971 resultados para Rapid Early Response


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Inquilinus limosus is a novel Gram-negative bacterium of the subdivision alpha-Proteobacteria recently found in the airways of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). Here, the authors report on the clinical courses of six CF patients colonized with I. limosus. Five patients suffered from either an acute respiratory exacerbation or a progressive loss of pulmonary function, whereas one patient was in a stable clinical situation. This study focused on two aims: (i) the clonal analysis of I. limosus isolates by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR, and (ii) the clarification of whether the presence of I. limosus in the respiratory tract is associated with a specific serum antibody response. Serum IgG was detected by immunoblotting using I. limosus whole-cell-lysate proteins as antigens. Sera from healthy blood donors (n=10) and from CF patients colonized with Pseudomonas aeruginosa (n=10) were found to be immunoblot negative. All six Inquilinus-positive patients raised serum IgG antibodies against various I. limosus antigens. Surprisingly, in one patient, a specific I. limosus serum antibody response was already detected 1 year prior to Inquilinus-positive sputum cultures. Two prominent antigens were characterized by MALDI-MS: a 23 kDa protein revealed homology to the outer membrane lipoprotein OmlA of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, and an 18 kDa protein to a protein-tyrosine phosphatase of Burkholderia cepacia. In conclusion, detection of I. limosus is accompanied by a specific serum antibody response and may reflect the infectious/pathogenic potential of I. limosus. Moreover, IgG immunoblotting may be useful to detect early infection with I. limosus and may support the selective cultivation of this novel emerging pathogen.


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Resuscitation from hemorrhagic shock relies on fluid retransfusion. However, the optimal properties of the fluid have not been established. The aim of the present study was to test the influence of the concentration of hydroxyethyl starch (HES) solution on plasma viscosity and colloid osmotic pressure (COP), systemic and microcirculatory recovery, and oxygen delivery and consumption after resuscitation, which were assessed in the hamster chamber window preparation by intravital microscopy. Awake hamsters were subjected to 50% hemorrhage and were resuscitated with 25% of the estimated blood volume with 5%, 10%, or 20% HES solution. The increase in concentration led to an increase in COP (from 20 to 70 and 194 mmHg) and viscosity (from 1.7 to 3.8 and 14.4 cP). Cardiac index and microcirculatory and metabolic recovery were improved with HES 10% and 20% when compared with 5% HES. Oxygen delivery and consumption in the dorsal skinfold chamber was more than doubled with HES 10% and 20% when compared with HES 5%. This was attributed to the beneficial effect of restored or increased plasma COP and plasma viscosity as obtained with HES 10% and 20%, leading to improved microcirculatory blood flow values early in the resuscitation period. The increase in COP led to an increase in blood volume as shown by a reduction in hematocrit. Mean arterial pressure was significantly improved in animals receiving 10% and 20% solutions. In conclusion, the present results show that the increase in the concentration of HES, leading to hyperoncotic and hyperviscous solutions, is beneficial for resuscitation from hemorrhagic shock because normalization of COP and viscosity led to a rapid recovery of microcirculatory parameters.


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BACKGROUND ; AIMS: Pancreatic and bile duct carcinomas represent highly aggressive malignancies that evolve from secretin receptor-rich ductular cells. With premessenger RNA splicing abnormalities common in cancer, we evaluated whether an abnormal secretin receptor spliceoform were present, characterized it, and developed a serum assay for it. METHODS: Cancer cell lines and healthy and neoplastic tissue were studied by nested reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction and sequencing. A promising spliceoform was isolated and characterized, and monoclonal antibodies were raised to 2 distinct regions. A dual antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was developed and applied to blinded serum samples from 26 patients with pancreatic carcinoma, 10 patients with chronic pancreatitis, and 14 controls. RESULTS: Each of 9 pancreatic cancer specimens and no normal tissue expressed a secretin receptor variant with exons 3 and 4 deleted. This encoded a 111-residue peptide with its first 43 residues identical to wild-type receptor, but, subsequent to a shift in coding frame and early truncation, the next 68 residues were unique in the transcriptome/proteome. This nonfunctional soluble protein did not bind or signal in response to secretin and was secreted from transfected MiaPaCa-2 cells. Elevated serum levels of this variant were present in 69% of pancreatic cancer patients, 60% of chronic pancreatitis patients, and 1 of 14 controls. CONCLUSIONS: We identified a novel abnormal spliceoform of the secretin receptor in pancreatic and bile duct cancers and developed a dual antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to measure it in the circulation. Initial application of this assay in patients with pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis was promising, but additional validation will be required to evaluate its clinical utility.


