904 resultados para Prison Meals


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Contient : 1 Acte donné par PHILIPPE AUGUSTE du jugement rendu par les pairs de France, réunis à Melun, en faveur de Blanche, comtesse de Champagne, et de son fils Thibaud, contre Érard de Brienne et Philippa, sa femme, qui demandaient audit roi de recevoir leur hommage pour le même comté de Champagne. Melun, juillet 1216. En latin ; 2 Acte des jugements rendus sur des questions de forme, à propos d'un appel de Jean de Nesle, qui avait cité Jeanne, comtesse de Flandre, à comparaître devant les pairs de France. Paris, 1224. En latin ; 3 Acte par lequel HENRI DE DREUX, archevêque de Reims, PHILIPPE HUREPEL, comte DE BOULOGNE, ROBERT GATEBLED, comte DE DREUX, ENGUERRAND DE COUCY et MATHIEU DE MONTMORENCY, connétable de France, font connaître les engagements pris par eux envers la reine Blanche, pour empêcher Pierre Mauclerc, comte de Bretagne, de marier sa fille Yolande avec un prince anglais. Paris, juillet 1224. En latin ; 4 Jugement rendu, au camp devant Ancenis, contre Pierre Mauclerc, comte de Bretagne, déclaré coupable de félonie envers le roi de France et par là déchu du comté de Bretagne. Juin 1230. En latin ; 5 Note concernant le grand chambellan et le grand échanson de France, pour prouver qu'ils avoient siége et voix au parlement, en 1277 ; 6 Composition de « l'estroict conseil », pendant la régence de Philippe V, le Long. 1316 ; 7 Procès-verbal duquel il ressort que le sire de Margueil fut condamné à tenir prison au Châtelet, malgré les excuses et les explications par lui présentées à Vincennes, le 28 juin 1319, au roi Philippe V, le Long, touchant une lettre dans laquelle Henri, sire de Sully, bouteiller de France, était traité d'Achitophel ; 8 « Les noms des seigneurs qui furent presens au Louvre, le mecredi devant Pasques fleuries, l'an de grace 1331, à l'arrest donné contre Robert d'Arthois » ; 9 Sentence prononcée en cour de parlement, en faveur de Jeanne de France, reine de Navarre, contre Hugues de Roucy, qui ne l'avait pas fait ajourner dans les formes régulières. 12 mai 1340. En latin ; 10 Notes sur les lits de justice tenus en 1372, 1378 et 1458 ; 11 « L'ordre et la maniere de l'assiette du roy [Louis XI] et des gens des trois estatz », lors de « l'assemblée tenue... en la ville de Tours... le 6 avril 1467, avant Pasques » ; 12 Notes sur l'ordre observé les 8 et 11 juillet 1493, 24, 26 et 27 juillet, 16 et 20 décembre 1527, 15 janvier 1536, aux séances du parlement où le roi siégeait ; 13 Extraits de J. « DU TILLET, au recueil des rancs des grandz de France » ; 14 Discours de J. « DU TILLET » sur « les crimes de lese majesté divine et humaine », où il examine « s'il sera plus expedient que les jugemens portent reversion et reunyon à [la] couronne des fiefz qui en meuvent immediatement, que confiscation avec celle des meubles et arrierefiefz tous appartenans au roy esd. cas » ; 15 Mémoire sur l'origine de la gendarmerie, des gentilshommes de la maison du roi et de ceux dits au bec de Corbin ; 16 Discours dressé, sur l'ordre du roi, par « M. DE VILLEROY », concernant les « rangs et seances de France et l'ordre observé es jours solemnels et ceremonies royalles entre les princes, ducs, pairs, officiers de la couronne et autres princes venus en France » ; 17 « Autre discours des rangs et preseances de France » ; 18 « Traicté de mariage de Charles II, duc de Lorraine, et de Claude de France. Du 19 janvier » 1559 ; 19 Liste par ordre chronologique des duchés-pairies réunis à la couronne (fol. 70), comtés-pairies réunis à la couronne (fol. 73), comtés-pairies démembrés de la couronne (fol. 77), baronnies-pairies réunies à la couronne (fol. 78), baronnies érigées en pairies, en faveur des frères de Charles IX (fol. 80), duchés simples, sans qualité de pairies, réunis à la couronne (fol. 80), duchés simples, sans qualité de pairies, appartenant à des particuliers (fol. 82), duchés-pairies nouveaux, tenus par des particuliers (fol. 83). Cette liste s'arrête à 1638 ; 20 Relation des paroles tenues par François Ier au château de Rambouillet, dans les derniers jours de la maladie dont il mourut ; 21 « L'ordre du convoy funebre du corps du feu roy [Henri II], depuis les Tournelles jusques à N. D. de Paris, et de là jusques à S. Denis » ; 22 « Seremonies faictes au convoy et enterement du feu roy Charles IX, decedé au chasteau de Vincene, le 30 may 1574 » ; 23 « Discours faict durant les persecutions » ; 24 « Noms des principaux seigneurs catholiques d'Angleterre » ; 25 De la prééminence des maréchaux de France sur les amiraux


