973 resultados para Prawn Penaeus-japonicus
An outline is given of procedures to take in order to adopt an integrated rice-fish-vegetable farming system in India. Vegetables, which are cultivated in the dikes of the system, may include Luffa acutangula, Vigna unguiculata and Phaseolus vulgaris . When the water depth of the field rises to 30-40 cm, fish fingerlings (Puntius javanicus, Cyprinus carpio and Labeo rohita ) and prawn juveniles (Macrobranchium rosenbergii ) may be stocked. The advantages of such a system are listed and include year round employment opportunities for the farm family and improved farm family income and nutrition.
Vibriosis caused by opportunistic and secondary bacterial pathogens is still a serious disease problem in aquaculture of the black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon. Attempts were made for controlling shrimp bacterial disease using Marine Secondary Metabolites (MSMs). Findings indicated that the MSMs of seaweed Ulva fasciata and Dendrilla nigra are effective for controlling shrimp bacterial pathogens.
Improvements to traditional brackishwater shrimp culture in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam are discussed. A technical support program has been implemented based on a so-called improved extensive shrimp culture method, as previously developed and tested by the Artermia and Shrimp Research and Development Center (ASRDC). The program focuses on: 1) the use of hatchery-produced postlarvae (of Penaeus monodon and P. merguinensis) nursed for three to four weeks, and 2) the application of low-cost pond management practices including predator control, supplementary feeding and frequent water renewal. A credit program, managed as a revolving fund was made available. A dialogue among participating farmers was encouraged through the organization of group meetings before and after each production cycle.
This paper describes the expansion of improved-extensive shrimp (Penaeus monodon) farming in the Mekong Delta, southern Vietnam, emphasizing management decisions, technological constraints and economics.
Honduras has many communities of artisanal fishermen who land various species of crustaceans and mollusks, using hands, nets, traps, and free diving from shore and from dugout canoes. It also has industrial fisheries for spiny lobster, Panulirus argus; queen conch, Strombus gigas; and mainly pink shrimp, Penaeus notialis, using traps, scuba divers, and trawl nets.
The origin, development, and utilization of the skimmer net is reviewed along with other historical shrimp gears used in coastal Louisiana. The skimmer was developed to catch white shrimp, Penaeus setiferus, observed jumping over the cork line (headrope) of trawls being worked in shallow waters. A description of the gear is presented including basic components and various frame designs used by fishermen during its development. The advantages of skimmers over bottom trawls include: multiple use as both trawl and butterfly net (wing net), ease of deployment, increased maneuverability, reduction and greater survivability of bycatch, and ability to cover more area due to increased speed and continuous fishing capability. Disadvantages may include compromising vessel stability when stored upright on the deck, possible damage to water bottoms when improperly rigged, and limitation to a 12-foot (3.6 m) maximum depth due to size restrictions. The growing popularity of the skimmer net is evident by its introduction into North Carolina and inquiries from other southeastern Atlantic and Gulf coast states.
Red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, is subject to significant overfishing in U.S. Gulf of Mexico waters, and regulations are being implemented to reduce fishing mortality and restore them to a 20% spawning potential ratio by the year 2009. One source of mortality that must be reduced to achieve this goal is the incidental capture ofjuvenile red snappers in shrimp, Penaeus spp., trawls. NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service is conducting research to develop shrimp trawl modifications to reduce the snapper bycatch. An important part of this research is the study of juvenile red snapper behavior on commercial shrimp grounds and in relation to trawling gear. An area of high juvenile red snapper abundance was identified off the coast of Mississippi. Most snappers were observed around structures or objects on the bottom which they appeared to use for refuge or orientation. Those ranging over barren bottom had no apparent point of orientation. When encountered by shrimp trawls, most juvenile snappers rose above the trawl footrope and fell back into the trawl. These observations have directed research toward modifying shrimp trawls to release juvenile red snappers after entry, rather than preventing them from entering a shrimp trawl.
Siddeek et al. (1991) discussed very briefly some recent developments in Kuwait's shrimp fishery, including an important increase in landings of the main commercial species, Penaeus semisulcatus. This increase coincided with a marked fall in landings of the other important species, Metapenaeus affinis. They thought that these changes were caused by a reduction in effort combined with a more or less simultaneous favorable environmental change for P. semisulcatus and an unfavorable environmental change for M. affinis, but did not give any unequivocal evidence to support this conclusion. The results they reported are, nevertheless, very important and may be relevant to scientists and managers in other parts of the world.