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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) provide an important source of pluripotent cells for musculoskeletal tissue repair. This study examined the impact of MSC implantation on cartilage healing characteristics in a large animal model. Twelve full-thickness 15-mm cartilage lesions in the femoropatellar articulations of six young mature horses were repaired by injection of a self-polymerizing autogenous fibrin vehicle containing mesenchymal stem cells, or autogenous fibrin alone in control joints. Arthroscopic second look and defect biopsy was obtained at 30 days, and all animals were euthanized 8 months after repair. Cartilage repair tissue and surrounding cartilage were assessed by histology, histochemistry, collagen type I and type II immunohistochemistry, collagen type II in situ hybridization, and matrix biochemical assays. Arthroscopic scores for MSC-implanted defects were significantly improved at the 30-day arthroscopic assessment. Biopsy showed MSC-implanted defects contained increased fibrous tissue with several defects containing predominantly type II collagen. Long-term assessment revealed repair tissue filled grafted and control lesions at 8 months, with no significant difference between stem cell-treated and control defects. Collagen type II and proteoglycan content in MSC-implanted and control defects were similar. Mesenchymal stem cell grafts improved the early healing response, but did not significantly enhance the long-term histologic appearance or biochemical composition of full-thickness cartilage lesions.


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The aim of this study was to search for differences in the EEG of first-episode, drug-naive patients having a schizophrenic syndrome which presented different time courses in response to antipsychotic treatment. Thirteen patients who fulfilled DSM-IV diagnosis for schizophrenia or schizophreniform disorder participated in this study. Before beginning antipsychotic treatment, the EEG was recorded. On the same day psychopathological ratings were assessed using the ADMDP system, and again after 7 and 28 days of treatment. The resting EEG (19 leads) was subject to spectral analysis involving power values for six frequency bands. The score for the schizophrenic syndrome was used to divide the patients into two groups: those who displayed a clinically meaningful improvement of this syndrome (reduction of more than 30%) after 7 days of treatment (early responders, ER) and those who showed this improvement after 28 days (late responders. LR). Analysis of variance for repeated measures between ER, LR and their matched controls with the 19 EEG leads yielded highly significant differences for the factor group in the alpha2 and beta2 frequency band. No difference was found between the slow-wave frequency bands. Compared to controls the LR group showed significantly higher alpha2 and beta2 power and, in comparison to the ER group, significantly higher alpha2 power. There were no significant differences between the ER and the control group. These findings point to differences in brain physiology between ER and LR. The implications for diagnosis and treatment are discussed.


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Oxidative stress seems to contribute to cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB)-related postoperative complications. Pediatric patients are particularly prone to these complications. With this in mind, we measured oxidative stress markers in blood plasma of 20 children undergoing elective heart surgery before, during, and up to 48 h after cessation of CPB, along with inflammatory parameters and full analysis of iron status. Ascorbate levels were decreased by approximately 50% (P < 0.001) at the time of aorta cross-clamp removal (or pump switch-off in 4 patients with partial CPB), and associated with corresponding increases in dehydroascorbate (P < 0.001, r = -0.80) and malondialdehyde (P < 0.01, r = -0.59). In contrast to the immediate oxidative response, peak levels of IL-6 and IL-8 were not observed until 3-12 h after CPB cessation. The early loss of ascorbate correlated with duration of CPB (P < 0.002, r = 0.72), plasma hemoglobin after cross-clamp removal (P < 0.001, r = 0.70), and IL-6 and IL-8 levels at 24 and 48 h after CPB (P < 0.01), but not with postoperative lactate levels, strongly suggesting that hemolysis, and not inflammation or ischemia, was the main cause of early oxidative stress. The correlation of ventilation time with early changes in ascorbate (P < 0.02, r = 0.55), plasma hemoglobin (P < 0.01, r = 0.60), and malondialdehyde (P < 0.02, r = 0.54) suggests that hemolysis-induced oxidative stress may be an underlying cause of CPB-associated pulmonary dysfunction. Optimization of surgical procedures or therapeutic intervention that minimize hemolysis (e.g., off-pump surgery) or the resultant oxidative stress (e.g., antioxidant treatment) should be considered as possible strategies to lower the rate of postoperative complications in pediatric CPB.