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Contient : Traduction en vers latins, par Pompone Ier de Bellièvre, de divers passages de poètes grecs, notamment de Sophocle, Sotade, Ménandre, Antiphane, etc., avec dédicace en vers latins au chancelier Michel de L'Hôpital, orig ; Fragments littéraires et extraits de divers auteurs, de la main de Pompone Ier de Bellièvre ; Compliments, harangues, remontrances, lettres et notes diverses du premier président Pompone II de Bellièvre, minutes et copies ; Lettres orig. adressées au premier président Pompone II de Bellièvre par : Henri-Auguste de Loménie de Brienne, 1651 (f. 136 et suiv.), — Gaston d'Orléans, 1653 (f. 148 et suiv.), — le cardinal Mazarin, 1654 (f. 153), — Anne d'Autriche, 1655 (f. 160), et 1654 (f. 178), — Matthieu Molé (f. 161 et suiv., etc.), — et Louis XIV, 1654 (f. 177) ; Pièces orig., relatives au cardinal de Retz et à sa démission de l'archevêché de Paris : Promesse par le cardinal de Retz, au Roi, de retourner à Rome, 1654 ; Promesse par le maréchal de La Meilleraie, de mettre le cardinal de Retz hors de prison, 1654 ; Démission du cardinal de Retz de l'archevêché de Paris


