Many human diseases, including cancers, result from aberrations of signal transduction pathways. The recent understanding of the molecular biochemistry of signal transduction in normal and transformed cells enable us to have a better insight about cancer and design new drugs to target this abnormal signaling in the cancer cells. Tyrosine kinase pathway plays a very important role in normal and cancer cells. Enhanced activity of tyrosine kinases has been associated with many human cancer types. Therefore, identifying the type of tyrosine kinases involved in a particular cancer type and blocking these tyrosine kinase pathways may provide a way to treat cancer. Receptor tyrosine kinase expression, namely epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) family, was examined in the oral squamous cell carcinoma patients. The expression levels of different members of the EGFR family were found to be significantly associated with shorter patients' survival. Combining EGFR, HER-2/neu, and HER-3 expression can significantly improve the predicting power. The effect of emodin, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, on these receptors in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell lines was examined. Emodin was found to suppress the tyrosine phosphorylation of HER-2/neu and EGF-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of EGFR. Emodin also induced apoptosis and downregulated the expression of anti-apoptotic protein bcl-2 in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells. It is known that tyrosine kinase pathways are involved in estrogen receptor signaling pathway. Therefore, the effects of inhibiting the tyrosine kinase pathway in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancers was studied. Emodin was found to act similarly to antiestrogens, capable of inhibiting estrogen-stimulated growth and DNA synthesis, and the phosphorylation of Rb protein. Interestingly, emodin, and other tyrosine kinase inhibitors, such as RG 13022 and genistein, depleted cellular levels of estrogen receptor protein. Emodin-induced depletion of estrogen receptor was mediated by the proteasome degradation pathway. In summary, we have demonstrated that tyrosine kinase pathways play an important role in oral squamous cell carcinoma and estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer. Targeting the tyrosine kinases by inhibitors, such as emodin, may provide a potential way to treat the cancer patients. ^
BACKGROUND: Microsomal transfer protein inhibitors (MTPi) have the potential to be used as a drug to lower plasma lipids, mainly plasma triglycerides (TG). However, studies with animal models have indicated that MTPi treatment results in the accumulation of hepatic TG. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether JTT-130, a unique MTPi, targeted to the intestine, would effectively reduce plasma lipids without inducing a fatty liver. METHODS: Male guinea pigs (n = 10 per group) were used for this experiment. Initially all guinea pigs were fed a hypercholesterolemic diet containing 0.08 g/100 g dietary cholesterol for 3 wk. After this period, animals were randomly assigned to diets containing 0 (control), 0.0005 or 0.0015 g/100 g of MTPi for 4 wk. A diet containing 0.05 g/100 g of atorvastatin, an HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor was used as the positive control. At the end of the 7th week, guinea pigs were sacrificed to assess drug effects on plasma and hepatic lipids, composition of LDL and VLDL, hepatic cholesterol and lipoprotein metabolism. RESULTS: Plasma LDL cholesterol and TG were 25 and 30% lower in guinea pigs treated with MTPi compared to controls (P < 0.05). Atorvastatin had the most pronounced hypolipidemic effects with a 35% reduction in LDL cholesterol and 40% reduction in TG. JTT-130 did not induce hepatic lipid accumulation compared to controls. Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) activity was reduced in a dose dependent manner by increasing doses of MTPi and guinea pigs treated with atorvastatin had the lowest CETP activity (P < 0.01). In addition the number of molecules of cholesteryl ester in LDL and LDL diameter were lower in guinea pigs treated with atorvastatin. In contrast, hepatic enzymes involved in maintaining cholesterol homeostasis were not affected by drug treatment. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that JTT-130 could have potential clinical applications due to its plasma lipid lowering effects with no alterations in hepatic lipid concentrations.
