885 resultados para Power supply circuits
An alternative method is presented in this paper to identify the harmonic components of non-linear loads in single phase power systems based on artificial neural networks. The components are identified by analyzing the single phase current waveform in time domain in half-cycle of the ac voltage source. The proposed method is compared to the fast Fourier transform. Simulation and experimental results are presented to validate the proposed approach.
Considering the Conservative Power Theory (CPT), this paper proposes some novel compensation strategies for shunt passive or active devices. The CPT current decompositions result in several current terms, which are associated with specific physical phenomena (average power consumption P, energy storage Q, load and source distortion D, unbalances N). These current components were used in this work for the definition of different current compensators, which can be selective in terms of minimizing particular disturbing effects. Compensation strategies for single and three-phase four-wire circuits have also been considered. Simulation results have been demonstrated in order to validate the possibilities and performance of the proposed strategies. © 2010 IEEE.
Distributed Generation, microgrid technologies, two-way communication systems, and demand response programs are issues that are being studied in recent years within the concept of smart grids. At some level of enough penetration, the Distributed Generators (DGs) can provide benefits for sub-transmission and transmission systems through the so-called ancillary services. This work is focused on the ancillary service of reactive power support provided by DGs, specifically Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs), with high level of impact on transmission systems. The main objective of this work is to propose an optimization methodology to price this service by determining the costs in which a DG incurs when it loses sales opportunity of active power, i.e, by determining the Loss of Opportunity Costs (LOC). LOC occur when more reactive power is required than available, and the active power generation has to be reduced in order to increase the reactive power capacity. In the optimization process, three objectives are considered: active power generation costs of DGs, voltage stability margin of the system, and losses in the lines of the network. Uncertainties of WTGs are reduced solving multi-objective optimal power flows in multiple probabilistic scenarios constructed by Monte Carlo simulations, and modeling the time series associated with the active power generation of each WTG via Fuzzy Logic and Markov Chains. The proposed methodology was tested using the IEEE 14 bus test system with two WTGs installed. © 2011 IEEE.
This study on the factors affecting the adoption of supply chain management (SCM) practices develops four hypotheses based on a literature review, and tests them using survey data of Brazilian electro-electronic firms. The results reveal the big picture of the SCM practices in the sector and suggest that contextual factors such as size, position and bargaining power affect the adoption of SCM practices, which are also more customer oriented. Sector characteristics are very important in analysing SCM practices. Contrary to the findings of literature, the relationship between competitive priorities and SCM practices was not supported statistically. © 2011.
This paper presents some methodologies for reactive energy measurement, considering three modern power theories that are suitable for three-phase four-wire non-sinusoidal and unbalanced circuits. The theories were applied in some profiles collected in electrical distribution systems which have real characteristics for voltages and currents measured by commercial reactive energy meters. The experimental results are presented in order to analyze the accuracy of the methodologies, considering the standard IEEE 1459-2010 as a reference. Finally, for additional comparisons, the theories will be confronted with the modern Yokogawa WT3000 energy meter and three samples of a commercial energy meter through an experimental setup. © 2011 IEEE.
This paper proposes a set of performance factors for load characterization and revenue metering. They are based on the Conservative Power Theory, and each of them relates to a specific load non-ideality (unbalance, reactivity, distortion). The performance factors are capable to characterize the load under different operating conditions, considering also the effect of non-negligible line impedances and supply voltage deterioration. © 2012 IEEE.
Based on the framework of the Conservative Power Theory (CPT), this paper proposes some compensation strategies for shunt current compensators. CPT current decompositions result in several current-related terms associated with specific load characteristics, such as power consumption, energy storage, unbalances and load nonlinearities. These current components are decoupled (orthogonal) from each other and are used here to define different compensation strategies, which can be selective in minimizing particular effects of disturbing loads. Compensation strategies for single- and three-phase four-wire circuits are also considered. Simulated and experimental results are described to validate the possibilities and performance of the proposed strategies. © 2013 Brazilian Society for Automatics - SBA.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Em um sistema elétrico existem vários circuitos e equipamentos industriais que se comportam como dispositivos não-lineares. Esse comportamento geram sinais que causam distorções dentro desse sistema. Essas distorções são chamadas de Harmônicas, que calculada de forma ampla nos fornece o valor do THD (do inglês Total Harmonic Distortion ou Distorção Harmônica Total). Este trabalho apresenta uma das várias soluções para minimizar esse indicador através da detecção por um algoritmo computacional instalado no medidor de THD apropriado e pela utilização de filtros harmônicos passivos. Este algoritmo computacional detecta e calcula em quais frequências o valor do THD está elevado em comparação a um índice normativo definido utilizando para isso a Lógica Fuzzy. Uma vez definido a necessidade da aplicação do filtro harmônico esse será projetado pelo algoritmo computacional. O filtro harmônico entregado neste trabalho será o filtro passivo devido a sua fácil instalação e ao seu baixo custo. Dessa forma, o algoritmo computacional proposto funciona no início da medição do THD, no equipamento medidor, indicando uma faixa classificatória de THD medido, utilizando para isso a Lógica Fuzzy, identifica a necessidade ou não da instalação do filtro harmônico passivo e seu projeto, e finaliza efetuando um novo cálculo de THD.