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Contient : 1 « Le proces de Gilles de Rays, mareschal de France. 1440 » ; 2 « Recueil faict par Mr le chancelier DE L'HOSPITAL des principaux articles de traictez de paix, mariages et alliances entre les roys de France, d'Espagne, Angleterre et ducz de Bourgongne, où se voient les noms des personnes les plus nottables qui y ont esté commises et emploiées par lesd. Srs roys, de part et d'autre, et les resolutions et accordz des differendz et affaires les plus importans qui se sont passez dans la suitte de leurs reignes » ; a « Traicté de paix, faict entre le roy Jean et le roy d'Angleterre, par la negociation et entremise de Charles, filz aisné de France, duc de Normandie, dauphin de Vienois et regent dans le royaume, pendant l'absence et prison du roy son pere, contenant la rendition des provinces de part et d'autre, et renonciation par les roys d'Angleterre aux pretentions et tiltre de roy de France. 1360 » ; b « Traicté de paix faict en la ville de Senlis, entre le roy Charles et l'empereur, tant en leurs noms que pour Marguerite d'Autriche, fille de Maximilian et soeur de Philippes, roy d'Espagne, contenant les clauses et conditions accordées, tant pour terminer leurs differendz des restitutions des places et biens d'Eglise, reiglemens des foy et hommages et autres circonstances dependantes dud. traicté, en 1493 » ; c « Traicté d'Arras d'entre le roy Charles VII, le roy d'Angleterre et le duc de Bourgongne, en l'an 1435 » ; d « Traicté de Conflans de l'an 1465, nommé le traicté du Bien public » ; e « Traicté de Peronne, faict entre le roy Louis XI et le duc de Bourgongne, en l'an 1468 » ; f « Traicté de paix et mariage de Charles daulphin, filz du roy Louis XI, avecq Marguerite d'Autriche, fille de Maximilian, en l'année 1483 » ; g « Traicté de paix faict entre le roy Charles VIIIe Ferdinand, roy de Castille, en l'an 1495 » ; h « Ratiffication du traicté de Senlis, apres le decedz du roy Charles VIII, en 1498 » ; i « Traicté des cas et droictz royaulx du roy, en Arthois, accorde le 4 juillet 1499 » ; j « Hommage faict au roy par l'archiduc pour ses comtez de Flandre et Arthois, en l'an 1499 » ; k « Traicté de pa et mariage entre Charles, prince d'Espagne, et René de France, en l'an 1515 » ; l « Traicté de mariage de Charles, roy d'Espagne, et de Mme Louise de France, en l'an 1516 » ; m « Traicté de la neutrallité de la Franche Comté, faict en l'an 1552 » ; n « Éxtraictz de deux traictez de trefve faictz entre le roy et l'empereur, en l'abbaïe de Vaucelle, en l'an 1556 » ; o « Traicté de mariage de François, dauphin de France, et de Marie, roine d'Escosse, en l'an 1558 » ; p « Extraict des principalles plainctes formées par messire Anthoine Duprat, chancelier de France, deputté par le roy François Ier, en l'assemblée de Callais, contre l'empereur Charles Quint ». 1521 ; 3 « Missive de CHARLES, duc DE BOURGONGNE, aux sieurs de Ravenstein et chancelier de Brabant ». 1476 ; 4 « Advis donné au roy René II, allant à Venize pour recevoir la charge et estat de cappitaine general de la seigneurie » ; 5 Recueil de préceptes pour se bien conduire ; 6 Extraits du traité conclu à Câteau-Cambrésis, en 1559, et du traité conclu à Édimbourg, en 1560 ; 7 Ordre du roi HENRI II, daté de Coucy, le 6 avril 1559, pour la publication de la paix conclue « entre le roy d'Espagne [Philippe II], la reine d'Angleterre » Élisabeth, le roi de France et ses « enfans, les roy et reine d'Escosse [François de France et Marie Stuart], dauphins » ; 8 Extrait des registres du parlement de Paris, concernant la proclamation de la paix mentionnée ci-dessus ; 9 « Responce de S. M. [Louis XIV] au bref de S. S. [Innocent X], faicte à M. le nonce, au conseil du roy, tenu au Palais royal, par M. le chancelier, le jeudy 16 novembre 1645 », en faveur du cardinal Antoine Barberin


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The goal ofthis literature review is to inform the reader on several aspects of West Nile Virus (WNV) transmission by its mosquito vector, Culex pipiens and to elucidate how Cx. pipiens and WNV are intertwined. The first few sections of the literature review describe the life cycle and blood feeding behaviours ofmosquitoes so that baseline data ofmosquito biology are established. In addition to explaining how and why a mosquito blood feeds, the section on "Blood Meal Analysis" describes the different methods for determining the vertebrate source of mosquito blood meals and a brief history of these testing methods. Since this thesis looks at the feeding behaviour of Cx. pipiens, it is important to know how to determine what they are feeding upon. Discussion on other mosquito-borne diseases related to WNV gives a broader perspective to the thesis, and examines other diseases that have occurred in Ontario in the past. This is followed by background information on WNV and theories on how this virus came to North America and how it relates to Cx. pipiens. The final sections discuss Cx. pipiens and give background information to how this species of mosquito exists and behaves within North America.


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Floral nectar is thought to be the primary carbohydrate source for most dipteran species. However, it has been shown that black flies (Burgin & Hunter 1997 a,b,c), mosquitoes (Foster 1995; Burkett et al. 1999; Russell & Hunter 2002), deer flies (Magnarelli & Burger 1984; Janzen & Hunter 1998; Ossowski & Hunter 2000), horse flies (Schutz & Gaugler 1989; Hunter & Ossowski 1999) and sand flies (MacVicker et al. 1990; Wallbanks et al. 1990; Cameron et al. 1992, 1995; Schlein & Jacobson 1994, 1999; Hamilton & EI Naiem 2000) feed on homopteran honeydew as well as floral nectar. Prior to 1997 floral nectar was thought to be the main source of carbohydrates for black flies. However, Burgin & Hunter (1 997a) demonstrated that up to 35% of black flies had recently consumed meals of homo pte ran honeydew. This information has necessitated a re-assessment of many life history aspects of black flies. Attempts are being made to examine the effects of nectar versus honeydew on black fly fecundity and parasite transmission (Hazzard 2003). Recently, Stanfield and Hunter (unpublished data) have shown that in female black flies, honeydew sugars produce flights of longer distance and duration than do nectar sugars. This thesis examines two aspects of black fly biology as it relates to sugar meal consumption. First, the effects of honeydew and nectar on black fly longevity are examined. Second, the proximate causation behind longer flight performances in honeydew-fed flies will be examined. The comparison between these two sources is important because nectar is composed of mainly simple sugars (monosaccharides and disaccharides) whereas honeydew is composed of both simple and complex sugars (including trisaccharides and tetrasaccharides ).