Raf Kinase Inhibitor Protein (RKIP) has been identified as a phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein capable of inhibiting Raf-1 kinase, an enzyme significant in cell proliferation and cancer development. When properly functioning, RKIP can mediate the expression of Raf-1 kinase and help prevent uncontrolled cell division. RKIP also has suggested, but unclear, roles in spindle fiber formation during mitosis, regulation of apoptosis, and cell motility. The Fenteany laboratory in the Chemistry Department identified a new small molecule, named Locostatin, as a cell migration inhibitor in mammalian cells, with RKIP as its primary molecular target. Dictyostelium discoideum possess two RKIP proteins, RKIP-A and RKIP-B. In order to begin to study the function of RKIP in D. discoideum and its role in cell motility, I created a mutant cell line which lacks a functional RKIP-A gene. In this paper, we show that removal of RKIP-A does not affect vegetative motility, but impairs chemotaxis and development in the presence of drug. Interestingly, RKIP-A knockout mutants appear more resistant to drug effects on vegetative motility than wild-type cells. More research is needed to reconcile these seemingly contrasting results, and to better develop a model for RKIP-A’s role in cell motility.
Bladder cancer is the fifth most common cancer with more than 50,000 cases diagnosed each year. Interferon-α (IFNα) is mostly used in combination with BCG for the treatment of transitional cell carcinoma (TCC). To examine the effects of IFNα on bladder cancer cells, I analyzed a panel of 20 bladder cancer cell lines in terms of their sensitivity to IFNα-induced apoptosis and the underlying mechanisms. I identified three categories: cells that die after 48hr, after 72h, and cells resistant even after 72hr of IFNα treatment. Examination of the IFN-signal transduction pathway revealed that the defect was not due to abrogation of IFN signaling. Further analysis demonstrated dependency of IFN-induced apoptosis on caspase-8, implicating the role of death receptors in IFN-induced cell death. Of the six most-IFN-sensitive cell lines, the majority upregulated Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) at the mRNA and protein level and IFN-induced cell death was mediated through TRAIL, while a minority of the most IFN-sensitive cells undergo apoptosis through a TNFα-dependent mechanism. IFNα resistance was due to either absence of TRAIL upregulation at the mRNA or protein level, resistance to exogenous rhTRAIL itself or lack of sensitization to IFN-induced cell death. Downregulation of XIAP, or XIAP inactivation through its regulator NFκB has been reported to sensitize tumor cells to death receptor-induced cell death. Baseline and IFN-inducible XIAP levels were examined in the most and least IFN-sensitive cells, knocking down XIAP and the p65 subunit of NFκB enhanced IFN-induced cell death, implicating XIAP downregulation as a mechanism through which bladder cancer cells are sensitized to IFN-induced apoptosis. To determine whether or not the proteasome inhibitor Bortezomib (BZ) sensitizes bladder cancer cells to IFN-induced cell death, the combined effects of IFN+BZ and the underlying molecular mechanisms were examined both in vitro and in vivo using two bladder xenograft models. In both models, tumor growth inhibition was the result of either increased cell death of tumor cells exerted by the two agents and/or inhibition of angiogenesis. In vitro, MAP downregulation in response to the combined treatment of IFN+BZ accounts for one of the mechanisms mediating IFN+BZ cell death in bladder cancer cells. ^
Neuropathic pain is a debilitating neurological disorder that may appear after peripheral nerve trauma and is characterized by persistent, intractable pain. The well-studied phenomenon of long-term hyperexcitability (LTH), in which sensory somata become hyperexcitable following peripheral nerve injury may be important for both chronic pain and long-lasting memory formation, since similar cellular alterations take place after both injury and learning. Though axons have previously been considered simple conducting cables, spontaneous afferent signals develop from some neuromas that form at severed nerve tips, indicating intrinsic changes in sensory axonal excitability may contribute to this intractable pain. Here we show that nerve transection, exposure to serotonin, and transient depolarization induce long-lasting sensory axonal hyperexcitability that is localized to the treated nerve segment and requires local translation of new proteins. Long-lasting functional plasticity may be a general property of axons, since