1000 resultados para Relatório anual 1982
This special report from the Iowa State University Cooperative Extension Service, no. 53. is designed to aid those involved in soybean production to more fully understand how the soybean plant develops. The content is both basic and applied. The basic information explains soybean growth and development through one life cycle. Management guides pinpoint practices needed for optimum plant growth and production.
Descreve os objetivos e o programa do Seminário sobre Avaliação da Produção Científica, realizado em São Paulo pelo Projeto SciELO, de 4 a 6 de março de 1998. Inclui os temas e a abrangência dos trabalhos apresentados e as conclusões do evento.
This map shows railroad traffic usage by Iowa Rail Carriers.
This map shows the chronology of railroad lines that were abandoned in Iowa. It also indicates if the rails are still in place, or if they have been removed or if they are in the process of being removed.
Calcium magnesium acetate (CMA) has been identified by Bjorksten Research Laboratories as an environmentally harmless alternative to sodium or calcium chloride for deicing highways. Their study found CMA to be noncorrosive to steel, aluminum and zinc with little or no anticipated environmental impact. When used, it degrades into elements found in abundance in nature. The deicing capabilities were found to be similar to sodium chloride. The neutralized CMA they produced did cause scaling of PC concrete, but they did not expect mildly alkaline CMA to have this effect. In the initial investigation of CMA at the Iowa DOT laboratory, it was found that CMA produced from hydrated lime and acetic acid was a light, fluffy material. It was recognized that a deicer in this form would be difficult to effectively distribute on highways without considerable wind loss. A process was developed to produce CMA in the presence of sand to increase particle weight. In this report the product of this process, which consists of sand particles coated with CMA, is referred to as "CMA deicer". The mixture of salts, calcium magnesium acetate, is referred to as "CMA". The major problems with CMA for deicing are: (1) it is not commercially available, (2) it is expensive with present production methods and (3) there is very little known about how it performs on highways under actual deicing conditions. In view of the potential benefits this material offers, it is highly desirable to find solutions or answers to these problems. This study provides information to advance that effort. The study consisted of four principal tasks which were: 1. Production of CMA Deicer The objective was to further develop the laboratory process for producing CMA deicer on a pilot plant basis and to produce a sufficient quantity for field trials. The original proposal called for producing 20 tons of CMA deicer. 2. Field Evaluation of CMA Deicer The objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of CMA deicer when used under field conditions and obtain information on application procedures. Performance was compared with a regular 50/50 mixture of sand and sodium chloride. 3. Investigation of Effects of CMA on PC Concrete The objective was to determine any scaling effect that mildly alkaline CMA might have on PC concrete. Comparison was made with calcium chloride. 4. Determine Feasibility of Producing High Magnesium CMA The objective was to investigate the possibility of producing a CMA deicer with magnesium acetate content well above that produced from dolomitic lime. A high magnesium acetate content is desirable because pure magnesium acetate has a water eutectic of -22 F° as compared with +5 F° for calcium acetate and is therefore a more effective deicer.
Iowa Counties have been experiencing significant tort claim liability due to the signing of local roads. One such problem is relative to the real or alleged need for signing at uncontrolled intersections of local roads. It has been assumed that the standard CROSS ROAD sign, which calls for a yellow diamond with a black cross, was sufficient to provide the necessary warning that a driver may be approaching an intersection which requires special precautionary driving attention. However, it is possible that this sign on a through highway might conflict with the legal status of the local county road. In light of this situation, it seemed worthwhile to know the extent to which uncontrolled local road intersections were perceived as a potential liability problem; the degree to which the standard CROSS ROAD sign communicated to the driver the message a county engineer wanted at these local road intersections; and whether there were any better signing alternatives available to communicate this hazard to the driver in this situation.