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Among the environmental factors that can affect food intake is the extent of dietary variety available in the environment. Numerous studies have demonstrated that variety in a meal can increase the amount of food consumed in humans, rats, and other species. A physiological mechanism that has been demonstrated to affect food intake is the gut peptide cholecystokinin (CCK) which is released from the upper small intestine during the ingestion of food. Peripherally administered CCK has a robust inhibitory effect on the intake of a single-food meal. Thus, dietary variety and CCK both affect meal size, with dietary variety increasing intake and CCK decreasing intake. This raises the question ofhow dietary variety and CCK might interact to affect meal size. Previous studies of CCK's effects have focused on situations in which only one food was available for consumption. However, in an animal's natural environment it would frequently occur that the animal would come across a number of foods either simultaneously or in quick succession, thus providing the animal access to a variety of foods during a meal. Accordingly, the effect ofCCK on food intake in single-food and multiple-food meals was examined. It was found that food intake was greater in multiple-food than in single-food meals provided that foods in the multiplefood meal were presented either simultaneously or in increasing order of preference. When foods in the multiple-food meal were presented in decreasing order of preference, intake was similar to that observed in single-food meals. In addition, it was found that CCK inhibited food intake in a dose-dependent manner, and that its effects on food intake were similar regardless of meal type. Therefore, the inhibitory effects ofCCK were not diminished when a variety of foods were available for consumption. Furthermore, the finding that CCK did not differentially affect the intake of the two types of meals does not provide support for the recent-foods hypothesis which postulates that CCK decreases food intake by reducing the palatability of only recently consumed foods. However, it is consistent with the all-foods hypothesis, which predicts that CCK reduces food intake by decreasing the palatability of all foods. The 600 ng/kg dose of the CCK^-antagonist lorglumide significantly antagonized the inhibitory effect of exogenous CCK on food intake, and the magnitude of this effect was similar for both types of meal. These results suggest that exogenous CCK inhibits food intake through the activation ofCCK^ receptors. However, when administered by itself, the 600^ig/kg dose of lorglumide did not increase food intake in either single-food or multiple-food meals, suggesting that peripheral endogenous CCK may not play a major role in the control of food intake.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of family support on diabetes education behavioural outcomes, specifically in relation to diet, exercise, and blood glucose monitoring in adult individuals with Type 2 diabetes. Fifty-three individuals attending diabetes education for the first time were followed approximately 1 month. The findings for the influence of family support were mixed. Family attending diabetes class with participants had a positive influence with respect to diet. This is consistent with Carl Rogers (1969) who espouses setting a positive climate for learning and that learning new attitudes or information comes when external barriers are at a minimum. However family attending class with participants had no influence with respect to exercise or blood glucose monitoring. The family support action of encouraging with respect to diet overall did not influence healthy eating behaviours except for decreased skipped meals and scheduled snacks. In fact, in the areas of family willing to make healthy choices along with participant, the less the family was involved in encouraging, the better the participant did. Exercise on the other hand was influenced positively by family encouragement. This is consistent with Bandura's theory that enhancement of self-confidence and self-efficacy can lead to desired behaviour changes. Family encouragement however did not appear to influence blood glucose monitoring behaviours. This study has implications for practice in that diabetes education programs can encourage family to attend classes or get involved in encouraging the person with diabetes, so that it may help to increase healthy eating behaviours and exercise. As time is necessary to implement changes in behaviour, future research can look at the influence of family support over a 6-month, I-year, or greater period.


