the doped sample showed an increase as compared to the undoped compound.


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Significant research has been pursued to develop solar selective metallic coatings using a variety of coating deposition techniques, with limited attempts to assess the properties of bulk metallic materials for solar energy applications. In developing bulk solar reflectors with good reflectance in the entire solar range, we report a new class of reflector materials based on Cu-Sn intermetallics with tailored substitution of aluminium or zinc. Our experimental results suggest that the arc melted-suction cast Cu (78.8 at%)-Al (21.2 at%) alloy with nanoscale surface roughness can exhibit a combination of 89% bulk specular reflectance and 83% bulk solar reflectance, together with a hardness of 2 GPa. We show that the present alloy design approach paves the way for further opportunities of tuning the spectral properties of this new class of solar reflector material. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hydrogen bonds in biological macromolecules play significant structural and functional roles. They are the key contributors to most of the interactions without which no living system exists. In view of this, a web-based computing server, the Hydrogen Bonds Computing Server (HBCS), has been developed to compute hydrogen-bond interactions and their standard deviations for any given macromolecular structure. The computing server is connected to a locally maintained Protein Data Bank (PDB) archive. Thus, the user can calculate the above parameters for any deposited structure, and options have also been provided for the user to upload a structure in PDB format from the client machine. In addition, the server has been interfaced with the molecular viewers Jmol and JSmol to visualize the hydrogen-bond interactions. The proposed server is freely available and accessible via the World Wide Web at http://bioserver1.physics.iisc.ernet.in/hbcs/.


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El presente trabajo se realizó dentro del marco del PROYECTO RAZA REYNA CEE NICARAGUA-ONG 157/86/IT con el objetivo de realizar una Caracterización del Sistema de Producción de la finca San Felipe, en Muy Muy, Matagalpa y su entorno. Se realizó a través de Diagnóstico Estático en la zona y Diagnóstico Dinámico en la finca. Se pudo determinar que la zona de vida correspondiente a Muy Muy es de Trópico Seco Premontano, en transición a zona seca, con precipitaciones promedio anual de 1498.05 mm, 25.02°C de temperatura y 80.30% de humedad relativa. Los suelos son millosoles con alto contenido de materia orgánica y nutriente, excepto fósforo; cuya principal limitante la representa la pendiente elevada en la mayor parte de la zona. Se caracteriza por el predominio de sistemas de producción de doble propósito, de carácter extensivo, en los que se explota ganado Cebuino cruzado con Pardo Suizo y Holsteín principalmente la inversión de capital y de recursos es baja. La alimentación del ganado se basa en el pastoreo, habiendo predominio de pasto Jaragua (Hyparrhenia ruffa), en aproximadamente un 50% siendo el resto pasto natural y grama. Entre los principales factores limitantes identificados se puede mencionar el mal manejo proporcionado a los potreros, disminuyendo la calidad y disponibilidad del forraje ofrecido a los animales, unido a una falta total de técnicas de conservación y una suplementación adecuada. Se encontró que la comercialización afecta el .resultado económico de las fincas por los bajos precios obtenidos en la venta de los productos y por el alto precio a que compran los insumos, el cual está influido por: a) débil estructura del mercado sobre todo para la venta de leche, teniendo que vender forzosamente a plantas acopiadoras como PROLACSA; b) elevada presencia de intermediarios en las operaciones de compra-venta de animales en pie; e) lo alejado que se encuentra la zona de los centros industriales del país y d) las malas vías de penetración. Entre los índices técnicos encontrados en la. zona, según resultados de Diagnóstico Estático, se determinó que la natalidad es del 52.25 % la mortalidad de temeros es del 6.58 % el destete efectivo del 93.42 la mortalidad adulta de terneros es del 5.0 en el periodo de lactancia es de 282.43 días, la producción de leche anual por vaca es de 1282.23 lts. La producción de leche por vaca en verano es de 3.44 lts y en invierno es de 5.64, el número de animales por manzana es de 0.98 y la carga animal es de 0.77 UA/mz Respecto al Sistema de Producción de la Finca "Sn Felipe", éste se caracteriza por ser de Doble Propósito, con mayor énfasis en la producción de leche, el hato presenta un alto grado de encaste con ganado Bos taurus lechero, producto de la utilización de Inseminación Artificial, pudiendo encontrarse principalmente Pardo Suizo, así como Holsteín, Jersey, Guernsey, Simmenta1, Cebú y Reyna, con diferentes grados de cruzamientos entre sí. Las medias de mínimos cuadrados para PL305, PL TOT, LARLA e IPP encontradas fueron de 1603.90, 1893.53 Kg de leche, 288.36 y 496.87 días respectivamente. La PLD resulto de 5.56 lts y la PLD/IPP de 3.23 lts. La• EPP es de 37.15 meses y el número de servicios por concepción (NSC) resultó de 1.57. En el estudio de las principales variables los grupos raciales