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal analisar as mudanças nas formas de venda e consumo do açaí na Região Metropolitana de Belém (RMB), e sua relação com a identidade de lugar de seus consumidores. O interesse pelo tema teve origem na observação da ocorrência da globalização do açaí, alimento base da dieta das populações amazônicas de origem ribeirinha que hoje é largamente consumido fora da Região Amazônica, em padrões muito diferentes daqueles nela estabelecidos. A escolha da RMB como lócus de pesquisa se justifica pelo fato de que nela se concentra alto consumo de açaí, nos padrões tradicionais e nos modernos, suscitando questionamentos sobre os efeitos dessa convivência na vida cotidiana dos que a habitam. Teoricamente, a pesquisa articula a definição de identidade de lugar de Abe-Lima (2012) com as elaborações de Henri Lefèbvre (1991) sobre a vida cotidiana no mundo moderno e com teoria dos circuitos econômicos de Milton Santos (2008). Metodologicamente, foi adotada uma estratégia multimétodos, envolvendo pesquisa documental, um painel de especialistas com 5 entidades de acompanhamento da produção de açaí, observações pautadas na etnografia urbana em 9 locais de venda e entrevistas semiabertas com 40 consumidores de açaí, maiores de 18 anos e residentes na RMB, recrutados por meio de cadeia tipo bola de neve. Além dos roteiros de entrevistas, foram utilizados como estratégias de coleta de dados diários de campo e fotografias. O conjunto dos dados foi submetido à técnica da análise de conteúdo temática, com eventual apoio do software QDA Miner Lite. Os resultados situaram a globalização do açaí em meados da década de 1990, momento de intensificação dos efeitos da metropolização em Belém, como o aumento populacional, a segregação espacial e a imposição de um ritmo de vida mais acelerado. As análises apontaram que tal processo significou a entrada do açaí no circuito superior da economia, com um processo produtivo mais organizado, utilizando mais tecnologia e envolvendo maiores volumes financeiros, atingindo escala industrial. No entanto, prevalece na RMB o processamento artesanal, em estruturas de pequeno porte, construídas em alvenaria, de organização simples e controle financeiro ausente. O consumo público aumentou, com grande número de locais especializados na oferta de açaí, em caráter de entretenimento, sendo incipiente a adesão a novos acompanhamentos, como granola e aveia. A preferência pelos acompanhamentos tradicionais, como farinha d’água ou de tapioca, açúcar e peixe, permanece, assim como pelo consumo privado, no âmbito da casa, que tem sido favorecido pela disponibilidade do serviço de entrega, recurso recente. A frequência geral de consumo diminuiu, em função do aumento de preço e de mudanças na rotina, como aumento da distância entre local de trabalho e residência. A pesquisa permitiu reafirmar a importância do açaí na vida cotidiana dos belenenses que o consomem, para os quais ele funciona como elemento de distintividade, continuidade, autoestima e autoeficácia, em estreita relação com aspectos próprios da metrópole. Por esse motivo, torna-se preocupante que o acesso a açaí de qualidade, nos padrões desejados pelos indivíduos, esteja tornando-SE privilégio inacessível aos consumidores de menor poder aquisitivo. Assim, espera-se que o conjunto de dados contribua para a compreensão da importância de políticas públicas voltadas ao açaí que considerem melhor as demandas daqueles que o consomem.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEB
In this work it is discussed the performance of the reactive power demand in three-leg transformer core and three-phase transformer bank, under different conditions of AC/DC double excitation. In order to analyse the influence of double excitation in reactive power theoretically a mathematical model was developed considering the mutual coupling between phases and the magnetic nonlinearity. The validity of the proposed model is verified by means of the experimental and simulated results.
A CMOS/SOI circuit to decode PWM signals is presented as part of a body-implanted neurostimulator for visual prosthesis. Since encoded data is the sole input to the circuit, the decoding technique is based on a double-integration concept and does not require dc filtering. Nonoverlapping control phases are internally derived from the incoming pulses and a fast-settling comparator ensures good discrimination accuracy in the megahertz range. The circuit was integrated on a 2 mu m single-metal SOI fabrication process and has an effective area of 2mm(2) Typically, the measured resolution of encoding parameter a was better than 10% at 6MHz and V-DD=3.3V. Stand-by consumption is around 340 mu W. Pulses with frequencies up to 15MHz and alpha = 10% can be discriminated for V-DD spanning from 2.3V to 3.3V. Such an excellent immunity to V-DD deviations meets a design specification with respect to inherent coupling losses on transmitting data and power by means of a transcutaneous link.
The theory presented in this paper was primarily developed to give a physical interpretation for the instantaneous power flow on a three-phase induction machine, without a neutral conductor, on any operational state and may be extended to any three-phase load. It is a vectorial interpretation of the instantaneous reactive power theory presented by Akagi et al. Which, believe the authors, isn't enough developed and its physical meaning not yet completely understood. This vectorial interpretation is based on the instantaneous complex power concept defined by Torrens for single-phase, ac, steady-state circuits, and leads to a better understanding of the power phenomenon, particularly of the distortion power. This concept has been extended by the authors to three-phase systems, through the utilization of the instantaneous space vectors. The results of measurements of instantaneous complex power on a self-excited induction generator's terminals, during an over-load application transient, are presented for illustration. The compensation of reactive power proposed by Akagi is discussed and a new horizon for the theory application is opened.
This paper presents a novel single-phase high power factor PWM boost rectifier, featuring soft commutation of the active switches at zero-current (ZCS). It incorporates the most desirable properties of the conventional PWM and the soft-switching resonant techniques. The input current shaping is achieved with average current mode control, and continuous inductor current mode. This new PWM converter provides ZCS turn-on and turn-off of the active switches, and it is suitable for high power applications employing IGBTs. Principle of operation, theoretical analysis, a design example, and experimental results from a laboratory prototype rated at 1600 W with 400 Vdc output voltage are presented. The measured efficiency and power factor were 96.2% and 0.99 respectively, with an input current THD equal to 3.94%, for an input voltage THD equal to 3.8%, at rated load.