904 resultados para Port systemic shunt
Print No: 69
As dilatações vasculares intrapulmonares (DVIP) constituem a anormalidade vascular pulmonar mais freqüente e a principal causa de hipoxemia grave em hepatopatas. A associação de doença hepática, aumento do gradiente alvéoloarterial de oxigênio e DVIP é chamada de "síndrome hepatopulmonar". O objetivo principal deste estudo foi verificar se os níveis de DVIP aferidos por ecocardiografia com contraste estão relacionados à intensidade de shunt intrapulmonar, medida por dois diferentes métodos: cintilografia com 99mTc-MAA e gasometria com O2 a 100%. Foram estudados 28 candidatos a transplante hepático portadores com DVIP identificadas e graduadas por ecocardiografia conforme escala semi-quantitativa (graus I a IV). A idade média foi de 47,5 anos, e a doença hepática foi classificada como Child-Pugh B na maioria dos casos (60,7%). A intensidade das DVIP foi classificada como I, II, III e IV em 13 (46,4%), 9 (32,1%), 2 (7,1%) e 4 (14,3%) casos, respectivamente. Dos 28 pacientes, 21 (75%) tiveram quantificação de shunt pelo método cintigráfico e gasométrico, 6 (21,4%) apenas pelo método cintigráfico e 1 caso (3,6%) pelo método gasométrico apenas. A PaO2 média entre os pacientes com DVIP graus I e II por ecocardiografia foi 89,1 ± 11,0mmHg, enquanto naqueles com DVIP classificadas como graus III e IV foi 74,7 ± 13,2mmHg (p = 0,01). A média dos valores de shunt por cintilografia nos 27 pacientes submetidos ao exame foi 14,9 ± 9,0% do débito cardíaco (mínimo 6,9% e máximo 39%), sendo 11,7 ± 3,8% nos pacientes com DVIP graus I e II, e 26,3 ± 9,7% nos pacientes com DVIP graus III e IV (p = 0,01). A média dos valores de shunt pelo teste com O2a 100% foi 9,8 ± 3,9%, sendo 8,3 ± 2,3% nos pacientes com DVIP graus I e II, e 16,3 ± 2,6% nos pacientes com DVIP graus III e IV (p < 0,001). Observou-se uma relação estatisticamente significativa entre a graduação de DVIP por ecocardiografia e o valor de shunt aferido por gasometria com O2 a 100% (rs = 0,609, p < 0,01) e por cintilografia (rs = 0,567, p < 0,001). Observou-se relação estatisticamente significativa entre os valores de shunt medidos por cintilografia e aqueles medidos por gasometria com O2 a 100% nos 21 pacientes que se submeteram à quantificação de shunt pelos 2 métodos (rs = 0,666, p < 0,001). A avaliação semi-quantitativa do grau de DVIP por ecocardiografia apresentou correlação moderada a boa com os valores de shunt aferidos pelos dois outros métodos estudados, sendo que a melhor correlação foi observada com o teste com O2 a 100%.
The role of maritime transportation within international trade was drastically revamped during the inception of the globalization process, which enhanced the contribution of ports in world economy as main logistics gateways for global production and trade. As a result, the relationship between ports and governments has changed. Devolution ideologies that had been applied in other industries decades ago were now being considered by governments for the port industry. Many central governments sought to extract themselves from commercial activities of ports and devolving this responsibility to local governments, communities or private entities. The institution of devolution programs also changed the governance structures of ports further influencing port performance. Consequently, the recent worldwide trend towards devolution in the port industry has spawned considerable variety of governance models that are now set in place around the world. While some countries opt for more decentralized structures others prefer to retain a centralization of powers. In this way some governments consider local features and national integration more than others, which ultimately influence the success of a port reform implementation. Nevertheless, the prime intent of governments is now to maximize the efficiency and performance of their domestic ports. This issue intends to examine the changed port governance environment in Brazil by determining how and why imposed port reforms of the Brazilian federal government have been affecting the overall performance of the national port system, over the last decades, using the Port of Santos as a sample upon an exploratory study. For that, the study will use a contingency theory-based framework – the Matching Framework - that views port performance as a function of the fit among the dimensions of external operating environment, strategy and structure of a port organization. In essence, the greater the fit among these dimensions the better the expected performance of a port will be, and vice-versa. Port managers, government officials and academics alike shall be interested in this document.