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This thesis argues that the motivations underpinning the mainstream news media have fundamentally changed in the 21 sl century. As such, the news is no longer best understood as a tool for propaganda or agenda setting; instead it seems that the news is only motivated by the flow of global network capitalism. The author contrasts the work of Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman with that of Gilles Deleuze. Chomsky and Herman's 'Propaganda Model' has been influential within the fields of media studies and popular culture. The 'propaganda model' states that the concentration of ownership of the media has allowed the media elite to exert a disproportionate amount of influence over the mass media. Deleuze, on the other hand, regards the mass media as being yet another cog within the global capitalist mechanism, and is therefore separate from ideology or propaganda. The author proposes that 'propaganda' is no longer a sufficient word to describe the function of the news as terms like 'propaganda' imply some form of national sovereignty or governmental influence. To highlight how the news has 'changed from an instrument of propaganda to an instrument of accumulation, the author compares and contrasts the· coverage of the Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal with that of the Haditha Civilian Massacre. Although similar in nature, the author proposes that the Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal received a disproportionate amount of coverage within the mainstream press because of its exciting and sensational nature.


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Chinese have unique perspectives on health and illness, which is mostly umecognized by western medicine. Immigration may contribute to problems with health consultations, inconvenience, and dissatisfaction. As the largest visible minority in Canada, Chinese- Canadians' perspectives on health should be studied in order to help Chinese immigrants adapt to a new health-care and health-promotion system, and keep them healthy. A quantitative questionnaire was designed based on the findings from a pilot study and previous literature. A hundred participants were recruited from Toronto, Vancouver, Halifax, and St. Catharines. Descriptive analysis and correlation analysis were used to investigate the structure of the variables. Findings indicated that most oftheir attitudes and corresponding practices to the different health aspects were positive. The relation between dietary practices and attitude was only found in small cities. Their attitudes were impacted by their length of stay in Canada. Their attitudes to regularly timed meals and psychological consultation were related to their acculturation level, as was the regularity of their practice of dental flossing. Their self-evaluated general health levels were also found to be affected by their medical history, education level, feeling to talk about • sexual health, and smoking, particularly in the male subjects of the study. In conclusion, they realized that each health aspect w~s important to their health. However, their practices did not bear a strong relation to their beliefs. Traditional thoughts about health reseeded with time. Acculturation level did not affect most of their attitudes or practices. Under pressure, the priority of the daily health practices decreased. Older persons, those with low incomes, lower education levels or families under stress need to pay more attention to their health level. In-depth future research was recommended.


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An unsigned, undated draft of a resolution by Mechanics in the Kingston, Ont. area responding to the availability of cheap convict labour. The resolution proposes to shift convict labour to the Marmora, Ont. iron fields.


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Dr. Stuart D. Scott has written extensively in the fields of prehistory and history. As an archaeologist, he has traveled to some of the most significant sites in the world, including Pompeii, Stonehenge, the Valley of the Kings, Egypt’s pyramids and the Taj Mahal. He spent nine months excavating with the Tikal Project in Guatemala before returning to the University of Arizona where he received a Ph.D. in 1963. He excavated in New Zealand as a Fulbright scholar in 1963-1964. In the fall of 1964, Dr. Scott started a long career in the Anthropology Department of the State University of New York. He taught graduate and undergraduate archaeology courses and continued his archaeological and historical research. In 1979, Scott established the Old Fort Niagara Archaeology in Progress Project at Old Fort Niagara in Youngstown, New York. For many years, he became involved with historical archaeology in western New York. It was during this work that he became interested in the Upper Canada Rebellion of 1837-1838 and its aftermath. Dr. Scott and his wife, Patricia Kay Scott, would use Christmas breaks, summer vacations, and sabbatical years to travel. They were repeatedly lured back to the South Pacific, conducting research in New Zealand, Australia and many of the Micronesian and Polynesian islands. To tell the whole story of the Rebellion and the prison exiles, they traveled extensively in Canada, the United States, England and Tasmania to collect archival research and to experience the scenes of this remarkable narrative. In 2004, Dr. Scott published To the Outskirts of Habitable Creation: Americans and Canadians Transported to Tasmania in the 1840s, which told the story of the men captured, tried, convicted, and exiled as a result of the Rebellion, also called the Patriot War. Other contributions include: • A collaboration with Dr. Charles Cazeau on the book Exploring the Unknown, Great Mysteries Reexamined published by Plenum Press in 1979 • The Patriot Game: New Yorkers and the Canadian Rebellion of 1837-1838, which appeared in New York History, Vol. 68, No.3. 1987 • A Frontier Spirit: The Life of James Gemmell published in Australiasian Canadian Studies, Vol. 25, No. 2 2007 • To the Outskirts of Habitable Creation which appeared in the Friends of the National Archives, Vol. 20, No. 1 2009 • Numerous academic journal publications • Service on conference panels • Various research papers and proposals Before retiring in 1997 and while still a resident of Buffalo, N.Y., Dr. Scott spent considerable time with Brock University President Emeritus James A. Gibson and History Professor Colin Duquemin. The three shared a love of Rebellion history. It was largely because of this connection that Brock University was chosen as the recipient of Dr. Scott’s research materials.