Management of the Texas penaeid shrimp fishery is aimed at increasing revenue from brown shrimp, Penaeus aztecus, landings and decreasing the level of discards. Since 1960 Texas has closed its territorial sea for 45-60 days during peak migration of brown shrimp to the Gulf of Mexico. In 1981 the closure was extended to 200 miles to include the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone. Simulation modeling is used in this paper to estimate the changes in landings, revenue, costs, and economic rent attributable to the Texas closure. Four additional analyses were conducted to estimate the effects of closing the Gulf 1- to 4-fathom zone for 45 and 60 days, with and without effort redirected to inshore waters. Distributional impacts are analyzed in terms of costs, revenues, and rents, by vessel class, shrimp species, vessel owner, and crew.
Samples of shrimp trawl catches were collected from a commercial artisanal vessel fishing inside the 6-fm isobath in the Gulf of Paria, Trinidad. From August 1986 to May 1987, 34 late evening-early morning trawl trips were made and 97 hauls were sampled. Annual ratio estimates were 9 (SD 1.3) finfish:shrimp and 14.7 (SD 2.0) by-catch: shrimp, with the highest ratios observed August through December and the lowest from late January through May, the dry season. Extrapolation of ratios, using shrimp catch statistics, indicates that for 1986, 974,000 kg of finfish and 620,000 kg of crabs, Callinectes spp., were caught incidentally by artisanal shrimp trawlers fishing in the Gulf of Paria. Of this total incidental catch (1,594,000 kg), about 1,500,000 kg were discarded (94 percent). Four penaeid shrimp species are targeted: Penaeus schmitti, P. notialis, P. subtilis, and Xiphopenaeus kroyeri. Callinectes spp. were caught in large quantities from Augustto mid-January. Small (4-15 cm) pelagic and demersal species of little commercial importance dominated the finfish by-catch: Harengula spp., Cetengraulis edentulus, Chloroscombrus chrysurus, Eucinostomous spp., Diapterus rhombeus, and Cyclopsetta spp. Altogether, the monthly percentage of the species ranged from 70 to 85 percent of the total finfish by-catch.
本论文对沿阶草族Ophiopogoneae(Endl.)Kunth的研究历史作了回顾,从染色体、形态学和解剖学角度对此族作了研究,并作了数值分类和分支 系统学分析的尝试,在此基础上探讨了这个族的系统学问题. 1)本论文对此族三属37种123居群的染色体数目、基数及核型不对称性作了研究,其中19种的染色体为首次报道.它们是:P.macrostegiaHance, P.yunnanensis Wang et Tang,P.ophiopogonoides Wang et Tang,O. sarmentosus Wang et Dai,O.tienensis Wang et Tang, O.sylvicola Wang et Tang, O.fooningensis Wang et Dai, O.mairei L6vl.,O.szechuanensis Wang et Tang, O.angustiatus (Wang et Tang) S.C.Chen, O.amblyphyllus Wang et Dai,O.clavatus Wright ex Oliver,O.clivioidesD.M.Zhang et Hong, O.longiscaposus D.M.Zhang et Hong,O.umbraticola Hance,O.fuiD.M.Zhang ntHong,O.zingiberaceus Wang et Dai,O.gangxiensisd.M.Zhang et Hong,O. lo fouense L6vl. 2)在此族中首次报道了2n = 2x = 34的异基数二倍体,同时在O.umbraticola,O.japonicus,O.cLarkei中报道了2n=68的异基数二倍体,过核型和减数分裂等证明异基数是在二倍体水平上形成,并发展成倍性系列的. 3)在此族中首次报道了B染色体的存在,已确证了两种(P.macrostegia和D.tienensis).一种尚需进一步确证(O.Larkei). 4)通过对随体位置的系统研究,发现在此族中随体位置具有分类价值. 5)通过对8个种内多倍体、4个多倍体种的研究,表明多倍体分布于较北、海拔较高的地方,而亚洲热带地区的种,则无多倍体,同时在具异基数种类和核型较不对称种类上亦有这种分布特征;在确定了分布的多度中心的基础上,提出喜马拉雅_横断山脉到川西、川南一带是沿阶草属和山麦冬属的近代分化中心. 6)通过染色体结构和数目几个角度的研究,表明球子草属与其他两属在。染色体水平上已发生很大分化,但其属内的分化则不表现在染色体上.其他二属内部则有基数、倍性和核型不对称方面的分化.综观此族,染色体具有由核 型对称向不对称、由二倍体向多倍体、由种内多倍体向多倍体种,由单一基数向种内异基数几个方向进化的趋势. 7)通过对此族的形态观察和分析,提出茎或根状茎分枝方式是属下分类的重要依据;认为本族植物的花序是由圆锥花序简化而来,但残留着圆锥花序特征;并提出了本族花、茎、叶、根几个方面的形态演化趋势. 8)通过对此族二属21种的子房解剖,发现三属均有半下位子房,因而认为子房半下位作为分属检索性状是不合适的.此外还观察到子房着生位置在种内亦有变异,对这种变异的意义进行了探讨. 9)通过此族三属46种2变种的数值分类处理,表明本族由球子草群和沿阶草一山麦冬群两大类群组成,山麦冬属仅是与沿阶草属一个组(葶花组)并列的分类单元,其内部分化较小,而沿阶草属则较大. 10)通过46个性状计算了山麦冬属和沿阶草属共6个广布的“群内总体相 似度”(IOS),表明山麦冬属3个种种内个体之间、种间个体之间的分化很小,且可能有杂交现象,结合染色体资料和分布特征,认为这个属的发生是个相当晚近的事件. 11)本文从形态和染色体角度,认为沿阶草族是一个自然类群;由分支系 统学分析表明,此族由二个单系类群(球子草属和沿阶草属)组成,沿阶草属含两个单系的组,其中各含3个系,山麦冬属为其中一个系.这一结果与数值 分类结果和染色体资料相符. 12)为避免单一分类方法可能导致的不合理结果,本文以自拟的一种综合分类方法,把谱系、进化、分化诸因素均予考虑,得出一个三维图象,以图象 上相对等径的球作为分类依据,得出的结果与分支系统学和数值分类结果基本一致.因此,山麦冬属作为与沿阶草属等阶的分类地位,应予重新考虑. 13)本文最后对这个族的全面修订提出几点建议. 14)此外,本文还描述了沿阶草属4个新种.