both injured and transiently depolarized motor axons display LTH as well. Axonal hyperexcitability may represent an adaptive mechanism to overcome conduction failure after peripheral injury, but also displays key features shared with cellular analogues of memory including: site-specific changes in neuronal function, dependence on transient, focal depolarization for induction, and requirement for synthesis of new proteins for expression of long-lasting effects. The finding of axonal hyperexcitability after nerve injury sheds new light on the clinical problem of chronic neuropathic pain, and provides more support for the hypothesis that mechanisms of long-term memory storage evolved from primitive adaptive responses to injury. ^
Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) overexpression occurs in about 90% of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) cases. Aberrant EGFR signaling has been implicated in the malignant features of HNSCC. Thus, EGFR appears to be a logical therapeutic target with increased tumor specificity for the treatment of HNSCC. Erlotinib, a small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitor, specifically inhibits aberrant EGFR signaling in HNSCC. Only a minority of HNSCC patients were able to derive a substantial clinical benefit from erlotinib. ^ This dissertation identifies Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) as the biological marker that distinguishes EGFR-dependent (erlotinib-sensitive) tumors from the EGFR-independent (erlotinib-resistant) tumors. This will allow us to prospectively identify the patients who are most likely to benefit from EGFR-directed therapy. More importantly, our data identifies the transcriptional repressor DeltaEF1 as the mesenchymal marker that controls EMT phenotype and resistance to erlotinib in human HNSCC lines. si-RNA mediated knockdown of DeltaEF1 in the erlotinib-resistant lines resulted in reversal of the mesenchymal phenotype to an epithelial phenotype and significant increase in sensitivity to erlotinib. ^ DeltaEF1 represses the expression of the epithelial markers by recruiting HDACs to chromatin. This observation allows us to translate our findings into clinical application. To test whether the transcriptional repression by DeltaEF1 underlines the mechanism responsible for erlotinib resistance, erlotinib-resistant lines were treated with an HDAC inhibitor (SAHA) followed by erlotinib. This resulted in a synergistic effect and substantial increase in sensitivity to erlotinib in the resistant cell lines. Thus, combining an HDAC inhibitor with erlotinib represents a novel promising pharmacologic strategy for reversing resistance to erlotinib in HNSCC patients. ^
Targeting the proteasome with the sole FDA approved proteasome inhibitor (PI), bortezomib, has been fruitful in specific cancers. Its success has generated an interest in next-generation PIs that might have a therapeutic advantage in cancers, such as leukemia, where bortezomib monotherapy was less effective. This study focuses on a novel, clinically relevant PI, NPI-0052. Experiments show that NPI-0052 targets chymotrypsin- and caspase-like activities more potently than the trypsin-like activity in leukemia cells. NPI-0052 induced apoptosis, as determined by caspase-3 activation and DNA fragmentation. Using caspase inhibitors and caspase-8 (I9.2) or FADD (I2.1) deficient cells revealed that caspase-8 was essential for NPI-0052-induced apoptosis. NPI-0052 killed cells via a caspase-8-tBid-mitochondrial pathway, relying on caspase-8, whereas bortezomib relies on several caspases. NPI-0052 increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, which contributed towards cytotoxicity since an antioxidant conferred protection. To improve the clinical efficacy of PIs, NPI-0052 was combined with epigenetic anti-cancer agents, histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi). NPI-0052 with MS-275 or vorinostat (FDA approved HDACi), synergistically induced apoptosis more effectively than an HDACi/bortezomib regimen in Jurkat cells. Caspase-8 and ROS contributed towards NPI-0052/HDACi cytotoxicity and caspase-8 mediated superoxide production by NPI-0052 or NPI-0052/HDACi. The proximal targets of these agents: proteasome activity and histone acetylation were examined to determine if they contributed towards synergistic effects. HDACi targeted proteasomal β subunits and corresponding catalytic activities responsible for degrading proteins. Immunoblotting showed increases in histone-H3 expression and its acetylation with NPI-0052 or NPI-0052/HDACi in Jurkat and primary cells. Importantly, the hyper-acetylation by NPI-0052 