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The GH-IGF axis has profound effects on the local and systemic regulation of bone metabolism and may be important for quality of fracture healing. To test the hypothesis that deficiency of the GH/IGF axis may play a role in the pathogenesis of fracture non-union we investigated whether alterations of serum concentrations of the GH-IGF axis could be related to failed fracture healing compared to timely fracture healing in trauma patients. Serum probes were prospectively collected from 186 patients with surgical treatment of long bone fractures up to 6 months after surgery. Samples from 14 patients with atrophic type of non-union have been compared to 14 matched patients with normal bone healing. Postoperative time courses of serum concentrations have been analyzed using commercially available chemiluminescence sandwich assays (GH), fully automated assay systems (IGF-I, IGFBP-3) or sandwich immunometric assays (ALS). Comparison between both collectives revealed significantly lower serum concentrations of GH dependent ALS during early (1st week after surgery) and of both IGFBP-3 and ALS during late stages of fracture healing (6 and 8 weeks after surgery) in non-union patients, coinciding clinically with failed fracture healing. Tendentially lower serum levels of IGF-I in the non-union group over the entire investigation period were statistically not significant. We have been able to show time courses of serum concentrations of the GH/IGF-I axis during normal and failed fracture healing in humans. An impairment of the GH/IGF-I axis might be involved in the biochemical mechanisms determining delayed or failed fracture healing.


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This chapter reviews the history of study and the current status of Mid-Holocene climatic and cultural change in the South Central Andes, which host a wide range of different habitats from Pacific coastal areas up to extremely harsh cold and dry environments of the high mountain plateau, the altiplano or the puna. Paleoenvironmental information reveals high amplitude and rapid changes in effective moisture during the Holocene period and, consequently, dramatically changing environmental conditions. Therefore, this area is suitable to study the response of hunting and gathering societies to environmental changes, because the smallest variations in the climatic conditions have large impacts on resources and the living space of humans. This chapter analyzes environmental and paleoclimatic information from lake sediments, ice cores, pollen profiles, and geomorphic processes and relates these with the cultural and geographic settlement patterns of human occupation in the different habitats in the area of southern Peru, southwest Bolivia, northwest Argentina, and north Chile and puts in perspective of the early and late Holocene to present a representative range of environmental and cultural changes. It has been found that the largest changes took place around 9000 cal yr BP when the humid early Holocene conditions were replaced by extremely arid but highly variable climatic conditions. These resulted in a marked decrease of human occupation, “ecological refuges,” increased mobility, and an orientation toward habitats with relatively stable resources (such as the coast, the puna seca, and “ecological refuges”).


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The use of fresh osteochondral allografts is a popular approach to treat articular cartilage lesions. Immunological reactions of the recipient elicited by the allograft's osseous portion, however, frequently result in their deterioration. So far, little emphasis has been put on describing morphology and biological activity in fresh allografts and paralleling these to the immunological processes triggered in the host. Therefore, in the present study murine neonatal femora, serving as osteochondral grafts, were transplanted as fresh isografts (controls) or allografts (the latter in non- or presensitized mice) and retrieved after 2, 5, 10, and 20 days. It was shown that (1) in isografts active bone cells (osteoblasts, osteoclasts) were present, the bone marrow was repopulated with hematopoietic cells, the diaphysis increased in length, and no specific immunological reaction by the recipient was evoked. (2) Allografts transplanted into nonsensitized hosts initially appeared similar as isografts, but activated T lymphocytes at the transplantation site preceded loss of active bone cells within the graft and development of fibrosis within the marrow cavity. (3) In allografts transplanted into presensitized recipients, severe deterioration of the graft was observed with very few active bone cells, accompanied by an invasion of T lymphocytes and fibrosis in the marrow cavity already in early stages. Similar to vital organ transplantation, the function of cells within osteochondral allografts is severely impaired after being recognized by the immune system. Therefore, emphasis has to be placed on the development of procedures preserving cartilage biology while reducing the antigenicity of the allograft's osseous portion.


