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Ensemble predictions are being used more frequently to model the propagation of uncertainty through complex, coupled meteorological, hydrological and coastal models, with the goal of better characterising flood risk. In this paper, we consider the issues that we judge to be important when designing and evaluating ensemble predictions, and make recommendations for the guidance of future research.
The suite of SECCHI optical imaging instruments on the STEREO-A spacecraft is used to track a solar storm, consisting of several coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and other coronal loops, as it propagates from the Sun into the heliosphere during May 2007. The 3-D propagation path of the largest interplanetary CME (ICME) is determined from the observations made by the SECCHI Heliospheric Imager (HI) on STEREO-A (HI-1/2A). Two parts of the CME are tracked through the SECCHI images, a bright loop and a V-shaped feature located at the rear of the event. We show that these two structures could be the result of line-of-sight integration of the light scattered by electrons located on a single flux rope. In addition to being imaged by HI, the CME is observed simultaneously by the plasma and magnetic field experiments on the Venus Express and MESSENGER spacecraft. The imaged loop and V-shaped structure bound, as expected, the flux rope observed in situ. The SECCHI images reveal that the leading loop-like structure propagated faster than the V-shaped structure, and a decrease in in situ CME speed occurred during the passage of the flux rope.We interpret this as the result of the continuous radial expansion of the flux rope as it progressed outward through the interplanetary medium. An expansion speed in the radial direction of ~30 km s-1 is obtained directly from the SECCHI-HI images and is in agreement with the difference in speed of the two structures observed in situ. This paper shows that the flux rope location can be determined from white light images, which could have important space weather applications.
The propagation velocity and propagation mechanism for vortices on a β plane are determined for a reduced-gravity model by integrating the momentum equations over the β plane. Isolated vortices, vortices in a background current, and initial vortex propagation from rest are studied. The propagation mechanism for isolated anticyclones as well as cyclones, which has been lacking up to now, is presented. It is shown that, to first order, the vortex moves to generate a Coriolis force on the mass anomaly of the vortex to compensate for the force on the vortex due to the variation of the Coriolis parameter. Only the mass anomaly of the vortex is of importance, because the Coriolis force due to the motion of the bulk of the layer moving with the vortex is almost fully compensated by the Coriolis force on the motion of the exterior flow. Because the mass anomaly of a cyclone is negative the force and acceleration have opposite sign. The role of dipolar structures in steadily moving vortices is discussed, and it is shown that their overall structure is fixed by the steady westward motion of the mass anomaly. Furthermore, it is shown that reduced-gravity vortices are not advected with a background flow. The reason for this behavior is that the background flow changes the ambient vorticity gradient such that the vortex obtains an extra self-propagation term that exactly cancels the advection by the background flow. Last, it is shown that a vortex initially at rest will accelerate equatorward first, after which a westward motion is generated. This result is independent of the sign of the vortex.
An extensive study was conducted to determine where in the production chain Rhizoctonia solani became associated with UK module-raised Brassica oleracea plants. In total, 2600 plants from 52 crops were sampled directly from propagators and repeat sampled from the field. Additional soil, compost and water samples were collected from propagation nurseries and screened using conventional agar isolation methods. No isolates of R. solani were recovered from any samples collected from propagation nurseries. Furthermore, nucleic acid preparations from samples of soil and compost from propagation nurseries gave negative results when tested for R. solani using real-time PCR. Conversely, R. solani was recovered from 116 of 1300 stem bases collected from field crops. All the data collected suggested R. solani became associated with B. oleracea in the field rather than during propagation. Parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic studies of ribosomal DNA suggested the majority of further classified isolates belonged to anastomosis groups 2-1 (48/57) and AG-4HGII (8/57), groups known to be pathogenic on Brassica spp. in other countries. Many R. solani isolates were recovered from symptomless plant material and the possibilities for such an association are discussed.
The release of genetically modified plants is governed by regulations that aim to provide an assessment of potential impact on the environment. One of the most important components of this risk assessment is an evaluation of the probability of gene flow. In this review, we provide an overview of the current literature on gene flow from transgenic plants, providing a framework of issues for those considering the release of a transgenic plant into the environment. For some plants gene flow from transgenic crops is well documented, and this information is discussed in detail in this review. Mechanisms of gene flow vary from plant species to plant species and range from the possibility of asexual propagation, short- or long-distance pollen dispersal mediated by insects or wind and seed dispersal. Volunteer populations of transgenic plants may occur where seed is inadvertently spread during harvest or commercial distribution. If there are wild populations related to the transgenic crop then hybridization and eventually introgression in the wild may occur, as it has for herbicide resistant transgenic oilseed rape (Brassica napus). Tools to measure the amount of gene flow, experimental data measuring the distance of pollen dispersal, and experiments measuring hybridization and seed survivability are discussed in this review. The various methods that have been proposed to prevent gene flow from genetically modified plants are also described. The current "transgenic traits'! in the major crops confer resistance to herbicides and certain insects. Such traits could confer a selective advantage (an increase in fitness) in wild plant populations in some circumstances, were gene flow to occur. However, there is ample evidence that gene flow from crops to related wild species occurred before the development of transgenic crops and this should be taken into account in the risk assessment process.