Between June 1995 and May 1996 seven rookeries in the Gulf of California were visited four times in order to collect scat samples for studying spatial and seasonal variability California sea lion prey. The rookeries studied were San Pedro Mártir, San Esteban, El Rasito, Los Machos, Los Cantiles, Isla Granito, and Isla Lobos. The 1273 scat samples collected yielded 4995 otoliths (95.3%) and 247 (4.7%) cephalopod beaks. Fish were found in 97.4% of scat samples collected, cephalopods in 11.2%, and crustaceans in 12.7%. We identified 92 prey taxa to the species level, 11 to genus level, and 10 to family level, of which the most important were Pacific cutlassfish (Trichiurus lepturus), Pacific sardine (Sardinops caeruleus), plainfin midshipman (Porichthys spp.), myctophid no. 1, northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax), Pacific mackerel (Scomber japonicus), anchoveta (Cetengraulis mysticetus), and jack mackerel (Trachurus symmetricus). Significant differences were found among rookeries in the occurrence of all main prey (P≤0.04), except for myctophid no. 1 (P>0.05). Temporally, significant differences were found in the occurrence of Pacific cutlassfish, Pacific sardine, plainfin midshipman, northern anchovy, and Pacific mackerel (P<0.05), but not in jack mackerel (χ 2=2.94, df=3, P=0.40), myctophid no. 1 (χ 2=1.67, df= 3, P=0.64), or lanternfishes (χ 2=2.08, df=3, P=0.56). Differences were observed in the diet and in trophic diversity among seasons and rookeries. More evident was the variation in diet in relation to availability of Pacific sardine.
Although subsampling is a common method for describing the composition of large and diverse trawl catches, the accuracy of these techniques is often unknown. We determined the sampling errors generated from estimating the percentage of the total number of species recorded in catches, as well as the abundance of each species, at each increase in the proportion of the sorted catch. We completely partitioned twenty prawn trawl catches from tropical northern Australia into subsamples of about 10 kg each. All subsamples were then sorted, and species numbers recorded. Catch weights ranged from 71 to 445 kg, and the number of fish species in trawls ranged from 60 to 138, and invertebrate species from 18 to 63. Almost 70% of the species recorded in catches were “rare” in subsamples (less than one individual per 10 kg subsample or less than one in every 389 individuals). A matrix was used to show the increase in the total number of species that were recorded in each catch as the percentage of the sorted catch increased. Simulation modelling showed that sorting small subsamples (about 10% of catch weights) identified about 50% of the total number of species caught in a trawl. Larger subsamples (50% of catch weight on average) identified about 80% of the total species caught in a trawl. The accuracy of estimating the abundance of each species also increased with increasing subsample size. For the “rare” species, sampling error was around 80% after sorting 10% of catch weight and was just less than 50% after 40% of catch weight had been sorted. For the “abundant” species (five or more individuals per 10 kg subsample or five or more in every 389 individuals), sampling error was around 25% after sorting 10% of catch weight, but was reduced to around 10% after 40% of catch weight had been sorted.
