996 resultados para Raggi cosmici,Filamenti cosmici,Ponti intracluster,Radiogalassia gigante,Energia,UHECR


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El proceso de independencia seguido por la República de Georgia a partir de 1991, provocó un grave deterioro de la situación social, económica y política del país si se compara con las condiciones que mantuvo como república federada en el seno de la Unión Soviética. En efecto, en 1993 Georgia ocupaba la posición 49 del Índice de Desarrollo Humano elaborado por el PNUD, con un Producto Interior Bruto per cápita en Paridad de Poder Adquisitivo (PIB en PPA) de 4.572 $, cuando Rusia ocupaba la posición 37 con un PIB en PPA de 7.968 $, catorce años más tarde, en 2007 Georgia se situaba en la posición 96 con un PIB en PPA de 3.365 $ y Rusia se encontraba en la posición 67 con un PIB en PPA de 10.845 $. Pero Rusia sigue siendo uno de los principales proveedores comerciales y energéticos de Georgia y su principal cliente. Ello provoca una fuerte dependencia económica del gigante ruso cuyas decisivas consecuencias políticas y estratégicas en las relaciones con el Kremlin, las autoridades de Tbilisi no pueden ignorar sin correr el riesgo de provocar una grave quiebra económica y social para su país.


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This dissertation uses a political ecology approach to examine the relationship between tourism development and groundwater in southwest Nicaragua. Tourism in Nicaragua is a booming industry bolstered by ‘unspoiled’ natural beauty, low crime rates, and government incentives. This growth has led to increased infrastructure, revenue, and employment opportunities for many local communities along the Pacific coast. Not surprisingly, it has also brought concomitant issues of deeper poverty, widening gaps between rich and poor, and competition over natural resources. Adequate provisions of freshwater are necessary to sustain the production and reproduction of tourism; however, it remains uncertain if groundwater supplies can keep pace with demand. The objective of this research is to assess water supply availability amidst tourism development in the Playa Gigante area. It addresses the questions: 1) are local groundwater supplies sufficient to sustain the demand for freshwater imposed by increased tourism development? and 2) is there a power relationship between tourism development and control over local freshwater that would prove inequitable to local populations? Integrating the findings of groundwater monitoring, geological mapping, and ethnographic and survey research from a representative stretch of Pacific coastline, this dissertation shows that diminishing recharge and increased groundwater consumption is creating conflict between stakeholders with various levels of knowledge, power, and access. Although national laws are structured to protect the environment and ensure equitable access to groundwater, the current scramble to secure water has powerful implications on social relations and power structures associated with tourism development. This dissertation concludes that marginalization due to environmental degradation is attributable to the nexus of a political promotion of tourism, poorly enforced state water policies, insufficient water research, and climate change. Greater technical attention to hydrological dynamics and collaboration amongst stakeholders are necessary for equitable access to groundwater, environmental sustainability, and profitability of tourism.


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The center of our Galaxy hosts a supermassive black hole, Sagittarius (Sgr) A∗. Young, massive stars within 0.5 pc of Sgr A∗ are evidence of an episode of intense star formation near the black hole a few million years ago, which might have left behind a young neutron star traveling deep into Sgr A∗’s gravitational potential. On 2013 April 25, a short X-ray burst was observed from the direction of the Galactic center. With a series of observations with the Chandra and the Swift satellites, we pinpoint the associated magnetar at an angular distance of 2.4±0.3 arcsec from Sgr A∗, and refine the source spin period and its derivative (P = 3.7635537(2) s and ˙ P = 6.61(4) × 10−12 s s−1), confirmed by quasi simultaneous radio observations performed with the Green Bank Telescope and Parkes Radio Telescope, which also constrain a dispersion measure of DM = 1750 ± 50 pc cm−3, the highest ever observed for a radio pulsar. We have found that this X-ray source is a young magnetar at ≈0.07–2 pc from Sgr A∗. Simulations of its possible motion around Sgr A∗ show that it is likely (∼90% probability) in a bound orbit around the black hole. The radiation front produced by the past activity from the magnetar passing through the molecular clouds surrounding the Galactic center region might be responsible for a large fraction of the light echoes observed in the Fe fluorescence features.


