860 resultados para Positive And Negative Syndrome Scale
To evaluate p16(INK) (4a) immunoexpression in CIN1 lesions looking for differences between cases that progress to CIN2/3 maintain CIN1 diagnosis, or spontaneously regress. Seventy-four CIN1 biopsies were studied. In the follow-up, a second biopsy was performed and 28.7% showed no lesion (regression), 37.9% maintained CIN1, and 33.4% progressed to CIN2/3. Immunostaining for p16(INK) (4a) was performed in the first biopsy and it was considered positive when there was strong and diffuse staining of the basal and parabasal layers. Pearson's chi-square was used to compare the groups (p ≤ 0.05). The age of the patients was similar. There was no significant difference in p16(INK) (4a) immunoexpression in the groups, however, statistical analyses showed a significant association when only the progression and regression groups were compared (p = 0.042). Considering p16(INK) (4a) positivity and the progression to CIN2/3, the sensitivity, specificity, positive, and negative predictive values in our cohort were 45%, 75%, 47%, and 94%, respectively. We emphasize that CIN1 with p16(INK) (4a) staining was associated with lesion progression, but the sensitivity was not high. However, the negative predictive value was more reliable (94%) and p16(INK) (4a) may represent a useful biomarker that can identify CIN1 lesions that need particular attention, complementing morphology.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
OBJECTIVES: Causes may be found in most cases of acute pancreatitis, however no etiology is found by clinical, biological and imaging investigations in 30% of these cases. Our objective was to evaluate results from endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) for diagnosis of gallbladder microlithiasis in patients with unexplained (idiopathic) acute pancreatitis. METHODS: Thirty-six consecutive non-alcoholic patients with diagnoses of acute pancreatitis were studied over a five-year period. None of them showed signs of gallstones on transabdominal ultrasound or tomography. We performed EUS within one week of diagnosing acute pancreatitis. Diagnosis of gallbladder microlithiasis on EUS was based upon findings of hyperechoic signals of 0.5-3.0 mm, with or without acoustic shadowing. All patients (36 cases) underwent cholecystectomy, in accordance with indication from the attending physician or based upon EUS diagnosis. RESULTS: Twenty-seven patients (75%) had microlithiasis confirmed by histology and nine did not (25%). EUS findings were positive in twenty-five. Two patients had acute cholecystitis diagnosed at EUS that was confirmed by surgical and histological findings. In two patients, EUS showed cholesterolosis and pathological analysis disclosed stones not detected by EUS. EUS diagnosed microlithiasis in four cases not confirmed by surgical treatment. In our study, sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values to identify gallbladder microlithiasis (with 95% confidence interval) were 92.6% (74.2-98.7%), 55.6% (22.7-84.7%), 86.2% (67.4-95.5%) and 71.4% (30.3-94.9%), respectively. Overall EUS accuracy was 83.2%. CONCLUSIONS: EUS is a very reliable procedure to diagnose gallbladder microlithiasis and should be used for the management of patients with unexplained acute pancreatitis. This procedure should be part of advanced endoscopic evaluation.
The objectives of the present study were to identify the cis-elements of the promoter absolutely required for the efficient rat NHE3 gene transcription and to locate positive and negative regulatory elements in the 5’-flanking sequence (5’FS), which might modulate the gene expression in proximal tubules, and to compare this result to those reported for intestinal cell lines. We analyzed the promoter activity of different 5’FS segments of the rat NHE3 gene, in the OKP renal proximal tubule cell line by measuring the activity of the reporter gene luciferase. Because the segment spanning the first 157 bp of 5’FS was the most active it was studied in more detail by sequential deletions, point mutations, and gel shift assays. The essential elements for gene transcription are in the region -85 to -33, where we can identify consensual binding sites for Sp1 and EGR-1, which are relevant to NHE3 gene basal transcription. Although a low level of transcription is still possible when the first 25 bp of the 5’FS are used as promoter, efficient transcription only occurs with 44 bp of 5’FS. There are negative regulatory elements in the segments spanning -1196 to -889 and -467 to -152, and positive enhancers between -889 and -479 bp of 5’FS. Transcription factors in the OKP cell nuclear extract efficiently bound to DNA elements of rat NHE3 promoter as demonstrated by gel shift assays, suggesting a high level of similarity between transcription factors of both species, including Sp1 and EGR-1.