Extending the season of production and improving the scheduling of ornamental crops are key commercial objectives for nurserymen. In some woody species, the period in which cuttings can be rooted successfully is transient, thus limiting the opportunities for scheduled production. Optimum rooting often occurs in early- to mid-summer coinciding with periods of active shoot growth. The relationship between this shoot activity and root initiation was investigated in Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple'. Shoot growth on stock plants was manipulated by altering the photoperiod or light quality. Results indicated there were seasonal effects on rooting, but the importance of shoot activity varied with harvest time. Cuttings harvested in August had high rooting percentages, irrespective of photoperiod, and despite shoot growth terminating in response to the short-day treatment. In contrast, by September, rooting percentage was highest in cuttings from plants under long-days, which had maintained greatest shoot growth activity. Cotinus shoots grown in vitro under 16 h days showed reduced shoot growth and increased rooting competence compared with shoots grown under 8 h days. Growing stock plants under polythene films, which altered the amount and quality of the incident light, influenced the rooting of cuttings harvested in August, but no consistent relationship with shoot activity was apparent. From a practical viewpoint, maintaining shoot activity late in the season may prolong the period for propagation by cuttings; but, from a scientific viewpoint, processes associated with an active shoot apex do not provide a complete explanation of seasonal variation in rooting.
Observations on clumps of Phascum cuspidatum during the summer and autumn indicated that this species is at least a short-lived perennial, as young shoots develop from old, brown shoots persisting from the previous winter. No young shoots arising by vegetative propagation were recorded in Pottia truncata. Rhizoid tubers were observed in this species, but only in one of the many clumps examined. Spores of both species germinated freely in culture, but when spores were planted in the field young gametophytes developed inconsistently in P. truncata and never in P. cuspidatum. An investigation of spore deposition around an isolated clump of P. truncata suggested that 67% of the spores released were deposited within the clump, and 70% within 2m. Electrophoretic studies indicated limited genetic variation within two populations of each species, with no genotypes in common between the populations. No genetic variation was recorded between gametophytes within individual clumps of either species, nor between sporophytes and their maternal gametophytes, suggesting a high incidence of inbreeding in these monoecious mosses. (author abst.)
Investigation of the fracture mode for hard and soft wheat endosperm was aimed at gaining a better understanding of the fragmentation process. Fracture mechanical characterization was based on the three-point bending test which enables stable crack propagation to take place in small rectangular pieces of wheat endosperm. The crack length can be measured in situ by using an optical microscope with light illumination from the side of the specimen or from the back of the specimen. Two new techniques were developed and used to estimate the fracture toughness of wheat endosperm, a geometric approach and a compliance method. The geometric approach gave average fracture toughness values of 53.10 and 27.0 J m(-2) for hard and soft endosperm, respectively. Fracture toughness estimated using the compliance method gave values of 49.9 and 29.7 J m(-2) for hard and soft endosperm, respectively. Compressive properties of the endosperm in three mutually perpendicular axes revealed that the hard and soft endosperms are isotropic composites. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observation of the fracture surfaces and the energy-time curves of loading-unloading cycles revealed that there was a plastic flow during crack propagation for both the hard and soft endosperms, and confirmed that the fracture mode is significantly related to the adhesion level between starch granules and the protein matrix.
Consumption of oily fish and fish oils is associated with protection against cardiovascular disease. Paradoxically, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids present in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) are suggested to be susceptible to oxidation. It is not clear whether eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) have similar effects on the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation or whether they affect the thrombogenicity of oxidized LDL. This study examined the influence of highly purified preparations of EPA and DHA on LDL oxidizability and LDL-supported thrombin generation in healthy human volunteers. Forty-two healthy volunteers were randomly assigned to receive olive oil (placebo), an EPA-rich oil or a DHA-rich oil for 4 weeks at a dose of 9 g oil/day. EPA and DHA were incorporated into LDL phospholipids and cholesteryl esters during the supplementation period, but were progressively lost during ex vivo copper-mediated oxidation. Following supplementation, the EPA treatment significantly increased the formation of conjugated dienes during LDL oxidation compared with baseline, whereas the DHA treatment had no effect. Neither treatment significantly affected the lag time for oxidation, oxidation rate during the propagation phase or maximum diene production. Neither EPA nor DHA significantly affected the thrombotic tendency of oxidized LDL compared with the placebo, although DHA tended to decrease it. In conclusion, there are subtle differences in the effects of EPA and DHA on the oxidizability and thrombogenicity of LDL. DHA does not appear to increase the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation to the same degree as EPA and has a tendency to decrease LDL-supported thrombin generation. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The sampling of certain solid angle is a fundamental operation in realistic image synthesis, where the rendering equation describing the light propagation in closed domains is solved. Monte Carlo methods for solving the rendering equation use sampling of the solid angle subtended by unit hemisphere or unit sphere in order to perform the numerical integration of the rendering equation. In this work we consider the problem for generation of uniformly distributed random samples over hemisphere and sphere. Our aim is to construct and study the parallel sampling scheme for hemisphere and sphere. First we apply the symmetry property for partitioning of hemisphere and sphere. The domain of solid angle subtended by a hemisphere is divided into a number of equal sub-domains. Each sub-domain represents solid angle subtended by orthogonal spherical triangle with fixed vertices and computable parameters. Then we introduce two new algorithms for sampling of orthogonal spherical triangles. Both algorithms are based on a transformation of the unit square. Similarly to the Arvo's algorithm for sampling of arbitrary spherical triangle the suggested algorithms accommodate the stratified sampling. We derive the necessary transformations for the algorithms. The first sampling algorithm generates a sample by mapping of the unit square onto orthogonal spherical triangle. The second algorithm directly compute the unit radius vector of a sampling point inside to the orthogonal spherical triangle. The sampling of total hemisphere and sphere is performed in parallel for all sub-domains simultaneously by using the symmetry property of partitioning. The applicability of the corresponding parallel sampling scheme for Monte Carlo and Quasi-D/lonte Carlo solving of rendering equation is discussed.
Garment information tracking is required for clean room garment management. In this paper, we present a camera-based robust system with implementation of Optical Character Reconition (OCR) techniques to fulfill garment label recognition. In the system, a camera is used for image capturing; an adaptive thresholding algorithm is employed to generate binary images; Connected Component Labelling (CCL) is then adopted for object detection in the binary image as a part of finding the ROI (Region of Interest); Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) with the BP (Back Propagation) learning algorithm are used for digit recognition; and finally the system is verified by a system database. The system has been tested. The results show that it is capable of coping with variance of lighting, digit twisting, background complexity, and font orientations. The system performance with association to the digit recognition rate has met the design requirement. It has achieved real-time and error-free garment information tracking during the testing.
We provide a system identification framework for the analysis of THz-transient data. The subspace identification algorithm for both deterministic and stochastic systems is used to model the time-domain responses of structures under broadband excitation. Structures with additional time delays can be modelled within the state-space framework using additional state variables. We compare the numerical stability of the commonly used least-squares ARX models to that of the subspace N4SID algorithm by using examples of fourth-order and eighth-order systems under pulse and chirp excitation conditions. These models correspond to structures having two and four modes simultaneously propagating respectively. We show that chirp excitation combined with the subspace identification algorithm can provide a better identification of the underlying mode dynamics than the ARX model does as the complexity of the system increases. The use of an identified state-space model for mode demixing, upon transformation to a decoupled realization form is illustrated. Applications of state-space models and the N4SID algorithm to THz transient spectroscopy as well as to optical systems are highlighted.
A quasi-optical technique for characterizing micromachined waveguides is demonstrated with wideband time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy. A transfer-function representation is adopted for the description of the relation between the signals in the input and output port of the waveguides. The time-domain responses were discretized, and the waveguide transfer function was obtained through a parametric approach in the z domain after describing the system with an autoregressive with exogenous input model. The a priori assumption of the number of modes propagating in the structure was inferred from comparisons of the theoretical with the measured characteristic impedance as well as with parsimony arguments. Measurements for a precision WR-8 waveguide-adjustable short as well as for G-band reduced-height micromachined waveguides are presented. (C) 2003 Optical Society of America.
The THz water content index of a sample is defined and advantages in using such metric in estimating a sample's relative water content are discussed. The errors from reflectance measurements performed at two different THz frequencies using a quasi-optical null-balance reflectometer are propagated to the errors in estimating the sample water content index.
One of the enablers for new consumer electronics based products to be accepted in to the market is the availability of inexpensive, flexible and multi-standard chipsets and services. DVB-T, the principal standard for terrestrial broadcast of digital video in Europe, has been extremely successful in leading to governments reconsidering their targets for analogue television broadcast switch-off. To enable one further small step in creating increasingly cost effective chipsets, the ODFM deterministic equalizer has been presented before with its application to DVB-T. This paper discusses the test set-up of a DVB-T compliant baseband simulation that includes the deterministic equalizer and DVB-T standard propagation channels. This is then followed by a presentation of the found inner and outer Bit Error Rate (BER) results using various modulation levels, coding rates and propagation channels in order to ascertain the actual performance of the deterministic equalizer(1).