931 resultados para Quantities and measurements


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Synthesis and structural characterization of two novel symmetrical banana mesogens built from resorcinol with seven phenyl rings linked by ester and imine with a terminal dodecyl/dodecyloxy chain has been carried out. Density functional theory (DFT) has been employed for obtaining the geometry optimized structures, the dipole moments and C-13 NMR chemical shifts. The HOPM and DSC studies revealed enantiotropic B-2 and B-7 phases for the dodecyl and dodecyloxy homologs respectively. The powder X-ray studies of both the mesogens indicate the presence of layer ordering. The polarization measurements reveal an anti-ferroelectric switching for the B-2 phase of the dodecyl homolog whose structure has been identified as SmCSPA. The B-7 phase of the dodecyloxy homolog was found to be non-switchable. High resolution C-13 NMR study of the dodecyl homolog in its mesophase has been carried out. C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings obtained from the 2-dimensional separated local field spectroscopy experiment were used to obtain the orientational order parameters of the different segments of the mesogen. Very large C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings observed for the carbons of the central phenyl ring (9.7-12.3 kHz) in comparison to the dipolar couplings of those of the side arm phenyl rings (less than 3 kHz) are a direct consequence of the ordering in the banana phase and the shape of the molecule. From the ratio of the local order parameter values, the bent-angle of the mesogen could be determined in a straight forward manner to be 120.5 degrees.


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Simultaneous measurements of thickness and temperature profile of the lubricant film at chip-tool interface during machining have been studied in this experimental programme. Conventional techniques such as thermography can only provide temperature measurement under controlled environment in a laboratory and without the addition of lubricant. The present study builds on the capabilities of luminescent sensors in addition to direct image based observations of the chip-tool interface. A suite of experiments conducted using different types of sensors are reported in this paper, especially noteworthy are concomitant measures of thickness and temperature of the lubricant. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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The transformation of flowing liquids into rigid glasses is thought to involve increasingly cooperative relaxation dynamics as the temperature approaches that of the glass transition. However, the precise nature of this motion is unclear, and a complete understanding of vitrification thus remains elusive. Of the numerous theoretical perspectives(1-4) devised to explain the process, random first-order theory (RFOT; refs 2,5) is a well-developed thermodynamic approach, which predicts a change in the shape of relaxing regions as the temperature is lowered. However, the existence of an underlying `ideal' glass transition predicted by RFOT remains debatable, largely because the key microscopic predictions concerning the growth of amorphous order and the nature of dynamic correlations lack experimental verification. Here, using holographic optical tweezers, we freeze a wall of particles in a two-dimensional colloidal glass-forming liquid and provide direct evidence for growing amorphous order in the form of a static point-to-set length. We uncover the non-monotonic dependence of dynamic correlations on area fraction and show that this non-monotonicity follows directly from the change in morphology and internal structure of cooperatively rearranging regions(6,7). Our findings support RFOT and thereby constitute a crucial step in distinguishing between competing theories of glass formation.


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To explore the effect of size reduction to nanoscale on the hole doped Sm0.65Ca0.35MnO3 compound, dc magnetic measurements and electron magnetic resonance (EMR) were done on bulk and nanoparticle samples in the temperature range 10 <= T <= 300 K. Magnetization measurement showed that the bulk sample undergoes a charge ordering transition at 240K and shows a mixed magnetic phase at low temperature. However, the nanosample underwent a ferromagnetic transition at 75 K, and the charge ordered state was destabilized on size reduction down to nanoscale. The low-temperature ferromagnetic component is found to be enhanced in nanoparticles as compared to their bulk counterpart. Interestingly around room temperature, bulk particles show higher magnetization where as at low temperature nanoparticles show higher magnetization. Ferromagnetism in the bulk is due to super exchange where as ferromagnetism in nanoparticles is due to uncompensated spins of the surface layer. Temperature variation of EMR parameters correlates well with the results of magnetic measurements. The magnetic behaviour of the nanoparticles is understood in terms of the core shell scenario. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Numerical simulations were performed of experiments from a cascade of stator blades at three low Reynolds numbers representative of flight conditions. Solutions were assessed by comparing blade surface pressures, velocity and turbulence intensity along blade normals at several stations along the suction surface and in the wake. At Re = 210,000 and 380,000 the laminar boundary layer over the suction surface separates and reattaches with significant turbulence fluctuations. A new 3-equation transition model, the k-k(L)-omega model, was used to simulate this flow. Predicted locations of the separation bubble, and profiles of velocity and turbulence fluctuations on blade-normal lines at various stations along the blade were found to be quite close to measurements. Suction surface pressure distributions were not as close at the lower Re. The solution with the standard k-omega SST model showed significant differences in all quantities. At Re = 640,000 transition occurs earlier and it is a turbulent boundary layer that separates near the trailing edge. The solution with the Reynolds stress model was found to be quite close to the experiment in the separated region also, unlike the k-omega SST solution. Three-dimensional computations were performed at Re = 380,000 and 640,000. In both cases there were no significant differences between the midspan solution from 3D computations and the 2D solutions. However, the 3D solutions exhibited flow features observed in the experiments the nearly 2D structure of the flow over most of the span at 380,000 and the spanwise growth of corner vortices from the endwall at 640,000.