was not detected with bortezomib, suggesting that this effect may be unique to NPI-0052. An antioxidant attenuated histone-H3 expression and acetylation induced by NPI-0052 alone or with HDACi. Furthermore, the hyper-acetylation by NPI-0052 relied on caspase-8. These novel results show that a PI is eliciting classical epigenetic alterations, demonstrated by hyper-acetylation of histone-H3. This alteration was oxidant and caspase-8 dependent. Overall, results reveal that caspase-8 mediates many effects induced by NPI-0052. Data show overlapping activities by NPI-0052 and HDACi which are contributing, along with caspase-8 activation and oxidative stress, to cytotoxic interactions in leukemia cells, reinforcing the potential clinical utility of combining these two compounds. ^
Background: The mechanisms underlying the relationship between depression and acute coronary syndrome (ACS) remain unclear. Platelet serotonin has been associated with both depression and coronary artery disease in stable outpatients. Understanding the association between depression and platelet serotonin, during ACS, may explain some of the acute cardiovascular events seen in some individuals with depression. ^ Objectives: This study was designed to evaluate whether levels of platelet serotonin, during ACS, differ between individuals who screen positive for depression and individuals who screen negative for depression and to determine if a dose-response relationship exists between depressive symptoms and platelet serotonin levels. ^ Methods: In this cross-sectional study, data was collected on 51 patients hospitalized for ACS. Multiple linear regression models were used to determine if a relationship exists between depression and platelet serotonin levels. ^ Results: Of the 51 ACS patients, 24 screened positive for depression and 27 screened negative for depression. Platelet serotonin levels were not significantly different between the depressed group (942.10 ± 461.3) and the non-depressed group (1192.41 ± 764.3) (p= .293 and β= -4.093) and a dose-response relationship between depressive symptoms and platelet serotonin levels was not found (p= .250 and β= -.254). ^ Discussion: In this study, a relationship between depression and platelet serotonin levels was not found. Future research should focus on gaining a better understanding of the variables that may influence platelet serotonin levels in the ACS population. ^
Background. Inhibition of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is associated with progression of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) to active disease. LTBI screening prior to starting TNF inhibitor therapy is recommended. Blood tests, collectively known as interferon-gamma release assays (IGRAs), offer a means other than the tuberculin skin test (TST) of screening for LTBI. However, in the setting of immune compromise, anergy may limit the clinical utility of IGRAs. ^ Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted in children and young adults ≤ 21 years of age who were cared for at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston, TX, during 2011 and who were candidates for, or were receiving, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-inhibitor therapy. All subjects answered a risk factor questionnaire and were tested for LTBI by two commercially available IGRAs (QuantiFERON-Gold In-Tube assay and the T-SPOT.TB assay), along with the TST. T-cell phenotypes were evaluated through flow cytometry, both at baseline and after antigen stimulation. ^ Results. Twenty-eight subjects were enrolled. All were TST negative and none were IGRA positive. Results were negative for the 27 subjects who were tested with QuantiFERON-Gold In-Tube. However, 26% of subjects demonstrated anergy in the T-SPOT.T. Patients with T-SPOT. TB anergy had lower quantitative IFN-γ responses to mitogen in the QFT assay—the mean IFN-γ level to mitogen in patients without T-SPOT.TB anergy was 9.84 IU/ml compared to 6.91 IU/ml in patients with T-SPOT.TB anergy (P = 0.046). Age and use of TNF inhibitors, corticosteroids, or methotrexate use were not significantly associated with T-SPOT.TB anergy. Antigen stimulation revealed depressed expression of intracellular IFN-γ in subjects with T-SPOT. TB anergy. ^ Conclusions. The frequency of anergy in this population is higher than would be expected from studies in adults. There appears to be inappropriate IFN-γ responses to antigen in subjects with T-SPOT. TB anergy. This immune defect was detected by the T-SPOT. TB assay but not by the QuantiFERON-Gold In-Tube assay. Further data are needed to clarify the utility of IGRAs in this population.^
