979 resultados para ROASTED COFFEE


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different sources and doses of copper (Cu) applied to leaves on growth and nutrition of coffee seedlings. The treatments consisted of combinations of two Cu sources (Cupric Sulfate Ammonium - CSA and Copper Sulfate - CS) and four Cu doses (0, 250, 500 and 1000 g ha-1). The sources of Cu in different doses were dissolved in water, calculated for the application volume of 400 L ha-1. The doses were divided in 3 applications at 20 days. The Cu content and concentration in the leaf, stem, and root in were measured. The dry matter of the leaf, stem, root and total and the utilization, absorption and translocation efficiency, in coffee seedlings were evaluated. In general the Cu content and concentration were obtained for the CS at doses of 250, 500 and 1000 g ha-1 Cu. The maximum increase of total dry matter was 48 and 51 g to CSA and CS, when applied 534 and 668 g ha-1, respectively. The highest utilization and absorption efficiency was found to CSA and CS, respectively. The translocation efficiency was similar for both sources.


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Coffea canephora is one of the most economically important coffee species and in Brazil, Conilon is the most widely cultivated plant of this species. Abiotic stresses such as temperature variations and drought periods are factors that significantly affect their production and tend to worsen with globally recognized climate changes. In an attempt to understand the molecular responses of coffee plants in water deficit conditions, recent studies have identified candidate genes (CGs) as CcDREB1D. This gene showed increased expression in response to drought in the leaves of clone 14 (drought tolerant) in relation to the clone 22 (sensitive to drought) of C. canephora Conilon. Based on these results, the identification of DREB genes and their subgroups (SGs) of C. canephora, the objective is to analyze in silico and also in vivo these genes expression in leaf and root of tolerant (14, 73 and 120) and sensitive clones (22) of C. canephora Conilon submitted or not to a water deficit. In silico expressions of all DREB genes were analyzed from the Coffee Genome Hub Database and in vivo expression was performed by the technique "reverse transcription-quantitative PCR" (RT-qPCR). In silico gene expression analysis was possible to identify DREB genes with potential responses to abiotic stresses, corroborating some validated in vivo results. In this analysis, several genes showed differential expression in response to drought among the SGs (IIV), the tolerant and sensitive clones and the leaf and root. These differentially expressed genes were identified as potential CGs and among them, it was found that most tolerant clones showed increased expression in relation to sensitive in response to drought, with higher expression levels for clones 14 and 73. These highest levels were observed in leaves compared to the roots and SG-I stood at greater number of genes expressed in response to drought. These results suggest that DREB CGs, as Cc05_g06840, Cc02_g03420 e Cc08_g13960, play an important role in the regulatory mechanisms of response to drought in C. canephora Conilon.


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The consumption of snack bars is based especially on the demand for practical and nutritious food. Coffee is highlighted for being appreciated and consumed worldwide, presenting elevated antioxidant activity, in addition to peculiar sensorial attributes. Therefore, it has great potential for use in many formulations. However, the success in the acceptance of a new product also derives from adequate marketing strategies. In this context, the present study aimed at evaluating the feasibility of introducing to the market a snack bar added with coffee, by means of sensorial acceptance and purchase intent of the consumers, in addition to identifying the best concept and the possible market segments. This work was a qualitative, by means of a focus group (content analysis), and quantitative research, by means of sensorial analysis and structures questionnaires (descriptive – frequency distribution, arithmetic mean, crosstabs and t test – and multivariate – cluster and discriminate analysis - statistical techniques). With the results, we showed that the main aspects considered by the consumers regarding the snack bar added with coffee. According to the qualitative evaluation, the consumer prefers packaging with matte colors ranging in the tones related to the coffee grain. The analysis of the quantitative data allows us to infer that the evaluations of the product regarding overall impression, purchase intent, preference and expectation before and after consuming the product are better for packaging containing the information “special coffee flavor – 100% arabic”. Regarding market segment, it was possible to conclude that, of the three extracted groups, the group of “healthy and conscious consumers” was the segment with higher potential for exploitation regarding purchase and consumption of the snack bar added with coffee.