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In 2013 April a new magnetar, SGR 1745−2900, was discovered as it entered an outburst, at only 2.4 arcsec angular distance from the supermassive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way, Sagittarius A*. SGR 1745−2900 has a surface dipolar magnetic field of ∼2 × 1014 G, and it is the neutron star closest to a black hole ever observed. The new source was detected both in the radio and X-ray bands, with a peak X-ray luminosity LX ∼ 5 × 1035 erg s−1. Here we report on the long-term Chandra (25 observations) and XMM–Newton (eight observations) X-ray monitoring campaign of SGR 1745−2900 from the onset of the outburst in 2013 April until 2014 September. This unprecedented data set allows us to refine the timing properties of the source, as well as to study the outburst spectral evolution as a function of time and rotational phase. Our timing analysis confirms the increase in the spin period derivative by a factor of ∼2 around 2013 June, and reveals that a further increase occurred between 2013 October 30 and 2014 February 21. We find that the period derivative changed from 6.6 × 10−12 to 3.3 × 10−11 s s−1 in 1.5 yr. On the other hand, this magnetar shows a slow flux decay compared to other magnetars and a rather inefficient surface cooling. In particular, starquake-induced crustal cooling models alone have difficulty in explaining the high luminosity of the source for the first ∼200 d of its outburst, and additional heating of the star surface from currents flowing in a twisted magnetic bundle is probably playing an important role in the outburst evolution.


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El único ejemplo claro de Modernidad en la ciudad de Albacete (y así lo registra el Docomomo Ibérico) es el Edificio Legorburo en la calle Mayor, 43 esquina a Marqués de Molíns, un proyecto de comercio y viviendas de 1935 de los arquitectos José Luis García Pellicer y Baldomero Pérez Villena. Paradigma del más depurado racionalismo, rotundo, pero discreto, representa en Albacete, en el cruce de la calle Ancha, nuevo eje burgués, con una calle histórica y mirando hacia el Parque, lo que el Edificio Capitol en la Gran Vía madrileña. Pero, además de su posición y composición, encierra toda una serie de lecciones que nos proponemos desentrañar. Una de ellas es que el proyecto es resultado de un concurso convocado por la propiedad, en 1935, a través del Colegio de Arquitectos de Valencia, lo cual llama poderosamente la atención sobre el procedimiento del encargo y sobre el proceder de los promotores. Otra es la auténtica aventura que su construcción supone, arrancando a finales de 1935, quedando paralizada por la guerra y sobreviviendo a continuación a base de reinventarse hasta 1946 en que se concluye. Los cambios entre proyecto y obra evidencian ese ejercicio, apasionante y dramático, de ir repensando el proyecto una y otra vez para poderlo construir con los materiales y recursos disponibles en cada momento. El Edificio Legorburo es un magnífico exponente de la idea corbuseriana de la arquitectura como juego sabio y soberbio de los volúmenes bajo la luz pues es la plasticidad de sus cuerpos, muy matizados, la que le confiere su fuerza y elegancia casi mendelsohnianas. Estos cuerpos, acusados por sus respectivos planos, son tres: el principal y de mayor vuelo de los pisos, que resuelve la esquina en curva así como las transiciones con ésta y con las medianeras; el del bajo que, ajustándose a la alineación oficial, emerge sobre el principal en la esquina, como un faro que iluminara la ciudad con su linterna; y el de transición entre ambos, de vuelo intermedio, en el entresuelo y sobreático, flancos de la torre y medianeras. Este juego de volúmenes acusa un sinfín de matices resueltos con gran clase, como la transformación del mirador de la esquina en balcón, donde asienta la torre y se derrama luego a los costados, o el descenso hasta el bajo de la torre. El tratamiento de superficies insiste en este concepto escultural: las estrías verticales que simulan un orden gigante de pilastras, las franjas horizontales que delinean y subrayan las curvas, los antepechos de los huecos con cuadrados almohadillados... Todo está exquisitamente cuidado, trabajado y pensado. Las plantas, modélicas, albergan dos viviendas por piso con sus zonas de día recayentes a fachada y sus servicios a medianeras, en cuyo centro se aloja una majestuosa escalera elíptica y un patio que absorbe las irregularidades del trazado. Todas estas razones (funcional, impecablemente resuelta; técnica, ingeniosamente conseguida; formal, espectacularmente consumada y el entendimiento del lugar), tienen especial validez en el contexto actual puesto que son auténticas y genuinas lecciones de arquitectura.


