979 resultados para Rush Hour.
Esta tese investiga os efeitos agudos da poluição atmosférica no pico de fluxo expiratório (PFE) de escolares com idades entre 6 e 15 anos, residentes em municípios da Amazônia Brasileira. O primeiro artigo avaliou os efeitos do material particulado fino (PM2,5) no PFE de 309 escolares do município de Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso (MT), durante a estação seca de 2006. Modelos de efeitos mistos foram estimados para toda a amostra e estratificados por turno escolar e presença de sintomas de asma. O segundo artigo expõe as estratégias utilizadas para a determinação da função de variância do erro aleatório dos modelos de efeitos mistos. O terceiro artigo analisa os dados do estudo de painel com 234 escolares, realizado na estação seca de 2008 em Tangará da Serra, MT. Avaliou-se os efeitos lineares e com defasagem distribuída (PDLM) do material particulado inalável (PM10), do PM2,5 e do Black Carbon (BC) no PFE de todos os escolares e estratificados por grupos de idade. Nos três artigos, os modelos de efeitos mistos foram ajustados por tendência temporal, temperatura, umidade e características individuais. Os modelos também consideraram o ajuste da autocorrelação residual e da função de variância do erro aleatório. Quanto às exposições, foram avaliados os efeitos das exposições de 5hs, 6hs, 12hs e 24hs, no dia corrente, com defasagens de 1 a 5 dias e das médias móveis de 2 e 3 dias. No que se refere aos resultados de Alta Floresta, os modelos para todas as crianças indicaram reduções no PFE variando de 0,26 l/min (IC95%: 0,49; 0,04) a 0,38 l/min (IC95%: 0,71; 0,04), para cada aumento de 10g/m3 no PM2,5. Não foram observados efeitos significativos da poluição no grupo das crianças asmáticas. A exposição de 24hs apresentou efeito significativo no grupo de alunos da tarde e no grupo dos não asmáticos. A exposição de 0hs a 5:30hs foi significativa tanto para os alunos da manhã quanto para a tarde. Em Tangará da Serra, os resultados mostraram reduções significativas do PFE para aumentos de 10 unidades do poluente, principalmente para as defasagens de 3, 4 e 5 dias. Para o PM10, as reduções variaram de 0,15 (IC95%: 0,29; 0,01) a 0,25 l/min (IC95%: 0,40 ; 0,10). Para o PM2,5, as reduções estiveram entre 0,46 l/min (IC95%: 0,86 to 0,06 ) e 0,54 l/min (IC95%: 0,95; 0,14). E no BC, a redução foi de aproximadamente 0,014 l/min. Em relação ao PDLM, efeitos mais importantes foram observados nos modelos baseados na exposição do dia corrente até 5 dias passados. O efeito global foi significativo apenas para o PM10, com redução do PFE de 0,31 l/min (IC95%: 0,56; 0,05). Esta abordagem também indicou efeitos defasados significativos para todos os poluentes. Por fim, o estudo apontou as crianças de 6 a 8 anos como grupo mais sensível aos efeitos da poluição. Os achados da tese sugerem que a poluição atmosférica decorrente da queima de biomassa está associada a redução do PFE de crianças e adolescentes com idades entre 6 e 15 anos, residentes na Amazônia Brasileira.