The nine membrane-bound isoforms of adenylyl cyclase (AC), via synthesis of the signaling molecule cyclic AMP (cAMP), are involved in many isoform specific physiological functions. Decreasing AC5 activity has been shown to have potential therapeutic benefit, including reduced stress on the heart, pain relief, and attenuation of morphine dependence and withdrawal behaviors. However, AC structure is well conserved, and there are currently no isoform selective AC inhibitors in clinical use. P-site inhibitors inhibit AC directly at the catalytic site, but with an uncompetitive or noncompetitive mechanism. Due to this mechanism and nanomolar potency in cell-free systems, attempts at ligand-based drug design of novel AC inhibitors frequently use P-site inhibitors as a starting template. One small molecule inhibitor designed through this process, NKY80, is described as an AC5 selective inhibitor with low micromolar potency in vitro. P-site inhibitors reveal important ligand binding “pockets” in the AC catalytic site, but specific interactions that give NKY80 selectivity are unclear. Identifying and characterizing unique interactions between NKY80 and AC isoforms would significantly aid the development of isoform selective AC inhibitors. I hypothesized that NKY80’s selective inhibition is conferred by AC isoform specific interactions with the compound within the catalytic site. A structure-based virtual screen of the AC catalytic site was used to identify novel small molecule AC inhibitors. Identified novel inhibitors are isoform selective, supporting the catalytic site as a region capable of more potent isoform selective inhibition. Although NKY80 is touted commercially as an AC5 selective inhibitor, its characterization suggests strong inhibition of both AC5 and the closely related AC6. NKY80 was also virtually docked to AC to determine how NKY80 binds to the catalytic site. My results show a difference between NKY80 binding and the conformation of classic P-site inhibitors. The selectivity and notable differences in NKY80 binding to the AC catalytic site suggest a catalytic subregion more flexible in AC5 and AC6 that can be targeted by selective small molecule inhibitors.
Hemophilia A is a clotting disorder caused by functional factor VIII (FVIII) deficiency. About 25% of patients treated with therapeutic recombinant FVIII develop antibodies (inhibitors) that render subsequent FVIII treatments ineffective. The immune mechanisms of inhibitor formation are not entirely understood, but circumstantial evidence indicates a role for increased inflammatory response, possibly via stimulation of Toll-like receptors (TLRs), at the time of FVIII immunization. I hypothesized that stimulation through TLR4 in conjunction with FVIII treatments would increase the formation of FVIII inhibitors. To test this hypothesis, FVIII K.O. mice were injected with recombinant human FVIII with or without concomitant doses of TLR4 agonist (lipopoysaccharide; LPS). The addition of LPS combined with FVIII significantly increased the rate and the production of anti-FVIII IgG antibodies and neutralizing FVIII inhibitors. In the spleen, repeated in vivo TLR4 stimulation with LPS increased the relative percentage of macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs) over the course of 4 injections. However, repeated in vivo FVIII stimulation significantly increased the density of TLR4 expressed on the surface of all spleen antigen presenting cells (APCs). Culture of splenocytes isolated from mice revealed that the combined stimulation of LPS and FVIII also synergistically increased early secretion of the inflammatory cytokines IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-10, which was not maintained throughout the course of the repeated injections. While cytokine secretion was relatively unchanged in response to FVIII re-stimulation in culture, LPS re-stimulation in culture induced increased and prolonged inflammatory cytokine secretion. Re-stimulation with both LPS and FVIII induced cytokine secretion similar to LPS stimulation alone. Interestingly, long term treatment of mice with LPS alone resulted in splenocytes that showed reduced response to FVIII in culture. Together these results indicated that creating a pro-inflammatory environment through the combined stimulation of chronic, low-dose LPS and FVIII changed not only the populations but also the repertoire of APCs in the spleen, triggering the increased production of FVIII inhibitors. These results suggested an anti-inflammatory regimen should be instituted for all hemophilia A patients to reduce or delay the formation of FVIII inhibitors during replacement therapy.