This dissertation presents two papers on how to deal with simple systemic risk measures to assess portfolio risk characteristics. The first paper deals with the Granger-causation of systemic risk indicators based in correlation matrices in stock returns. Special focus is devoted to the Eigenvalue Entropy as some previous literature indicated strong re- sults, but not considering different macroeconomic scenarios; the Index Cohesion Force and the Absorption Ratio are also considered. Considering the S&P500, there is not ev- idence of Granger-causation from Eigenvalue Entropies and the Index Cohesion Force. The Absorption Ratio Granger-caused both the S&P500 and the VIX index, being the only simple measure that passed this test. The second paper develops this measure to capture the regimes underlying the American stock market. New indicators are built using filtering and random matrix theory. The returns of the S&P500 is modelled as a mixture of normal distributions. The activation of each normal distribution is governed by a Markov chain with the transition probabilities being a function of the indicators. The model shows that using a Herfindahl-Hirschman Index of the normalized eigenval- ues exhibits best fit to the returns from 1998-2013.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A dragagem dos sedimentos do Canal de Santos é necessária para permitir o trânsito de navios que operam no Porto de Santos. As áreas de disposição do material dragado estão situadas na zona costeira, em frente à Baía de Santos. Este estudo visou avaliar a qualidade dos sedimentos do Canal de Santos e das áreas de disposição atuais e antigas, utilizando testes de toxicidade de sedimento integral com anfípodos e de toxicidade de elutriatos com embriões de ouriço do mar. As amostras do Canal de Santos foram consideradas as mais tóxicas: todas as amostras dessa área foram consideradas significativamente tóxicas. Além disso, algumas amostras das áreas de disposição exibiram toxicidade. Os resultados mostraram, portanto, que os sedimentos apresentam evidências de degradação em sua qualidade, porém novos estudos devem ser conduzidos visando determinar as relações entre contaminação e toxicidade. Os resultados sugerem ainda que a disposição dos sedimentos dragados deva ser reavaliada.
Sediment contamination by metals poses risks to coastal ecosystems and is considered to be problematic to dredging operations. In Brazil, there are differences in sedimentology along the Large Marine Ecosystems in relation to the metal distributions. We aimed to assess the extent of Al, Fe, Hg, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn contamination in sediments from port zones in northeast (Mucuripe and Pecem) and southeast (Santos) Brazil through geochemical analyses and sediment quality ratings. The metal concentrations found in these port zones were higher than those observed in the continental shelf or the background values in both regions. In the northeast, metals were associated with carbonate, while in Santos, they were associated with mud. Geochemical analyses showed enrichments in Hg, Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn, and a simple application of international sediment quality guidelines failed to predict their impacts, whereas the use of site-specific values that were derived by geochemical and ecotoxicological approaches seemed to be more appropriate in the management of the dredged sediments. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Um cão da raça Boxer, macho, com 2 anos e 11 meses de idade foi encaminhado ao hospital veterinário com histórico de distúrbio gastroentérico de dois meses de duração, apatia, hiporexia, emagrecimento progressivo e deficiência visual. Ataxia e vocalização foram observadas posteriormente. O animal estava sendo tratado em outra clínica veterinária com antibióticos e doses imunossupressoras de corticóides, direcionados ao controle de provável enterite alimentar. A morte ocorreu após cinco dias. As observações macro e microscópica revelaram tratar-se de criptococose sistêmica, atingindo trato digestório, olhos, SNC, rins, pâncreas e linfonodos. O presente relato enfatiza a infecção fúngica criptocócica quanto aos seus aspectos grastrointestinais iniciais a serem considerados no diagnóstico clínico, ressaltando a imunossupressão induzida pela corticoterapia.