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El impacto de las afecciones reproductivas disminuye enormemente la rentabilidad y crea un grave problema en la planificación estratégica en las unidades de producción de Nicaragua. Así en nuestro estudio realizado en comarcas de Sn Pedro Lovago las pérdidas se pueden presentar tanto causales como económicas. Es por eso que con la finalidad de contribuir al conocimiento de patologías reproductivas desarrollamos el estudio sobre "DETERMINACIÓN DE LAS PRINCIPALES PATOLOGÍAS REPRODUCTIVAS DE HEMBRAS BOVINAS EN EL MUNICIPIO DE SN PEDRO DE LOVAGO". Para lo que haciendo uso de registros reproductivos de las unidades de producción y con ayuda de formatos específicos, se analizó un total de 528 hembras ubicadas en cuatro comarcas (llano de los pedros , palo solo, potrero cerrado y sardina) del Municipio San Pedro de Lovago, de las cuales 78 presentaban trastornos reproductivas. Encontrándose que la patología de mayor persistencia fue la repetición de celos con un 76.9%, seguida de partos distócicos con 8% y metritis 5.1.%. Así como también entre las causas principales identificadas fueron la deficiencia de manejo y deficiencias nutricionales y al final se determinó que la comarca llano de los pedros presentó perdidas económicas de 94.541.00 córdobas (30%). De tal manera concluimos que el surgimiento y control de patologías reproductivas en las unidades de producción es de mucha importancia para mantener hatos saludables con altos índices reproductivos y que sean económicamente rentables al país.


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La Brucelosis Bovina es una enfermedad infectocontagiosa que afecta al hombre, animales domésticos y salvajes la cual es producida por una Bacteria del genero Brucella. Es una zoonosis por excelencia ya que se trasmite en forma natural de los animales vertebrados al nombre ocasionando pérdidas directas reduciendo la producción. Con el objetivo de determinar la prevalencia en el departamento de León se desarrolló un "ESTUDIO EPIDEMIOLOGICO SOBRE LA PREVALENCIA DE BRUCELOSIS BOVINA 2000-2006 EN MUNICIPIOS DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE LEON" Por lo que se realizó un sangrado (Sangre sin anticoagulante) a una población total de 161,522 Bovinos distribuidos en las 3 fincas de referencia del Departamento de León, para este estudio diagnóstico se utilizó el método de Rosa de Bengala y un método confirmativo Rivanol. Los resultados del diagnóstico serológico presentaron una prevalencia global de 0.16%, presentando la finca de referencia "La Base" una prevalencia de 0.18%, La Garrapata 0.22% y Sán José del Fortín 0.02% y una prevalencia de 0% para los municipios El Jicaral, Nagarote y Quesalguaque, 0.18% para la Paz Centro , 0.02% para León, 0.10% para el Sauce, 0.41% para Telica y el municipio con mayor nivel de prevalencia fue Malpaisillo con 0.49% de una población total de 2,831 animales, por lo que se concluye en este trabajo de tesis que se obtuvo resultados con prevalencia de 0.16 %, lo cual es muy baja en novillos analizados por lo que se recomienda un estricto control y vigilancia para mantener el nivel bajo de prevalencia del Departamento de León y resto del país.


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The flow characteristics of liquids in microtubes driven by a high pressure ranging from 1 MPa to 30 MPa are studied in this paper. The diameter of the microtube is from 3 μm to 10 μm and liquids composed of simple small molecules are chosen as the working fluids. The Reynolds number ranges from 0. 1 to 24. The behavior of isopropanol and carbon tetrachloride under high pressure is found different from the prediction from conventional Hagen-Poiseuille (HP) equation. The normalized friction coefficient C* increases significantly with the pressure. From an analysis of the microtube deformation, liquid compressibility, viscous heating and wall slip, it may be seen that the viscosity at high pressure plays an important role here. An exponential function of viscosity vs pressure is introduced into the HP equation to counteract the difference between experimental and theoretical values. However, this difference is not so marked for di-water.