954 resultados para Portfolio Shares
In bacteria, genetic recombination is catalysed by RecA protein, the product of the recA gene. A human gene that shares homology with Escherichia coli recA (and its yeast homologue RAD51) has been cloned from a testis cDNA library, and its 37 kDa product (hRad51) purified to homogeneity. The human Rad51 protein binds to single- and double-stranded DNA and exhibits DNA-dependent ATPase activity. Using a topological assay, we demonstrate that hRad51 underwinds duplex DNA, in a reaction dependent upon the presence of ATP or its non-hydrolysable analogue ATP gamma S. Complexes formed with single- and double-stranded DNA have been observed by electron microscopy following negative staining. With nicked duplex DNA, hRad51 forms helical nucleoprotein filaments which exhibit the striated appearance characteristic of RecA or yeast Rad51 filaments. Contour length measurements indicate that the DNA is underwound and extended within the nucleoprotein complex. In contrast to yeast Rad51 protein, human Rad51 forms filaments with single-stranded DNA in the presence of ATP/ATP gamma S. These resemble the inactive form of the RecA filament which is observed in the absence of a nucleotide cofactor.
Capillary morphogenesis gene 2 (CMG2) is a type I membrane protein involved in the homeostasis of the extracellular matrix. While it shares interesting similarities with integrins, its exact molecular role is unknown. The interest and knowledge about CMG2 largely stems from the fact that it is involved in two diseases, one infectious and one genetic. CMG2 is the main receptor of the anthrax toxin, and knocking out this gene in mice renders them insensitive to infection with Bacillus anthracis spores. On the other hand, mutations in CMG2 lead to a rare but severe autosomal recessive disorder in humans called Hyaline Fibromatosis Syndrome (HFS). We will here review what is known about the structure of CMG2 and its ability to mediate anthrax toxin entry into cell. We will then describe the limited knowledge available concerning the physiological role of CMG2. Finally, we will describe HFS and the consequences of HFS-associated mutations in CMG2 at the molecular and cellular level.
Major bubble episodes are rare events. In this paper, we examine what factors might cause some asset price bubbles to become very large. We recreate, in a laboratory setting, some of the specific institutional features investors in the South Sea Company faced in 1720. Several factors have been proposed as potentially contributing to one of the greatest periods of asset overvaluation in history: an intricate debt-for-equity swap, deferred payment for these shares, and the possibility of default on the deferred payments. We consider which aspect might have had the most impact in creating the South Sea bubble. The results of the experiment suggest that the company?s attempt to exchange its shares for government debt was the single biggest contributor to the stock price explosion, because of the manner in which the swap affected fundamental value. Issuing new shares with only partial payments required, in conjunction with the debt-equity swap, also had a significant effect on the size of the bubble. Limited contract enforcement, on the other hand, does not appear to have contributed significantly.
L'objectiu principal del projecte és la creació d'una aplicació per a telèfons intel·ligents que intenti predir la volatilitat no atribuïble al mercat per tal de permetre a l'usuari crear portfolios òptims utilitzant tècniques d'intel·ligència artificial com són les Support Vector Machines (SVM). Una vegada s'hagi predit aquesta volatilitat es crearà un portfolio òptim amb el pes adequat de cada un dels valors, per tal d'obtenir una inversió amb el mínim risc possible.
Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) in cancer is a process that allows cancer cells to detach from neighboring cells, become mobile and metastasize and shares many signaling pathways with development. Several molecular mechanisms which regulate oncogenic properties in neoplastic cells such as proliferation, resistance to apoptosis and angiogenesis through transcription factors or other mediators are also regulators of EMT. These pathways and downstream transcription factors are, in their turn, regulated by ubiquitination and the Ubiquitin-Proteasome System (UPS). Ubiquitination, the covalent link of the small 76-amino acid protein ubiquitin to target proteins, serves as a signal for protein degradation by the proteasome or for other outcomes such as endocytosis, degradation by the lysosome or directing these proteins to specific cellular compartments. This review discusses aspects of the regulation of EMT by ubiquitination and the UPS and underlines its complexity focusing on transcription and transcription factors regulating EMT and are being regulated by ubiquitination.
