989 resultados para Project performance Infrastructure


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One way to assist in transforming a lecture experience into an occasion that can attract and engage students is via the use of performance techniques. Investigating the impact of certain types of performance skills on students' attitudes towards the learning experience can help better understand the relevance of such techniques in face to face and online learning experiences. This paper outlines a project which: i) surveyed students about their attitudes towards face to face and online recorded lectures, ii) surveyed students about their attitudes towards performance techniques, in particular, spatial awareness, vocalisation, eye contact and passion, iii) interviewed lecturers about the potential benefits of performance techniques to student learning in the lecture theatre, and iv) investigated which factors most affected a teacher's decision to incorporate performance techniques in the lecture theatre. The results suggest that students and lecturers value face to face delivery of content, recognising the benefit of performance techniques in the lecture theatre. Recommendations are made regarding ways to encourage a wider use and evaluation of performance techniques in teaching and learning at the university level.


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Building on a habitat mapping project completed in 2011, Deakin University was commissioned by Parks Victoria (PV) to apply the same methodology and ground-truth data to a second, more recent and higher resolution satellite image to create habitat maps for areas within the Corner Inlet and Nooramunga Marine and Coastal Park and Ramsar area. A ground-truth data set using in situ video and still photographs was used to develop and assess predictive models of benthic marine habitat distributions incorporating data from both RapidEye satellite imagery (corrected for atmospheric and water column effects by CSIRO) and LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) bathymetry. This report describes the results of the mapping effort as well as the methodology used to produce these habitat maps.

Overall accuracies of habitat classifications were good, with error rates similar to or better than the earlier classification (>73 % and kappa values > 0.58 for both study localities). The RapidEye classification failed to accurately detect Pyura and reef habitat classes at the Corner Inlet locality, possibly due to differences in spectral frequencies. For comparison, these categories were combined into a ‘non-seagrass’ category, similar to the one used at the Nooramunga locality in the original classification. Habitats predicted with highest accuracies differed from the earlier classification and were Posidonia in Corner Inlet (89%), and bare sediment (no-visible seagrass class) in Nooramunga (90%). In the Corner Inlet locality reef and Pyura habitat categories were not distinguishable in the repeated classification and so were combined with bare sediments. The majority of remaining classification errors were due to the misclassification of Zosteraceae as bare sediment and vice versa. Dominant habitats were the same as those from the 2011 classification with some differences in extent. For the Corner Inlet study locality the no-visible seagrass category remained the most extensive (9059 ha), followed by Posidonia (5,513 ha) and Zosteraceae (5,504 ha). In Nooramunga no-visible seagrass (6,294 ha), Zosteraceae (3,122 ha) and wet saltmarsh (1,562 ha) habitat classes were most dominant.

Change detection analyses between the 2009 and 2011 imagery were undertaken as part of this project, following the analyses presented in Monk et al. (2011) and incorporating error estimates from both classifications. These analyses indicated some shifts in classification between Posidonia and Zosteraceae as well as a general reduction in the area of Zosteraceae. Issues with classification of mixed beds were apparent, particularly in the main Posidonia bed at Nooramunga where a mosaic of Zosteraceae and Posidonia was seen that was not evident in the ALOS classification. Results of a reanalysis of the 1998-2009 change detection illustrating effects of binning of mixed beds is also provided as an appendix.

This work has been successful in providing baseline maps at an improved level of detail using a repeatable method meaning that any future changes in intertidal and shallow water marine habitats may be assessed in a consistent way with quantitative error assessments. In wider use, these maps should also allow improved conservation planning, advance fisheries and catchment management, and progress infrastructure planning to limit impacts on the Inlet environment.