Objective: The primary objective of our study was to study the effect of metformin in patients of metastatic renal cell cancer (mRCC) and diabetes who are on treatment with frontline therapy of tyrosine kinase inhibitors. The effect of therapy was described in terms of overall survival and progression free survival. Comparisons were made between group of patients receiving metformin versus group of patients receiving insulin in diabetic patients of metastatic renal cancer on frontline therapy. Exploratory analyses were also done comparing non-diabetic patients of metastatic renal cell cancer receiving frontline therapy compared to diabetic patients of metastatic renal cell cancer receiving metformin therapy. ^ Methods: The study design is a retrospective case series to elaborate the response rate of frontline therapy in combination with metformin for mRCC patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The cohort was selected from a database, which was generated for assessing the effect of tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy associated hypertension in metastatic renal cell cancer at MD Anderson Cancer Center. Patients who had been started on frontline therapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma from all ethnic and racial backgrounds were selected for the study. The exclusion criteria would be of patients who took frontline therapy for less than 3 months or were lost to follow-up. Our exposure variable was treatment with metformin, which comprised of patients who took metformin for the treatment of type 2 diabetes at any time of diagnosis of metastatic renal cell carcinoma. The outcomes assessed were last available follow-up or date of death for the overall survival and date of progression of disease from their radiological reports for time to progression. The response rates were compared by covariates that are known to be strongly associated with renal cell cancer. ^ Results: For our primary analyses between the insulin and metformin group, there were 82 patients, out of which 50 took insulin therapy and 32 took metformin therapy for type 2 diabetes. For our exploratory analysis, we compared 32 diabetic patients on metformin to 146 non-diabetic patients, not on metformin. Baseline characteristics were compared among the population. The time from the start of treatment until the date of progression of renal cell cancer and date of death or last follow-up were estimated for survival analysis. ^ In our primary analyses, there was a significant difference in the time to progression of patients receiving metformin therapy vs insulin therapy, which was also seen in our exploratory analyses. The median time to progression in primary analyses was 1259 days (95% CI: 659-1832 days) in patients on metformin therapy compared to 540 days (95% CI: 350-894) in patients who were receiving insulin therapy (p=0.024). The median time to progression in exploratory analyses was 1259 days (95% CI: 659-1832 days) in patients on metformin therapy compared to 279 days (95% CI: 202-372 days) in non-diabetic group (p-value <0.0001). ^ The median overall survival was 1004 days in metformin group (95% CI: 761-1212 days) compared to 816 days (95%CI: 558-1405 days) in insulin group (p-value<0.91). For the exploratory analyses, the median overall survival was 1004 days in metformin group (95% CI: 761-1212 days) compared to 766 days (95%CI: 649-965 days) in the non-diabetic group (p-value<0.78). Metformin was observed to increase the progression free survival in both the primary and exploratory analyses (HR=0.52 in metformin Vs insulin group and HR=0.36 in metformin Vs non-diabetic group, respectively). ^ Conclusion: In laboratory studies and a few clinical studies metformin has been proven to have dual benefits in patients suffering from cancer and type 2-diabetes via its action on the mammalian target of Rapamycin pathway and effect in decreasing blood sugar by increasing the sensitivity of the insulin receptors to insulin. Several studies in breast cancer patients have documented a beneficial effect (quantified by pathological remission of cancer) of metformin use in patients taking treatment for breast cancer therapy. Combination of metformin therapy in patients taking frontline therapy for renal cell cancer may provide a significant benefit in prolonging the overall survival in patients with metastatic renal cell cancer and diabetes. ^