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the mobile services developed by the Rector Gabriel Ferraté Library (BRGF) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC Barcelona Tech) in Barcelona, Spain.We hope this paper will be of use to other libraries exploring new technologies for communicating and delivering their services to users at a time when mobile services are an emerging topic in librarianship and information science literature. By setting out the successive steps involved in the as yet unfinished process of building our mobile services portfolio, we aim to offer a detailed picture of the mobile services and features offered by a university library from a case study perspective.The main topics to be discussed include:- The BRGF’s mobile website, including the information available, its interactivecapabilities and the services it provides to its users.- The mobile-friendly version of UPCommons (the UPC Library Service’s institutionalrepositories).- The UPC Library Service’s mobile OPAC.- The mobile version of u-win (BRGF’s videogame service).- The use of QR codes to deliver information to mobile devices.- Text message notifications.Additional topics for discussion include:- The library’s organisation and the organisational concepts that underpin andmake possible its technological developments (including mobile).- BRGF’s concern regarding the reduction of investment in the development of mobile services.- The criteria and tools used to guide the library’s decisions regarding thedesign and orientation of current and future mobile services.- How mobile services can help to improve the image of the library as a leadingtechnology site.- Selected mobile features that BRGF plans to offer in the near future.Ultimately, this paper aims to delineate the effectiveness and potential of deliveringlibrary services by the preferred means of communication of a new generation of studentsand teachers.
The Western Cordillera of Ecuador consists of Cretaceous crustal fragments of oceanic plateaux and superimposed insular arcs, which were accreted to the northwestern South American margin during the Late Cretaceous and Paleocene. Slices of high-grade metabasites, ultramafic rocks, gabbros and basalts, unmetamorphosed radiolarian cherts and scarce garnet-bearing metasediments were randomly exhumed along Miocene to Recent transcurrent faults crosscutting the Western Cordillera. The basalts show geochemical characteristics of oceanic plateau basalts (flat REE patterns, La/Nb = 0.85). The gabbros differ from the basalts in having lower REE levels, positive Eu anomalies, and negative Nb and Ta anomalies; they are interpreted as resulting from arc magmatism. The amphibolites and banded amphibolites have major and trace element chemistry similar to that of oceanic plateau basalts (flat REE patterns, La/Nb = 0.86) or to cumulate gabbros. The granulite shares with oceanic plateaus similar trace element chemistry (flat REE patterns, La/Nb < 1) and epsilon(Ndi) values (+7.6). Continent-derived metasediments are depleted in heavy REE (La/Y = 4.8) and have a negative Eu anomaly. Foliated Iherzolites, melagabbronorites and pyroxenites consist of serpentinized olivine + cpx + opx +/- Ca-plagioclase. Lherzolites, melagabbronorites and pyroxenites are LREE depleted with positive Eu anomalies, while the harzburgite displays a U-shaped REE pattern. The trace element abundances of the ultramafic rocks are very low (0.1 to 1 times the chonctritic and primitive mantle values). The ultramafic rocks represent fragments of depleted mantle, deformed cpx-rich cumulate, and continental lithospheric mantle or mantle contaminated by subduction-fluid. Except the scarce quartz-rich metasediments, all these rocks likely represent remnants of accreted oceanic crustal fragments and associated depleted mantle. Since these samples were randomly sampled at depth by the fault, we propose that the Western Cordillera and its crustal root are mainly of oceanic nature.
BAFF, a member of the TNF family, is a fundamental survival factor for transitional and mature B cells. BAFF overexpression leads to an expanded B cell compartment and autoimmunity in mice, and elevated amounts of BAFF can be found in the serum of autoimmune patients. APRIL is a related factor that shares receptors with BAFF yet appears to play a different biological role. The BAFF system provides not only potential insight into the development of autoreactive B cells but a relatively simple paradigm to begin considering the balancing act between survival, growth, and death that affects all cells.
Abstract The complexity of the current business world is making corporate disclosure more and more important for information users. These users, including investors, financial analysts, and government authorities rely on the disclosed information to make their investment decisions, analyze and recommend shares, and to draft regulation policies. Moreover, the globalization of capital markets has raised difficulties for information users in understanding the differences incorporate disclosure across countries and across firms. Using a sample of 797 firms from 34 countries, this thesis advances the literature on disclosure by illustrating comprehensively the disclosure determinants originating at firm systems and national systems based on the multilevel latent variable approach. Under this approach, the overall variation associated with the firm-specific variables is decomposed into two parts, the within-country and the between-country part. Accordingly, the model estimates the latent association between corporate disclosure and information demand at two levels, the within-country and the between-country level. The results indicate that the variables originating from corporate systems are hierarchically correlated with those from the country environment. The information demand factor indicated by the number of exchanges listed and the number of analyst recommendations can significantly explain the variation of corporate disclosure for both "within" and "between" countries. The exogenous influences of firm fundamentals-firm size and performance-are exerted indirectly through the information demand factor. Specifically, if the between-country variation in firm variables is taken into account, only the variables of legal systems and economic growth keep significance in explaining the disclosure differences across countries. These findings strongly support the hypothesis that disclosure is a response to both corporate systems and national systems, but the influence of the latter on disclosure reflected significantly through that of the former. In addition, the results based on ADR (American Depositary Receipt) firms suggest that the globalization of capital markets is harmonizing the disclosure behavior of cross-boundary listed firms, but it cannot entirely eliminate the national features in disclosure and other firm-specific characteristics.
L’envelliment de la població demana cada cop més centres especialitzats en geriatria en els països desenvolupats. Aquests mateixos països pateixen recentment una falta de personal qualificat en infermeria. Aquests dos factors es combinen i posen en evidència la necessitat de desenvolupar eines informàtiques que modernitzin les residències geriàtriques. El projecte que s’ha desenvolupat consisteix en una aplicació de gestió d’una residència geriàtrica amb una base de dades centralitzada en un PC des de la qual s’hi pot accedir a través d’una aplicació feta per PDA. La seva funció principal és poder agilitzar tota la repartició de medicació dins la residència geriàtrica, gestionant des de les pautes de medicació corresponents a cada resident, fins a un control d’stock. Consta, per tant, d’una aplicació per PC, programada amb Visual Basic i utilitzant com a base de dades Microsoft Access, i d’una aplicació per PDA, programada amb Embedded Visual Basic i utilitzant la mateixa base de dades creada per l’aplicació per PC. L’aplicació de PC proporcionarà als usuaris una gestió ràpida i còmode i, alhora, rapidesa i estalvi de treball si es vol fer un determinat manteniment a través de l’aplicació de PDA. En el manteniment de l’aplicació, però, no s’hi inclou el manteniment dels usuaris tot i haver un control d’aquests. En aquest projecte s’estudia com es desenvolupa una aplicació per PDA i com comparteix una base de dades amb una altra aplicació a través del sistema de sincronització PC↔PDA anomenat ActiveSync.
El objetivo principal de este trabajo es determinar si las comunidades virtuales de práctica son un espacio adecuado para la autoformación de los docentes. Con este fin, primero se especifican algunos conceptos clave que ayuden a contextualizar el tema de la formación; en segundo lugar se recogen los rasgos que se consideran hoy necesarios para llevar a cabo la labor docente, dibujándose así el perfil “ideal” del profesor en el contexto actual desde distintos ángulos de vista; y por último, se narran algunas experiencias personales en las redes sociales para ilustrar el funcionamiento de este nuevo paradigma social.
Gender-dimorphic species often display a degree of sexual dimorphism in terms of life-history traits, yet little is known about dimorphism in androdioecious plants. Here we investigate sexual dimorphism in an androdioecious population of the wind-pollinated herb Mercurialis annua by comparing the resource allocation strategies of males and hermaphrodites grown under different nutrient-availability and competitive regimes. We found that males displayed smaller aboveground vegetative sizes than did hermaphrodites, but neither soil nutrient availability nor competition had a strong independent effect on their relative sizes. Plants adjusted their relative reproductive investment in response to nutrient availability. Specifically, hermaphrodites increased their reproductive allocation when growing in poor soils, whereas males displayed the opposite response. Finally, hermaphrodites were strongly female biased in their sex allocation, and this was more pronounced in nutrient-poor soils. To conclude, sexual dimorphism in androdioecious M. annua shares many features with dioecious and gynodioecious species, particularly wind-pollinated herbs. However, the direction of sex-allocation reaction norms displayed by hermaphrodites of M. annua differs from that documented for several insect-pollinated gynodioecious species, hinting at the importance of either the pollination mode or the sexual system as a context of selection shaping the reproductive strategy of plants with both male and female functions.
Few subjects have caught the attention of the entire world as much as those dealing with natural hazards. The first decade of this new millennium provides a litany of tragic examples of various hazards that turned into disasters affecting millions of individuals around the globe. The human losses (some 225,000 people) associated with the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, the economic costs (approximately 200 billion USD) of the 2011 Tohoku Japan earthquake, tsunami and reactor event, and the collective social impacts of human tragedies experienced during Hurricane Katrina in 2005 all provide repetitive reminders that we humans are temporary guests occupying a very active and angry planet. Any examples may have been cited here to stress the point that natural events on Earth may, and often do, lead to disasters and catastrophes when humans place themselves into situations of high risk. Few subjects share the true interdisciplinary dependency that characterizes the field of natural hazards. From geology and geophysics to engineering and emergency response to social psychology and economics, the study of natural hazards draws input from an impressive suite of unique and previously independent specializations. Natural hazards provide a common platform to reduce disciplinary boundaries and facilitate a beneficial synergy in the provision of timely and useful information and action on this critical subject matter. As social norms change regarding the concept of acceptable risk and human migration leads to an explosion in the number of megacities, coastal over-crowding and unmanaged habitation in precarious environments such as mountainous slopes, the vulnerability of people and their susceptibility to natural hazards increases dramatically. Coupled with the concerns of changing climates, escalating recovery costs, a growing divergence between more developed and less developed countries, the subject of natural hazards remains on the forefront of issues that affect all people, nations, and environments all the time.This treatise provides a compendium of critical, timely and very detailed information and essential facts regarding the basic attributes of natural hazards and concomitant disasters. The Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards effectively captures and integrates contributions from an international portfolio of almost 300 specialists whose range of expertise addresses over 330 topics pertinent to the field of natural hazards. Disciplinary barriers are overcome in this comprehensive treatment of the subject matter. Clear illustrations and numerous color images enhance the primary aim to communicate and educate. The inclusion of a series of unique ?classic case study? events interspersed throughout the volume provides tangible examples linking concepts, issues, outcomes and solutions. These case studies illustrate different but notable recent, historic and prehistoric events that have shaped the world as we now know it. They provide excellent focal points linking the remaining terms in the volume to the primary field of study. This Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards will remain a standard reference of choice for many years.
Many researchers have identified the therapeutic alliance (TA) as the main factor that predicts psychotherapeutic success regardless the type of approach or treatment. In a multicultural setting, the construction of the therapeutic alliance is accompanied by elements that specially influence the flow of the interaction. Some examples of these elements are language, cultural beliefs, and traditions. For Hispanic-American clients in Lausanne (Switzerland), this encounter could take place in a dyadic setting, in the presence of a therapist who speaks Spanish and shares or not the client's culture of origin. On the other hand, it can take place in a triadic setting, in the presence of a therapist who does not speak Spanish and an interpreter that serves as a communication bridge. This present project has the purpose of studying the TA between different health professionals and the Hispanic- American clients who are assisted with and without an interpreter in Lausanne's health system. My goal is to study this relationship in the clients' context (many of them are clandestine) and based on their perception and subjective experience through a quantitative and qualitative complementary methodology. Because this project is in progress, this communication will focus on presenting the population's socio-demographic characteristics, the research questionings, methodology, and preliminary results.This project can enhance our knowledge about relationships between two cultures in a therapeutic encounter (psychological/psychiatric or medical). At the same time, it can bring us a better understanding about the migration movements of Hispanic-Americans in Switzerland.
Contrasting with the situation found in birds and mammals, sex chromosomes are generally homomorphic in poikilothermic vertebrates. This homomorphy was recently shown to result from occasional X-Y recombinations (not from turnovers) in several European species of tree frogs (Hyla arborea, H. intermedia and H. molleri). Because of recombination, however, alleles at sex-linked loci were rarely diagnostic at the population level; support for sex linkage had to rely on multilocus associations, combined with occasional sex differences in allelic frequencies. Here, we use direct evidence, obtained from anatomical and histological analyses of offspring with known pedigrees, to show that the Eastern tree frog (H. orientalis) shares the same pair of sex chromosomes, with identical patterns of male heterogamety and complete absence of X-Y recombination in males. Conservation of an ancestral pair of sex chromosomes, regularly rejuvenated via occasional X-Y recombination, seems thus a widespread pattern among Hyla species. Sibship analyses also identified discrepancies between genotypic and phenotypic sex among offspring, associated with abnormal gonadal development, suggesting a role for sexually antagonistic genes on the sex chromosomes.