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A studio performance (30 minutes) - to include a brief discussion post performance of the practice, experience and further direction of the solo hybrid dance practice and performance

The solo WORK represents an investigation and inquiry into hybrid practice and performance in dance. WORK is the product and register of the author's Master of Arts by Research project undertaken at Deakin University (2010-2012). The embodied inquiry into the nature and potential of hybridity begins and returns to the body in both the physical and written performances. Rather than viewing hybridity and the hybrid body as a pastiche of poorly understood practices, processes and aesthetics, this investigation proposes the hybrid body and practices as one of positive expansion, inquiry, and development for both art form and artist alike.

WORK developed a new approach to movement practice and performance through a solo performance that used physical paradigms of endurance and work to integrate the normally divergent movement practices of contemporary dance, circus and improvisation. Through experiments of endurance in practice and performance WORK engaged in an experiment that placed the author's body as researcher, dancer, choreographer, performer, acrobat and more into the centre of her inquiry. The author's inquiry posed questions as to the potential or otherwise of the hybrid body in the creation of an individual idiom in dance, and challenged bodily endurance in solo performance practice.

This was a performance demonstration of what training-practice, performance-practice and performance might be from a hybrid perspective and also the physical and psychological performance of WORK. WORK is presented as functional, critical, challenging, demanding, and as an endurance event.

The discussion post performance focused on a new choreographic methodology (Studio-led practice as research for PhD study) for extending the potentiality of hybrid work physically - looking forward to removing bias and habitués and potentially creating a new paradigm aesthetically, physically, practically and critically.


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Purpose - the purpose of this paper is to emphasise on a balance between quantitative and qualitative measures, and examine the use of Balanced Scorecard to evaluate and estimate the performance of information and communication technologies (ICT) in delivering valuable e-government services through the internet. Design/methodology/approach - This study tests the hypotheses of e-government effectiveness using Balanced Scorecard technique by incorporating qualitative measures within a quantitative research methodology with data collected by means of a survey questionnaire. The survey sample of 383 stakeholders includes common customers, employees of e-government, and employees from the IT sector. The survey data were analysed to test the hypothesis in measuring e-government effectiveness from Balanced Scorecard's four dimensions: customer perspective, financial perspective, internal business process perspective, and innovation and learning perspective. Findings - The results show that the Balanced Scorecard factors fit very well with monitoring and measuring the performance of e-government in Jordan, and also in evaluating their success in IT project investments. Originality/value - This study attempts to address this gap in the literature and would benefit future studies in applying Balanced Scorecard for performance evaluation of various IT projects that are gaining huge investments from governments and organisations .


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The new Melbourne Metro underground rail project will leave a legacy long into the future, with an estimated design life which will extend beyond 100 years. As such it is extremely important to consider the mitigation of any environmental impacts, providing a sustainable outcome. It is also essential to pre-empt required adaptation of buildings and infrastructure in the future against the impact of changes in the local climate. Designing a metro system in the age of climate change provides the opportunity to go beyond standard specifications and compliance requirements, creating innovative sustainable and climate resilient design outcomes. On the contrary, constructing an underground metro project presents various design challenges fuelled by complex constraints, many uncertainties and risks. This paper will review the methodology used to integrate environmentally sustainable principles and resilient design for climate change adaptation, within the concept development phase of the Melbourne Metro Underground Rail Project.


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Construction project managers normally need develop their professional knowledge and practical skills in construction technologies and management on the basis of long term work experience. Their organizational commitment and job satisfaction level significantly influence their performance attitudes and job achievements. Keeping construction project managers highly committed to and satisfied with the employed companies is extremely vital to employed construction companies but is really difficulty due to the non-attractive job circumstances. This research investigates the major demographic variables that affect the organizational commitment and job satisfaction of project managers in the construction industry. Based on an empirical study, the statistical results indicate that some demographical variables play a substantial role in construction project managers' organizational commitment and job satisfaction. With this knowledge, construction organizations can draw up operational strategies to retain their project managers.