PURPOSE most people with mental disorders receive treatment in primary care. The charts developed by the Dartmouth Primary Care Cooperative Research Network (COOP) and the World Organization of National Colleges, Academies, and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians (WONCA) have not yet been evaluated as a screen for these disorders, using a structured psychiatric interview by an expert or considering diagnoses other than depression. We evaluated the validity and feasibility of the COOP/WONCA Charts as a mental disorders screen by comparing them both with other questionnaires previously validated and with the assessment of a mental health specialist using a structured diagnostic interview. METHODS We trained community health workers and nurse assistants working in a collaborative mental health care model to administer the COOP/WONCA Charts, the 20-item Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20), and the World Health Organization Five Well-Being Index (WHO-5) to 120 primary care patients. A psychiatrist blinded to the patients' results on these questionnaires administered the SCID, or Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition). RESULTS The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was at least 0.80 for single items, a 3-item combination, and the total score of the COOP/WONCA Charts, as well as for the SRQ-20 and the WHO-5, for screening both for all mental disorders and for depressive disorders. The accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of these measures ranged between 0.77 and 0.92. Community health workers and nurse assistants rated the understandability, ease of use, and clinical relevance of all 3 questionnaires as satisfactory. CONCLUSIONS One-time assessment of patients with the COOP/WONCA Charts is a valid and feasible option for screening for mental disorders by primary care teams.
Cell cycle synchronization by serum starvation (SS) induces apoptosis in somatic cells. This side effect of SS is hypothesized to negatively affect the outcome of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). We determined whether apoptotic fibroblasts affect SCNT yields. Serum-starved, adult, bovine fibroblasts were stained with annexin V-FITC/propidium iodide to allow apoptosis detection by flow cytometry. Positive and negative cells sorted by fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) and an unsorted control group were used as nuclear donors for SCNT. Reconstructed embryos were cultured in vitro and transferred to synchronized recipients. Apoptosis had no effect on fusion and cleavage rates; however, it resulted in reductions in blastocyst production and quality measured by apoptotic index. However, reconstructed embryos with apoptotic cells resulted in pregnancy rates similar to that of the control on day 30, and generated one live female calf. In conclusion, we showed that apoptotic cells present in serum-starved cultures negatively affect embryo production after SCNT without compromising full-term development. Further studies will evaluate the ability of the oocyte to reprogram cells in specific phases of apoptosis.
In this work we investigate the influence of the adsorption of ions on the impedance spectroscopy of an electrolytic cell. We consider that the positive and negative ions present in a dielectric liquid are adsorbed in the electrode surfaces with different adsorption energies. This difference in adsorption energies causes an additional plateaux in the limit of the low-frequency range of the real part of the impedance Z. In the same frequency range, a second minimum in the imaginary part of Z is predicted. The theory is illustrated with measurements of the impedance of an electrolytic solution in the frequency range from 10(-2) Hz to 1 KHz. A comparison between the present model and others from the literature to describe the experimental results is also made.
Objective To evaluate drug interaction software programs and determine their accuracy in identifying drug-drug interactions that may occur in intensive care units. Setting The study was developed in Brazil. Method Drug interaction software programs were identified through a bibliographic search in PUBMED and in LILACS (database related to the health sciences published in Latin American and Caribbean countries). The programs` sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values were determined to assess their accuracy in detecting drug-drug interactions. The accuracy of the software programs identified was determined using 100 clinically important interactions and 100 clinically unimportant ones. Stockley`s Drug Interactions 8th edition was employed as the gold standard in the identification of drug-drug interaction. Main outcome Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values. Results The programs studied were: Drug Interaction Checker (DIC), Drug-Reax (DR), and Lexi-Interact (LI). DR displayed the highest sensitivity (0.88) and DIC showed the lowest (0.69). A close similarity was observed among the programs regarding specificity (0.88-0.92) and positive predictive values (0.88-0.89). The DIC had the lowest negative predictive value (0.75) and DR the highest (0.91). Conclusion The DR and LI programs displayed appropriate sensitivity and specificity for identifying drug-drug interactions of interest in intensive care units. Drug interaction software programs help pharmacists and health care teams in the prevention and recognition of drug-drug interactions and optimize safety and quality of care delivered in intensive care units.
To analyse the sensitivity and specificity of clinical indicators of ineffective airway clearance in children with congenital heart disease and to identify the indicators that have high predictive power. The precise establishment of nursing diagnoses has been found to be one of the factors contributing to higher quality of care and cost reduction in healthcare institutions. The use of indicators to diagnose ineffective airway clearance could improve care of children with congenital heart disease. Longitudinal study. Participants consisted of 45 children, <= 1 year of age, with congenital heart disease, who had not had definitive or palliative surgical correction. Six assessments were made at 2-day intervals. Each clinical indicator was defined based on previously established operational criteria. Sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values of each indicator were calculated based on a model for the longitudinal data. A nursing diagnosis of ineffective airway clearance was made in 31% of patients on the first assessment, rising to 71% on the last assessment, for a 40% increase. Sensitivity was highest for Changes in Respiratory Rates/Rhythms (0.99), followed by Adventitious Breath Sounds (0.97), Sputum Production (0.85) and Restlessness (0.53). Specificity was higher for Sputum Production (0.92), followed by Restlessness (0.73), Adventitious Breath Sounds (0.70) and Changes in Respiratory Rates/Rhythms (0.17). The best positive predictive values occurred for Sputum Production (0.93) and Adventitious Breath Sounds (0.80). Adventitious Breath Sounds followed by Sputum Production were the indicators that had the best overall sensitivity and specificity as well as the highest positive predictive values. The use of simple indicators in nursing diagnoses can improve identification of ineffective airway clearance in children with congenital heart disease, thus leading to early treatment of the problem and better care for these children.