Hemograms and acute-phase proteins in adult male New Zealand White rabbits that had been experimentally infected orally with sporulated oocysts of Eimeria stiedai were evaluated over a 28-day period. Fifty animals were used, divided into two groups: group A infected with 1 x 10(4) sporulated oocysts of E. stiedai and group B inoculated with distilled water. on the seventh day after infection, the infected animals presented anemia and leukocytosis with neutrophilia and monocytosis. Protein fractionation by means of electrophoresis identified 19 acute-phase proteins with molecular weights ranging from 24 to 238 kD. Ceruloplasmin, transferrin and haptoglobin showed high levels on the seventh day after infection, with gradual increases in their concentrations until the end of the experimental period. Thus, from the data of the present study, E. stiedai is considered to be a pyogenic etiological agent for which the infection level can be monitored through the leukocyte count and serum concentrations of ceruloplasmin, transferrin and haptoglobin, and these can be recommended as complementary tests.
Uma vacina experimental inativada contra o herpesvírus bovino tipo 1 (BoHV-1) foi produzida com o objetivo de se avaliar a resposta imune humoral local e sistêmica contra o BoHV-1, em 12 novilhas soronegativas, após a vacinação e a revacinação. Os soros foram submetidos à prova de vírus-neutralização para quantificação do título de anticorpos neutralizantes e a um ELISA para detecção de IgG1 e IgG2. Os swabs nasais também foram submetidos ao ELISA para detecção de IgG1 e IgG2 na secreção nasal. Os resultados demonstraram que títulos de anticorpos neutralizantes foram induzidos após a revacinação, em níveis moderados a altos, permanecendo em níveis significativos no soro sanguíneo e na secreção nasal até o dia 114 pós-vacinação. O IgG2 foi o isótipo predominante na maior parte do período pós-vacinação, tanto na secreção nasal, como no compartimento sistêmico. A vacina experimental inativada contra o BoHV-1 estimulou níveis de anticorpos potencialmente protetores dos isótipos IgG1 e IgG2, tanto no compartimento sistêmico, como nas mucosas.
The functional role of nitric oxide (NO) was investigated in the systemic and pulmonary circulations of the South American rattlesnake, Crotalus durissus terrificus. Bolus, intra-arterial injections of the NO donor, sodium nitroprusside (SNP) caused a significant systemic vasodilatation resulting in a reduction in systemic resistance (Rsys). This response was accompanied by a significant decrease in systemic pressure and a rise in systemic blood flow. Pulmonary resistance (Rpul) remained constant while pulmonary pressure (Ppul) and pulmonary blood flow (Qpul) decreased. Injection of L-Arginine (L-Arg) produced a similar response to SNP in the systemic circulation, inducing an immediate systemic vasodilatation, while Rpul was unaffected. Blockade of NO synthesis via the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, L-NAME, did not affect haemodynamic variables in the systemic circulation, indicating a small contribution of NO to the basal regulation of systemic vascular resistance. Similarly, Rpul and Qpul remained unchanged, although there was a significant rise in Ppul. Via injection of SNP, this study clearly demonstrates that NO causes a systemic vasodilatation in the rattlesnake, indicating that NO may contribute in the regulation of systemic vascular resistance. In contrast, the pulmonary vasculature seems far less responsive to NO.
The isolate AF199 of Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV, genus Potyvirus) causes local lesions followed by systemic wilting and plant death in the lettuce cultivars Ithaca and Vanguard 75. Analysis of the phenotype of virus chimeras revealed that a region within the PI protein coding region (nucleotides 112-386 in the viral genome) and/or another one within the CI protein coding region (nucleoticles 5496-5855) are sufficient together to cause the lethal wilting in Ithaca, but not in Vanguard 75. This indicates that the determinants of this particular symptom are different in these two lettuce cultivars. The wilting phenotype was not directly correlated with differences in the deduced amino acid sequence of these two regions. Furthermore, transient expression of the LMV-AF 199 proteins, separately or in combination, did not induce local necrosis or any other visible reaction in the plants. Together, these results Suggest that the systemic wilting reaction might be Clue to RNA rather than protein sequences. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.