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Coffee is one of the main products of Brazilian agriculture, the country is currently the largest producer and exporter. Knowing the growth pattern of a fruit can assist in the development of culture indicating for example, the times of increased fruit weight and its optimum harvest, essential to improve the management and quality of coffee. Some authors indicate that the growth curve of the coffee fruit has a double sigmoid shape. However, it consists of just a visual observation without exploring the use of regression models. The aims of this study were: i) determine if the growth pattern of the coffee fruit is really double sigmoidal; ii) to propose a new approach in weighted importance re-sampling to estimate the parameters of regression models and select the most suitable double sigmoidal model to describe the growth of coffee fruits; iii) to study the spatial distribution effect of the crop in the growth curve of coffee fruits. In the first article the aim was determine if the growth pattern of the coffee fruit is really double sigmoidal. The models double Gompertz and double Logistic showed significantly superior fit to models of simple sigmoid confirming that the standard of coffee fruits growth is really double sigmoidal. In the second article we propose to consider an approximation of the likelihood as the candidate distribution of the weighted importance resampling, aiming to facilitate the process of obtaining samples of marginal distributions of each parameter. This technique was effective since it provided parameters with practical interpretation and low computational effort, therefore, it can be used to estimate parameters of double sigmoidal growth curves. The nonlinear model double Logistic was the most appropriate to describe the growth curve of coffee fruits. In the third article aimed to verify the influence of different planting alignments and sun exposure faces in the fruits growth curve. A difference between the growth rates in the two stages of fruit development was identified, regardless the side. Although it has been proven differences in productivity and quality of coffee, there was no difference between the growth curves in the different planting alignments herein studied.


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This study was to evaluate the solubility of nepheline syenite rocks and glauconite as alternative sources of K by organic humic acid arrays, citrus and coffee pods at various times from 0 to 180 days of incubation. The experiment was conducted in the fertility laboratory in the Department of Soil Science at the Federal University of Lavras in a completely randomized design with 90 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments were arranged in a factorial arrangement (2 x 3 x 7 + 3), 2 nepheline syenite rocks and glauconite incubated with water and 3 matrix organic humic acid, citric acid and coffee husk in six different incubation times of 0, 7, 15, 30, 75, 120 and 180 days, incubation were performed with the three above-mentioned organic matrix in increasing doses of 0, 1, 2, 5 and 10% humic acids and citric 0, 5, 10 20 and 40% for coffee husk. We evaluated the K2O content by different extractants soluble in 2% citric acid and water all treatments at all incubation times quoted above. Incubation and the application of organic matrix rocks nepheline syenite and generally glauconite provided a significant increase in solubility of K of the rocks studied in this work. Among the organic matrix has been observed that the coffee husk which provided the greatest release of K2O in both rocks mainly into the extractor 2% citric acid showed that the most efficient extraction K2O in all treatments.


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Coffee seeds have limitations regarding to its conservation because of their sensitivity to desiccation and storage behavior. The establishment of a methodology for seed storage is difficult due to its deterioration. Deterioration can enhance the production of reactive oxygen species and cause lethal oxidative damage to plant tissues. The damage caused by harmful levels of free radicals can be softened by the action of endogenous or exogenous antioxidants. Recent research shows new antioxidative protection technologies, being cathodic protection a promising technique with relevant results in other recalcitrant species and even in other living organisms. Thus, the aim of this work was to verify the antioxidant effect of cathodic water in Coffea arabica L. seeds with the purpose of investigating a new technology to improve seed quality. The study was conducted at the Central Seed Laboratory, Department of Agriculture, at the Federal University of Lavras. Coffea arabica L. seeds were used. The study was conducted in two stages, in the first a preliminary analysis of the use of cathodic water was carried out in batches with different levels of quality. In the second it was evaluated the effect of light and of the imbibition period of the seeds in cathodic water. The seeds were immersed in distilled water and in cathodic water for eight distinct soaking periods, in absence and presence of light and then evaluated by physiological tests. It can be concluded that cathodic water can positively influence the physiological performance of the coffee seeds with poor quality, especially when embedded during periods between 4.5 to 7.5 hours in the absence of light.


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Among the crops commercially exploited in Brazil, the coffee has a great economic importance, especially in the states of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo. In the search for higher yield and lower environmental impact, farmers and researchers seek to develop new technologies that result in greater efficiency in various production processes of the coffee. For this, the adoption of precision agriculture in the management of operations in coffee crops, called precision coffee, has shown results that justify its use, by identifying the spatial variability of several variables, allowing its localized management and in the proper intensity. Unlike conventional management that is based on the average of observations in an area, precision agriculture uses a more detailed sampling, based on a sampling grid, which allows to represent in greater detail the reality of farming. Many previous studies have identified the spatial variability of the production of coffee system variables, but without worrying about the quality of information obtained due to the sampling grid used as precision and accuracy. Given the above, the objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of four different sampling grids for different variables and three times, in order to identify the most appropriate grid for use in precision coffee. Also aimed to compare the results between the precision coffee and conventional, according to reference values.