Purpose: The diagnosis of cancer and the treatment decisions associated with it may cause uncertainty, stress, and anxiety among parents. Emotional tensions can affect parents` relationships during the trajectory of the child`s cancer illness. We conducted an integrative review to examine the evidence related to the effects of childhood cancer on parents` relationships. Methods: An integrative literature search of studies published between 1997 and 2009 was conducted in the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Psychology Information (PsycINFO), PubMed, Scopus, CUIDEN, and Latin American and Caribbean Health Science Literature (LILACS). The key words used were neoplasms, child, marriage, spouses, family relations, and nursing. Articles were reviewed if the (a) topic addressed parents` relationships during childhood cancer; (b) participants were mothers, fathers, or both; (c) design was either qualitative or quantitative; (d) language was English, Portuguese, or Spanish; (e) date of publication was between January 1997 and October 2009; and (f) abstract was available. Results: Fourteen articles met the search criteria and were reviewed using Cooper`s framework for integrative reviews. Four themes emerged: (a) changes in the parents` relationship during the trajectory of the child`s illness; (b) difficulty in communication between couples; (c) gender differences in parental stress and coping; and (d) role changes. Conclusions and Implications: Findings revealed positive and negative changes in parents` relationships, communication, stress, and roles. Nurses need to assess the impact of cancer diagnosis and treatments on parent relationships, offer support and encouragement, and allow expression of feelings. Future research is needed to develop and test interventions that increase parents` potentials and strengthen relationships during the challenging trajectory of their children`s cancer and treatment. Clinical Relevance: The multiple sources of stress and uncertainty associated with a child`s cancer diagnosis and treatment affect parents` relationships. Difficulties in communication appear frequently in parents` relationship. Our findings may guide healthcare professionals in identifying parents at risk for developing conflicts, communication problems, and lack of alignment between parents that could interfere with providing optimal care for their child with cancer. Healthcare professionals may promote dialogue and encourage parents to express their feelings, seek mutual support, and establish a partnership in dealing with the child`s illness.
Aims To verify whether spectral components of atrial electrograms (AE) during sinus rhythm (SR) correlate with cardiac ganglionated plexus (GP) sites. Methods and results Thirteen patients undergoing atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation were prospectively enrolled. Prior to radio frequency application, endocardial AE were recorded with a sequential point-by-point approach. Electrical stimuli were delivered at 20 Hz, amplitude 100 V, and pulse width of 4 ms. A vagal response was defined as a high-frequency stimulation (HFS) evoked atrioventricular block or a prolongation of RR interval. Spectral analysis was performed on single AE during SR, sampling rate of 1000 Hz, Hanning window. Overall, 1488 SR electrograms were analysed from 186 different left atrium sites, 129 of them corresponding to negative vagal response sites, and 57 to positive response sites. The electrogram duration and the number of deflections were similar in positive and negative response sites. Spectral power density of sites with vagal response was lower between 26 and 83 Hz and higher between 107 and 200 Hz compared with negative response sites. The area between 120 and 170 Hz normalized to the total spectrum area was tested as a diagnostic parameter. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis demonstrated that an area120-170/area(total) value >0.14 identified vagal sites with 70.9% sensitivity and 72.1% specificity. Conclusion Spectral analysis of AE during SR in sites that correspond to the anatomical location of the GP is feasible and may be a simpler method of mapping the cardiac autonomic nervous system, compared with the HFS technique.
We derive an analytic expression for the matric flux potential (M) for van Genuchten-Mualem (VGM) type soils which can also be written in terms of a converging infinite series. Considering the first four terms of this series, the accuracy of the approximation was verified by comparing it to values of M estimated by numerical finite difference integration. Using values of the parameters for three soils from different texture classes, the proposed four-term approximation showed an almost perfect match with the numerical solution, except for effective saturations higher than 0.9. Including more terms reduced the discrepancy but also increased the complexity of the equation. The four-term equation can be used for most applications. Cases with special interest in nearly saturated soils should include more terms from the infinite series. A transpiration reduction function for use with the VGM equations is derived by combining the derived expression for M with a root water extraction model. The shape of the resulting reduction function and its dependency on the derivative of the soil hydraulic diffusivity D with respect to the soil water content theta is discussed. Positive and negative values of dD/d theta yield concave and convex or S-shaped reduction functions, respectively. On the basis of three data sets, the hydraulic properties of virtually all soils yield concave reduction curves. Such curves based solely on soil hydraulic properties do not account for the complex interactions between shoot growth, root growth, and water availability.