1000 resultados para Relatório anual 1979


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Investiga sobre las riquezas de las costas peruanas, en especial de los peces que se alimentan principalmente de la anchoveta; estos son: el bonito, atún, barilete y otros de gran importancia comercial. De la misma forma muestra la diversidad de aves, en especial las guaneras, las cuales corren peligro si no se controla la industria de la harina de pescado y la extracción de otros peces.


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Realiza un estudio sobre la industria pesquera en el litoral del Perú, las condiciones naturales y comerciales oceanográficas en toda la costa y la fauna que sirve de alimento a todos los peces en las islas de Asía y Pachacamac.


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A biomassa microbiana assume papel importante na reciclagem do fósforo em solos tropicais e subtropicais. Este trabalho teve por objetivo quantificar o teor de fósforo armazenado na biomassa microbiana em solos submetidos a diferentes métodos de preparo e sucessões de culturas. Para tal, foram utilizados quatro experimentos, instalados em diferentes locais no Rio Grande do Sul a partir de 1979, envolvendo métodos de preparo do solo e sucessões de culturas. Em 1997, coletaram-se amostras de solos nos sistemas plantio direto e cultivo convencional, com várias sucessões de culturas, em três camadas de solo. O fósforo acumulado na biomassa microbiana foi determinado por fumigação-extração. O fósforo na biomassa não diferiu entre os métodos de preparo do solo no Latossolo Vermelho Distroférrico típico, mas foi maior no sistema plantio direto em comparação ao cultivo convencional no Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico típico e Argissolo Vermelho Distrófico típico. O cultivo de diferentes plantas anuais não afetou os teores de fósforo microbiano. O fluxo anual de P através da biomassa microbiana variou de 8 a 22 mg dm-3 ano-1 e, no Argissolo Vermelho Distrófico típico, foi maior no sistema plantio direto do que no cultivo convencional.


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La Catalogne a accueilli entre la fin du XXe siècle et le début du XXIe siècle une importante vague d’immigrés aux origines les plus diverses. Les Marocains ont constitué le premier flot de cette vague et ont donné naissance, par le biais des oeuvres de Laila Karrouch et de Najat El Hachmi, à une littérature pionnière construite dans la tension entre deux mondes, le Maghreb et la Catalogne. Cette littérature, faite d’expériences vécues profondes, va permettre à beaucoup d’autres, à la fois, de garder leur identité et de se sentir citoyens de leur nouveau pays.


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This document is the State Map of Iowa, both front and back of the year in the title. All maps were are in pdf format and can be used as a historical reference.


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This report is presented in two parts . P a r t I takes a new look at the design of rest area stabilization ponds after nearly 10 years' experience with some of the existing ponds and in the light of new design standards issued by Iowa DEQ. The Iowa DOT is embarking on improvements t o the ponds a t some of the r e s t areas. These improvements may include installation of drainage tile around the ponds to lower the water table below the pond bottom, sealing of the ponds with bentonite clay to reduce the infiltration to limits recently established by Iowa DEQ, and the enlargement of the ponds installation of aeration equipment t o increase the pond capacity. As the Iowa DOT embarks on this improvement program, it behooves them t o make only the improvements that are absolutely necessary to achieve waste water treatment goals. These ponds are subject to an extremely seasonal load and thus the ordinary standards used for pond design are not appropriate. Thus, Part I of the report presents a rationale for design and operation of the ponds which is deemed appropriate for t h e i r unique seasonally loaded character. Part I1 of the report looks a t the feasibility of using wind power for the aeration of the ponds, if and when aeration is deemed necessary.


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Tort claims resulting from alleged highway defects have introduced an additional element in the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of highways. A survey of county governments in Iowa was undertaken in order to quantify the magnitude and determine the nature of this problem. This survey included the use of mailed questionnaires and personal interviews with County Engineers. Highway-related claims filed against counties in Iowa amounted to about $52,000,000 during the period 1973 through 1978. Over $30,000,000 in claims was pending at the end of 1978. Settlements of judgments were made at a cost of 12.2% of the amount claimed for those claims that had been disposed of, not including costs for handling claims, attorney fees, or court costs. There was no clear time trend in the amount of claims for the six-year period surveyed, although the amount claimed in 1978 was about double the average for the preceding five years. Problems that resulted in claims for damages from counties have generally related to alleged omissions in the use of traffic control devices or defects, often temporary, resulting from alleged inadequacies in highway maintenance. The absence of stop signs or warning signs often has been the central issue in a highway-related tort claim. Maintenance problems most frequently alleged have included inadequate shoulders, surface roughness, ice o? snow conditions, and loose gravel. The variation in the occurrence of tort claims among 85 counties in Iowa could not be related to any of the explanatory variables that were tested. Claims appeared to have occurred randomly. However, using data from a sub sample of 11 counties, a significant relationship was shown probably to exist between the amount of tort claims and the extensiveness of use of warning signs on the respective county road systems. Although there was no indication in any county that their use of warning signs did not conform with provisions of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (Federal Highway Administration, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1978), many more warning signs were used in some counties than would be required to satisfy this minimum requirement. Sign vandalism reportedly is a problem in all counties. The threat of vandalism and the added costs incurred thereby have tended to inhibit more extensive use of traffic control devices. It also should be noted that there is no indication from this research of a correlation between the intensiveness of sign usage and highway safety. All highway maintenance activities introduce some extraordinary hazard for motorists. Generally effective methodologies have evolved for use on county road systems for routine maintenance activities, procedures that tend to reduce the hazard to practical and reasonably acceptable levels. Blading of loose-surfaced roads is an example of such a routine maintenance activity. Alternative patterns for blading that were investigated as part of this research offered no improvements in safety when compared with the method in current use and introduced a significant additional cost that was unacceptable, given the existing limitations in resources available for county roads.


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The influence of social factors on birthweight and fetal and infant mortality was investigated in the Swiss birth cohort from 1979-85 (N = 519,933). The proportion of newborns with low-birthweight (less than 2500 g) was higher in lower social classes. Stillbirth-rate, neonatal and postneonatal mortality were higher in lower social classes, too. When controlling for birthweight, the increase in mortality in the lower social classes became somewhat less striking. Marked social differences in perinatal mortality were found in the newborns with normal weight, whereas almost no difference could be detected in the low-birthweight-group.


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O mapeamento da erosividade da chuva e da precipitação pluvial consiste de um instrumento prático e indispensável para o planejamento do uso do solo em escalas regionalizadas, como países, Estados ou grandes bacias hidrográficas. Nesse contexto, objetivou-se neste estudo analisar a continuidade espacial do potencial erosivo da chuva e da precipitação pluviométrica, nas escalas de tempo mensal e anual, e posterior mapeamento destas, para o Estado do Espírito Santo, visando fornecer informações básicas ao planejamento de uso e manejo sustentável do solo. Para isso, 129 estações pluviométricas foram empregadas no estudo; a erosividade da chuva foi calculada tendo-se como base equações de Fournier ajustadas para os Estados vizinhos, porém com características climáticas semelhantes. Observou-se forte estrutura de dependência espacial das variáveis regionalizadas, especialmente da erosividade da chuva, com predomínio do modelo de semivariograma exponencial. Quanto à precipitação pluvial, os valores do grau de dependência espacial foram inferiores aos obtidos para a erosividade; contudo, foi possível classificar a estrutura de dependência como moderada a forte. A região do Rio Doce foi classificada como de "alto" a "muito alto" potencial erosivo, cuja erosividade média anual variou de 7.000 a 11.460 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 ano-1. Nessa região, os solos, além de ocorrerem em relevo dissecado e serem pobres em nutrientes, apresentam déficit hídrico pronunciado, dificultando o estabelecimento da vegetação, e são aqueles de maior vulnerabilidade natural à erosão hídrica.


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Tort claims resulting from alleged highway defects have introduced an additional element in the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of highways. A survey of county governments in Iowa was undertaken in order to quantify the magnitude and determine the nature of this problem. This survey included the use of mailed questionnaires and personal interviews with County Engineers. Highway-related claims filed against counties in Iowa amounted to about $52,000,000 during the period 1973 through 1978. Over $30,000,000 in claims was pending at the end of 1978. Settlements of judgments were made at a cost of 12.2% of the amount claimed for those claims that had been disposed of, not including costs for handling claims, attorney fees, or court costs. There was no clear time trend in the amount of claims for the six-year period surveyed, although the anount claimed in 1978 was about double the average for the preceding five years. Problems that resulted in claims for damages from counties have generally related to alleged omissions in the use of traffic control devices or defects, often temporary, resulting from alleged inadequacies in highway maintenance. The absence of stop signs or warning signs often has been the central issue in a highway-related tort claim. Maintenance problems most frequently alleged have included inadequate shoulders, surface roughness, ice o? snow conditions, and loose gravel. The variation in the occurrence of tort claims among 85 counties in Iowa could not be related to any of the explanatory variables that were tested. Claims hppeared to have occurred randomly. However, using data from a subsample of 11 counties, a significant relationship was shown probably to exist between the amount of tort claims and the extensiveness of use of wcirning signs on the respective county road systems. Although there was no indication in any county that their use of warning signs did not conform with provisions of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (Federal Highway Administration, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1978), many more warning signs were used in some counties than would be required to satisfy this minimum requirement. Sign vandalism reportedly is a problem in all counties. The threat of vandalism and the added costs incurred thereby have tended to inhibit more extensive use of traffic control devices. It also should be noted that there is no indication from this research of a correlation between the intensiveness of sign usage and highway safety. All highway maintenance activities introduce some extraordinary hazard for motorists. Generally effective methodologies have evolved for use on county road systems for routine maintenance activities, procedures that tend to reduce the hazard to practical and reasonably acceptable levels. Blading of loose-surfaced roads is an examples such a routine maintenance activity. Alternative patterns for blading that were investigated as part of this research offered no improvements in safety when compared with the method in current use and introduced a significant additional cost that was unacceptable, given the existing limitations in resources available for county roads.


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Descreve os objetivos e o programa do Seminário sobre Avaliação da Produção Científica, realizado em São Paulo pelo Projeto SciELO, de 4 a 6 de março de 1998. Inclui os temas e a abrangência dos trabalhos apresentados e as conclusões do evento.


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L'estudi que seguidament descriurem va sorgir en el context del curs de doctorat "Models d'investigació a l'aula" dirigit per la Dra. J.M. Sancho del Departament de Didactica i Organització Escolar de la Universitat de Barcelona, la finalitat principal d'aquest era donar a coneixer la perspectiva de recerca qualitativa, naturalista o interpretativa mitjançant la planificació i la realització d'un treball de recerca. Els components de l'equip investigador, la majoria llicenciats en pedagogia i amb experiencia professional en el món de l'educació, actualment ens trobem en procés de realització de la tesi doctoral. Fruit de les nostres preocupacions i inquietuds del moment com a estudiants de tercer cicle, va sorgir la proposta d'investigar el fet mateix de realitzar una tesi doctoral, específicament des de Ciencies de l'Educació, tasca que tots, un dia o altre hauríem de finalitzar, en cas de voler aconseguir el desitjat grau de doctor.


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This report presents the results of surveys to determine studded tire usage in Iowa. Also reported are the results of measurements of transverse pavement profiles at selected locations where the pavement is subjected to a high volume of traffic. The surveys were made in January of each of the years 1969 through 1978 and in each of 27 areas into which the state was divided. Estimates of studded tire usage were also made at various locations on Interstate highways in Iowa. The lowest percentage of studded tires was observed in the initial count during the winter of 1968-69. Two years later the percentage had increased to the maximum (22.6%) and then began a gradual decline. The latest count in January of 1978 indicated 8.5% of the cars had studded tires. The decline in the use of studded tires is attributed to the efforts of the Iowa DOT and others to obtain a ban on studded tires and a continual increase in the use of radial tires with claims of improved traction. The wear measurements were recorded by camera. It was found that studded tires have worn ruts in Iowa pavements as deep as 5/16 inch. The ruts lead to water on the pavement and this causes hydroplaning, as well as splash and spray. The conclusion of the study was that studded tires should be banned in Iowa.