The purpose of this work was to examine the possible mechanisms for the regulation of cytochrome c gene expression in response to increased contractile activity in rat skeletal muscle. The working hypothesis was that increased contractile activity enhances cytochrome c gene expression through a cis-element. A 110% increase in cytochrome c mRNA concentration was observed in tibialis anterior (TA) muscle after 9 days of chronic stimulation. Similar difference (120%) exists between soleus (SO) muscle of higher contractile activity and white vastus lateralis (WV) muscle of lower contractile activity. These results suggest that the endogenous cytochrome c gene expression is regulated by contractile activity. Cytochrome c-reporter genes were injected into skeletal muscles to identify the cis-element that is responsible for the regulation. Although the data was inconclusive, part of it suggested the importance of the 3$\sp\prime$-untranslated region (3$\sp\prime$-UTR) in mediating the response to increased contractile activity.^ RNA gel mobility shift (GMSA) and ultraviolet (UV) cross-linking assays revealed specific RNA-protein interaction in a 50-nucleotide region of the 3$\sp\prime$-UTR in unstimulated TA muscle. Computer analysis predicted a stem-loop structure of 17 nucleotides, which provides a structural basis for RNA-protein interaction. These 17 nucleotides are 100% conserved among rat, mouse and human cytochrome c genes and their 13 pseudogenes, suggesting a functional role for this region. The RNA-protein interaction was significantly less in highly active SO muscle than in inactive WV muscle and was dramatically decreased in stimulated TA muscle due to a protein inhibitor(s) associated with ribosome. It is possible that cytochrome c mRNAs undergoing translation are subject to a compartmentalized regulatory influence.^ The conclusion from these results is that increases in contractile activity induce or activate a protein inhibitor(s) associated with ribosome in rat skeletal muscle. The inhibitor decreases RNA-protein interaction in the 3$\sp\prime$-UTR of cytochrome c mRNA, which may result in increased mRNA stability and/or translation. ^
Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is characterized cytogenetically by the presence of the Philadelphia chromosome and clinically by the clonal expansion of the hematopoietic stem cells and the accumulation of large numbers of myeloid cells. Philadelphia chromosome results from the reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22 [t(9;22)(324;q11)], which fuses parts of the ABL proto-oncogene to 5′ portions of the BCR gene. The product of the fused gene is Bcr-Abl oncoprotein. Bcr-Abl oncoprotein has elevated protein tyrosine kinase activity, and is the cause of Philadelphia chromosome associated leukemias. The Bcr sequence in the fusion protein is crucial for the activation of Abl kinase activity and transforming phenotype of Bcr-Abl oncoprotein. Although the Bcr-Abl oncoprotein has been studied extensively, its normal counterpart, the Bcr protein, has been less studied and its function is not well understood. At this point, Bcr is known to encode a novel serine/threonine protein kinase. In Bcr-Abl positive leukemia cells, we found that the serine kinase activity of Bcr is impaired by tyrosine phosphorylation. Both the Bcr protein sequences within Bcr-Abl and the normal cellular Bcr protein lack serine/threonine kinase activity when they become phosphorylated on tyrosine residues by Bcr-Abl. Therefore, the goal of this study was to investigate the role of Bcr in Bcr-Abl positive leukemia cells. We found that overexpression of Bcr can inhibit Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase activity, and the inhibition is dependent on its intact serine/threonine kinase function. Using the tet repressible promoter system, we demonstrated that Bcr when induced in Bcr-Abl positive leukemia cells inhibited the Bcr-Abl oncoprotein tyrosine kinase. Furthermore, induction of Bcr also increased the number of cells undergoing apoptosis and inhibited the transforming ability of Bcr-Abl. In contrast to the wild-type Bcr, the kinase-inactive mutant of Bcr (Y328F/Y360F) had no effects on Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase in cells. Results from other experiments indicated that phosphoserine-containing Bcr sequences within the first exon, which are known to bind to the Abl SH2 domain, are responsible for observed inhibition of the Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase. Several