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Quantum ensembles form easily accessible architectures for studying various phenomena in quantum physics, quantum information science and spectroscopy. Here we review some recent protocols for measurements in quantum ensembles by utilizing ancillary systems. We also illustrate these protocols experimentally via nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. In particular, we shall review noninvasive measurements, extracting expectation values of various operators, characterizations of quantum states and quantum processes, and finally quantum noise engineering.


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We report on the resonant frequency modulation of inertial microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) structures due to squeeze film stiffness over a range of working pressures. Squeeze film effects have been studied extensively, but mostly in the context of damping and Q-factor determination of dynamic MEMS structures, typically suspended over a fixed substrate with a very thin air gap. Here, we show with experimental measurements and analytical calculations how the pressure-dependent air springs (squeeze film stiffness) change the resonant frequency of an inertial MEMS structure by as much as five times. For capturing the isolated effect of the squeeze film stiffness, we first determine the static stiffness of our structure with atomic force microscope probing and then study the effect of the air spring by measuring the dynamic response of the structure, thus finding the resonant frequencies while varying the air pressure from 1 to 905 mbar. We also verify our results by analytical and Finite Element Method calculations. Our findings show that the pressure-dependent squeeze film stiffness can affect a rather huge range of frequency modulation (>400%) and, therefore, can be used as a design parameter for exploiting this effect in MEMS devices. 2014-0310]


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The aggregation behaviors of two surfactants with the same hydrophobic tail, sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOT) and sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphate (NaDEHP), have been investigated by the fluorescence technique and z-potential (ζ) measurements. Five fine peaks of the pyrene molecule fluorescence spectroscopy appear in the surfactant solution, and the micropolarity at which pyrene locates is monitored from the intensity ratio of the first (I1) and the third peak (I3). A wide peak around 475 nm, the emission spectra of the excimer of pyrene molecules, is observed in the NaDEHP solution, while this is not found for the AOT system. The value of I1/I3 decreases in a more limited concentration range for the AOT system than for NaDEHP, indicating that small aggregates can be more easily formed by NaDEHP molecules. The z-potential results for the aggregates formed by the two surfactants show that the interaction between AOT and PVP is stronger than that between NaDEHP and PVP.


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We provide an overview of the basic concepts of scaling and dimensional analysis, followed by a review of some of the recent work on applying these concepts to modeling instrumented indentation measurements. Specifically, we examine conical and pyramidal indentation in elastic-plastic solids with power-law work-hardening, in power-law creep solids, and in linear viscoelastic materials. We show that the scaling approach to indentation modeling provides new insights into several basic questions in instrumented indentation, including, what information is contained in the indentation load-displacement curves? How does hardness depend on the mechanical properties and indenter geometry? What are the factors determining piling-up and sinking-in of surface profiles around indents? Can stress-strain relationships be obtained from indentation load-displacement curves? How to measure time dependent mechanical properties from indentation? How to detect or confirm indentation size effects? The scaling approach also helps organize knowledge and provides a framework for bridging micro- and macroscales. We hope that this review will accomplish two purposes: (1) introducing the basic concepts of scaling and dimensional analysis to materials scientists and engineers, and (2) providing a better understanding of instrumented indentation measurements.


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Highly porous ultralightweight cellular metal foams with open cells have attractive mechanical, thermal, acoustic and other properties and are currently being exploited for high-temperature applications (e.g. acoustic liners for combustion chambers). In such circumstances, thermal radiation in the metal foam becomes a significant mechanism of heat transfer. This paper presents results from experimental measurements on radiative transfer in Fe-Cr-Al-Y (a steel-based high-temperature alloy) foams having high porosity (95 per cent) and different cell sizes, manufactured at low cost from the sintering route. The spectral transmittance and reflectance are measured at different infrared wavelengths ranging from 2.5 to 50 μm, which are subsequently used to determine the extinction coefficient and foam emissivity. The results show that the spectral quantities are strongly dependent on the wavelength, particularly in the short-wavelength regime (less than 25 μm). While the extinction coefficient decreases with increasing cell size, the effect of cell size on foam reflectance is not significant. When the temperature is increased, the total extinction coefficient increases but the total reflectance decreases. The effective radiative conductivity of the metal foam is obtained by using the guarded hot-plate apparatus. With the porosity fixed, the effective radiative conductivity increases with increasing cell size and increasing temperature. © IMechE 2004.


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The silver-catalysed oxidation of ethylene has been examined on the (III) face of a single crystal by a combination of electron spectroscopy and kinetic measurements at pressures of up to 50 Torr. The necessary and sufficient conditions for ethylene oxide formation are established, reaction intermediates are identified, kinetic isotope effects are observed and the role of Cs in modifying reaction selectivity is examined. It is shown that surface alkali exhibits opposite effects on the reactions which lead to the further oxidation of ethylene oxide and on the direct combustion of ethylene. © 1984.


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Two principal problems of equivalency and locality in nano-scale measurement are considered in this paper. The conventional measurements of force and displacement are always closely related to the equivalency problem between the measuremental results by experimental system and the real physical status of the sample, and the locality of the mechanical quantities to be measured. There are some noticeable contradictions in nano-scale measurements induced by the two problems. In this paper, by utilizing a coupled molecular-continuum method, we illustrate the important effects of the two principal problems in atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements on nano-scale. Our calculations and analysis of these typical mechanical measurement problems suggest that in nano-meter scale measurements, the two principal problems must be carefully dealt with. The coupled molecular-continuum method used in this paper is very effective in solving these problems on nano-scale.