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Coronary aneurysm formation after drug-eluting stent (DES) implantation is a rare complication with late stent thrombosis as a potentially fatal sequela. One possible mechanism involved in aneurysm formation is thought to be late-acquired stent malapposition due to a local inflammatory response to the polymer and/or the drug. Coronary aneurysm formation has been documented with sirolimus- and paclitaxel-eluting stents. We report a case of coronary aneurysm formation in a patient with an everolimus-eluting stent (EES; Xience(R) Abbott Vascular, Redwood City, California) relatively early (3 months) after stent implantation. This case illustrates that even with second-generation DES like the EES, which is thought to be highly biocompatible, there can be adverse reactions to the polymer and/or to the drug.


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Early detection of bloodstream infections (BSI) is crucial in the clinical setting. Blood culture remains the gold standard for diagnosing BSI. Molecular diagnostic tools can contribute to a more rapid diagnosis in septic patients. Here, a multiplex real-time PCR-based assay for rapid detection of 25 clinically important pathogens directly from whole blood in <6 h is presented. Minimal analytical sensitivity was determined by hit rate analysis from 20 independent experiments. At a concentration of 3 CFU/ml a hit rate of 50% was obtained for E. aerogenes and 100% for S. marcescens, E. coli, P. mirabilis, P. aeruginosa, and A. fumigatus. The hit rate for C. glabrata was 75% at 30 CFU/ml. Comparing PCR identification results with conventional microbiology for 1,548 clinical isolates yielded an overall specificity of 98.8%. The analytical specificity in 102 healthy blood donors was 100%. Although further evaluation is warranted, our assay holds promise for more rapid pathogen identification in clinical sepsis.


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BACKGROUND: Few data are available on the long-term immunologic response to antiretroviral therapy (ART) in resource-limited settings, where ART is being rapidly scaled up using a public health approach, with a limited repertoire of drugs. OBJECTIVES: To describe immunologic response to ART among ART patients in a network of cohorts from sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and Asia. STUDY POPULATION/METHODS: Treatment-naive patients aged 15 and older from 27 treatment programs were eligible. Multilevel, linear mixed models were used to assess associations between predictor variables and CD4 cell count trajectories following ART initiation. RESULTS: Of 29 175 patients initiating ART, 8933 (31%) were excluded due to insufficient follow-up time and early lost to follow-up or death. The remaining 19 967 patients contributed 39 200 person-years on ART and 71 067 CD4 cell count measurements. The median baseline CD4 cell count was 114 cells/microl, with 35% having less than 100 cells/microl. Substantial intersite variation in baseline CD4 cell count was observed (range 61-181 cells/microl). Women had higher median baseline CD4 cell counts than men (121 vs. 104 cells/microl). The median CD4 cell count increased from 114 cells/microl at ART initiation to 230 [interquartile range (IQR) 144-338] at 6 months, 263 (IQR 175-376) at 1 year, 336 (IQR 224-472) at 2 years, 372 (IQR 242-537) at 3 years, 377 (IQR 221-561) at 4 years, and 395 (IQR 240-592) at 5 years. In multivariable models, baseline CD4 cell count was the most important determinant of subsequent CD4 cell count trajectories. CONCLUSION: These data demonstrate robust and sustained CD4 response to ART among patients remaining on therapy. Public health and programmatic interventions leading to earlier HIV diagnosis and initiation of ART could substantially improve patient outcomes in resource-limited settings.


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There is substantial genetic variability in response to ozone amongst and within tree species. Aspen is a highly variable species with a wide range of responses to ozone. Aspen response to elevated O3 levels is being investigated at the Aspen FACE site near Rhinelander, WI where five aspen clones of varying O3 tolerance have been fumigated with elevated O3 over the past decade. In this study, we examined the physiological differences in two of the aspen clones that differed significantly in their O3 tolerance with 8L being tolerant and 42E being sensitive. Throughout the 2007 and 2008 growing seasons we periodically estimated instantaneous photosynthetic rates, ACi responses and light response curves. The results of our study suggest that aspen clone 8L’s tolerance is due in part to decreased stomatal conductance early in the season, which lowered ozone uptake. Later during the season O3 uptake was comparable for the two clones. Our results also suggest the response of Vcmax, TPU, Rd, Gm, light compensation point and quantum flux to elevated O3 did not differ significantly between the two clones. Ozone uptake is important for ozone tolerance in clone 8L early in the season but cannot explain late season tolerance. Photosynthetic parameters for the two clones were similar, so clone 8L’s ozone tolerance is not due to a more efficient photosynthetic system.


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Global transcriptomic and proteomic profiling platforms have yielded important insights into the complex response to ionizing radiation (IR). Nonetheless, little is known about the ways in which small cellular metabolite concentrations change in response to IR. Here, a metabolomics approach using ultraperformance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray time-of-flight mass spectrometry was used to profile, over time, the hydrophilic metabolome of TK6 cells exposed to IR doses ranging from 0.5 to 8.0 Gy. Multivariate data analysis of the positive ions revealed dose- and time-dependent clustering of the irradiated cells and identified certain constituents of the water-soluble metabolome as being significantly depleted as early as 1 h after IR. Tandem mass spectrometry was used to confirm metabolite identity. Many of the depleted metabolites are associated with oxidative stress and DNA repair pathways. Included are reduced glutathione, adenosine monophosphate, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, and spermine. Similar measurements were performed with a transformed fibroblast cell line, BJ, and it was found that a subset of the identified TK6 metabolites were effective in IR dose discrimination. The GEDI (Gene Expression Dynamics Inspector) algorithm, which is based on self-organizing maps, was used to visualize dynamic global changes in the TK6 metabolome that resulted from IR. It revealed dose-dependent clustering of ions sharing the same trends in concentration change across radiation doses. "Radiation metabolomics," the application of metabolomic analysis to the field of radiobiology, promises to increase our understanding of cellular responses to stressors such as radiation.


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The diagnosis of the obliterative bronchiolitis syndrome in lung transplantation is presently best established by evaluation of postoperative lung function tests. Unfortunately the decline in lung function occurs only when obliteration has progressed significantly and is therefore not an early predictive indicator. To distinguish patients at increased risk for the development of obliterative bronchiolitis, we regularly assessed the chemiluminescence response of polymorphonuclear leukocytes, opsonic capacity, and plasma elastase/beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase in 52 outpatients (25 women and 27 men; mean age 45 +/- 12 years) who underwent transplantation between January 1991 and January 1992. Recent onset bronchiolitis within the described observation period occurred in 16 patients (group obliterative bronchiolitis). A matched cohort of 16 patients was formed according to type of procedure, age and follow-up (control) from the remaining 36 patients. Data obtained from a period 6 months before clinical onset of the syndrome showed a significant drop of the opsonic capacity (group obliterative bronchiolitis = 87% +/- 7%; control = 100% +/- 9%; p < 0.023) and rise of the N-acetyl-D-glucosaminidase (group obliterative bronchiolitis = 7.5 +/- 2 U/L; control = 5.8 +/- 1.8 U/L; p < 0.04). No correlation was found between the number of infectious events or rejection episodes and the incidence of obliterative bronchiolitis. According to these results, it can be concluded that a decrease in the plasma opsonic capacity and a rise in beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase may be early markers before clinical onset of obliterative bronchiolitis. The nonspecific immune system may therefore play an important role in the development of obliterative bronchiolitis.