本文研究了富贵草对模拟光斑的光合响应、银杉对光的适应性以及大叶黄杨叶片内部光能利用梯度三个方面的问题。 1)研制了用于林内光环境调查和研究的光量子计组件。 关键词:光量子计,A/D板 2)以亚热带常绿阔叶林下一种常见的灌木富贵草为研究对象,利用气体交换和叶绿素荧光技术研究了其对模拟光斑的光合响应。在同样辐射通量(非光抑制)的情况下,光合诱导过程中光斑可以提高富贵草对光斑的利用能力(光斑诱导的碳同化量可高出对照48%)。叶绿素荧光测量结果表明:1)光斑与光斑之间的暗期发生了qN弛豫过程;2)暗期之后的光期光化学能量转换效率提高。强光光斑簇可以诱导富贵草光抑制的产生,但程度较连续光低。 关键词:模拟光斑, 叶绿素荧光, 光诱导过程 3)用高效液相色谱(HPLC)和77K低温荧光发射光谱技术来研究快速诱导组分发生的时间内光斑所导致NPQ (qN)降低的生理原因。在非光抑制条件下,光斑造成的NPQ (qN)降低的生理原因包括叶黄素循环的变化及LHCIIs聚集态的变化;此外低温荧光数据还显示光斑导致的PSII/PSI荧光产量比率要高于连续光,说明光斑导致植物对于光的利用增加。以上结果说明模拟光斑诱导了富贵草内囊体膜较低水平的能态。 关键词:模拟光斑,叶黄素,聚集态 4)用气体交换等技术测定了部分银杉幼树的生理生态指标,用鱼眼镜头测定了所测叶片的林冠开度(OP)。研究了沿林冠开度梯度的银杉幼树对光的适应性。银杉幼树在林窗边缘表现出较好的适应性,包括高的ISG(综合地上部分茎生长),高的HG(当年生树高生长速率),较高的LMA(单位叶片面积干物质重),较高的Pns(单位叶片干物质水平的净光合速率),高的单位叶片的碳同化速率,较高的截获光的单位叶片的叶面积等等,可以初步确定银杉属于Gap树种:在所测定的范围内(0. 00139%-0. 0109%)TN(土壤总氮量)明显不如OP对银杉幼树生长的影响大;综合的生态可塑性指标必须考虑具体的实验地情况、选取合适的形态学和生理学的因子、并结合多个相似生长环境下的树种来进行考虑。 关键词:林冠开度,生理生态指标,生态可塑性 5)分析了湖南八面山的银杉的某些光合特性,并比较了极郁闭( OP<4%)情况下银杉当年生叶片与大树顶端枝条(OP>30%)当年生叶片之间光合特性上的差异。极郁闭情况下银杉叶片生长出现黄化现象,但银杉幼苗又不耐强光。银杉幼苗一天的光合动态变化表明,银杉最大光合速率在早晨8:00左右,当光照超过光饱和点时,净光合速率迅速下降,其后略有回升,呈不太典型的双峰模式。气孔关闭与净光合速率的下降有密切的关系。早晨8:00到11:00间叶黄素循环运转,对光合系统起到一定保护作用。 关键词: 银杉,色素分析,光合作用 6)采用一种新方法来测量大叶黄杨叶片内部的绝对光能利用效率梯度的曲线。该方法基于光声光谱的深度分析(Depth-Analysis)理论,并结合了光纤微探测器的叶片光梯度测量结果。日本小檗(Berberis thunbergii DC.)叶片的光声光谱扫描显示了深度分析的精确性。实验结果表明:叶片内部利用光能效率最低处在栅栏组织和海棉组织之间(入射光能的0.026%-660nm红光);越靠近叶片的上表皮和下表皮,趋势显示叶片组织利用光能效率有上升的趋势(分别为0.092%,0.036%)。因此,不同叶肉组织绝对光能利用效率是不同的,该实验结果直接证实了Han &Vogelmann 1999b所提出的假设。 关键词: PA深度分析 叶片内部的光梯度 光化学损失 光吸收梯度
Larvae of Macrobrachium rosenbergii were successfully reared in artificial sea water prepared in fresh ground water. The water was circulated through a biological filter by means of air-lift pumps for a period of one week to remove the undissolved particles prior to use in the hatchery operation. The experiments were initiated during 1989 and the hatchery has been working on pilot scale since June, 1990. The larvae in all the experiments were fed with egg-custard, Mona and Artemia nauplii. The survival rate varied from 5 to 52% in the 12 experiments. These findings can add to the development of hatcheries in the inland areas which can further boost the popularization of giant freshwater prawn farming.