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Tese de mestrado em Física, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2016


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Well-functioning factor markets are an essential condition for the competitiveness and sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas. At the same time, the functioning of the factor markets themselves is influenced by changes in agriculture and the rural economy. Such changes can be the result of progress in technology, globalisation and European market integration, changing consumer preferences and shifts in policy. Changes in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) over the last decade have particularly affected the rural factor markets. This book analyses the functioning of factor markets for agriculture in the EU-27 and several candidate countries. Written by leading academics and policy analysts from various European countries, these chapters compare the different markets, their institutional framework, their impact on agricultural development and structural change, and their interaction with the CAP. As the first comparative study to cover rural factor markets in Europe, highlighting their diversity − despite the Common Agricultural Policy and an integrated single market − Land, Labour & Capital Markets in European Agriculture provides a timely and valuable source of information at a time of further CAP reform and the continuing transformation of the EU's rural areas.


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Among the different production factors, land is the one that most often limits farm development and one of the most studied. The connection between policy and other context variables and land markets is at the core of the policy debate, including the present reform of the Common Agricultural Policy. The proposal of the latter has been published in October 2011 and in Italy it will include the switch of the payment regime from an historical to a regional basis. The authors’ objective is to simulate the impact of the proposed policy reform on the land market, particularly on land values and propensity to transaction. They combine insights and data from a farm household investment model revised and extended in order to simulate the demand curve for land in different policy scenarios and a survey of farmers stated intention carried out in the province of Bologna (Italy) in 2012. Based on these results, the authors calibrate a mathematical programming model of land market exchanges for the province of Bologna and use this model form simulation. The results of the model largely corroborate the results from the survey and both hint at a relevant reaction of the land demand and supply to the shift from the historical to the regionalised payments. As effect, the regionalisation would result in increased rental prices and in a tendency to the re-allocation of land.


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EDITED VERSION TO BE PUBLISHED SOON. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the estimation of the potential effects of the CAP reform on propensity to transaction, particularly comparing the effect of different new instruments/policy settings with the current policy (CAP health check) used as a baseline. The work is focused on three of new policy instruments within the post 2013 CAP reform proposal: regionalization, greening and capping. The first and second are analysed in more detail. The analysis will be based on a survey of farmers in the Province of Bologna, Emilia Romagna, Italy. The questionnaire focuses on mechanism of access to land and related incentives towards different land use/economic behaviour. The survey includes information about respondent characteristics (farm, farmer, household and payments received) and stated intention about potential changes in land operated under alternative agricultural policy scenarios (particularly the post-2013 reform proposals).


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Il presente lavoro si riferisce alle acque delle fontane a ricircolo. Una fontana a ricircolo è un’opera monumentale le cui acque non sono erogate come potabili; inoltre le persone non vi si immergono ma potendo comunque venirne a contatto tramite schizzi o animali, vanno trattate con una disinfezione mirata ad eliminare gli agenti patogeni pericolosi per l’uomo. Dopo aver inquadrato il problema dal punto di vista normativo, nel primo capitolo, si è passati ad analizzare il problema sanitario, descrivendo microorganismi patogeni e indicatori di rischio. È stato tuttavia necessario tenere conto anche di un altro problema: quello dell’aggressività di certi prodotti disinfettanti sui materiali costituenti la fontana. A tal proposito è stato riportato l’esempio di un caso di studio, il restauro della Fontana delle Tartarughe di Roma. Infine, dopo varie considerazioni volte ad analizzare un adeguato compromesso tra problema sanitario e problema di aggressività/corrosione sui materiali, si è dimostrato come la tecnica di disinfezione a raggi UV sia preferibile per le fontane monumentali a ricircolo.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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At head of title: Associazione artistica fra i cultori di architettura.


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"Iskusstvennai︠a︡ zhiznʹ izbrannye statʹi iz gazety "Zhiznʹ Isskusstva" za 1920-1921 g.g."--4th leaf at end.


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Contiene con portada y pag. propias: Resumen historico del primer viage hecho al rededor del mundo, emprendido por Hernando de Magallanes, y llevado felizmente á termino por el famoso capitan español Juan Sebastian del Cano ... / su autor ... Casimiro de Ortega ...