951 resultados para Radio frequency glow discharges
El presente proyecto comprende el diseño, simulación, construcción y puesta en funcionamiento de una red inalámbrica. La plataforma de comunicaciones desarrollada en un proyecto anterior se complementa ahora con la implementación de una red inalámbrica, lo cual va a permitir que los módulos de comunicaciones- tres o más -puedan interactuar entre sí. La realización del proyecto surge de la necesidad de contar con una red inalámbrica que permita cubrir grandes distancias y transmitir a una central los datos de los sensores. La principal característica de cada módulo de comunicaciones es que trabajan como repetidores de las demás, permitiendo comunicar a todos y tener bajo consumo. La implementación de una red inalámbrica mencionada en el párrafo anterior está comprometida como parte del Proyecto PAV2003-0076. En dicho proyecto, el equipo va a continuar con la investigación en circuitos y dispositivos de Alta Frecuencia, para ser aplicados en sistemas de telecomunicaciones.
La etapa del proyecto para este año consiste en la aplicación concreta de los conocimientos adquiridos. La principal aplicación es la implementación del sistema en la Clínica Reina Fabiola, en el servicio médico que se definirá con las autoridades de la misma. Se continuará trabajando en el diseño de la antena y en la etapa de RF en el Chip Pasivo, que se está desarrollado en conjunto con el equipo de Microelectrónica y en la etapa del transmisor “Reader”. Además se continúa con la investigación en circuitos y dispositivos de Alta Frecuencia, para ser aplicados en sistemas de telecomunicaciones y generar conocimientos para ser transferidos a las distintas cátedras relacionadas con el proyecto. Se establecieron las pautas con la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias para desarrollar una aplicación de trazabilidad de ganado utilizando chips pasivos.
Un sistema inalámbrico en UHF puede ser utilizado tanto para la identificación de productos como para la adquisición de datos. Si se encuadra en la identificación se está refiriendo a sistemas “RFID” y si se encuadra en la adquisición de datos se está en presencia de una “Red de Sensores Inalámbrica”. El presente proyecto pretende desarrollar una plataforma de discusión permanente sobre estas tecnología que permita la optimización de los diferentes estamentos de la red. El proyecto tiene como objetivo general mejorar las prestaciones del vinculo entre los distintos elementos en un sistema RFID (Radio Frecuency Identification) o WSN (Wireless Sensor Network). En tal sentido, se propone en una primer línea de investigación, el desarrollo de un modelo que caracterice una red inalámbrica de sensores en UHF, permitiendo luego simularla bajo distintas condiciones. El objetivo es tener una herramienta con la cual se pueda estudiar y simular el comportamiento de una red con varios nodos. Una segunda línea de trabajo aborda el problema del test para sistemas RFID y WSN, con énfasis en nodos activos y pasivos diseñados con circuitos analógicos y digitales configurables y componentes comerciales. Así, se propone el desarrollo de estrategias de test de bajo consumo y alto desempeño focalizadas en las secciones analógicas, de conversión y digitales configurables del nodo. Los trabajos específicos planteados para responder a los objetivos que se pretenden son: La caracterización y modelado del enlace inalámbrico en UHF; La caracterización y modelado del transceptor en sus distintas etapas; La caracterización y modelado de la red con los distintos nodos; El estudio de nuevos diseños de antenas; El estudio de distintas adaptaciones de la etapa de RF con la antena; El estudio de alternativas de distintas modulaciones de las señales a transmitir; Proponer estrategias de simulación y/o emulación de fallas para sistemas analógicos y digitales que permita la evaluación de las estrategias de test y de los mecanismos de recuperación ante fallas; Evaluar el funcionamiento en laboratorio y en campo de los nodos y el lector
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Diss., 2008
PEEC, computational electromagnetics
Frequency of Cardiovascular Involvement in Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy in Brazilian Patients
Background:Familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP) is a rare disease diagnosed in Brazil and worldwide. The frequency of cardiovascular involvement in Brazilian FAP patients is unknown.Objective:Detect the frequency of cardiovascular involvement and correlate the cardiovascular findings with the modified polyneuropathy disability (PND) score.Methods:In a national reference center, 51 patients were evaluated with clinical examination, electrocardiography (ECG), echocardiography (ECHO), and 24-hour Holter. Patients were classified according to the modified PND score and divided into groups: PND 0, PND I, PND II, and PND > II (which included PND IIIa, IIIb, and IV). We chose the classification tree as the statistical method to analyze the association between findings in cardiac tests with the neurological classification (PND).Results:ECG abnormalities were present in almost 2/3 of the FAP patients, whereas ECHO abnormalities occurred in around 1/3 of them. All patients with abnormal ECHO also had abnormal ECG, but the opposite did not apply. The classification tree identified ECG and ECHO as relevant variables (p < 0.001 and p = 0.08, respectively). The probability of a patient to be allocated to the PND 0 group when having a normal ECG was over 80%. When both ECG and ECHO were abnormal, this probability was null.Conclusions:Brazilian patients with FAP have frequent ECG abnormalities. ECG is an appropriate test to discriminate asymptomatic carriers of the mutation from those who develop the disease, whereas ECHO contributes to this discrimination.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Diss., 2009
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2011
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2012
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2014
Report for the scientific sojourn at the Multimedia Communications Laboratory, University of Texas at Dallas, USA, from September to December 2005. The cooperative transmission has been analyzed taking a broadcast relay channel which assumes a scenario with one source and multiple destinations. Moreover, in order to improve the performance in terms of mutual information, it has been considered that for each destination there is another nearby terminal (called relay) which will help to improve the performance of the destination. This scheme combines different types of channels considered in the information theory, such as the relay channel, broadcast channel and interference channel (if the relays transmit information intended only to its associated destination). In this work, the author has studied the optimal way to encode the signals for the different users, known as capacity region (i.e. related to radio resources management ), of the broadcast relay channel.