A exposição materna à nicotina durante a lactação em ratos programa para hiperleptinemia e hipotireoidismo na prole adulta. Alterações nos níveis desses hormônios alteram o comportamento. Por isso, resolvemos investigar os efeitos comportamentais a curto e a longo prazo da programação neonatal pela nicotina em ratos Wistar. Foram implantadas minibombas em ratas lactantes contendo nicotina (NIC = 6mg/Kg/Dia) ou uma solução com uma concentração equivalente de solução salina (CON) do 2o dia ao 19o dia de vida pós natal. Sessenta e dois ratos NIC e 48 CON foram testados de acordo com o seguinte protocolo: 1) Em PN30 ou PN75 foram avaliados os níveis de ansiedade no labirinto em cruz elevado (LCE). Entradas em cada área do labirinto (braços abertos e fechados e centro) foram gravadas por um período de 10 minutos; 2) Uma hora após, os animais foram testados no campo vazado (CV) para analisarmos o comportamento de busca por novos estímulos. Os animais tinham 10 minutos para explorar o aparelho. O número de orifícios explorados foi anotado. 3) Em PN31-35 ou PN76-80 o animal foi submetido ao labirinto aquático radial de oito braços (LAROB) para avaliarmos a memória e o aprendizado. Cada animal foi testado 4 vezes por dia durante 5 dias consecutivos sendo a plataforma mantida no mesmo braço durante os 4 primeiros dias e trocada no quinto dia. Eles tinham 2 minutos para encontrar a plataforma de escape. A latência para encontrar a plataforma foi anotada. O percentual de tempo gasto no braço aberto no LCE para os animais NIC em PN30 (6,41,1 %) foi significativamente (ANOVA: P=0,024) menor que o grupo controle PN30 (9,91,4 %). O percentual de entradas no braço aberto foi significativamente menor (ANOVA: P=0,04) para os animais do grupo NIC em PN30 (32,42,9 %) quando comparados com o grupo controle PN30 (38,51,8 %). Não foi observada diferença (ANOVA: P>0,1) entre os grupos no número de entradas no braço fechado para as duas idades. Para o CV não houve diferença entre os grupos para as duas idades (ANOVA: P>0,1). No LAROB, os animais PN75 NIC (27424 s) tiveram uma diminuição significativa (ANOVA: P<0,006) na latência para encontrar a plataforma quando comparado ao grupo controle PN75 nos 4 primeiros dias (41045 s), não havendo diferença no 5o dia. Não houve diferença em PN30 (ANOVA:P>0,1). A programação neonatal pela nicotina resultou em um efeito a curto prazo no aumento dos níveis de ansiedade na adolescência. Não foi observada diferença no comportamento de busca por novos estímulos. Entretanto a programação neonatal por nicotina resultou em um efeito a longo prazo no comportamento-cognitivo observado pelo melhor desempenho na memória/aprendizado quando adulto.
Cerca de 97% das crianças brasileiras iniciam a amamentação ao peito nas primeiras horas de vida. No entanto, o início do desmame é precoce, ocorrendo nas primeiras semanas ou meses de vida, com a introdução de água, chás, sucos, outros leites e alimentos. Fatores sociais, culturais, psicológicos e econômicos, ligados à mãe e ao bebê, podem estar relacionados a variações das práticas alimentares de crianças nos primeiros meses de vida. O objetivo do trabalho foi investigar a associação entre rede e apoio social e as práticas alimentares de lactentes no quarto mês de vida. Foi feito um estudo seccional inserido em uma coorte prospectiva, tendo como população fonte recém-nascidos acolhidos em Unidades Básicas de Saúde da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro. Para avaliar as práticas alimentares foi aplicado às mães (n=313) um recordatório 24h adaptado e foram construídos dois indicadores considerando o consumo de alimentos sólidos e da alimentação láctea. Para medir rede social foram feitas perguntas relacionadas ao número de parentes e amigos com quem a mulher pode contar e à participação em atividades sociais em grupo. Para aferir apoio social foi utilizada uma escala utilizada no Medical Outcomes Study (MOS) e adaptada para uso no Brasil. A análise dos dados se baseou em modelos de regressão logística multinomial, estimando-se razões de chance e respectivos intervalos de 95% de confiança para as associações entre as variáveis. Observou-se 16% dos lactentes em aleitamento materno exclusivo (AME), 18,8% em aleitamento materno predominante (AMP), aproximadamente 48% em uso de leite materno associado a outros alimentos e 16,5% em aleitamento artificial. Em relação ao aleitamento complementar, 25,9% consumiam alimentos sólidos e 37,5% alimentos lácteos. Crianças filhas de mães que referiram menor número de parentes com quem contar e com baixo apoio social apresentaram maior chance de estar em aleitamento artificial em relação ao AME, quando comparadas com filhas de mães que referiram poder contar com parentes ou com nível alto de apoio social. O baixo apoio social nas dimensões emocional/informação apresentou associação com AMP. Tendo em vista os achados apresentados, destaca-se a necessidade de integrar os membros da rede social da mulher à atenção pré-natal, ao parto e puerpério de modo que esta rede possa prover o apoio social que atenda as suas necessidades e, assim, contribuir para iniciação e manutenção do AME.