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This paper proposes a practical and cost-effective approach to construct a fully distributed roadside communication infrastructure to facilitate the localized content dissemination to vehicles in the urban area. The proposed infrastructure is composed of distributed lightweight low-cost devices called roadside buffers (RSBs), where each RSB has the limited buffer storage and is able to transmit wirelessly the cached contents to fast-moving vehicles. To enable the distributed RSBs working toward the global optimal performance (e.g., minimal average file download delays), we propose a fully distributed algorithm to determine optimally the content replication strategy at RSBs. Specifically, we first develop a generic analytical model to evaluate the download delay of files, given the probability density of file distribution at RSBs. Then, we formulate the RSB content replication process as an optimization problem and devise a fully distributed content replication scheme accordingly to enable vehicles to recommend intelligently the desirable content files to RSBs. The proposed infrastructure is designed to optimize the global network utility, which accounts for the integrated download experience of users and the download demands of files. Using extensive simulations, we validate the effectiveness of the proposed infrastructure and show that the proposed distributed protocol can approach to the optimal performance and can significantly outperform the traditional heuristics.


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Anthology is a site sympathetic theatrical journey through Westlake, now known as Stirling Park – Ngunawal land, a traditional pathway and the site of one of the camps created to house the workers building the new city of Canberra. These families lived at Westlake for 50 years until the 1960’s when the families were relocated, the houses sold and removed. Westlake is now parkland (and prime real estate), nestled between the lake and the Embassies of Yarralumla. Central to the interconnected web of my PhD research, the opportunity to collaborate with Pip Buining to devise and install Anthology provides a rich, investigative environment to examine post-traumatic representation in contemporary Australian culture. The project, even in its early stages, promises to allude to the power of immersive, site-sympathetic performance as a regenerative force in the 21st century.

This paper draws upon Mary Zimmerman’s notion of An Archeology of Performance. What lies in wait for artists in sites, in places…to be uncovered…with its final form revealed through careful excavation? The Anthology Project aims to centralise memory, rituals of remembrance and the importance of place as vital to the restoration and regeneration of community through processing and transcending both personal and cultural trauma.

Ex-resident Ann Gugler, moved to Westlake with her family when she was 4 and has worked tirelessly to collect the stories of the Westlake children and document the existence of the ‘vanished suburb’. In Ann Gugler’s own words, “When one is forgotten, one ceases to exist” and the act of restorative remembering through contemporary performance strives to return some balance to the lives of the past residents as well as a new perspective for the current community and their relationship to the imprint of history embedded in the site.


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This article discusses the process of writing through devising in performance. It takes as a case study Apart of and A Part From in which muscle and sense memory – touch, smell, taste, sound and sight – were the points of departure for a contemporary performance piece on migration and identity. This was a practice-as-research project aimed to better understand the artist’s body (myself) in improvisation with memory fragments. Working from a non-verbal frame the writing experience began as actions in space, then new memories in my body, to maps on paper, to key word and some staging patterns, to systematic capturing of the textual, rhythmic and spatial structures in the emerging 30-minute performance. Various objects were incorporated to give aesthetic coherence of the piece. The article reports on the processes of writing in action, the writing and performing as lived experience and how the writing emerged from the spaces in between – self and other, self and object, self and space, present self and past self.


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Of giving and receiving // Of giving and taking // Of exchanges
Reciprocity // Mutuality // Expectations

A performance of liveness in which the presence of the performer is interrogated.

Drawing on Dan Graham's (1974) Two Consciousness Project, Presents//Presence plays on Object = Space relationships. Engaging with contemporary notions of thinking and consciousness, the performance plays with time - the here and now, the passage of time, time zones, and timing.

Lovers. An anniversary. Fine Dining. Distance. Skype.

Presents disrupt subject positions of audience, of performer; something happens while we are waiting for something else to happen. Through the use portable computers and hand-held (smart) devices for the capture and 'projection' of action in real time, the exploration sets out to engage with notions live and remote, absence and presence, the play of embodied transmission and live performance and the perception of absence.