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In the field, mosquitoes characteristically feed on sugars soon after emergence and intermittently during their adult lives. Sugar meals are commonly derived from plant nectar and homopteran honeydew, and without them, adults can only survive for a few days on larval reserves. In addition to sugar, females of most species rely on blood for the initiation and maintenance of egg development; thus their reproductive success depends to some extent on the availability of blood hosts. Males, on the other hand, feed exclusively on sugars. Consequently, their sexual maturation and reproductive success is largely dependent upon access to sugar sources. Plant nectar and homopteran honeydew are the two main sugar sources utilized by mosquitoes in the wild. Previous laboratory studies had shown that differences between nectar sources can affect the survivorship and biting frequency of disease vectoring mosquitoes. However, little is known on how sugar composition influence the reproductive processes in male mosquitoes. Male mosquitoes transfer accessory gland proteins and other hormones to their mates along with sperm during mating. In the female, these seminal fluid constituents exert their influence on reproductive genes that control ovulation and vitellogenesis. The present study tests the hypothesis that the mates of males consuming different sugar meals will exhibit varying levels of induction of vitellogenin (a gene which regulates the expression of egg yolk precursor proteins). Real-time quantitative RT-PCR was used to investigate how each sugar meal indirectly influences vitellogenin mRNA abundance in female Anopheles stephensi following mating. Results indicate that mates of nectar-fed males exhibit 2-fold greater change in vitellogenin expression than the mates of honeydew-fed males. However, this response did not occur in non-blood fed controls. These findings suggest that the stimulatory effect of mating on vitellogenesis in blood meal-reliant (i.e. anautogenous) mosquitoes may only be synergistic in nature. The present study also sought to compare the potential fitness costs of mating incurred by females that do not necessarily require a blood meal to initiate a reproductive cycle (i.e., exhibit autogeny). Females of the facultatively autogenous mosquito, Culex molestus were allowed to mate with males sustained on either nectar or honedyew. Mean lifetime fecundity and survivorship of females under the two different mating regimes were then recorded. Additionally, one-dimensional gel electrophoresis was used to verify the transfer of male accessory gland proteins to the sperm storage organs of females during mating.While there was no significant difference in survival between the test treatments, the mates of nectar-fed males produced 11% more eggs on average than mates of honeydew-fed males. However, additional data are needed to justify the extrapolation of these findings to natural settings. These findings prompt further investigation as the differences caused by diet variation in males may be reflected across other life history traits such as mating frequency and insemination capacity.


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Proceedings of the court martial held by order of Major Merritt (1 double-sided page, handwritten): Captain Hamilton gave evidence against Caleb Cook (a private in Major Merritt’s Company of Light Dragoons) for disobedience and leaving quarters without leave of absence. Cook was fined and ordered to spend one month in prison. The document is stained and has holes in it along the middle fold. This does not affect the text, Aug. 7, 1812.


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Receipt from Morley’s Hotel, Trafalgar Square, London, England for meals, drinks and apartment, Aug. 13, 1847.


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Receipt from Morley’s Hotel, Trafalgar Square, London, England for meals, drinks and apartment, Aug. 29, 1847.