The Iowa Department of Transportation is responsible for maintaining approximately 3800 bridges throughout the State. Of these bridges approximately 3200 have concrete decks. The remaining bridges have been constructed or repaired with a Portland Cement (P. C.) concrete overlay. Surveys of the overlays have indicated a growing incidence of delaminations and surface distress. The need to replace or repair the overlay may be dictated by the amount of delamination in the deck. Additionally, the concrete bridges are periodically inspected and scheduled for the appropriate rehabilitation. Part of this analysis is an assessment of the amount of delamination present in the deck. The ability to accurately and economically identify delamination in overlays and bridge decks is necessary to cost-effectively evaluate and schedule bridge rehabilitation. There are two conventional methods currently being used to detect delaminations. One is ref erred to as a chain drag method. The other a electro-mechanical sounding method (delamtect). In the chain drag method, the concrete surface is struck using a heavy chain. The inspector then listens to the sound produced as the surface is struck. The delaminated areas produce a dull sound as compared to nondelaminated areas. This procedure has proved to be very time consuming, especially when a number of small areas of delamination are present. With the · electro-mechanical method, the judgement of the inspector has been eliminated. A· device with three basic components, a tapping device, a sonic receiver, and a system of signal interpretation has been developed. This· device is wheeled along the deck and the instrument receives and interprets the acoustic signals generated by the instrument which in turn are reflected through the concrete. A recently developed method of detecting delaminations is infrared thermography. This method of detection is based on the difference in surface temperature which exists between delaminated and nondelaminated concrete under certain atmospheric conditions. The temperature difference can reach 5°C on a very sunny day where dry pavement exists. If clouds are present, or the pavement is wet, then the temperature difference between the delaminated and nondelaminated concrete will not be as great and therefore more difficult to detect. Infrared thermography was used to detect delaminations in 17 concrete bridge decks, 2 P. C. concrete overlays, and 1 section of continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) in Iowa. Thermography was selected to assess the accuracy, dependability, and potential of the infrared thermographic technique.
L'objectiu que marca la Llei 19/1990, de 10 de desembre del Parlament de Catalunya és la conservació de la fauna i flora dels fons marins de les illes Medes. I l¿objectiu dels treballs de seguiment que, des del 1990, ve efectuant l¿equip del Departament d¿Ecologia en la Reserva Marina de les Illes Medes per encàrrec delDepartament d¿Agricultura, Ramaderia i Pesca (primer de la seva Direcció General de Pesca Marítima, i des del 1996 de la Direcció General de Medi Natural) és avaluar els resultats de la dita conservació.
Aquesta Memòria constitueix la novena entrega, corresponent als resultatsobtinguts al llarg de 1999, dels treballs de seguiment que, des del 1990, ve efectuantl'equip del Departament d'Ecologia de la Universitat de Barcelona en laReserva Marina de les Illes Medes, en compliment dels imperatius que marca la Llei19/1990, de 10 de desembre del Parlament de Catalunya. L'objectiu d'aquesta Lleiés la conservació de la fauna i flora dels fons marins de les illes Medes, i el seu Plad'Usos estableix l'obligatorietat de realitzar estudis científics de monitorització que guiïn i avalin l'adequació de la gestió.
Aquesta Memòria constitueix la desena remesa, corresponent als resultats obtinguts en 2000, dels treballs de seguiment que, des del 1990, ve efectuant l'equip del Departament d'Ecologia en la Reserva Marina de les Illes Medes per encàrrec del Departament d'Agricultura, Ramaderia i Pesca (de 1990 a 1998) i del Departament de Medi Ambient (des de 1999) en compliment dels imperatius que marca la Llei 19/1990, de 10 de desembre del Parlament de Catalunya. L'objectiu de dita Llei és la conservació de la fauna i flora dels fons marins de les illes Medes, i el seu Pla d'Usos estableix l'obligatorietat de realitzar estudis científics de monitoritzacióque guiïn i avalin l'adequació de la gestió.
Aquesta Memòria constitueix la onzena remesa, corresponent als resultats obtinguts en 2001, dels treballs de seguiment que, des del 1990, ve efectuant l'equip del Departament d'Ecologia en la Reserva Marina de les Illes Medes per encàrrec del Departament d'Agricultura, Ramaderia i Pesca (de 1990 a 1998) i del Departament de Medi Ambient (des de 1999) en compliment dels imperatius que marca la Llei 19/1990, de 10 de desembre del Parlament de Catalunya. L'objectiu de dita Llei és la conservació de la fauna i flora dels fons marins de les illes Medes, i el seu Pla d'Usos estableix l'obligatorietat de realitzar estudis científics de monitorització que guiïn i avalin l'adequació de la gestió.