A comparison between the yields obtained during 1968 and 1969 from the trawlers based at Abidjan harbour was carried out in various fishing areas. Seasonal fluctuations of abundance were first eliminated and then the regression between yield and motor power was calculated. The unit of fishing effort, one hour of fishing for a standard trawler of 400 BHP, was chosen for the fishing statistics of the Ivorian fleet.
Comparar a qualidade da imagem entre a ultrassonografia transvaginal sem preparo intestinal e após preparo intestinal nas pacientes com suspeita de endometriose infiltrativa profunda do compartimento posterior e avaliar do grau de desconforto das pacientes em relação ao preparo intestinal. Estudo transversal com dados coletados prospectivamente, incluindo 39 pacientes com suspeita clínica de endometriose do compartimento posterior do ambulatório de Endometriose do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE) da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), no Rio de Janeiro. As pacientes foram submetidas à ultrassonografia transvaginal (USTVG) sem preparo intestinal prévio, seguido de nova USTVG uma hora após realização do enema retal. Os vídeos dos exames gravados foram editados, com ênfase na avaliação do compartimento posterior, com interesse na identificação do nódulo retrocervical e do retossigmóide. Foram graduados conforme a qualidade da imagem pelo examinador e por um radiologista (ambos mascarados), que marcaram uma nota de 0 a 10, usando a escala analógica visual. Restaram apenas 26 pacientes. Em relação ao desconforto devido a realização do enema retal, todas pacientes (100%) relataram apenas um desconforto discreto. Conforme a opção escolhida pelos avaliadores em relação ao melhor método, eles concordaram em 13 (50%) pacientes que a ultrassonografia transvaginal com preparo retal é melhor. Foi usado o teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon para amostras dependentes. O p-valor obtido foi de 0.042, considerado significativo (abaixo de 0.05). Isto significa que a realização do enema retal antes da realização da ultrassonografia transvaginal proporcionou uma qualidade melhor na avaliação dos nódulos. A diferença entre as avaliações com e sem preparo retal é maior nos nódulos menores que 2cm, porque encontramos a diferença de 1,1 entre os valores das medianas dos dois tipos de exames. Nos nódulos maiores que 2cm, a diferença encontrada foi de apenas 0,65. A realização do enema retal previamente à realização da ultrassonografia transvaginal no diagnóstico do nódulo endometriótico mostra uma melhora discretamente significativa na qualidade da imagem, comparativamente a não realização de preparo intestinal prévio. Somente nos casos onde o nódulo era menor que 2 cm, foram encontrados valores estatisticamente significativos com o preparo retal. O enema retal causa discreto desconforto, porém isto não parece ser um fator limitante na realização da ultrassonografia com preparo intestinal.