Through a simulation of the simultaneous presences (performances) of performers Magda Miranda and Rea Dennis, Presents//Presence is a performative event that (re) activates live/d moments in the lives of the artists. Such presence characterizes computer time – “a permanent present, an unbounded, timeless intensity” (Virilio in Dixon 90). Such presence could also be said to characterize the intra-subjective experience of intimacy. The piece draws on the languages of live theatre, elements of autobiographical performance, inter- and intra-subjective perception, and an understanding of time as a spatial metaphor. This paper reports on the performance event Presents//Presence. In it, we outline the narrative and structural anchors that frame the piece and discuss some of the theoretical threads informing the research. The paper is accompanied by a recording of the performance that was delivered to a live audience at University of South Wales, Cardiff during the Remote Encounters conference in April 2013.


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FInal Project reoprt for The Beacon's For Engagement Funded performance project entitled: Reclimaing the Shrew; a partnerhship between Beacon for Engagement, Wales, University of Glamorgan and Valleyskids aimed to engage and retain young people at risk in creatiing a personally meaningful art project for their communities. The research drew on Csikzemmyhaliyi's work that promotes effortful physical activity to induce flow in adolescents couple with devising and phsyical theatre practice that enables a democratic creative experience for participants.


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This article examines the determinants of working excessive hours, defined as working in excess of 60 hours per week or for more than six consecutive days, in Chinese and Thai supply chain factories. We use a matched employer-employee dataset collected from 15 Chinese and Thai footwear and sporting apparel supply chain factories, which supply international brands. Matched employer-employee data allow us to examine the effect of worker and firm characteristics on hours worked. We find that in addition to the demographic and human capital characteristics of workers, firm-level characteristics and worker awareness of how to refuse overtime are important in explaining variation in hours worked. © John Wiley & Sons Ltd/London School of Economics 2011.


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This paper proposes a new teaching and learning approach-project and module based teaching and learning (PMBTL). The PMBTL approach incorporates the merits of project/problem based and module based learning methods, and overcomes the limitations of these methods. The correlation between teaching, learning, practice and assessment is emphasized in this approach, and new methods have been proposed accordingly. The distinct features of these new methods differentiate the PMBTL approach from conventional teaching approaches. Evaluation of this approach on practical teaching and learning activities demonstrates the effectiveness and stability of the approach in improving the performance and quality of teaching and learning. The approach proposed in this paper is also intuitive to the design of other teaching units.


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In this paper, we study two tightly coupled issues: space-crossing community detection and its influence on data forwarding in Mobile Social Networks (MSNs) by taking the hybrid underlying networks with infrastructure support into consideration. The hybrid underlying network is composed of large numbers of mobile users and a small portion of Access Points (APs). Because APs can facilitate the communication among long-distance nodes, the concept of physical proximity community can be extended to be one across the geographical space. In this work, we first investigate a space-crossing community detection method for MSNs. Based on the detection results, we design a novel data forwarding algorithm SAAS (Social Attraction and AP Spreading), and show how to exploit the space-crossing communities to improve the data forwarding efficiency. We evaluate our SAAS algorithm on real-life data from MIT Reality Mining and University of Illinois Movement (UIM). Results show that space-crossing community plays a positive role in data forwarding in MSNs in terms of delivery ratio and delay. Based on this new type of community, SAAS achieves a better performance than existing social community-based data forwarding algorithms in practice, including Bubble Rap and Nguyen's Routing algorithms. © 2014 IEEE.


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The Taylor Family Digital Library is the central library opened in 2011 at the University of Calgary dedicated to supporting digital scholarship, creativity, analysis and a supportive learning environment for students. The new building is a technologically advanced converged cultural institution, with mandates to continually evolve in order to meet the needs of students and researchers. The infrastructure to support these mandates required research, collaboration and intense planning, resulting in new construction and technology standards for library renovation and construction projects. This pragmatic article is written for those who will follow in similar footsteps; it provides a roadmap for those embarking on the construction of a new technologically advanced library building.