933 resultados para Psychology, Behavioral|Health Sciences, Public Health|Sociology, Ethnic and Racial Studies


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The Beta version of the Land Matrix (Land Matrix 2012) was launched in April 2012 as a tool to promote public participation in building a constantly evolving database on large-scale land deals, and making the data visible and understandable. The aim of the Land Matrix partnership is to promote transparency and open data in decisionmaking over land and investment, as a step towards greater accountability. Since its launch, the Land Matrix has attracted a high degree of attention, and stirred some controversy. It provides valuable lessons on the challenges and benefits of promoting open data on practices that are often shrouded in secrecy. This paper critically examines the ongoing efforts by the Land Matrix partnership to build a public tool to promote greater transparency in decision-making over land and investment at a global level. It intends to provoke discussion of the extent to which such a tool can ultimately promote greater transparency and be a step towards greater accountability and improved decision-making. It will present the Land Matrix and its value addition, before detailing the challenges it encountered related to the measurement of the largescale land acquisition phenomenon. It will then specify how it intends to address these issues in order to establish a dynamic and participatory tool for open development.


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Reproductive hormones have effects on the nervous system not directly related to reproductive function. In the rat, for example, luteinizing hormone releasing hormone has dramatic effects on learning and memory. The present work attempts to examine the effects of reproductive hormones on non-reproductive behaviors and the neural loci and mechanisms underlying these effects in Aplysia, an animal whose behaviors, reproductive hormones and neural circuitry have been well characterized.^ In Aplysia, the neurosecretory bag cells release several peptides that are responsible for eliciting egg laying. The effects of these peptides on the defensive tail-siphon withdrawal reflex, as well as sensitization of this reflex, were examined. Sensitization, a simple form of nonassociative learning, refers to the behavioral enhancement of a response to a test stimulus after the presentation of a strong stimulus, that may last minutes (short-term) or days (long-term). An extract of the bag cells (BCE) inhibited the baseline siphon component of the tail-siphon withdrawal reflex and suppressed long-term, but not short-term, sensitization of the reflex. Preliminary experiments suggest that BCE also affects the tail component of the tail-siphon withdrawal reflex.^ To determine the neural mechanisms underlying the inhibition of the baseline reflex, electrophysiological studies were performed using an in vitro analogue of the tail-siphon withdrawal reflex to examine the ability of BCE, as well as the individual bag cell peptides (BCPs), to modulate the circuitry of the reflex. Bag cell extract attenuated the synaptic strength of the monosynaptic connections between tail sensory neurons and tail motor neurons. When individually applied only $\beta$-BCP produced a similar attenuation. This effect of $\beta$-BCP was not dependent on changes in duration of the presynaptic action potential.^ An in vitro analogue of long-term sensitization training was developed to examine the mechanisms by which the BCPs may affect long-term sensitization of the tail-siphon withdrawal reflex. This analogue exhibited both short- and long-term facilitation of the connections between the tail sensory and motor neurons.^ The results of these behavioral and electrophysiological experiments suggest that the BCPs inhibit the tail-siphon withdrawal reflex, at least in part, by modulating the synaptic strength of the connections between the sensory neurons and motor neurons underlying the reflex. One candidate for this effect is $\beta$-BCP. Thus, the peptides which elicit egg laying may also serve other functions such as the inhibition of defensive reflexes. In addition, these experiments raise the possibility that BCPs may exert a long lasting effect ($>$24 hr), suppressing long-term sensitization of the tail-siphon withdrawal reflex. ^


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Nerve injury is known to produce a variety of electrophysiological and morphological neuronal alterations (reviewed by Titmus and Faber, 1990; Bulloch and Ridgeway, 1989; Walters, 1994). Determining if these alterations are adaptive and how they are activated and maintained could provide important insight into basic cellular mechanisms of injury-induced plasticity. Furthermore, characterization of injury-induced plasticity provides a useful assay system for the identification of possible induction signals underlying these neuronal changes. Understanding fundamental mechanisms and underlying induction signals of injury-induced neuronal plasticity could facilitate development of treatment strategies for neural injury and neuropathic pain in humans.^ This dissertation characterizes long-lasting, injury-induced neuronal alterations using the nervous system of Aplysia californica as a model. These changes are examined at the behavioral, electrophysiological, and morphological levels. Injury-induced changes in the electrophysiological properties of neurons were found that increased the signaling effectiveness of the injured neurons. This increase in signalling effectiveness could act to compensate for partial destruction of the injured neuron's peripheral processes. Recovery of a defensive behavioral response which serves to protect the animal from further injury was found within 2 weeks of injury. For the behavioral recovery to occur, new neural pathways must have been formed between the denervated area and the CNS. This was found to be mediated at least in part by new axonal growth which extended from the injured cell back along the original pathway (i.e. into the injured nerve). In addition, injury produced central axonal sprouting into different nerves that do not usually contain the injured neuron's axons. This could be important for (i) finding alternative pathways to the periphery when the original pathways are impassable and (ii) the formation of additional synaptic connections with post-synaptic targets which would further enhance the signalling effectiveness of the injured cell. ^


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How is it that one of the most famous Christian thinkers - Soren Kierkegaard -- and one of the most famous contemporary secular thinkers -- Jurgen Habermas - both agree: the religious has nothing to say in the public realm of social, ethical discourse.


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The EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and its accompanying Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) missions can be tools used to increase the international profile of the European Union. Nevertheless, CSDP missions garner little news coverage. This article argues that the very nature of the missions themselves makes them poor vehicles for EU promotion for political, institutional, and logistical reasons. By definition, they are conducted in the middle of crises, making news coverage politically sensitive. The very act of reporting could undermine the mission. Institutionally, all CSDP missions are intergovernmental, making press statements slow, overly bureaucratic, and of little interest to journalists. Logistically, the missions are often located in remote, undeveloped parts of the world, making it difficult and expensive for European and international journalists to cover. Moreover, these regions in crisis seldom have a thriving, local free press. Using the Aceh Monitoring Mission (AMM) as a case study, the author concludes that although a mission may do good, CSDP missions cannot fulfil the political function of raising the profile of the EU.


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In an increasingly interlinked and interdependent world, Europe and Asia are key players. Free trade agreements (FTAs), such as the ones the EU concluded with South Korea and Singapore, are indicative of strong mutual economic interests. It is therefore timely to take a closer look at the mutual perceptions of Asians and Europeans – not only at the governmental and policymaking levels, but also in terms of public opinion and the media. Drawing on data from an extensive research project led by the National Centre for Research on Europe (NCRE), New Zealand, the empirical study in this paper assesses the mutual perceptions of the EU/Europe and Asia, and their respective actors, focusing on two countries – Germany and Singapore. It seeks to do so through an analysis of the data collected from print and broadcast media, interviews with media practitioners, and the findings from public opinion surveys.