Trawling was conducted in the Charleston, South Carolina, shipping channel between May and August during 2004–07 to evaluate loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) catch rates and demographic distributions. Two hundred and twenty individual loggerheads were captured in 432 trawling events during eight sampling periods lasting 2–10 days each. Catch was analyzed by using a generalized linear model. Data were fitted to a negative binomial distribution with the log of standardized sampling effort (i.e., an hour of sampling with a net head rope length standardized to 30.5 m) for each event treated as an offset term. Among 21 variables, factors, and interactions, five terms were significant in the final model, which accounted for 45% of model deviance. Highly significant differences in catch were noted among sampling periods and sampling locations within the channel, with greatest catch furthest seaward consistent with historical observations. Loggerhead sea turtle catch rates in 2004–07 were greater than in 1991–92 when mandatory use of turtle excluder devices was beginning to be phased in. Concurrent with increased catch rates, loggerheads captured in 2004–07 were larger than in 1991–92. Eighty-five percent of loggerheads captured were ≤75.0 cm straight-line carapace length (nuchal notch to tip of carapace) and there was a 3.9:1 female-to-male bias, consistent with limited data for this location two decades earlier. Only juvenile loggerheads ≤75.0 cm possessed haplotypes other than CC-A01 or CC-A02 that dominate in the region. Six rare and one un-described haplotype were predominantly found in June 2004.
The duration of spawning markers (e.g. signs of previous or imminent spawnings) is essential information for estimating spawning frequency of fish. In this study, the effect of temperature on the duration of spawning markers (i.e., oocytes at early migratory nucleus, late migratory nucleus, and hydrated stages, as well as new postovulatory follicles) of an indeterminate multiple-batch spawner, Japanese f lounder (Paralichthys olivaceus), was evaluated. Cannulation was performed to remove samples of oocytes, eggs, and postovulatory follicles in individual females at 2–4 hour intervals over 27–48 hours. The duration of spawning markers was successfully evaluated in 14 trials ranging between 9.2° and 22.6°C for six females (total length 484–730 mm). The durations of spawning markers decreased exponentially with temperature and were seen to decrease by a factor of 0.16, 0.36, 0.30, and 0.31 as temperature increased by 10°C for oocytes at early migratory nucleus, late migratory nucleus, and hydrated stages, and new postovulatory follicles, respectively. Thus, temperature should be considered when estimating spawning frequency from these spawning markers, especially for those fish that do not spawn synchronously in the population.
Introduction. Obesity and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) are common coexisting conditions associated with a chronic low-grade inflammatory state underlying some of the cognitive, metabolic, and cardiovascular morbidities. Aim. To examine the levels of inflammatory markers in obese community-dwelling children with OSA, as compared to no-OSA, and their association with clinical and polysomnographic (PSG) variables. Methods. In this cross-sectional, prospective multicenter study, healthy obese Spanish children (ages 4-15 years) were randomly selected and underwent nocturnal PSG followed by a morning fasting blood draw. Plasma samples were assayed for multiple inflammatory markers. Results. 204 children were enrolled in the study; 75 had OSA, defined by an obstructive respiratory disturbance index (RDI) of 3 events/hour total sleep time (TST). BMI, gender, and age were similar in OSA and no-OSA children. Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) levels were significantly higher in OSA children, with interleukin-6 concentrations being higher in moderate-severe OSA (i.e., AHI > 5/hrTST; P < 0.01), while MCP-1 levels were associated with more prolonged nocturnal hypercapnia (P < 0.001). Conclusion. IL-6, MCP-1, and PAI-1 are altered in the context of OSA among community-based obese children further reinforcing the proinflammatory effects of sleep disorders such as OSA. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01322763.
Spawning periodicities of white seabass (Atractoscion nobilis) were evaluated by observing spawning behavior, by collecting eggs, and monitoring recognizable sounds produced during the release of gametes. A total of 297 spawning events were documented from 15 male and 47 female white seabass contained within the seminatural confines of a 526-m3 net pen located in Catalina Harbor, Santa Catalina Island, California. Consistent spawning occurred from March through July 2001−03, and peaked in May at a photoperiod of 14 hours. Most spawning occurred within the 2-hour period following sunset or from 19:00−20:00 hours Pacific Standard Time. White seabass spawned at every phase of the lunar cycle; but an increase in successive spawning events followed the new moon. Most spawning occurred in water temperatures from 15 to 18°C, and there was no apparent correlation with tidal cycles. Seasonal and diel spawning periods were directly correlated with increases in the rate, intensity, and variety of white seabass sounds; this correlation may indicate that sounds function to enhance reproductive success. These findings can be extended to further develop seasonal fishery regulations and to better comprehend the role of sound in the reproduction of sound-producing fishes.
In recent decades, numerous studies have shown a significant increase in violence during childhood and adolescence. These data suggest the importance of implementing programs to prevent and reduce violent behavior. The study aimed to design a program of emotional intelligence (El) for adolescents and to assess its effects on variables related to violence prevention. The possible differential effect of the program on both genders was also examined. The sample comprised 148 adolescents aged from 13 to 16 years. The study used an experimental design with repeated pretest-posttest measures and control groups. To measure the variables, four assessment instruments were administered before and after the program, as well as in the follow-up phase (1 year after the conclusion of the intervention). The program consisted of 20 one-hour sessions. The pretest-posttest ANCOVAs showed that the program significantly increased: (1) El (attention, clarity, emotional repair); (2) assertive cognitive social interaction strategies; (3) internal control of anger; and (4) the cognitive ability to analyze negative feelings. In the follow-up phase, the positive effects of the intervention were generally maintained and, moreover, the use of aggressive strategies as an interpersonal conflict-resolution technique was significantly reduced. Regarding the effect of the program on both genders, the change was very similar, but the boys increased assertive social interaction strategies, attention, and emotional clarity significantly more than the girls. The importance of implementing programs to promote socio-emotional development and prevent violence is discussed.
Some antibullying interventions have shown positive outcomes with regard to reducing violence. The aim of the study was to experimentally assess the effects on school violence and aggressiveness of a program to prevent and reduce cyberbullying. The sample was comprised of a randomly selected sample of 176 adolescents (93 experimental, 83 control), aged 13-15 years. The study used a repeated measures pre-posttest design with a control group. Before and after the program, two assessment instruments were administered: the "Cuestionario de Violencia Escolar-Revisado" (CUVE-R [School Violence Questionnaire- Revised]; Alvarez Garcia et al., 2011) and the "Cuestionario de agresividad premeditada e impulsiva" (CAPI-A [Premeditated and Impulsive Aggressiveness Questionnaire]; Andreu, 2010). The intervention consisted of 19 one-hour sessions carried out during the school term. The program contains 25 activities with the following objectives: (1) to identify and conceptualize bullying/cyberbullying; (2) to analyze the consequences of bullying/cyberbullying, promoting participants' capacity to report such actions when they are discovered; (3) to develop coping strategies to prevent and reduce bullying/cyberbullying; and (4) to achieve other transversal goals, such as developing positive variables (empathy, active listening, social skills, constructive conflict resolution, etc.). The pre-posttest ANCOVAs confirmed that the program stimulated a decrease in: (1) diverse types of school violence teachers' violence toward students (ridiculing or publicly humiliating students in front of the class, etc.); students' physical violence (fights, blows, shoves... aimed at the victim, or at his or her property, etc.); students' verbal violence (using offensive language, cruel, embarrassing, or insulting words... toward classmates and teachers); social exclusion (rejection or exclusion of a person or group, etc.), and violence through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT; violent behaviors by means of electronic instruments such as mobile phones and the Internet); and (2) premeditated and impulsive aggressiveness. Pre-posttest MANCOVA revealed differences between conditions with a medium effect size. This work contributes an efficacious intervention tool for the prevention and reduction of peer violence. The conclusions drawn from this study have interesting implications for educational and clinical intervention.