lines of evidence suggest that the phosphoserine form of Bcr, which binds to the Abl SH2 domain, strongly inhibits the Abl tyrosine kinase domain of Bcr-Abl Previously published findings from our laboratory have also shown that Bcr is phosphorylated on tyrosine residue 177 in Bcr-Abl positive cells and that this form of Bcr recruits the Grb2 adaptor protein, which is known to activate the Ras pathway. These findings implicate Bcr as an effector of Bcr-Abl's oncogenic activity. Therefore based on the findings presented above, we propose a model for dual Function of Bcr in Bcr-Abl positive leukemia cells. Bcr, when active as a serine/threonine kinase and thus autophosphorylating its own serine residues, inhibits Bcr-Abl's oncogenic functions. However, when Ber is tyrosine phosphorylated, its Bcr-Abl inhibitory function is neutralized thus allowing Bcr-Abl to exert its full oncogenic potential. Moreover, tyrosine phosphorylated Bcr would compliment Bcr-Abl's neoplastic effects by the activation of the Ras signaling pathway. ^
p53 is required for the maintenance of the genomic stability of cells. Mutations in the p53 tumor-suppressor gene occur in more than 50% of human cancers of diverse types. In addition, 70% of families with Li-Fraumeni syndrome have a germline mutation in p53, predisposing these individuals to multiple forms of cancer. In response to DNA damage, p53 becomes stabilized and activated. However the exact mechanism by which DNA damage signals the stabilization and activation of p53 still remains elusive. The biochemical activity of p53 that is required for tumor suppression, and presumably the cellular response to DNA damage, involves the ability of the protein to bind to specific DNA sequences and to function as a transcription factor. For the downstream targets, p53 transactivates many genes involved in growth arrest, apoptosis and DNA repair such as p21, Bax and GADD45, respectively. An open question in the field is how cells can determine the downstream effects of p53. ^ We hypothesize that, through its associated proteins, p53 can differentially transactivate its target genes, which determine its downstream effect. Additionally, p53 interacting proteins may be involved in signaling for the stabilization and activation of p53. Therefore, a key aspect to understanding p53 function is the identification and analysis of proteins that interact with it. We have employed the Sos recruitment system (SRS), a cytoplasmic yeast two-hybrid screen to identify p53 interacting proteins. The SRS is based on the ability of Sos to activate Ras when it becomes localized to the plasma membrane. The system takes advantage of an S. cerevisiae strain, cdc25-2 temperature sensitive mutant, harboring a mutation in Sos. In this strain, fusion proteins containing a truncated Sos will only localize to the membrane by protein-protein interaction, which allows growth at non-permissive temperature. This system allows the use of intact transcriptional activators such as p53. ^ To date, using a modified SRS library screen to identify p53 interacting proteins, I have identified p53 (known to interact with itself) and a novel p53-interacting protein (PIP). PIP is a specific p53 interacting protein in the SRS. The interaction of p53 and PIP was further confirmed by performing in vitro and in vivo binding assays. In the in vivo binding study, the interaction can only be detected in the presence of ionizing radiation suggesting that this interaction might be involved in DNA-damage induced p53-signalling pathway. After screening cDNA and genomic libraries, a full-length PIP-cDNA clone ( ∼ 3kb) was obtained which encodes a protein of 429 amino acids with calculated molecular weight of 46 kDa. The results of genebank search indicated that the PIP is an unidentified gene and contains a conserved ring-finger domain, which is present in a diverse family of regulatory proteins involved in different aspects of cellular function. Northern blot analysis revealed that the size of its messenge is approximately 3 kb preferentially expressed in brain, heart, liver and kidney. The PIP protein is mainly located in the cytoplasm as determined by the cellular localization of a green fluorescence fusion protein. Preliminary functional analysis revealed that PIP downregulated the transactivation activity of p53 on both p21 and mdm2 promoters. Thus, PIP may be a novel negative regulator of p53 subsequent to DNA damage. ^