895 resultados para Radio frequency modulation.


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In current communication systems, there are many new challenges like various competitive standards, the scarcity of frequency resource, etc., especially the development of personal wireless communication systems result the new system update faster than ever before, the conventional hardware-based wireless communication system is difficult to adapt to this situation. The emergence of SDR enabled the third revolution of wireless communication which from hardware to software and build a flexible, reliable, upgradable, reusable, reconfigurable and low cost platform. The Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) products are commonly used with the GNU Radio software suite to create complex SDR systems. GNU Radio is a toolkit where digital signal processing blocks are written in C++, and connected to each other with Python. This makes it easy to develop more sophisticated signal processing systems, because many blocks already written by others and you can quickly put them together to create a complete system. Although the main function of GNU Radio is not be a simulator, but if there is no RF hardware components,it supports to researching the signal processing algorithm based on pre-stored and generated data by signal generator. This thesis introduced SDR platform from hardware (USRP) and software(GNU Radio), as well as some basic modulation techniques in wireless communication system. Based on the examples provided by GNU Radio, carried out some related experiments, for example GSM scanning and FM radio station receiving on USRP. And make a certain degree of improvement based on the experience of some investigators to observe OFDM spectrum and simulate real-time video transmission. GNU Radio combine with USRP hardware proved to be a valuable lab platform for implementing complex radio system prototypes in a short time. RESUMEN. Software Defined Radio (SDR) es una tecnología emergente que está creando un impacto revolucionario en la tecnología de radio convencional. Un buen ejemplo de radio software son los sistemas de código abierto llamados GNU Radio que emplean un kit de herramientas de desarrollo de software libre. En este trabajo se ha empleado un kit de desarrollo comercial (Ettus Research) que consiste en un módulo de procesado de señal y un hardaware sencillo. El módulo emplea un software de desarrollo basado en Linux sobre el que se pueden implementar aplicaciones de radio software muy variadas. El hardware de desarrollo consta de un microprocesador de propósito general, un dispositivo programable (FPGA) y un interfaz de radiofrecuencia que cubre de 50 a 2200MHz. Este hardware se conecta al PC por medio de un interfaz USB de 8Mb/s de velocidad. Sobre la plataforma de Ettus se pueden ejecutar aplicaciones GNU radio que utilizan principalmente lenguaje de programación Python para implementarse. Sin embargo, su módulo de procesado de señal está construido en C + + y emplea un microprocesador con aritmética de coma flotante. Por lo tanto, los desarrolladores pueden rápida y fácilmente construir aplicaciones en tiempo real sistemas de comunicación inalámbrica de alta capacidad. Aunque su función principal no es ser un simulador, si no puesto que hay componentes de hardware RF, Radio GNU sirve de apoyo a la investigación del algoritmo de procesado de señales basado en pre-almacenados y generados por los datos del generador de señal. En este trabajo fin de máster se ha evaluado la plataforma de hardware de DEG (USRP) y el software (GNU Radio). Para ello se han empleado algunas técnicas de modulación básicas en el sistema de comunicación inalámbrica. A partir de los ejemplos proporcionados por GNU Radio, hemos realizado algunos experimentos relacionados, por ejemplo, escaneado del espectro, demodulación de señales de FM empleando siempre el hardware de USRP. Una vez evaluadas aplicaciones sencillas se ha pasado a realizar un cierto grado de mejora y optimización de aplicaciones complejas descritas en la literatura. Se han empleado aplicaciones como la que consiste en la generación de un espectro de OFDM y la simulación y transmisión de señales de vídeo en tiempo real. Con estos resultados se está ahora en disposición de abordar la elaboración de aplicaciones complejas.


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Current ultra-wideband communication systems use short narrow timed pulse sequences to transmit information. Some disadvantages of UWB communication systems are its interference of other conventional wireless systems and its reliance on time hopping schemes for multiple access. This paper presents a novel UWB data modulation scheme based on pulse shaping. This modulation scheme adds more flexibility for data modulation in UWB communication systems. The modulation scheme encodes data in both the timing and frequency spectrum of the transmitted pulse. This has the potential to improve data throughput rates and to lower interference between UWB and narrowband systems.


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Although event-related potentials (ERPs) are widely used to study sensory, perceptual and cognitive processes, it remains unknown whether they are phase-locked signals superimposed upon the ongoing electroencephalogram (EEG) or result from phase-alignment of the EEG. Previous attempts to discriminate between these hypotheses have been unsuccessful but here a new test is presented based on the prediction that ERPs generated by phase-alignment will be associated with event-related changes in frequency whereas evoked-ERPs will not. Using empirical mode decomposition (EMD), which allows measurement of narrow-band changes in the EEG without predefining frequency bands, evidence was found for transient frequency slowing in recognition memory ERPs but not in simulated data derived from the evoked model. Furthermore, the timing of phase-alignment was frequency dependent with the earliest alignment occurring at high frequencies. Based on these findings, the Firefly model was developed, which proposes that both evoked and induced power changes derive from frequency-dependent phase-alignment of the ongoing EEG. Simulated data derived from the Firefly model provided a close match with empirical data and the model was able to account for i) the shape and timing of ERPs at different scalp sites, ii) the event-related desynchronization in alpha and synchronization in theta, and iii) changes in the power density spectrum from the pre-stimulus baseline to the post-stimulus period. The Firefly Model, therefore, provides not only a unifying account of event-related changes in the EEG but also a possible mechanism for cross-frequency information processing.


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We report for the first time an ultra-stable optical-carrier dissemination technique for transmission over a 20km unidirectional fibre link. The optical-linewidth of the recovered carrier matches closely that of the original carrier. © 2014 OSA.


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The joint effect of fiber chromatic dispersion and fiber nonlinearity onto single-sideband and double-sideband modulated radio-over-fiber links is investigated. Experimental and simulated results show that modulation suppression caused by the chromatic dispersion in radio-over-fiber links can be successfully eliminated in both schemes only when the system is in the linear regime. Under nonlinear transmission the received microwave carrier power depends on the optical incident power.


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A cost-effective radio over fiber system to up-convert and transmit multigigabit signals at 60 GHz is presented. A low intermediate frequency OFDM signal is used to directly modulate a laser, which is combined with an independent unmodulated laser. The generated millimeter wave frequency can be adjusted by tuning the frequency separation between the lasers. Since no external modulator is required, this technique is low-cost and it is easily integrable in a single chip. In this paper, we present numerical results showing the feasibility of generating an IEEE 802.15.3c compliant 3.5-Gbps 60-GHz OFDM. We show that received signal quality is not limited by the lasers' linewidth but by the relative intensity noise. © 2013 IEEE.


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In this study, the authors propose simple methods to evaluate the achievable rates and outage probability of a cognitive radio (CR) link that takes into account the imperfectness of spectrum sensing. In the considered system, the CR transmitter and receiver correlatively sense and dynamically exploit the spectrum pool via dynamic frequency hopping. Under imperfect spectrum sensing, false-alarm and miss-detection occur which cause impulsive interference emerged from collisions due to the simultaneous spectrum access of primary and cognitive users. That makes it very challenging to evaluate the achievable rates. By first examining the static link where the channel is assumed to be constant over time, they show that the achievable rate using a Gaussian input can be calculated accurately through a simple series representation. In the second part of this study, they extend the calculation of the achievable rate to wireless fading environments. To take into account the effect of fading, they introduce a piece-wise linear curve fitting-based method to approximate the instantaneous achievable rate curve as a combination of linear segments. It is then demonstrated that the ergodic achievable rate in fast fading and the outage probability in slow fading can be calculated to achieve any given accuracy level.