The carpenter seabream (Argyrozona argyrozona) is an endemic South African sparid that comprises an important part of the handline fishery. A three-year study (1998−2000) into its reproductive biology within the Tsitsikamma National Park revealed that these fishes are serial spawning late gonochorists. The size at 50% maturity (L50) was estimated at 292 and 297 mm FL for both females and males, respectively. A likelihood ratio test revealed that there was no significant difference between male and female L50 (P>0.5). Both monthly gonadosomatic indices and macroscopically determined ovarian stages strongly indicate that A. argyrozona within the Tsitsikamma National Park spawn in the astral summer between November and April. The presence of postovulatory follicles (POFs) confirmed a six-month spawning season, and monthly proportions of early (0−6 hour old) POFs showed that spawning frequency was highest (once every 1−2 days) from December to March. Although spawning season was more highly correlated to photoperiod (r = 0.859) than temperature (r = −0.161), the daily proportion of spawning fish was strongly correlated (r= 0.93) to ambient temperature over the range 9−22oC. These results indicate that short-term upwelling events, a strong feature in the Tsitsikamma National Park during summer, may negatively affect carpenter fecundity. Both spawning frequency and duration (i.e., length of spawning season) increased with fish length. As a result of the allometric relationship between annual fecundity and fish mass a 3-kg fish was calculated to produce fivefold more eggs per kilogram of body weight than a fish of 1 kg. In addition to producing more eggs per unit of weight each year, larger fish also produce significantly larger eggs.
The narrow-barred Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) is widespread throughout the Indo-West Pacific region. This study describes the reproductive biology of S. commerson along the west coast of Australia, where it is targeted for food consumption and sports fishing. Development of testes occurred at a smaller body size than for ovaries, and more than 90% of males were sexually mature by the minimum legal length of 900 mm TL compared to 50% of females. Females dominated overall catches although sex ratios within daily catches vary considerably and females were rarely caught when spaw n ing. Scomberomorus commerson are seasonally abundant in coastal waters and most of the commercial catch is taken prior to the reproductive season. Spawning occurs between about August and November in the Kimberley region and between October and January in the Pilbara region. No spawning activity was recorded in the more southerly West Coast region, and only in the north Kimberley region were large numbers of fish with spawning gonads collected. Catches dropped to a minimum when spawning began in the Pilbara region, when fish became less abundant in inshore waters and inclement weather conditions limited fishing on still productive offshore reefs. Final maturation and ovulation of oocytes took place within a 24-hour period, and females spawned in the afternoon-evening every three days. A third of these spawning females released batches of eggs on consecutive days. Relationships between length, weight, and batch fecundity are presented.
Fishery observers collected data from 307 tows during 96 trips aboard skimmer trawl vessels in Louisiana’s coastal waters from September 2004 through June 2005 to estimate catch rates of target and nontarget species, including sea turtles (Cheloniidae and Dermochelyidae), by area and season during commercial shrimping operations. About 16,965.7 kg of total catch were recorded during 517.0 hours of fishing operations. Based on weight extrapolations from species composition samples, penaeid shrimp (Penaeidae) dominated the catch at 66%, followed by finfish at 19%, nonpenaeid shrimp crustaceans at 7%, discarded penaeid shrimp at 6%, and debris at 3%. Noncrustacean invertebrates comprised less than 1%. Catch rates in kilograms per hour by category was 21.6 for penaeid shrimp, 6.2 for finfish, 2.2 for nonpenaeid crustaceans, 1.8 for discarded penaeid shrimp, and 0.9 for debris. White shrimp, Litopenaeus setiferus, other penaeid shrimp, and Gulf menhaden, Brevoortia patronus, were the top three dominant species by weight. Seasonally, a higher catch rate was observed from May through August 2005 for penaeid shrimp as compared with the September through December 2004 period. Conversely, the September through December 2004 period experienced a higher catch rate for finfish than during May through August 2005. No sea turtle interactions were documented.
Observers were placed at offshore sites to monitor and protect sea turtles during explosive removals of oil and gas structures in the Gulf of Mexico off Louisiana and Texas. Data collected during more than 6,500 hours of monitoring at 106 structure removals in 1992 provided information on sea turtle distribution. Eighteen individuals were observed including 10 loggerheads, 2 leatherbacks, 1 hawksbill, and 5 unidentified sea turtles. The observation rate (individuals per monitoring hour) of sea turtles was about 30 times higher during aerial surveys than during day or night suiface surveys.