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The Agroindustrial System coffee after decades of state regulation has become a decentralized economic activity. This situation compelled most of the actors in the production chain to resort to self r egulatory systems offered by certification agencies, which have specific criteria and procedures. However the diversity criteria of the agencies do not offer resources able to ensure efficient management of the governance structure. There is a need to reduce the asymmetry of information, which is possible through the sharing of data compatible with the production tracking feature. This work is supported in this contextualized problem, based on Transaction Cost Theory and the use of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. The first part of the work seeks to know the procedures required by leading regulatory agencies in Brazil, with perspective to emphasize the similarities and compatibilities between them, which was reached after analysis of standards and comparison of similarities. Next is registered the operation and the coffee traceability of the structure, in order to identify, through observation, documental and bibliographical analysis, the systems in place and traceable information in line with the recommendations of the coffee certification. Finally, he sought to create a labeling model that allows to generate and share information about the product from the field to the sale for consumption. The information obtained in the previous steps were the basis for data collection with the production chain agents through a structured questionnaire administered to 618 agents of the production chain, whose answers were treated by multivariate methods of statistical analysis. The results showed that actors in the chain are in favor of inclusion and sharing information related to rural production and economic and environmental data. This knowledge enabled develop a labeling model where the information sharing agents is an efficient mechanism to mitigate the governance problems identified.


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Coffee is one of the most valuable exported agricultural product worldwide as well as the second most traded commodity after oil. This crop represents a source of employment and considerably accounts for the revenue of the country, besides its undeniable importance for local and world socioeconomical scenery. The quality of the coffee drink is directly related to the fruit ripening stage, which is found in different stages at harvesting due to the sequential flowering, increasing costs with the production and generating a lower-quality beverage. The asynchronous flowering of the coffee tree comes from the uneven development of buds, which can be influenced by environmental factors, taking into account that the anthesis takes place after a water deficit period, followed by precipitation. Changes in the hormone balance have been observed after water deficit and rehydration cycles, and such oscillation on the water status of the plant increased the level of ethylene in some species. This finding led to the association between the requirements at the flowering stage of the coffee tree and the involvement of the ethylene in promoting anthesis. The application of 1- MCP (ethylene action inhibitor) triggered the anthesis in coffee trees. And, in coffee seedlings in greenhouse conditions after a period of water shortage followed by irrigation, the profile of gene expression of the biosynthesis route and signaling of ethylene are changed in leaves and roots. The increased levels of the ethylene precursor (ACC) in roots throughout the dry season and the transportation of this compound into shoots may be the signal to trigger the anthesis in coffee tree after rehydration. Thus, in order to better understand the role of the ethylene in regulation of flowering, we analyzed the effects of the exogenous application of 1-MCP in different physiological characteristics and in the expression of genes related to the ethylene biosynthesis and signaling pathways in coffee leaves and bud from plants under field conditions. The evaluations and tissue sampling were carried out in different times treatments implementation: T1 – control, T2 – 1-MCP+Break-Thru, and T3 – Break-Thru. There was influence of 1-MCP and Break-Thru in gas exchange parameters and of 1-MCP contributed to the increase in relative water content. RT-qPCR analyses showed a different behavior in relation to the profile of gene expression in leaves and buds analyzed in the present study (CaACS1 – like, CaACO1 – like, CaACO4 – like, CaETR4 – like) and the expression levels were changed a few hours (2h) after applying the products. However, there was flowering only in plants treated with 1-MCP, in the absence of rain and irrigation.


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Determination of organic acids in soils and organic materials is important due to the important role they play in improving the soil's physical, chemical and microbiological conditions. This study identified and quantified low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOA) in soils (dystroferric Red Latosol, dystrophic Red-Yellow Latosol and Quartzarenic Neosol) and organic materials (cow, pig, chicken, quail and horse manures, sawdust, coconut fiber, pine bark, coffee husks, biochar, organic substrate, sewage sludges 1 and 2, garbage compost, pig slurry compost). The following acids were identified: acetic, citric, D-malic, formic, fumaric, maleic, malonic, oxalic, quinic, shikimic, succinic and tartaric.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC