822 resultados para Projective duality


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A short paper giving some examples of smooth hypersurfaces M of degree n+1 in complex projective n-space that are defined by real polynomial equations and whose real slice contains a component diffeomorphic to an n-1 torus, which is then special Lagrangian with respect to the Calabi-Yau metric on M.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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De la vasta obra del filósofo argentino Rodolfo Kusch (1922-1979), quién desarrollara diversas líneas de reflexión-investigación, abordaremos sus tesis sobre la constitución de lo popular en la Argentina. Para ello nos detendremos en dos momentos: por un lado, desarrollaremos su peculiar lectura sobre el ciclo político de la independencia y sobre el período de la organización nacional-estatal argentina, centrándonos en su debate con el clásico binomio sarmientino "civilización o barbarie" y subrayando el parentesco de ciertos conceptos de nuestro autor con aportes más recientes del paradigma de la modernidad / colonialidad. En una segunda instancia, nos referiremos a la persistencia de lo indígena en la constitución de lo popular en nuestro país, en diálogo con otras posiciones del pensamiento nacional y latinoamericano, y derivaremos de allí ciertas conclusiones para la investigación en ciencias sociales.


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Canadian young people are increasingly more connected through technological devices. This computer-mediated communication (CMC) can result in heightened connection and social support but can also lead to inadequate personal and physical connections. As technology evolves, its influence on health and well-being is important to investigate, especially among youth. This study aims to investigate the potential influences of computer-mediated communication (CMC) on the health of Canadian youth, using both quantitative and qualitative research approaches. This mixed-methods study utilized data from the 2013-2014 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children survey for Canada (n=30,117) and focus group data involving Ontario youth (7 groups involving 40 youth). In the quantitative component, a random-effects multilevel Poisson regression was employed to identify the effects of CMC on loneliness, stratified to explore interaction with family communication quality. A qualitative, inductive content analysis was applied to the focus group transcripts using a grounded theory inspired methodology. Through open line-by-line coding followed by axial coding, main categories and themes were identified. The quality of family communication modified the association between CMC use and loneliness. Among youth experiencing the highest quartile of family communication, daily use of verbal and social media CMC was significantly associated with reports of loneliness. The qualitative analysis revealed two overarching concepts that: (1) the health impacts of CMC are multidimensional and (2) there exists a duality of both positive and negative influences of CMC on health. Four themes were identified within this framework: (1) physical activity, (2) mental and emotional disturbance, (3) mindfulness, and (4) relationships. Overall, there is a high proportion of loneliness among Canadian youth, but this is not uniform for all. The associations between CMC and health are influenced by external and contextual factors, including family communication quality. Further, the technologically rich world in which young people live has a diverse impact on their health. For youth, their relationships with others and the context of CMC use shape overall influences on their health.


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We prove that a random Hilbert scheme that parametrizes the closed subschemes with a fixed Hilbert polynomial in some projective space is irreducible and nonsingular with probability greater than $0.5$. To consider the set of nonempty Hilbert schemes as a probability space, we transform this set into a disjoint union of infinite binary trees, reinterpreting Macaulay's classification of admissible Hilbert polynomials. Choosing discrete probability distributions with infinite support on the trees establishes our notion of random Hilbert schemes. To bound the probability that random Hilbert schemes are irreducible and nonsingular, we show that at least half of the vertices in the binary trees correspond to Hilbert schemes with unique Borel-fixed points.


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This dissertation articulates the basic aims and achievements of education. It recognizes language as central to thinking, and philosophy and education as belonging profoundly to one another. The first step is to show that although philosophy can no longer claim to dictate the foundations of knowledge or of disciplines of inquiry, it still offers an exceptionally general level of self-understanding. Education is equally general and faces a similar crisis of self-identity, of coming to terms with reality. Language is the medium of thought and the repository of historical mind; so a child’s acquisition of language is her acquisition of rational freedom. This marks a metaphysical change: no longer merely an animal, she comes to exercise her powers of rationality, transcending her environment by seeking and expressing reasons for thinking and doing. She can think about herself in relation to the universe, hence philosophize and educate others in turn. The discussion then turns to the historical nature of language. The thinking already embedded in language always anticipates further questioning. Etymology serves as a model for philosophical understanding, and demonstrates how philosophy can continue to yield insights that are fundamental, but not foundational, to human life. The etymologies of some basic educational concepts disclose education as a leading out and into the midst of Being. The philosophical approach developed in previous chapters applies to the very idea of an educational aim. Discussion concerning the substantiality of educational ideals results in an impasse: one side recommends an open-­ended understanding of education’s aims; the other insists on a definitive account. However, educational ideals exhibit a conceptual duality: the fundamental achievements of education, such as rational freedom, are real; but how we should understand them remains an open question. The penultimate chapter investigates philosophical thinking as the fulfillment of rational freedom, whose creative insights can profoundly transform our everyday activities. That this transformative self-understanding is without end suggests the basic aims of education are unheimlich. The dissertation concludes with speculative reflection on the shape and nature of language, and with the suggestion that through education reality awakens to itself.


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Unlike community interpreting, community translation engages with the members of the community both at individual and group levels. This duality of the process makes the identification of the community as a socio-cultural entity and of its individual members all the more important. There have been several attempts to define the concept of ‘community’ in different professional and academic contexts. Mindful of the difficulty of defining community, the paper proposes three methods that can help community translators in visualizing the characteristics of the intended audience and in making informed translation decisions. The three methods, derived from user-centred translation, are scrutinized using a case study based on a real-life National Health Service (NHS) text.


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Las relaciones entre los gabinetes de Comunicación de los clubes de fútbol y los periodistas deportivos se enmarcan en el modelo de Gieber y Johnson (1961) por el que el hecho de que ambos compartan objetivos comunes, donde los gabinetes de Comunicación necesitan que los medios publiquen determinadas informaciones y los periodistas precisan de noticias que publicar, provoca una pérdida de independencia por parte de los periodistas, ya que necesitan a esos departamentos como fuentes. En la actualidad, los departamentos de Comunicación de los clubes de fútbol, como el del FC Barcelona, se han constituido en gatekeepers. Esto ha acentuado las históricas diferencias que existen entre los periodistas y los profesionales de la comunicación corporativa, incrementado por el control informativo de estos departamentos lo que provoca constantes tensiones entre ambos.


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This article aims to investigate the possibilities of building puppets in art therapy workshop, for this it realizes a tour of the primitive use of the puppet as a magical twin and potential towards the study of authors who have used the puppets as a therapeutic tool from the first half of the twentieth century. It’s raised an own theoretical organization, which includes the consideration of the significance of the body in the construction and management of the puppet and the puppet transitional perspective, halfway of external reality and psychic reality as an object that makes fantasy and reality arises built.


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Las mecánicas patrimoniales se han basado tradicionalmente en factores racionales, marginando aquellos de carácter más emotivo o relacional. Además, en los últimos tiempos el sesgo economicista las ha obligado a buscar la rentabilidad y participar en el juego de la oferta y la demanda, con unos resultados muy poco esperanzadores. Cambiar ese estado de cosas pasa por cambiar radicalmente las estrategias puestas en marcha, basarse en la interlocución, conocer las relaciones entre el patrimonio y los colectivos sociales y, sobre todo, cambiar nuestra manera de pensar en el patrimonio.


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El trabajo explica el vínculo existente entre las distintas concepciones platónicas del éros y de la poesía, como parte del legado poético del siglo v. Y analiza su evolución, y la de su relación con la filosofía, en Fedro, Banquete y República, como un proceso de destilación del éros elaborado por la poesía, del que es afín el éros filosófico configurado en el Fedro, pero cuya incompatibilidad, insinuada en el Banquete, se hace explícita y taxativa en la República. Todo ello con el fin de demostrar hasta qué punto asume el pensamiento de Platón la herencia poética precedente, poniendo en evidencia que dicho proceso responde, en todas sus fases, a un mismo objetivo: materializar el anhelo poético por excelencia: la creación de un «terreno intermedio» donde conciliar la irrenunciable dualidad de las aspiraciones humanas. En consecuencia, se invita aquí a mirar la ciudad platónica como materialización posible, no utópica, de un espacio logrado en el que integrar armónicamente la realidad y el deseo.


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The category of rational SO(2)--equivariant spectra admits an algebraic model. That is, there is an abelian category A(SO(2)) whose derived category is equivalent to the homotopy category of rational$SO(2)--equivariant spectra. An important question is: does this algebraic model capture the smash product of spectra? The category A(SO(2)) is known as Greenlees' standard model, it is an abelian category that has no projective objects and is constructed from modules over a non--Noetherian ring. As a consequence, the standard techniques for constructing a monoidal model structure cannot be applied. In this paper a monoidal model structure on A(SO(2)) is constructed and the derived tensor product on the homotopy category is shown to be compatible with the smash product of spectra. The method used is related to techniques developed by the author in earlier joint work with Roitzheim. That work constructed a monoidal model structure on Franke's exotic model for the K_(p)--local stable homotopy category. A monoidal Quillen equivalence to a simpler monoidal model category that has explicit generating sets is also given. Having monoidal model structures on the two categories removes a serious obstruction to constructing a series of monoidal Quillen equivalences between the algebraic model and rational SO(2)--equivariant spectra.


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This paper formulates a linear kernel support vector machine (SVM) as a regularized least-squares (RLS) problem. By defining a set of indicator variables of the errors, the solution to the RLS problem is represented as an equation that relates the error vector to the indicator variables. Through partitioning the training set, the SVM weights and bias are expressed analytically using the support vectors. It is also shown how this approach naturally extends to Sums with nonlinear kernels whilst avoiding the need to make use of Lagrange multipliers and duality theory. A fast iterative solution algorithm based on Cholesky decomposition with permutation of the support vectors is suggested as a solution method. The properties of our SVM formulation are analyzed and compared with standard SVMs using a simple example that can be illustrated graphically. The correctness and behavior of our solution (merely derived in the primal context of RLS) is demonstrated using a set of public benchmarking problems for both linear and nonlinear SVMs.


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In this paper, we consider the transmission of confidential information over a κ-μ fading channel in the presence of an eavesdropper who also experiences κ-μ fading. In particular, we obtain novel analytical solutions for the probability of strictly positive secrecy capacity (SPSC) and a lower bound of secure outage probability (SOPL) for independent and non-identically distributed channel coefficients without parameter constraints. We also provide a closed-form expression for the probability of SPSC when the μ parameter is assumed to take positive integer values. Monte-Carlo simulations are performed to verify the derived results. The versatility of the κ-μ fading model means that the results presented in this paper can be used to determine the probability of SPSC and SOPL for a large number of other fading scenarios, such as Rayleigh, Rice (Nakagamin), Nakagami-m, One-Sided Gaussian, and mixtures of these common fading models. In addition, due to the duality of the analysis of secrecy capacity and co-channel interference (CCI), the results presented here will have immediate applicability in the analysis of outage probability in wireless systems affected by CCI and background noise (BN). To demonstrate the efficacy of the novel formulations proposed here, we use the derived equations to provide a useful insight into the probability of SPSC and SOPL for a range of emerging wireless applications, such as cellular device-to-device, peer-to-peer, vehicle-to-vehicle, and body centric communications using data obtained from real channel measurements.