After the observation of many thousands of histological sections of the endocervical mucosa it became evident that its columnar cells present a great variety of aspects not only those of the surface of the canal but also those of the glands. A classification of these cells was made taking into account the staining affinity, the intensity staining of the cytoplasm, the presence or absence of cilia, the shape and location of the nucleus. The various combinations of these different data made possible the characterization of 26 types of cells which we labelled by the alphabetical letters. Two hundred and fifty cervices obtained by cervical amputation and by hysterectomy were studied. The uteri presented lesions in the course of routine laboratory examination. In each of the 250 histological sections there were specifically counted 2,000 columnar cells which cover the cervical canal and 2,000columnar cells which form the glands. A graphic representation of the frequency of both the superficial and glandular columnar cells was presented; this was given the name EPITHELIOGRAM. The variation of the cellular "composition" of each epithelium is discussed and the frequency of the various cellular types after the count of one million of cells is presented.
Synchronization of data coming from different sources is of high importance in biomechanics to ensure reliable analyses. This synchronization can either be performed through hardware to obtain perfect matching of data, or post-processed digitally. Hardware synchronization can be achieved using trigger cables connecting different devices in many situations; however, this is often impractical, and sometimes impossible in outdoors situations. The aim of this paper is to describe a wireless system for outdoor use, allowing synchronization of different types of - potentially embedded and moving - devices. In this system, each synchronization device is composed of: (i) a GPS receiver (used as time reference), (ii) a radio transmitter, and (iii) a microcontroller. These components are used to provide synchronized trigger signals at the desired frequency to the measurement device connected. The synchronization devices communicate wirelessly, are very lightweight, battery-operated and thus very easy to set up. They are adaptable to every measurement device equipped with either trigger input or recording channel. The accuracy of the system was validated using an oscilloscope. The mean synchronization error was found to be 0.39 μs and pulses are generated with an accuracy of <2 μs. The system provides synchronization accuracy about two orders of magnitude better than commonly used post-processing methods, and does not suffer from any drift in trigger generation.
The following paper presents an overview of the Ph.D Thesis1 presented in [1], which compiles all the research done during the period of time between 2004-2007. In that dissertation the relay-assisted transmission with half-duplex relays is analyzed from different points of view. This study is motivated by the necessity of finding innovative solutions to cope with the requirements of next generation wireless services, and with current radio technology. The use of relayed communications represents a change of paradigm of conventional communications, and requires the definition and evaluation of protocols to be applied to single or multiple-user relay communication. With the two fold goal of enhancing spectral efficiency and homogenize service in cellular communications, system design is investigated at physical (type of transmissions of the relay, decoding mode, ..) and upper layers (resource allocation, dynamic link control).
Abnormalities in the topology of brain networks may be an important feature and etiological factor for psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES). To explore this possibility, we applied a graph theoretical approach to functional networks based on resting state EEGs from 13 PNES patients and 13 age- and gender-matched controls. The networks were extracted from Laplacian-transformed time-series by a cross-correlation method. PNES patients showed close to normal local and global connectivity and small-world structure, estimated with clustering coefficient, modularity, global efficiency, and small-worldness (SW) metrics, respectively. Yet the number of PNES attacks per month correlated with a weakness of local connectedness and a skewed balance between local and global connectedness quantified with SW, all in EEG alpha band. In beta band, patients demonstrated above-normal resiliency, measured with assortativity coefficient, which also correlated with the frequency of PNES attacks. This interictal EEG phenotype may help improve differentiation between PNES and epilepsy. The results also suggest that local connectivity could be a target for therapeutic interventions in PNES. Selective modulation (strengthening) of local connectivity might improve the skewed balance between local and global connectivity and so prevent PNES events.